Playin' With Destiny

On the northernmost point of the island, at the top of a winding, forested path, a sheer cliff face drops to rocks and waves far below. While the terrain here is somewhat treacherous, and options for retreat are limited, the area does offer a clear view of its access points, making it an area where it's difficult to be taken by surprise.

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Post by Primrosette »

Chisato thought about what Hirono was saying and her heart was not pounding like crazy now. She was feeling a bit calmer and the knife was now hanging by her side. "Well, Megumi went through a lot more worse than me or any other girls that was messed with by you, Mitsuko and to a lesser extent, Yoshimi. If you honestly wanted to kill me, you would have done it already."

Would I have done the same? Just stab her without a second thought? I honestly don't know. Being in this messed up place is making me think differently a little.

"I didn't really care about living before...." She glanced away from Hirono, not wanting to look her in the eye. "....before Yoshio saved me. I feel like I owe it to him. I want to survive too... Or for as long as I can."

She paused for a moment.

"So.... What are you going to do now?"
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Post by Aura »

Hirono nodded in agreement. She didn't really want to agree, but Matsui was right. Megumi had basically been target #1 for her, and she wasn't completely sure why. She just never put that much thought into it until it was pointed out to her, either by a screaming Eto or a more calm Matsui.

There was an upside though, because Mitsui did believe her when she aid that she wasn't looking to kill her. Likewise, she could understand Matsui having a stronger desire to live after Akamatsu saved her. If something had gone down a few hours ago, and Mitsuko had sacrificed herself to save her...

... No, no, Hirono couldn't think about that. Mitsuko was alive. She couldn't entertain the idea of her dying, not right now. She was tough, she was crafty, she was fine. Just like Hirono herself. Tough, crafty... totally fine.

When Matsui asked what she was going to do, Hirono wasn't sure if she had a good answer. She was pretty sure that her plan was the same as Matsui's: Trying not to die. With a reluctant shrug, she agreed. "Probably that you're trying to do. Just trying to stay alive. Maybe cling to that hope that something's gonna get us out of this." She knew that Mitsuko had already shut that idea down, but damn it, she wanted to think that there was some possibility that they weren't all condemned to die out there.
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Post by Primrosette »


Chisato understood what meant by that and she honestly would have been more hopeful for a rescue if.... if she hadn't seen what this could do to people. The paranoia, the power-hungry, the brutality. It was almost too much to bare. If she was the same positive, quiet girl from over a year ago, she would have been more eager and open to any kind of help. But after losing her brother and now she believed Yoshio was really gone, she had to look at things in a more realistic light.

No one was going to come for them.

"Well, I hope for the same truthfully." Chisato was telling a somewhat lie and she wasn't giving anything away when she looked right back at Hirono. "I'm going to try to find my friends and maybe, maybe we could come up with a way of surviving this. I'm not really sure. Hirono, please, be safe. I'm sure that not everyone will be played into this."

She gave her a small nod and she took a steady step backwards.
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Post by Aura »

Matsui was going to find her friends, and Hirono wished that she could do the same. She had already met with Mitsuko, and she already knew that Mitsuko had given up on any chance of escape outside of being the last one standing. As for Yoshimi, Hirono didn't know where she was, and she had her worries about Yoshimi's ability to defend herself. Maybe she was with Mitsuko now, or maybe she was somewhere on her own. Hirono didn't know.

Escaping was something that she still wanted to believe in. Maybe it had happened before, and the government kept it under wraps because they thought that it would make them look bad. But realistically, she knew that the odds were heavily stacked against them. Unless someone else comes along to save them, then the game will probably continue until it reaches its planned ending, with only one survivor.

She wanted to live, so barring one of those miracles, she would have to be that survivor. But she wasn't going to kill Matsui. She didn't think she had what it took for cold-blooded murder.

"Look out, all right? Sounds like the island's already starting to go to hell." Hirono tried to offer some advice. "Just... I dunno. Try not to get mixed up in the bad shit." It wasn't profound, but it was the best she had.
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Post by Primrosette »

Chisato nodded along with what Hirono was saying and she glanced towards the cliffs for a moment before looking back at Hirono once again. "Thanks, Hirono." She said honestly, feeling that it was time for her to leave. "Just make sure to keep out of trouble for as long as you can too. Okay?"

And then she went back the way that she came.

((Chisato Matsui continued in Only The Good Die Young))
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Post by Aura »


Hirono answered simply as she watched Chisato leave. Just like Mitsuko, she knew that she was probably never going to see her again after this. She didn't say much or make a fuss, she just watched Matsui leave until she had disappeared.

After that, Hirono returned to watching the sky just over the cliffside. Her forlorn hopes drifted along with the clouds.

Would it be too much to ask for a miracle?

(Hirono Shimizu continued elsewhere...)
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