my battery is low and it's getting dark

the stars are so fucking beautiful out here | private

The banquet hall of the cruise ship is a grand room with rows of tables and chairs laid out for fine dining. The linens are spotless, each place set according to etiquette manuals with silverware and china plates (though these are not so expensive as they seem at a glance) and chandeliers hang from the ceiling, providing illumination to the chamber. Off to one side is a serving station, though sharp knives and the fuel for the Bunsen burners has been removed. Opposite this is a small stage, with music stands and seats, though the only instrument present is a piano. The banquet hall opens to the deck and pool, and also connects to the corridors.
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my battery is low and it's getting dark


Post by RetroVenus »

((Elliott-Blair Østergaard continued from God Only Knows))

Gabriela was dead.

Elliott-Blair knew that. He knew before Ritzy Daggers teased any listeners that their plan might have been a success. He knew before he went sprinting back onto the cruise ship, leaving her alone to rot.

Gabriela was dead.

It was funny, in a way, how his boots held up. The only reason he decided to wear them on that fateful day was because they matched his outfit. Five days later and nothing has managed to ruin them, not even someone stomping on them or running nonstop from a nearby tugboat onto the cruise ship.

Honestly, the only thing wrong with them was how they clashed with his current outfit. Clearly, whoever was on wardrobe duty didn't know a thing about fashion, right?


Gabriela was dead.

Elliott-Blair pushed himself away from the one clean table he was sitting by. He hadn't planned on stopping to rest at the banquet hall, but that's where he was when his asthma flared. Laying discarded on the table was his inhaler, having used up his last dose.

Standing, he turned to take stock of the room. The banquet hall remained mostly the same; upturned tables and chairs, blood covering most tablecloths, that putrid smell deterring anyone from entering. A fourth corpse had joined the three, and walking towards it showed that it was one Junji Yamada. An unpleasant student, one who's reputation preceded his appearance.

A large, gaping hole took up most of his right side, cloth and flesh and bone frayed at the ends. Taking a step back, Elliott-Blair looked over to where Diana lay. That's right, she died the same way Junji did. So did Hannah. And Sarah. And Carol. And Gabriela. And Gabriela. And Gabriela.

it's your fault she's dead

Elliott-Blair vigorously shook his head. He didn't have time to mourn, he needed to think. Getting the ten kill release was obviously out of the question, but what else could he do to survive? Hide somewhere and hope everyone else kills each other?

He pushed his bandana down, uncovering his collar. Maybe now was the time to ask his mentor for advice.

"Hey, Malcolm?" that was his name, right?

No response came from the collar.


No response came from the collar.

"Fucking answer me, Malcolm..."
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[+] that which shall be tuned
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Post by Applesintime »

((Anthony Golden continued from A Prelude to Despair))

He had finally taken the hat off. They were stuck in here, where all the bloody lights were on and dressing in black wouldn't do shit to hide you. It rested in Anthony's bag, and he felt almost naked without. He'd been wearing the thing for the better half of what, three or four days? It felt almost monumental, at least to him. He had put this on with his player-hunting motives, and now he had accepted that he was a player, he had taken it off. The end of an era, really. He would have been reminiscent about the time he didn't like players or killing, but now Anthony only had one thought on his mind, one goal.

WIn this thing and then kill Seo-yun. That's all that mattered.

Someone talking brought him out of his mind and back into reality, and his head snapped towards the banquet hall. Grabbing the De Lisle from where it dangled and holding it with both hands, Anthony peered through a doorway. Elliott seemed to be talking to his mentor, or at least, trying to. A smile came to his lips. Elliott had presumably been with Gabby when she died to Seo-yun, so he'd be the best person to give him answers. About Seo-yun's condition, about any allies, about weapons.

"Elliott." Anthony entered the banquet hall, the rifle aimed at Gabby's little friend. "Stay where you are or I'll put one in your lungs and you'll drown in your own blood. Got that?"
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
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Post by RetroVenus »

A response finally came, but not from the collar.

Someone was calling Elliott-Blair's name, someone who wasn't Gabriela. He turned languidly to the nearest doorway, to where Anthony Golden stood. Just like last time, he introduced himself with a rifle and a threat. Just like last time, Elliott-Blair froze up.

But not out of fear. It was some other emotion that he felt, something he'd never experienced. Something vibrant and colorful, like his body was too small to contain it. But before it could burst him open, the colors dissolved and swirled into each other, returning back to their familiar dullness.

Elliott-Blair looked at the gun, then to Anthony. Anthony wanted something from him, but he wanted something back.

"...Who do you have left to kill?" Elliott-Blair asked, voice hard and flat. At any rate, he didn't want to give Anthony whatever it was that he wanted, "Gabby's dead. Seo-yun got the ten. There's less than twenty of us left. Who else is left?"

That should have been that, but he wanted to keep going, wanted to provoke Anthony into doing...what?

"Ah, right, I forgot," Elliott-Blair shifted onto his other foot, "We're all sinners in your eyes, O Holy One."
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[+] that which was discarded
ImageElliott-Blair Østergaard — Rocketman — "Was that all you wanted?"
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Post by Applesintime »

Elliott turned around to look at him, and then froze up. Presumably, he understood the predicament that he was in. He wasn't moving, though, so Anthony didn't have a reason to put a bullet in him. That was good. He needed the information Elliott presumably had, unless Gabby had run off and left him so she could get shot by the cunt, then this entire thing would have been worthless. Well, not entirely. All it would do is delay him a little. But Elliott seemed to be wondering what he was doing. To him, Seo-yun was out, hence she was untouchable. The corners of Anthony's mouth twitched up.

“Seo-yun isn’t home free just yet, Elliott.” Even saying her name, thinking about her, sent another wave of fury through Anthony’s body, his arms twitching just a little. It should have unnerved him, this anger, but it felt right. “She’s not home yet. She’s not safe. I’m going to win this thing and I’m going to kill her. That's what she deserves." He imagined that the SOTF team on the cruise ship would be somewhat hesitant to let Anthony near her unguarded now he had admitted his intentions, but he didn't need much. One knife, a stab to the throat or the heart, and it was over for her. "Every person that dies is one step closer to victory." Including you, Anthony wanted to say, but then he might freak and he would never get his answers.

Elliot's jab about being a sinner did get a laugh out of him, though. "Oh, no, I'm not that brand of hypocrite anymore. No more delusions of player hunting for me. All I gotta do now is survive. No matter who I have to kill." If he had shot Leah and Mary yesterday, on the shop boat, would Seo-yun still be here? Could he have gotten the ten? It didn't matter, but he should have killed Leah there. She didn't deserve to be murdered by someone who just used her for a kill.
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by RetroVenus »

According to Anthony, the game wasn't over for Seo-yun just yet. A jolt ran through him as he explained his plan to Elliott-Blair, how he was going to kill everyone and win this game, all to get at Seo-yun.

He was also, apparently, a changed man now. No more striking down the unholy with righteous fury for him. All that blood he had and will spill is now in the name of killing Seo-yun, the only sinner who matters. The only one worth killing.

What a joke.

"So you'd have no problems with killing me, Anthony?" and with that, Elliott-Blair took a step towards him.

"You're just killing to survive, then?" another step, "Killing so you can go home?"

"You're no better than her," Elliott-Blair said with a light laugh, "That's why she got those ten kills. That's why Gabby killed, why everyone killed. We all just want to go home."

He knew he shouldn't be defending Gabriela's killer like this. But Seo-yun understood how this show worked, unlike Anthony. You either killed someone or you were killed. There were no heroes out here, no matter how badly he wanted to be one.

Besides, he was the one to injure Gabriela's shoulder. It's his fault she's dead.

"You're such a child, throwing a tantrum like this," Elliott-Blair said, taking another step, "Seo-yun gets to go home, and you get to rot here with the rest of us—"
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[+] that which shall be tuned
[+] that which was discarded
ImageElliott-Blair Østergaard — Rocketman — "Was that all you wanted?"
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Post by Applesintime »

A bullet impacting the ground near Elliot's feet shut him up.

"I said stay back or I'll put a fucking bullet in your lungs and drown you in your own blood." Anthony took a few steps back, gun affixed firmly on Elliott's lungs - or where they probably were. Even though he had stopped his player hunting, stopped being a bit of a hypocrite, people still liked comparing him to other people, people who were worse than him. It was starting to become annoying, honestly. Yeah, Seo-yun and him were both killing people. That was the only thing similar.

"We both want to go home, yeah. That's the only fucking similarity. You haven't seen her two kills in the cruise ship, have you? Someone's fucking face was hanging off. I wouldn't be surprised if she was giddy about getting to come on here, because she'd get to make herself famous. She's the kind of fucking psycho bitch that only gives a fuck about herself and nobody else." Pulling the bolt back, Anthony ejected the casing, slamming it back in in a smooth motion. "I refuse to let her be rewarded for being a sociopath. And besides, Elliott, there's one key difference; she came into this game ready to kill. Fifth or sixth kill went to her. I had to convince myself to do it."

Either way, it didn't matter. She thought she would be going home, ready to feast on the spoils that her ten murders brought her, and Anthony would put an end to that notion permanently. Even if he couldn't kill her, he could rip out an eye or mutilate her, give her a Britnee-style makeover that left nobody wanting to look at her. "And yes, Elliott, I'm going to kill you. You've got two choices on how, though. You were there at Gabby's death. I wanna know everything about Seo-yun. Wounds, weapons, allies if she had any. I want to know if I can sleep easy knowing she'll die in hospital or if I have to take matters into my own hands. Do that? I shoot you in the back of the head and we're all happy as Larry. Don't do that? I shoot you in the lungs and you drown in your own blood. Easy choice to me."

His eyes never left Elliott's. He wasn't killing for his own fame like Seo-yun was, he was killing so he could kill one last person and then face whatever consequences they wanted. People kept putting words into his mouth, motives in his actions. If he got to go home, good. If he got to avenge Leah, even better.
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
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Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by RetroVenus »

The warning shot stopped Elliott-Blair's slow march towards Anthony right in it's tracks. He took a few steps away from Elliott-Blair, again warning him to stay where he was, least he suffers from a bullet to the lungs.

He was getting under his skin; good. Anything to deny him of what he wants.

Anthony tried to paint himself as a victim, that Seo-yun was this psycho who tore someone's face off. Which, fine, maybe it was true. He was right about Elliott-Blair not witnessing that fight, or the result thereof. He was fairly certain that Kamille was one of her kills, but he didn't want to glance over at his corpse. He already knew how he died.

Anthony kept going, ranting about how Seo-yun chose this path willingly, how he had to force himself to do the same. All of this while setting up his rifle for another shot.

And then he gave Elliott-Blair a choice: Tell him what he wants to know, and he'll get a bullet to the brain. Refuse, and he'll get a bullet to the lungs. He bit his lip.

He was reminded of his earlier musings, when he thought Gabriela was going to shoot him before their ill-fated confrontation with Seo-yun. He envied Diana's death, watching the bullet tear through her brain, watching her fall lifelessly to the floor. An instant death, that's what he wanted.

Anthony was offering that to him, in exchange for giving him what he wants. The only other option was a slow, painful demise.

Elliott-Blair's face twisted as he looked at the ceiling, "Fuck."

He looked back at Anthony, forcing his face to relax.

"She had a shotgun on her, I think. She was wounded all over. Bandage over her eye, I think on her ear too. Gabby shot her in the calf, and probably somewhere else too before kicking her many times. I don't know. I was preoccupied with Mandy."

He was a coward, selling Mandy out like this. If their fight told him anything, she was just as helpless as him. But Anthony had cornered him, and there was no way out. She might be able to take him out, however small the chance.

"I'm pretty sure Mandy was with her the whole time," Elliott-Blair continued, "Mandy Gross. She's wearing this baggy panda onesie. She's—she's about Gabby's height, brown hair."

Elliott-Blair took a shaky breath in.

"Was that all you wanted?" he asked.
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ImageElliott-Blair Østergaard — Rocketman — "Was that all you wanted?"
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Post by Applesintime »

Elliott was hesitant, and he didn't get why. Did he not want revenge for Gabby? Anthony wasn't going to be crying over her, but she was Seo-yun's fucking final kill. If he had managed to get that second shot off, Seo-yun would still be here, and Gabby would still be dead. If he had killed Leah, Seo-yun would still be here. And he would find her. But in the end, Elliott gave Anthony what he wanted. Gunshot to the calf; probably not that bad in and of itself. Kicked a shit-ton, though. Internal bleeding. Break a rib, it might end up puncturing something important. And if not, she might find it hurts to breath for the rest of her life, and Anthony would take that as well. Eye wound. Good. He hoped the bitch was blind in it.

Mandy. Mandy Gross. Anthony knew about her, sure; same year as Elliott. Always clinged on to his year. She had never hung around him, though, always the more popular kids. Like Seo-yun. Like a parasite. And now her name was atop his mental list, a taste of what he would do to Seo-yun once she got out. She would go first, Mandy. And she'd soon meet her little companion in the pits of Hell to burn forever. There wasn't the quick death that he offered Elliott waiting in store for her. No, he would make it long and painful. And Anthony would make sure Seo-yun was watching every last moment.

"You hear that, Seo-yun?" Anthony turned his head to the camera, staring into it. Maybe she was watching right now. Maybe she was laughing at him, but she wouldn't be watching when Mandy and Mary and Fisk and Ivan were all dead and she was the only one alive, the only one he had left to kill. "I'm coming for you. You and your little cunt friend. I'm going to make it as painful as I fucking can for her, I'm going to leave her in agony as she dies, and it'll be all your fault. If you had just fucking shot yourself, you'd save us all a whole lotta-"
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
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Post by RetroVenus »

This was it. Elliott-Blair had told Anthony everything that he knew about Seo-yun. He gave him what he wanted. All that was left...

Elliott-Blair again glanced at Anthony's rifle, then squeezed his eyes shut. This was it.

Strange that he is going to die young.

Only Anthony didn't shoot. He was once again going on a tirade, how he planned on hunting Seo-yun down and killing her. How he was going to find Mandy on this fucking ship and kill her in the most agonizing way possible.

The stun baton flared to life, and Elliott-Blair charged at Anthony. One last attempt to shut him up.
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[+] that which shall be tuned
[+] that which was discarded
ImageElliott-Blair Østergaard — Rocketman — "Was that all you wanted?"
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Post by Applesintime »

Anthony was certain he would be called many things once he got out, in addition to probably being called them online as he ranted at the camera. Utter nutter. Villain. Murderer. Hero, maybe, to some fucked up kids. But what he wasn’t, however, was a fucking idiot. He had been watching Elliott out of the corner of his eye the whole time, darting between him and the camera. He would not be caught lacking again, like he did with Diana.

So when Elliott charged at him, stun baton flickering with electricity, Anthony was prepared. Whirling around, he raised the De Lisle, aimed at Elliott, and pulled the trigger. Stupid bastard should have just stayed put.
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by RetroVenus »

The momentum from Elliott-Blair's rush at carried him past Anthony, stun baton clattering to the floor. One step, another, then he dropped to his knees. Slowly, he brought his shaking hands up to where his collar was, gently touching it.

The bullet had torn Elliott-Blair's neck open, just above the collar. Skin and neck muscles forcefully pushed out of the way, the neck arteries burst open, his neck filled with blood, his neck his neck his NECK WHY HIS NECK

Oh. He knew why.

This is how Carol died. Someone's death he was responsible for.

He killed Carol, and Sarah, and Hannah, and Diana. And Gabriela.

Tears began to mix with the blood on his hands. Fuck, he deserved this. He caused all this death, all this suffering. All of this was his fault.

All of this was...

Gravity overtake Elliott-Blair, sending him straight to the floor.

Gabriela switched the television off. She turned to Elliott-Blair, a bored expression on her face.

"What a stupid fucking season."

MM03 - Elliott-Blair Østergaard: DECEASED
13 Students Remain
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[+] that which shall be tuned
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ImageElliott-Blair Østergaard — Rocketman — "Was that all you wanted?"
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Post by Applesintime »

One bullet, and it was over just like that. The baton's flickering faded as Elliott dropped it, staggering past Anthony, blood pouring from his neck. Watching passively, Anthony aimed the rifle at Elliott's back, and then lowered it again as he collapsed to his knees, and then, on his front. Another life gone. Another's blood on his hands. He let out a sigh, and then the room was quiet, save for the sound of blood trickling from Elliott's neck. The last time Anthony had heard that sound, he was in a yacht, standing over a soon-to-be dead boy with a bloodied shiv, and he had just ripped open his neck. He hadn't been able to hear it at the time, too busy trying not to cry or sob or throw up, but now he could focus on it. It was an odd sound, like someone had left a tap running.

Eventually, Anthony shook himself out of the funk he had found himself in, racking the bolt back and ejecting the empty cartridge out. Actually, come to think of it, he probably needed to reload. Three for Nadine, one at the shop boat, then two or so for Luciano, and then one for Elliott. Ejecting the magazine, he found that he did need a reload, so Anthony tossed the magazine and inserted a new one from his bag, then loaded it. The scent of blood and death was sickening. From Elliott. From the dead girl lying outside. From the dead boy with a shotgun blast through him. From Diana. From Junji Yamada, with a lot of wounds.

"Fuck's sake, get it together." It wasn't the first time Anthony had seen a body, and it sure as fuck wasn't going to be the last time, but even still, he had to force himself to move. To pick up Elliott's stun baton thing. It looked like a cane that a pensioner would use, honestly, and he didn't even know what the fuck he was gonna use it for, but he would take every weapon he could get. After a bit of fiddling with his bag, tossing some miscellaneous stuff (and putting his hat back on), Anthony managed to shove it in the bag, handle sticking out, just like the axe. His bag was getting quite heavy. What a nice fucking problem to have, huh? He could be dead or something.

Anyway, he now had a lead. Find Mandy Gross and end her. Show Seo-yun what her fate would be. Oh, and find Mary, too. She hadn't been able to protect Leah, and Anthony wanted to know what happened there. Maybe he'd kill her, maybe he'd let her go. Either way, he had a purpose that wasn't necessarily killing. Really, Anthony just wanted to fucking get out of this room.

But he knew no matter what he did, it would inevitably turn into killing.

That was just the way this show worked.

((Anthony Golden continued in Captain Without a Crew))
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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