
Phase 1 (0-12 Hours)

The wet market is located a short walk from the wharf, and as with most of the surrounding area the smell of rotting fish permeates its wooden walls. Rows of stalls which used to display the fishmongers' wares line the interior, although they are now bare. The stalls themselves provide good cover, although at night visibility within the building drops considerably as there are no light sources aside from large windows. The floor here is perpetually slick with water as a result of an ancient ice machine finally breaking down for good. There are also many hooks protruding from the various walls and many crab and lobster pots hanging from the ceiling. Buckets and wooden carts are dotted around the area, no longer being needed to carry ice, water, or fish for the residents. Collections of buoys, ropes, lines, boots and hats can be found hanging on back walls or discarded behind stalls, left abandoned by the townspeople.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Mina Mashall continued from Exploring))


"Kassandra? Marion? KeKe? Hello? Is anyone here?



"Hey. Hey, it's me again. Mina, I mean. Hi. I know we sort of talked a little ago, I mean, uh, I mean I talked at you and maybe you listened—if you're listening now I mean I think you probably listened then too. I hope you're listening.

"Anyways... Anyways. I think you know what's happened to me since last time we talked, I mean, if you listened to all that shit. But I don't know if it makes any sense, or if it's boring or whatever. I'm splitting this up into tracks, okay? So if you start listening to a track and I'm not saying hello I'm probably recording some other people so, so...

"I don't know. It just seemed like a good idea to record people, I guess. I mean, think about it: they're all gonna be dead soon, right? Like, maybe I have the last words Mari—maybe I have the last words somebody ever said on here.

"I mean okay, I know that everything's being recorded. I know that. And the bastards will probably throw my little project here away while they're cremating me or grinding me up into dog food or whatever, or they'll make it classified and nobody will ever hear anything they don't want to be heard, but that doesn't mean anything here and now. That doesn't mean anything to you and me.

"Anyways, so, right, so I was saying that if I don't say hello I'm recording somebody else, to use as evidence or to just remember them or something, and you can listen to that if you want but there's already probably a shitload of it and I'll tell you what happened anyways so you can skip it.

"It's sort of funny, you know? Because the more time goes by where I don't get killed, the more I say, but the later it gets so the less time you have to listen to it. You... if you didn't kill me, okay, you be careful? There's a lot of horrible shit that can happen to you. And I guess we're sort of a team now.

"I mean, if you die, I guess someone else can pick me—pick this up and hear what I have to say. Who knows? Maybe you're not the first. But if you're listening, that's good enough for me. You're my pick, okay? You're the one I want to make it. I'm pulling for you. Kick ass for me.

"Okay, so where was I? Right, okay, so I woke up here—I mean, um, in this market kind of place with a bunch of hooks and stalls and stuff. I talked with KeKe Baker and she was okay, she seemed nice and normal and all, but she wasn't really dialed in, you know? She didn't get it.

"Oh fuck, what if you are KeKe? I, ahahaha, I guess that's a little awkward. But I'm... but I'm dead, right? Okay. So if you're KeKe, or Marion or Kassandra or whoever, if you're someone I know and someone I hated or someone I thought was okay or whatever, that's not my problem now. It's yours. You do whatever you want with that. It'd mean a lot to me if you listened, but I guess if it hurts or you're mad or whatever...

"Anyways, KeKe, you're cool, you know? You always have been.

"So we talked and KeKe—you?—didn't get it, so I decided to go somewhere else and try my luck. So I went and...

"Hey? Hey? Did you hear that?

"Oh fuck, I think there's someone outside. I don't know. Maybe not. I don't know.

"I'll talk... I'll talk to you later maybe. If I don't die. Thank you."

((Mina Mashall continued))
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