Seth Campbell*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in TV2 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Seth Campbell*


Post by Fiori »

Name: Seth Campbell
Gender: Male
Age: 18
School: Whittree Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Baseball, fishing, camping, hiking.

Appearance: Seth stands at around 5'11, and weighs roughly 175 pounds, most of which is muscle rather than fat with the exception of a small beer belly. Otherwise though he is in good physical condition thanks to his active lifestyle, and his caucasian skin often has a light tan to it thanks to the amount of time he spends outdoors.

His head has an ovular shape to it, with a thick jawline and a wide nose. His brown eyes are relatively small compared to the rest of his face, and his eyebrows are thick and somewhat imposing. Whilst his hair used to be dark brown, like his father and brother before him Seth suffers from premature greying, and as a result by the time he was 18 up to 40% of his hair was grey. Because of this, Seth has his hair shaved to a short buzz cut, and often wears a blue cap whenever he can get away with it in order to hide his greying hair.

His usual attire consists of clothes that are appropriate for all the outdoor actives he gets up to. On Casting Day, he was wearing a white t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned blue flannel shirt, a pair of blue jeans, a pair white trainers and his signature blue cap.

Biography: Seth was born on the 28th of March to John and Sarah Campbell, and has a brother four years older than him called Austin. Whilst his family are far from the wealthiest people in Whittree, for the most part they've lived comfortably in the small Oklahoma town for as long as he could remember, with his parents being the proud owners of a popular local bar on the edge of town.

He gets on well with both his parents, often helping them out around the bar whenever he's not at school. He has a particularly strong bond with his father, who in many ways influenced Seth's main interests. Since his father loved the great outdoors, every summer he would take both his sons out on a big annual camping trip to various parts of the country in his camper van, often visiting the most beautiful forests in Dixie. During these trips he would partake in a number of outdoor activities, with his favourites being fishing and hiking. Sometimes he would even go on hunting trips with his father, although that was an activity that his older brother was more fond of.

Whilst his relationship with his parents had always been good, his relationship with his brother had always been a little more complicated. For as long as he could remember, he and his brother had something of a rivalry, often competing with one another for their father's affection. Seth was jealous of his brother for being better at him when it came to most outdoor activities, whilst Austin was often jealous of his younger brother for being the more socially confident than him. When they were younger, their competitiveness often got quite heated, much to their parent's chagrin. Whilst nowadays they tend to get along a lot better than they used to, they still often go out of their way to outdo one another.

Because of his competitive relationship with his brother, at school Seth has something of a boastful personality. Whenever he's returned from a big trip, he would often brag about the things he did and the sights he saw, such as how he once caught a three-foot long catfish. This has led him to have a reputation as something of a braggart, not that it has ever bothered him, seeing as he's the kind of person who loves to be the centre of attention.

Generally speaking, he tends to get along with the majority of his classmates, particularly those who are as extroverted as himself. Whilst he can be somewhat boisterous, he's usually quite friendly and rarely goes out of his way to antagonise people, though he has on occasion made fun of some of his less sporty classmates.

He is also something of a jock, and is a proud member of the baseball team. Whenever he plays, he always strives to do his best every game, and considers himself to be one of the team's best players. That said, whilst he is undoubtedly a very skilled batter, he isn't as good a pitcher and he would like to admit. Still, despite this he is nevertheless very good when it comes to working as a team, though he is much better at taking orders than he is at giving them.

Of course, there are times when Seth likes to just stay at home and watch some TV, usually after a long day of playing baseball or working at his dad's bar. Like most Americans his age, he likes to watch SOTF-TV on occasion, though he isn't as big a fan as some people he knows. Generally speaking though, he considers himself to be a man of action. He would rather be out in the great outdoors making the most of his life rather than spend his free time hunched over a computer, or lying back on a big sofa in front of a TV.

He is however also known to be somewhat impulsive, not to mention the kind of person who likes to take unnecessary risks just to impress people. Academically speaking, he's not exactly the smartest kid in school, though for the most part he tends to get reasonably average scores for most his subjects with the exception of physical education.

Whilst he generally comes across as being overly friendly and good-natured, on the rare occasions that he becomes genuinely angry he can become quite an intimidating person. Usually though he only becomes angry when people either make fun of his greying hair or say something negative about either of his parents. Though due to recent events, his is particularly touchy when it comes to his father being brought up in a negative light. The reason being that a year prior to Casting Day, tragedy struck his family.

It had started out as a fairly average day. He got up from bed, brushed his teeth, went to school and played some baseball. But when he returned home, he learned much to his horror that his father had died of an aneurysm that very afternoon. This sudden and unpredictable tragedy shocked his entire family, who held a funeral for him a few weeks later.

Since then, whilst he was emotionally devastated by his father's death, he still tries to maintain a cheerful attitude whenever he's at school. And apart from one incident when he found himself nearly getting into a scrap with someone who had said something about his dad, most of his classmates would never suspect that something bad had happened to his family.

If there was one positive outcome of this tragedy, it's that it indadvertedly caused Seth and his brother to become much closer, and the two plan to go on one last camping trip over the summer to honour their father's memory.

Advantages: He is in very good physical condition, and has had a lot of outdoor experience thanks to the numerous camping trips he has partaken in during his life. He is also very confident in his abilities, is known to be a good team player and knows the basics on how to use a rifle. His competitive nature would also fuel his desire to survive.
Disadvantages: He is very reckless, and has been known to take risks for the sake of looking good in front of his peers. He is far from the smartest kid in school, and isn't very good when it comes to making strategic decisions. He is also known to act irrationally whenever he's particularly angry about something.
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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