Hey, Guys! This Is Not A Prank! Totes Having Doubts And All That Jazz!

Mentorshot (Some time on Day 3 as Beau doesn't know time)

This boat once sold novelties at a theme park, and much of the infrastructure remains, including old mechanical cash registers. The boat is still stocked with SOTF-themed knickknacks, as well as general maritime gear of various descriptions, though its organization is more than a little lacking; merchandise is often in poor condition, and is jumbled chaotically on shelves, in some cases overflowing onto the floor. The boat itself is boxy and open on the sides, and is more susceptible than most to the waves, rocking heavily whenever the weather picks up.
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Hey, Guys! This Is Not A Prank! Totes Having Doubts And All That Jazz!


Post by Primrosette »


Beau was twirling the pen that he had in his hand and he was humming softly as he was looking down at the paper. He really wanted to leave something good for Hannah but he didn't want to make it all sappy as hell.

"Aaaagggh...." He let out a groan in frustration and he puffed out his cheeks briefly, wondering why it was so hard to get words out on a piece of paper.

He tapped his fingernail at his collar.

He then frowned slightly.

"Hey, Jewel? Are you there? I need to have a talk with you about something." He shifted uncomfortably in his sitting position and he clicked his tongue lightly. "It's... uh.... kinda important. ....Maybe?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The reply comes quickly.

"I'm here. What can I help you with, Beau?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Beau felt himself letting out a sigh of relief as she actually responded to him and he was now tapped the pen on the floor. He needed to think of how he was going to word this to her and it felt like it was difficult for him personally.

"Alright! Good, good! Uh, hmm, well...." He wanted to lay down on his back but he didn't do so as he was a bit on edge and he felt like he wasn't going to sit still for too long. "This feels kinda awkward for me to ask personally. Although, maybe you won't mind, Jewel. I don't know."

He had stopped tapping the pen on the floor now.

"I should stop getting my mind all twisted up with these negative thoughts and just ask you anyway. Stop stalling. E-T-C!"

His eyes wandered over the note and he scribbled down Hannah's name neatly.

"So.... How did it feel to you personally when you killed someone for the first time, Jewel?" He asked quietly out of sheer curiosity.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A moment passes before the response, but the voice is tinged with good humor.

"I don't mind. You can ask whatever you want.

"I was surprised, mostly. Surprised it worked. Surprised at my own strength. A little surprised I actually did it.

"It hurt, too. I hit him with something heavy, and it shattered in my hand and tore up my palm. That sucked."
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"Huh, I see, I see. Would I have learned about that in your book? I mean, of course I would have. Haha, sorry, sorry. Just been thinking about a lot of things and I'm not sure how to wrap my head around it. Aw, shitballs...." He sighed softly, mulling over what to write to Hannah in the note.

Beau found himself chuckling a little and he looked down at his bandaged hands in awe and wonder. They were still stinging and throbbing, but the bleeding had stopped.

"Seems like hands getting hurt is a common thing, huh?"

He cleared his throat and he continued to write for a bit, making sure not to aggravate his hand's cuts.

"I never really thought about killing anyone before. Dying is pretty normal, right?" He asked, not caring if it was a strange subject to discuss. He saw death as just a normal thing in life. Even if he was still surviving now.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A little of the levity drops from the tone, but it remains more or less light.

"It is. Dying is actually the only universal experience, if you think about it. Though I guess hurting your hands is pretty common too."

A pause for a second.

"You know, it turns out we were born on the same day. February 12, 2003. I didn't know who you were until a few days ago, but that means every day of my life, you existed too. And every day of your life, I was somewhere out there.

"That's a little weird to think about, don't you think?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Beau thought about it for a bit. A universal experience of dying. It definitely was one of the most common things that everyone around the world could definitely relate to and he wondered how other countries felt about it in general. But did death have a different meaning for where they all were right now? He never really thought about it that much as he didn't think that he would end up on this show and it seemed like he accepted being here a lot more easier than he thought he would. He wasn't kicking and screaming when those men came for him. He remembered the frightened look on Al's face when he had thought they were coming for him and not Beau. It was funny that the fan of this show had been more afraid of actually being on it than the non-fan who accepted his fate with open arms.

He wondered if Al was watching what he was doing right now and cursing and screaming at him for what he was doing for the time being.


He blinked a little. Sharing a birthday with the famous (or infamous, he didn't know personally) Jewel Evans.

That was something that he didn't think would happen. He knew that sharing birthdays was a common thing, but it was a lot different when it was someone who was quite a celebrity and that she was his mentor. He definitely was no Jewel Evans wannabe. But he definitely took some comfort in talking with her, even if it wasn't for hours on end. He wasn't going to condemn her for killing ten people. He wasn't a spiteful person like that.

"It is interesting to think about that. I never really thought about sharing an existence with you. But...."

Beau suddenly let out a small laugh and he shook his head lightly. He was almost done with the note.

"That must have been why they put me on your team. Putting someone with the same birthday as the lovely Jewel Evans would be pretty wacky and weird. Fans will either love it or hate it. Depends on how they feel about Beau Lively in the fresh! Mhm, mhm!"

He just needed a few more words and then he could do what he needed to do.

"Hey, Jewel. Thanks for hearing me out. I know I must have been a bit of pain to listen to. I'm not good at judging other people correctly."

He signed his name at the bottom of the paper and he placed the pen down by his side.

"I.... I have one more thing to ask."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The voice has grown softer.

"You're not a pain, Beau. Helping you—listening to you—is why I'm here.

"Ask anything you want."
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Post by Primrosette »

"Ahaha. Good to know, good to know." His voice sounded lighter as he was folding up the note and he got up to his feet quietly. "Alright, uhm..."

He tapped his foot gently on the ground.

"Can you send a copy of your book to my parents? But leave them a sticker note inside saying, "Love you, mom and dad. From your goofy, silly son, Beau". I mean, if you are okay with that. I mean, I want them to remember me by something. That's all that I can think of."

His voice was getting shaky but he wasn't going to cry. He couldn't let himself break down again. Not like when he heard about Cassini. It still hurt to think about her.

"Gosh, this is the most dorkiest thing that I could have requested of you honestly."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A few seconds pass. There's a faint note of uncertainty, but it quickly clarifies.

"Of course I can. I'd be happy to send them a gift on your behalf. It's the least I could do.

"And... please don't worry. It's not a bad request at all. Creeps on Twitter ask for all sorts of heinous shit. If you're not telling me to mail your buddies pictures of my feet, we're fine."
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Post by Primrosette »

Beau swallowed down some saliva in relief.

"Thank you, Jewel. I really appreciate it. Really-really!" He said in a happy tone and he was nodding his head a little. "Creeps on Twitter really do need to get kicked in the balls or something. That is so gross and I'm sorry you had to deal with those kinds of people."

He then moved over to where Hannah was resting and he put the note down beside her, making sure not to make a sound that could wake her up. He didn't want to face her about what he wanted to do. Especially since he thought that she would convince him to back out of it.

He had to go on.

He had made the choice and now he wasn't going to stop.

No more doubts. No more regrets.

This was him. Himself.

"See you later, Jewel!"

((Beau Lively concluded in It Means Everything))
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Take care of yourself. It's been a pleasure.

"...see you later."
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