Rose Codreanu*

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Rose Codreanu*


Post by storyspoiler* »

Name: Rose Codreanu
Gender: Female
Age: 17
School: Colehurst Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Rose is an avid music elitist, a radical political activist, an amateur writer, and very definitely a reader, with a particular shine to post-cyberpunk sci-fi.

Appearance: Rose is about 5'6" and weighs 120lbs. She has heterochromia due to an eye injury sustained at a young age; one of her eyes is hazel, the other is brown. Rose has wavy dirty-blonde hair that she usually has cut to neck-length. She has a snub nose, a small mouth, thin lips, wide-set eyes, and strongly dimpled cheeks. Her bust is average-sized, at a B cup. As far as her clothing, she typically wears thrift-store stuff; distressed jeans, band T-shirts, and a pair of Emerica Francis skateboard shoes. She also wears glasses: she has two pairs of generic black oval frames.

Biography: Rose Codreanu was born in Highland Beach, California to Konstantin Codreanu and Ioana Macek-Codreanu, both Romanian citizens who had managed to escape Nicolae Ceausescu's totalitarian regime. Konstantin emigrated in 1980 at the age of 18 to Austria, through Hungary, to attain a post-secondary education in mechanical engineering; he then moved to Highland Beach and got a job with a local contractor after receiving his degree. Ioana's family emigrated to the United States in 1985, when she was 19. They lived in the same apartment complex in Clifton Court for a time, began dating, got married, moved into a significantly nicer house, and had Rose.

Rose's early life was a rather pampered one, as her parents were reasonably affluent. Konstantin and Ioana focused her on intellectual and artistic pursuits at a young age; she was reading a year before any of her peers, and she was doing basic multiplication and division when her peers were doing addition and subtraction. This did not endear her to the aforementioned peers at the time; she was frequently harassed and ostracized, which turned her into a strong cynic over time. The fact that she is rather talkative, combined with her intellect, made her cynicism somewhat of a distinguishing feature for her as she would quite frequently express it.

At the age of six, she fell while going up the stairs in her home and injured her left eye on the rail, damaging her vision in that eye and causing her to develop heterochromia.

Rose took an interest in writing at the age of eight, when she was entered by her parents into a short story competition in the area. She wrote a quite execrable speculative fiction story that cribbed ludicrous amounts from Starship Troopers and the Alien film series, and understandably lost; however, she took the loss in stride and kept writing in an attempt to improve her skills. While her current writing is not quite up to publishable par, it’s not bad, and her sources of "inspiration" have shifted to William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, Masamune Shirow, and Richard K. Morgan. Lately, she's also been taking an interest in hacker 'zines from the late 80's and early 90's, most of which she can find on the internet.

Rose began seriously listening to music at the age of eleven, when she got a few CDs from a friend as a birthday present. She soon began using her allowance (previously devoted to paperback sci-fi novels and the occasional issue of Mother Jones) to buy more music, specifically of the post-rock, alternative rock, and synth-pop bent. Her first concert came shortly after, when she went to see Nine Inch Nails with a few like-minded friends; she greatly enjoyed the experience, although the cost of the experience (the ticket essentially formed her entire Christmas present) would later turn her off of concerts. Over the years, her tastes shifted to include slightly folksier alternative as well.

In her middle and high school years, she made more friends in the intellectual/nerdy crowd, and started to get involved in political activism. The usual anti-war and environmental protests were gateways to stranger, more radical things; anarchism, socialism, communalism, freeganism, and the politics of Temporary Autonomous Zones. In her free time, she began volunteering at a co-op bookstore, and embraced music pirating, boycotts, adbusters magazine, and other steps against mass consumerist culture. Her parents viewed this transition with some alarm, but, after warning her against the dangers of Communism, remained tolerant. Rose, perhaps because of the warning, took to excusing her parent's conspicuous affluence to herself by chalking it up to a reaction against Communist tyranny in the old country. To Rose's credit, she never gave her parents too much grief about this--although she did ask that her parents replace future Christmas and Birthday gifts with donations to appropriate charities. Her parents, a little confused, complied. Since then, Rose has lived a fairly minimalist lifestyle for someone of her socioeconomic status, preferring to spend money only on books, food, and whatever cause she's currently working for.

Always strident about her political beliefs, Rose has never been well-liked by the "popular" crowd; they see her as pretentious, she sees them as vapid and consumerist, and she's gotten in enough verbal altercations with members of her class to result in some hearty mutual dislike. She has, however, continued to please her parents and teachers with excellent grades in all her classes, and is currently hoping to get into an Ivy League for college.

Advantages: Rose is intelligent and loves running rhetorical loops around people; she could theoretically "talk the monster to death" in a tight situation. She's also a cynic; this could mean she won't trust easily.
Disadvantages: She isn't very athletic, choosing to devote her time to political activism and intellectual pursuits instead. She’s made enough enemies within the “in-crowd” that she might not last long if one of them finds her.

Original Bio:
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