Oh Man, Not THIS Again?


Downhill from the burned-out ruin, the showers are exactly as their name would suggest. The room is, in essence, a large bathroom facility with an open shower area. It's a sheltered place to rest, but the lone door in the front of the building makes it an easy location to get cornered in. The water, drawn from a well or the rain and collected in a cistern, actually still works here.
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Post by Primrosette »

Simon's chance had come. So he bolted up his feet and he let out a groan as his leg was throbbing with slight pain. But he had to ignore it for now. He had to successfully escape from Blaine this time around.

He turned and he half-limped and half-run for his life. He had to find Natali another time. He was pissed off that he had to leave his hat behind. But that didn't matter; his life was all that mattered to him in that moment.

((Simon Leroy continued in Princess Aquapussy))
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Post by Sh4dE »

As the green eyes opened again he was alone. He took the fedora from the ground.

This encounter, despite losing it, wasn't so bad after all when he saw the fedora on the ground. It wasn't a lot: An experience of partial success and partial failure.

However, it was more than none. He covered his messy hair with the hat, touched his face to feel how hard he had been hit and disappeared.

((Blaine Eno continued in I'd Rather be at the Aquarium))
I'm so glad to be back !
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Post by Bikriki* »

A lone woman peaked around the corner. Her only words were

"What the actual fuck...?"

Then she went for a shower.


[[Continued in wAtCH thIS giRl gEt SokAiNg wET ]]
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Bikriki. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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