Did you know... fingernails grow one nanometer per second?

Day 2: Sleeping in

The NRV Frontier is a state-of-the-art nuclear powered research vessel; one of only five civilian nuclear-powered ships in existence, it was purpose-built as a joint project between Janus-Hayes and the US Department of Energy to test new modular nuclear reactors.

It now provides a base of operations for extended research expeditions anywhere in the world. At nearly one hundred and eighty meters long, it dwarfs most expedition research vessels and is a sought-after and prestigious posting for academics the world over.

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Did you know... fingernails grow one nanometer per second?


Post by Lilith »

Reinette was in bed, her fingers reaching for her blanket.

They were nice enough to give her more when she asked for them, despite feeling a bit too cold for her liking. Her body shivered at the cold, feeling like every exposed bit of her body was simultaneously thawing and freezing. She stayed in her bunk, the blankets nesting around her, and as she was all curled in the cocoon, she waited for two things:

A) Death to claim her


B) Her alarm for medicine to ring.

And as the drrrrrrrrring of the alarm rang, Reinette found herself drawn out of the hole she had dug herself in. The alarm rang once then twice. Her Amiodarone sat nice in her medicine purse, and she only had to fish it out with her hand to go and get it. But the hole felt so warm and comforting, and she didn't want to have anything to do with the coldness that rots through her limbs.

Reinette's heard the drrrrrrrrrrrrrring again, and she found her phone as it rang itself helplessly to sleep once again.

And then, she kills it as soon as the third third starts making it go drr-.

Reinette look at her phone. It was 9 AM. Despite the situation of last night, she went to bed all alone. She always went to bed alone. She never had someone to cuddle, to hold near. Dating wasn't possible for her. She was terminally online, and terminally alone. Even the lowest of lows wouldn't touch, or afford to look at her like she wanted to looked at.

After a little while, she takes a medication, and goes back to sleep.
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