Lilith's character

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Post by Namira »

Name: Reinette Rennes
Age: 24
Gender: Female, She/Her
Field of Study: Nanotechnology
Physical Description: Reinette is 5’6" and weighs 200 pounds. She is overweight, and the majority of her weight is in her upper body. She has good posture and rarely slouches. Reinette has straight red hair with bangs. Her eyes are brown, and her nose is upturned. Her mouth seems to be frozen into a permanent slight smile. She has no tattoos. Her ears are pierced, and she wears small flower earrings.

Reinette has two styles: work and home. At work, she usually wears serious clothing that gives her an official and strict appearance. It is often combined with a lab coat and goggles. However, when she is at home, she has a plethora of nerdy t-shirts with various catchphrases on them. On the day the project began, she was wearing the following: a nerdy shirt that says "I’M MOLECUTE", a pair of joggings, a blue winter coat, and a pair of green winter boots.

  • Reinette was born to a drug-addicted mother, Miriel Rennes, and an unknown father at the Saint Francis Hospital of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was born with neonatal withdrawal to crack cocaine and was subsequently separated from her mother and put into foster care.
  • Due to her mother's addiction and usage of drugs while she was a fetus, and from the complication of being born withdrawing from drugs, Reinette suffers from the following long term conditions: heart defect requiring Amiodarone and vision impairment. Her short term symptoms were handled through early childhood treatment paid by the state.
  • From a young age, Reinette was moved around from foster home to foster home, without ever landing an adoption due to her myriad of health issues caused by addiction. She was never abused and never suffered from the hands of her foster family. If anything, Reinette received more love from her foster family than she could have received from her biological mother.
  • As a result of moving around the county, she rarely made friends and often stuck to her own things. This made her a capable student. She advanced quickly through her classes, letting her skip the second grade entirely. Reinette’s studies became her sole priority, and it showed in her achievements.
  • As a teenager, Reinette found herself in a rather stable foster house with several kids, some of whom were adopted by the couple, Matthew and Edith Customa, and others who were in foster care. After two years spent there, Reinette was adopted at the age of 14, and found permanent housing with the Customa family.
  • On her 15th birthday with the Customa’s, she received a laptop. With it, she often browsed the web and found herself immersed in roleplaying. She enjoyed roleplaying because it let her meet people online, so she didn't have to meet them in person, and also gave her a creative outlet. She played many characters, often preferring real-life roleplay, such as school life, work life, and other similar scenarios. Reinette preferred scenarios that involved either fighting, battles, or conflict. She often reused the same character when she was younger, but quickly grew to expand her catalog.
  • In high school, Reinette was a customary visitor to the library and often scored high grades. She was an honours student and became her class’ valedictorian. She received a full scholarship to attend the University of Cascadia.
  • However, other than her studies, Reinette’s life was rough when she started adulthood. Her health issues due to early childhood neonatal withdrawals, including arrhythmia and chronic pain, made it hard for her to be active and hold down more regular jobs, and she often found herself to be out of breath and struggling to keep up with her peers.
  • In terms of friends, Reinette has none in real life. Her friends are only online. She is known to be a weird and kooky girl in real life, and has no plan to meet her friends in person because she fears she will drive them away because of her lack of social skills.
  • She attended University of Cascadia and majored in Chemistry. Her choice for chemistry was a simple one: she really loved learning about it in high school. She often made jokes with her friend online that she was becoming an alchemist. Her long-term goal was to potentially teach chemistry in either high school or college. However, after starting her Master’s, she found herself to be more interested in the academic side of things, and she might opt to not gain a teaching licence and instead become a researcher.
  • Reinette is still in touch with some of the families she was fostered in. Many of them send her letters every years, and she has amassed quite the collection of foster siblings and parents. She often goes to potluck despite her asocial tendencies and deeply loves to see them and getting news from them.
  • Reinette now roleplays online as teenagers in a Battle Royale Roleplay called Darwin’s Theory. She has a wide variety of characters. She found the site while earning her Bachelor’s degree.
  • Her health issues are still abundant. She is currently on several medications for her heart and she is not allowed to consume drugs or drink alcohol. Reinette does sneak in drinks occasionally, however.
  • Personality-wise, Reinette is still asocial. She lacks the drive to meetup with people, and doesn't find it interesting to socialize. Even with her current and past foster family, she is more of a background character that lacks the ability to keep up in discussions. She would love to have a boyfriend and a family some day, but she isn't quite sure how to do it. She was suggested to go on the cruise by a fellow TA to try to make friends.
  • Reinette is currently doing her Master's Degree in Chemistry with a focus on nanotechnology. She is halfway through writing her thesis on the usage of nanotechnology in warfare, specifically on weaponizing self-replicating compounds. She got the idea during a side roleplay of Darwin’s Theory where she had the superpower of manipulating nanomachines, and after doing research in her bachelor's year, she immersed herself in knowledge.
  • She is currently a TA in chemistry to make ends meet after moving out of the Customa’s household.
Skills and Interests: Nanotechnologies and their usages, role playing, teaching chemistry.

Assets: Reinette has one big thing going for her: her knowledge. She is smart and she knows it. She knows a lot about chemistry, nanotechnology, and many other forms of science. Academically speaking, her intelligence is above average and she knows how to use it.
Limitations: Reinette is very sick. Her health issues are a liability, and without her heart medication, she is likely to not be functional. Without proper treatment, her arrhythmia can be lethal. She is also not very good with people in person and prefers to stay away from home, which may cause alliance issues.

Assigned Weapon: Gouda Wheel
Conclusion: That cheese probably lasts longer than she does. But hey, fighting against the odds seems like a talent of hers. Never say never. - Hatfield

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