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Here is the final roster of all contestants in SOTF: International.

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Post by Ohm »

Name: Dominik Vasquez
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place of Residence: Dangriga, Belize
Language/s: English, Spanish, Kriol, some Garifuna, some Mayan
Hobbies and Interests: Swimming, snorkeling, marine biology, conservation, cooking

Appearance: Dominik is 5’7” inches tall and weighs 165lbs. His skin is a medium reddish-brown colour and sometimes looks darker depending on if he has spent a long time in the sun. His hair is black and naturally curly, he keeps it kept cut short with a fade style on the back and sides and he gets noticeable stubble on his chin and upper lip if he goes more than a few days without shaving. His eyes are small and round with his iris’ being dark brown in colour. His jaw is rounded and his mouth is on the wider side with thin lips.

Dominik typically wears plain t-shirts with shorts and flip-flops or trainers on a day-to-day basis. On the day of his abduction, Dominik was wearing a red t-shirt with khaki shorts and black flip-flops.

Biography: Dominik was born in Dangriga in Belize to Chester and Alica Vasquez and has lived in the city for his whole life. He is the eldest of two siblings with his younger sister Cintia being four years his junior. As Dominik grew up Chester worked as a chef while Alica bounced around various housekeeping jobs.

From a young age, Dominik spent time in or around the ocean thanks to Dangriga’s location on the coast of Belize. Much of his free time as a child was spent at the beach in the city with his family as well as spending time at the island of Thatch Caye thanks to Chester’s job as a chef for the resort on the island. This started a lifelong fascination with the sea itself and a young Dominik voraciously obtained and absorbed any information he could about the oceans and the creatures that lived in them.

His parents were keen to nurture this passion and bought a young Dominik books on the subject and took him to museums and aquariums so he could learn more about the oceans. On top of this Dominik and his family went on multiple beach and snorkeling trips meaning he got to experience marine creatures in their natural habitat.

It was through these trips that Dominik also became interested in conservation as he learned about the threats to some of the natural species around Belize as well as the coral reefs. This soon led to him volunteering to help with many different conservation activities and education programs during his spare time to try and preserve the marine environment and species.

In school, Dominik needed to take up a sport and while he played soccer with many of the other children and was a member of the team along with his friends it was not one of his primary hobbies and he didn’t mind any occasions when he played as a substitute. Instead, his primary sports focus was swimming and he put much more effort into this. Frequently trying to improve his own times and be competitive with the other members of the team.

Around school, Dominik is part of two main friend groups. He has his original group of friends who are all from the same neighborhood in Dangriga and went to the same elementary school and then he has his group of friends from the swim team which is a more diverse group from many different places in Dangriga. While there are no issues between these two groups sometimes Dominik finds himself having to balance multiple event invitations.

Another hobby Dominik has is cooking, this is something he has picked up as a result of his fathers’ profession as a chef and a potential career path should his studies not work out the way he hopes. While Dominik is not as good a chef as his father the two frequently cook the meals for any large family gatherings that occur and Chester has been teaching his son to make him better at the craft.

Dominik’s relationship with his family is a good one and his parents are supportive of him. While he sometimes has arguments with his sister they never escalate beyond what would be expected for siblings. Once he graduates from school Dominik plans to either try to go to college to study marine biology or attempt to get a job with conservation and education organisations like Tobacco Caye.

Personality-wise Dominik is friendly if a little bit quiet, which can sometimes make him seem like a bit of a pushover as he will go along with what people say. This isn’t because he necessarily agrees with it but more that he doesn’t want to hurt feelings or cause problems. The exception to this is with Cintia or when he believes someone is trying to take advantage of someone else.

Advantages: Dominik has a good level of physical fitness from his time on the swimming team leaving him with good stamina. He is also naturally friendly enough to potentially be able to make allies during the game. Dominik has a decent degree of knowledge of the environment from his studies so could apply this to the arena to take advantage of certain locales.
Disadvantages: Dominik is quiet and could end up being shut out of discussions, while his tendency to go along with what people say could be used to make him do what others want. His desire to prevent people from being taken advantage of could also lead to him making tactically unsound choices.

Designated Number: O02


Designated Weapon: ST Kinetics CPW

Conclusion: Physically fit? Knows his environment? Has a gun? Now this is more like it, unless he decides to try and swim out into the ocean cause someone else asks him to, I see good things for this kid. He just needs to play smart, use that friendliness and have a good meat shield ready. - Quaker

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