Sydney Stone

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Sydney Stone


Post by EMPeace »

Name: Sydney Stone
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Grade: Senior
Hobbies and Interests: Music, art, Sci-fi/fantasy books and video games. Snakes, lizards, dragons, and dinosaurs

Gift: Reptilian Prowess
Power Details: Sydney has many reptilian-like features. Most of them are similar to that of a saltwater crocodile. She has tough, pale skin with light green scales on most of her back and sides. She has claws on her fingers, sharp teeth, a downward bite strength nearly equivalent to a saltwater crocodile, and well above average strength for someone who doesn't actively exercise. She has a tail that is thick enough to be swung with considerable force at the right angle, or more practically to help her swim up to around 10kph. Her reptilian strength also allows her to sprint short distances at nearly 25kph on land. Her beast-like strength and speed combined with her human legs allow her to jump around 4 meters high, and leap more than 10 meters at a full sprint. She has a very low metabolism and requires very little food compared to any regular human. Thanks to her crocodile-like heart, she can hold her breath underwater for nearly an hour, and still leap above the surface at high speed before catching her breath. She has exceptional night vision, and can see clearly underwater thanks to protective, transparent membranes she can close separately from her eyelids.
Limitations and Drawbacks: Sydney is cold-blooded. She raises her body temperature via sunlight and/or motion; otherwise, she will become increasingly sluggish as she loses heat. She usually wears 2 or 3 layers of clothing even in mild weather. On particularly blistering days, however, she becomes increasingly aggressive and impulsive, potentially leading to heat exhaustion or worse (though this hasn't been a problem since moving to Oregon). When she is cold, her personality begins to disappear, and she finds it difficult to maintain interest in her hobbies and relationships. Despite the short bursts of strength and speed she is capable of, she has a lower overall endurance than most humans. Running long distances or generally exerting herself will generally tire her out quicker than average.

Appearance: Sydney stands at 6'3" and weighs around 240 pounds; she is pale-skinned, broad-shouldered, and has an overall heavyset build. Her face is somewhat rounded with lazy-looking eyes and a resting frown. She also has light green scales showing on the sides of her head and neck. Her medium-length black hair is usually a frizzled mess. Her eyes are a greenish yellow with black slit pupils. Her teeth are pointed and thick. At the time of abduction, she was wearing a loose, grey hoodie over a black long-sleeve shirt and a white T-shirt. She had two pairs of black sweatpants, insulated socks over a pair of regular ones, and the composite-toe work boots she always wears.

  • Sydney was born in 2002 to Charles and Olivia Stone in a suburban neighborhood near the southern coast of Florida as an only child. Her father had even more reptilian features than her, which is where she got hers from.
  • Her odd features made other kids initially wary of her, but she more or less learned to fit in.
  • She tried learning a few instruments when she was younger, but her claws made it difficult to play much of anything.
  • She often does not register or express emotions in the same way that other people do, which can make her seem outwardly apathetic, even though she doesn't mean it most of the time.
  • When Sydney was 13, her family's home was flooded and practically leveled when a vicious hurricane ravaged the area around the coast. They were forced to move in with her mother's family in Bend, Oregon.
  • She was always miserable after moving to such a cold environment, she was in a near-constant "cold" state, in which she found it hard to stay interested in her hobbies, social life, or school work. One of her main goals in life is just to move to a warmer state, somehow.
  • She loved swimming as a kid. Whether in the ocean or a public pool, she would constantly dive and disappear under the water long enough to worry her mother to death. After the hurricane, however, the water lost a lot of its appeal, and the colder weather meant there was rarely time for it anyway.
  • She struggled to make any new friends in Oregon, and spent most of her free time alone, listening to music, drawing, reading, or playing video games. Most of the interaction she had with her peers was online, free of the troublesome social obligations that come with face-to-face interactions.
  • After multiple attempts at other instruments, she decided to start learning to play the drums, and managed to work around her claws and make real progress. She eventually lost motivation to keep practicing, however.
  • Her father, Charles, was equally miserable in Oregon, and tended to use alcohol as his main coping mechanism. This often ended badly for Sydney and her mother, as he had little self control while under the influence. He often became belligerent and verbally abusive towards both of them as he grew more inebriated.
  • She was held back as a Junior, as her performance had gradually been decreasing since freshman year, with only just enough improvement the next year to finally move up a grade. She's on track to only just barely graduate this year.
  • Her mother and father legally separated a little over a year ago following a particularly violent outburst from her father. After drinking an amount of liquor that would kill most humans, Charles got physically abusive towards Olivia, and ended up in a full-blown fight with Sydney. Olivia managed to get both of them to stop before either was severely wounded, and from there they stopped living in the same house with him. She later took him to court and gained full custody of her daughter. Neither of them have been in contact with him since.
Personality: Sydney herself is generally a laid-back person at normal temperatures. She tries her best to be polite and considerate, though her generally reserved nature, harsh voice, and permanent scowl often scare people away. She rarely initiates conversations, as she commonly stutters and misspeaks around other people, or just doesn't know what to say, so she usually sits in silence until prompted. Her personality tends to gradually change based directly on her current body temperature. If she is unable to cool down, she gets particularly cranky, violent even. The aggressive behavior that often follows this causes her to heat up even more, and has resulted in at least one hospital trip for heat stroke. As her body temperature lowers, however, her more human-like traits start to disappear as her reptilian instincts take over. If she is especially cold and hungry, her absolute only concerns are meat and warmth, and she will attain these by any means necessary short of outright assault. She is often filled with regret once she comes out of these "hot" or "cold" states. Even when reassured she did nothing wrong and caused no offense, she will look back at her aggression or insensitivity with utter disgust.

Other Skills: Woodworking
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Hello mine dear friend. Let's discuss Sydney.
EMPeace wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:22 am Gift: Reptilian Prowess
Power Details: Sydney has many reptilian-like features. Most of them are similar to that of a saltwater crocodile. She has tough, pale skin with light green scales on most of her back and sides. She has claws on her fingers, sharp teeth, an absolutely vicious bite, and well above average strength for someone who doesn't actively exercise. She has a tail that is thick enough to be swung with considerable force at the right angle, or more practically to help her swim up to around 10 miles an hour. Her reptilian strength also allows her to sprint short distances at about the same speed on land. Her beast-like strength and speed combined with her human legs allow her to leap considerable distances as well.

She has a very low metabolism and requires very little food compared to any regular human. Thanks to her crocodile-like heart, she can hold her breath underwater for nearly an hour, and still leap above the surface at high speed before catching her breath. She has exceptional night vision, and can see clearly underwater.

Limitations and Drawbacks: Sydney is cold-blooded. She raises her body temperature via sunlight and/or motion; otherwise, she will become increasingly sluggish as she loses heat. She usually wears 2 or 3 layers of clothing even in mild weather. On particularly blistering days, however, she becomes increasingly aggressive and impulsive, potentially leading to heat exhaustion or worse (though this hasn't been a problem since moving to Oregon). Also, her tail often drags on the ground and really gets in the way sometimes.
First and foremost, please compress everything in power details into one paragraph and make sure there is only one new line between it and limitations, to fit with the profile format.
an absolutely vicious bite
This could afford to be more clinical and specific. Power details and limitations should generally be written from the perspective of a scientist trying to precisely define how a character's Gift works. In this case, what would work better is something like "bite strength equivalent to a saltwater crocodile" would be an appropriate substitution.
or more practically to help her swim up to around 10 miles an hour. Her reptilian strength also allows her to sprint short distances at about the same speed on land.
Two things: units should be in metric for power details and limitations (scientists use those) and also 10 mph running speed isn't actually impressive -- most athletes can run at about 15 kph (and 10 mph is about 16 kph). The fastest humans can sprint for short bursts at up to about 45 kph. If you want a speed that suggests that her speed is enhanced, given that she isn't actually all that athletic, I'd go for some middle-ground (say 25 kph? but it's up to you).
Her beast-like strength and speed combined with her human legs allow her to leap considerable distances as well.
What's her maximum jump height and distance? The highest standing jump for normal humans is about 1.6 meters, and the longest running jump for normal humans is a little shy of 9 meters. I'll leave the specifics up to you, but you can use those numbers as points of reference.
Also, her tail often drags on the ground and really gets in the way sometimes.
I wouldn't say this is really a big drawback, go ahead and cut it.

As for some suggestions to expand on her drawbacks, there are a few things:
1. You mention that her personality and her ability to maintain her interests is affected by her body temperature, so that merits mention in her drawbacks.
2. I'm particularly interested in her low metabolism. Cold-blooded creatures typically cannot sustain high levels of activity for long periods since their energy requirements are so low. I'd suggest adding some endurance issues to her limitations as a result.


Sydney stands at 6'3";
What's her weight? Pounds is fine here, unlike in the power details.
She also has scales showing on the sides of her head and neck.
I know you mention the color of her scales in her power details, but that should be repeated here!
At the time of "casting",
This isn't TV! The appropriate term here would be "On the day of the abduction...".
she was wearing a loose, grey hoodie with black sweatpants over some layers of clothing to conserve body heat. She had layered insulated socks and the work boots she always wears.
What specifically was she wearing below her hoodie and sweatpants (needs to be more specific than just "layers")?


Her father was equally miserable in Oregon, and tended to use alcohol as his main coping mechanism. This often ended badly for Sydney and her mother.
Bit of expansion here; did she suffer abuse of any kind (verbal, physical, etc)?


As her body temperature lowers, however, her more "human" traits like her sense of kinship and empathy start to shut down in favor of her more reptilian instincts.
It's a bit iffy to describe empathy and kinship as inherently human traits (there are, after all, humans who lack empathy and/or senses of kinship that still have friends and function in society). A better way to put this would be that she starts acting more like a reptile as her instincts kick in.


Other Skills: Very basic woodwork, like carving a crude spear out of wood with a knife. Also she can drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
This can be shortened to "Woodworking". Additionally, while I see what you did there, I don't think Chevrolet makes movie theaters, let alone ones that can be driven, so cut that bit out.


That's all! Once you have all those edits made, be sure to post back here and I'll give Sydney another look! :3
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Post by EMPeace »

Alright I've made all the edits I could think of. I could use pointers with the numerical values of her powers. Are any of them still too high? Too low?
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Just a few more things!
EMPeace wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:22 amHobbies and Interests: Music, art, Sci-fi/fantasy books and video games. Snakes, lizards, dragons, and dinosaurs.
No period, please!
Gift: Reptilian Prowess
Power Details: Sydney has many reptilian-like features. Most of them are similar to that of a saltwater crocodile. She has tough, pale skin with light green scales on most of her back and sides. She has claws on her fingers, sharp teeth, a downward bite strength nearly equivalent to a saltwater crocodile, and well above average strength for someone who doesn't actively exercise. She has a tail that is thick enough to be swung with considerable force at the right angle, or more practically to help her swim up to around 10kph. Her reptilian strength also allows her to sprint short distances at nearly 25kph the same speed on land. Her beast-like strength and speed combined with her human legs allow her to jump around 4 meters high, and leap more than 25 meters at a full sprint. She has a very low metabolism and requires very little food compared to any regular human. Thanks to her crocodile-like heart, she can hold her breath underwater for nearly an hour, and still leap above the surface at high speed before catching her breath. She has exceptional night vision, and can see clearly underwater thanks to protective, transparent membranes she can close separately from her eyelids.

Limitations and Drawbacks: Sydney is cold-blooded. She raises her body temperature via sunlight and/or motion; otherwise, she will become increasingly sluggish as she loses heat. She usually wears 2 or 3 layers of clothing even in mild weather. On particularly blistering days, however, she becomes increasingly aggressive and impulsive, potentially leading to heat exhaustion or worse (though this hasn't been a problem since moving to Oregon). When she is cold, her personality begins to disappear, and she finds it difficult to maintain interest in her hobbies and relationships. Despite the short bursts of strength and speed she is capable of, she has a lower overall endurance than most humans. Running long distances or generally exerting herself will generally tire her out quicker than average.
You forgot to get rid of the line break between Details and Limitations!

Also, a few other things:
Her reptilian strength also allows her to sprint short distances at nearly 25kph the same speed on land.
I think you forgot to delete "the same speed on land" from this sentence.
Her beast-like strength and speed combined with her human legs allow her to jump around 4 meters high, and leap more than 25 meters at a full sprint.
25 meters is a pretty big distance compared to the 9~ meter human maximum. Since she doesn't run at superhuman speeds (just, a really fast but still doable human speed) I'd bump this down to something more reasonable, like say 10 meters.
Her ability to bring down any one foe largely depends on how quickly she can neutralize them. If a fight drags on, she will have little choice but to flee before she is too exhausted to defend herself.
This is implied by her lack of endurance. While it is relevant to a death game, her ability to sustain herself in a fight isn't an inherent feature of her power, so I'd say to cut this bit out.
Her mother and father legally separated a little over a year ago following a particularly violent outburst from her father. After drinking an amount of liquor that would kill most humans, Charles physically attacked Olivia right in front of Sydney and, shortly afterwards, nearly had his throat ripped out by his own daughter. Sydney was fully prepared to go through with it if he hadn't backed down, and if her mother weren't crying out for both of them to stop. Sydney's mother took him to court and gained full custody. Neither Sydney nor her mother have spoken with her father since moving out, and have no desire to.
I'd tone back the detail on this in particular. Change "nearly had his throat ripped out" through "both of them to stop" to just "got into a fight with Sydney". It'd be better to go into detail here in a memories post or just mentioning it in character, if that's what you would wish.


That's it! Post back here when you've got that done and I'll give her another look!
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Post by EMPeace »

Ok, I think that's it?
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Post by VoltTurtle »


Remember to post in the roll call thread!
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