What's wrong with wasting paper writing about how silly politics is?

Shiroiwa (Japanese for "Castle Rock") is the city from which Class 2-B hails. While a far cry from the metropolis of Tokyo, it is still large enough to support a relatively diverse array of activities, and is markedly more urban than rural. Though not the city situated across they water from the island, it is remarkably similar in size, and the nearby civilization may provoke memories, especially at night when the lights shine. While this forum is named for Shiroiwa for thematic reasons, memories set elsewhere are also allowed. Characters may be in one active memory thread at a time, though may also have one-shots or solo threads as desired without counting against the cap.

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What's wrong with wasting paper writing about how silly politics is?


Post by AnimeNerd »

Sometimes I kinda wish I was somewhere else. Don’t get me wrong, life in the Republic is nice, but there’s just some things about it that are hard to like.

Were people really supposed to believe the country was on its 325th dictator? That would mean the title went back centuries, and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t make complete sense. Either that or a lot of dictators died really quickly, and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t wanna imply that the dictators died so often, so it just feels confusing.

And why is rock music so hated? It’s just music. Just something nice to listen or maybe sing along with. And people could go to prison just for playing it? That just seems crazy to me! Is the thought process something like ‘They listen to rock and roll, next they’ll become enemies of the country wanted for treason’ or something? I know a lot of people that like rock, and I’m pretty sure none of them would do something so unforgivable.

And what’s so wrong with the rest of the world that we can’t see their internet? Yeah, maybe it was for the best that we couldn't see anything from America, since there’d probably be stuff there that would make me wanna pour bleach on my eyeballs, but what about the rest of the world? Germany, England, Mexico, Canada, Australia, France-why can’t we hear anything from there? It’s not like they could be worse than America, right?

It all just seems silly to me. Why can’t we just be real about things, and just let people do what they wanna do, so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone? That’s why I let Mizuho go on and on about being a deek-ann or whatever, even if it sounds ridiculous. And why I’ll always listen along with Kaori whenever she’s playing something from Flip Side (even if I kinda like to do that more than hear about Mizuho’s alien royalty nonsense).

The point is, I think we should all just try to get along and stop being so weird with laws and politics. It would just be easier, and we’d all probably be a lot happier if that was how things were! <3

Megumi put the pencil down and looked over her writing again, thinking about her feelings. Yup, everything was written out, and she felt a lot less frustrated. Like Mom says, it always works! (Even if she did mean writing about people she disliked instead of her issues with the world.)

She folded the paper into fourths, walked into the bathroom closest to her bedroom, dropped it into the toilet, and flushed.

Now for a good night’s rest!
[+] The Living
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[+] The Dead
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[+] The Future
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