SC2 Fourth Announcement

Written by Yugikun and backslash.

Here are the IC Announcements delivered during SC2.
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SC2 Fourth Announcement


Post by Mini_Help »

Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 9:00 A.M.: Undisclosed Location
Victor Danya supposed that it was only fitting that some of the contestants on the island would try to pull something the moment he was getting into a routine. Inconsequential as the attempt was in the grand scheme of the game, he suspected that this might only be the beginning; desperation drove some people to embrace the rules, and others to attempt to pry their collars off despite the warnings. He wasn't really worried, but he wasn't above the urge to knock on wood, either. Danya believed in stacking the deck.

...Oh well. He could take it as it came. If one of the children acted out, one of the adults could just put them in their place, just like any other classroom in the world. Simple as that. There was little point in worrying. If anything, nerves were a distraction. Right now, all he needed to do was put his effort into what was honestly among the best parts of his job.

"Good morning, children!" Danya called, as the speakers across the island crackled to life. "I know it's been a while since you've last heard me speak, but in my absence springs good news: if you're listening to this, you've made it beyond the halfway point of our game. If you want to win, all you need to do is stay alive for a couple more days, outlast the other half of your classmates, and you'll be back home in no time."

He paused and sat up straighter in his chair. Let the contestants ruminate on that news for a moment.

After a few seconds, he continued.

"Of course, that's easier said than done, and quite a few of your classmates have failed to make it to the point that you have, so without further ado, I'll get right to the announcements."

He let loose an 'ahem,' an exaggerated clearing of the throat.

"The first to fall yesterday was one Adonis Alba, who fell for a trap set by Saachi Nidal and took a cleaver to the face for his troubles. Maybe if his head wasn't made of meat it wouldn't have been so easily split open, but I digress.

"Next to die was Damion Castillo, who found himself unable to escape the Shipping Yard in time. Oddly enough, it seems as if he tried to go the same way as his girlfriend, but just like her he managed to fail. Young love seems to pierce through any barrier, doesn't it, kids?"

An exaggerated, wistful sigh followed by a giggle, before he continued.

"One enjoyable part of doing these announcements is seeing familiar faces, those who go above and beyond to show what they can do. In addition to Ms. Nidal, yesterday we had Bunny Barlowe, who shot Brigid Paxton several times after a conversation gone sour, and Sophie McDowell, who sent a hammer into the back of Clio Gabriella's head. Keep it up, girls, you're doing great work.

"Another perk of the job is seeing the new faces, the people who hear what others have done and decide to take a little bit of the fun themselves. Take Scarlett McAfee, for example, who stabbed Tania Chell in the stomach and eye after the world's worst heart to heart, and Kris Hartmann, who gave Rachael Langdon a hug so hard that dear Rachael ended up choking to death. I'd say that the both of you need to work on showing support to your fellows, but everyone expresses affection in different ways, don't they?"

A brief pause, followed by a laugh louder than anything Danya had given before.

"Now here's something a little frisky, for those who enjoy the more... risqué parts of our show. Ramona Shirley and Zubin Wadia decided to go under the covers together, and whatever happened there seemed to blow Zubin's mind. Well, blow his mind along with his collar and the rest of his head, but the devil's in the details, which we'll never know, as Saachi Nidal decided to interrupt and carve Ramona up shortly afterwards. You be the judge of what happened between Zubin and Ramona. I've sure got my theory.

"Last but not least, Bunny Barlowe made an encore performance for us by sniping Sarah Miller. I'd like to note that for the second day in a row, the girls have absolutely dominated the charts in terms of kills. Just think of how socially progressive you're all being! I'm proud, I really am."

"Now, the Shipping Yard and the Tunnels are open to you again, but the Lighthouse and the Field of Flowers remain off-limits. Additionally, the Coastal Woods, Scorched Ruin, The Lake, and The Showers are all Danger Zones now. It's time to start getting a little closer to your peers.

"Other than that, there's nothing else that needs to be said, other than the fact that we here at the Arthro Taskforce wish for all of you to have another exciting day. Byeeeeeeeeeee!"

Day Five (Wednesday, June 14, 2017) 09:00 AM
Weather: The day is cool and cloudy. A light drizzle begins early in the morning and persists into the afternoon, but will stop before nightfall. The night is again chilly and overcast, with winds especially prevalent along the coast.

The Rolls:
1. Michael Crowe (ItzToxie)
2. Sophie McDowell (Laurels)
3. Natalie "Nate" Chauncey (Espi)
4. Felicia LaChapelle (KamiKaze)
[+] Roll Logs
Professor Fether - Today at 11:11 PM
Fakere Sult
Dice seem fine.
Rolling four
Good to go whenever.
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 11:11 PM
Roll #1
Snek - Today at 11:11 PM
/roll 1d30
Roll botBOT - Today at 11:11 PM
@Snek:  1d30  = (27) = 27
Professor Fether - Today at 11:12 PM
Michael Crowe (ItzToxie)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 11:12 PM
Roll #2
Snek - Today at 11:12 PM
/roll 1d30
Roll botBOT - Today at 11:12 PM
@Snek:  1d30  = (10) = 10
Professor Fether - Today at 11:12 PM
Sophie McDowell (Laurels)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 11:13 PM
Roll #3
Snek - Today at 11:13 PM
/roll 1d30
Roll botBOT - Today at 11:13 PM
@Snek:  1d30  = (16) = 16
Professor Fether - Today at 11:13 PM
Natalie "Nate" Chauncey (Espi)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 11:13 PM
Roll #4
Snek - Today at 11:13 PM
/roll 1d30
Roll botBOT - Today at 11:13 PM
@Snek:  1d30  = (1) = 1
Professor Fether - Today at 11:13 PM
Felicia LaChapelle (KamiKaze)
I'll log
As always, you have three days for card usage, and to freely post in dangerzoned threads:


And you have seven days (ten days after the posting of this topic) to have your deaths done on time:


As always, a reminder to not send death requests without permission, and to not gloat in chat about not being rolled, as these can hurt feelings. Otherwise, have a nice day! Image
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