S008 - Greene, Jenelle

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S008 - Greene, Jenelle


Post by VoltTurtle »

Name: Jenelle Greene
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Hobbies and Interests: Photography, Girls Scout, Terfbaiting

Gift: Annihilation
Power Details: Annihilation acts as an eraser of reality. It can remove any matter from existence, other than the matter making up Jenelle herself. Annihilation can only destroy matter Jenelle is touching, and can only remove up to 8 cubic centimeters of matter from existence with each activation. Jenelle can either use Annihilation consciously, or she can activate it unconsciously, on accident. Jenelle does not need to see or be aware of what Annihilation destroys, it simply has to be within Annihilation's range.
Limitations and Drawbacks: Annihilation's range of activation is extremely short, and it can only be used in thirty second intervals, preventing Jenelle from repeatedly using it in a short amount of time. If Jenelle activates Annihilation without resting for a minimum of a minute between each use, the volume of matter it can destroy will progressively decrease with each subsequent use, only returning to normal when she finally stops to rest. The vacuums left behind by Annihilation collapse immediately, both creating shockwaves in air that manifest as a loud bang, and causing objects it only partially destroys to implode. Jenelle has to consciously suppress Annihilation to avoid using it on accident. Whenever Jenelle is stressed or her emotions are bottled up, her focus grows lax and Annihilation activates on its own, destroying items she is in contact with, usually her clothes. When using her power intentionally, Jenelle has trouble controlling precisely what she destroys and how much of her maximum volume she actually destroys.

Appearance: Jenelle is a short (5'0") and stout (150 pounds) woman. She has straight blonde hair reaching down to her collarbones. Her face is round, and her features are blunt. Her eyes are green and droopy, and her nose is rather large for her face. Her lips are full, adorned with a medusa piercing on her cupid's bow. Her eyebrows are thick and near her hairline. She does not wear makeup, and does not have visible scars. She is white and she tans easily.

Jenelle's clothing style can be called lazy. She only wears practical clothes and does not really try to dress in any fancy or pretty ways. She prefers wearing dark clothing, principally with the color black to avoid drawing attention. Most of her clothes have jagged edges in them due to her Gift taking out pieces of them when it misfires. On the day of the abduction, Jenelle was wearing a black shirt with a gray hoodie. On the sleeves, they both have large and small cuts from her Gift. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black sneakers.

  • Jenelle was born in Bend, Oregon. She has a brother, Austin, and a sister, Karen. Jenelle's parents are Justine and Ryan Greene, both working in the automotive suppliers industry.
  • Jenelle's Gift first manifested as a child while petting the family dog. She severed its aorta, leading to a quick and swift death. This event has led to Jenelle to be traumatized by her own Gift, leading to her to never using it consciously again.
  • Due to her severe negative experience with her Gift, Jenelle is touch adverse and does not want to be in contact with people. She is known to freak out when people accidentally touch her.
  • She is deeply jealous of others with more beneficial Gifts, often verbally tearing them down in private or in public whenever she gets the chance.
  • After a long bout of therapy and power specialist meetings, Jenelle has managed to get better at controlling her Gift, but it still rarely misfires. She is still deeply terrified of accidentally maiming someone, asking people to stay far away from her at all times.
  • As an attempt to help their daughter with her emotional issues, they signed her up to Girl Scouts. There, she managed to make some friends despite her vile personality and learn some important skills like First Aid and trying knots and general survivalism. She is still attending the Girl Scouts, her current rank being an Ambassador.
  • Jenelle started to experiment with photography in high school. She works with the school to take pictures of event for their school's newspaper. This is something she genuinely enjoys and wants to do more in the future. She often takes pictures outside of school with her camera, preferring photographing people in their daily lives.
  • Her relationship with her brother Austin is middling at best. She is jealous of his nicer power and often finds herself seething whenever he is good at something. It is a similar situation with her sister Karen, as she is simply able to live her daily life without actively ruining it.
  • Her only plan after high school is to continue being a photographer, potentially professionally so. Her parents have been trying to get her to go to college, but she is unwilling due to the cost.
  • Despite her rude and mean attitude, Jenelle has a strong sense of social justice. She often goes online to pick fight with people attacking people with less fortunate Gifts. Recently, she has started fighting terfs (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) online. She baits them in responding to her messages before verbally tearing them down.
Personality: Jenelle is a generally mean and vindictive person with the tendency to belittle others for her own fun. She is easily annoyed with people's behavior, particularly with loud and exuberant individuals. She can be nice to others if they are quiet and they are willing to be regularly playfully insulted by Jenelle, but other than that, she is not enjoyable to be around. She is not, however, arrogant. She has quite a demeaning and negative perception of herself. Her negative self-image often pushes her to insult others to feel better about herself.

Other Skills: General survivalist skills, First Aid, Knot Tying

Designated Number: Student No. 008


Conclusion: "I used to be like you, you know. I fought against who I was, and it made me miserable. All that torment, just because society told me that the way I was born was wrong. But who has the right to stop us from doing something that comes as naturally to us as breathing?

You were born for destruction, and you should embrace it. Tabula rasa. Wipe the slate clean, and show me the sunrise when you're done." - Owl

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