"Isn't it weird how we spend so much of our time preparing for when we get older? What do we do now?"

Closed now.

This refers to the vast array of smaller vessels that form the filler of the flotilla. They are primarily old, junky sailboats, though rowboats, lifeboats, and dinghies are also well-represented. Generally speaking, no single boat in the sprawl exceeds twenty-five feet in length, and none are vessels designed for long hauls or lengthy habitation. The inner sprawl is densely packed, but likely safer for it; should a student fall overboard, something will always be close to hand, though the risk of getting trapped or crushed between boats is high.
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She's not wrong here.

Camping in a tiny, yet obvious spot such as the wooden rowboat would have easily exposed his whereabouts, and the lack of escape routes made the venue such a great spot to score a kill, especially targets who are vulnerable or injured like himself.

But in this case, why was Leah here all alone?

"Haha, I guess so," Mateo reacted to Leah's response towards his 'plan' with a light chuckle, "I don't really have many options for a resting spot to begin with. So I just deal with whatever I could find."

He continued to listen to what Leah had in mind being involved in this show. Apparently, she wanted to read...a book?

That was pretty anti-climatic, but to be fair, for someone who had done basically nothing yet in the show, he was not one to judge.

"Ehh...I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. I mean, you're nowhere near dead yet, so don't just act like you're going to!" Well, it didn't sound as motivating, but there was an attempt.

Okay...So now what? Oh yea...Time to check my bag.

He took a seat at the end of the jetty which lead to the rowboats and opened his bag to examine the contents. It was the same kinds of stuff that were given to the students in some TV seasons: A medkit with supplies, a map, a sextant, a flashlight, a condom, some clothes with the SOTF-TV logo imprinted on it, and packages and packages of rations. Nice.

"So...The tuna sandwich, right?"

He followed Leah's suggestion to enjoy the tuna sandwich first. The sandwich seemed fresh as if it was newly made from the bakery. The two slices of bread were perfectly complemented by the thick layer of tuna and mayonnaise in between, forming a seemingly flavorful piece of sandwich. After unpacking the meal, he took his first, small bite on one of the edges. It was sweet and savory, just as he expected.

As he was enjoying his snack, he took a short glance at Leah again, wanting to ask her if she wanted to join him for lunch. This time she seemed to be reminiscing and was talking about taking AP classes for nothing. As another senior who was surrounded by friends taking AP classes, he could relate to a certain degree. He heard that AP classes were difficult to deal with, especially adding along with the main classes.

"Oh, you take AP classes?" Mateo answered after finished chewing a part of the sandwich, "I mean...I didn't take any AP classes before, but which classes did you take? Also, you gonna eat something?"
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She watched him eat the sandwich. Probably the last tuna sandwich of his life. It’s the little joys.

“The chances are pretty low, though.”

She sighed. He didn’t get it. He didn’t fucking get it. They won’t make it out together.

Maybe he didn’t want them to make it out together. She didn’t want them to make it out together.

She tweedled the dart. Not for one millisecond did she forget it was there. It was there for a reason.

“I… Well, I took a lot of classes. AP literature, biology, chemistry, human geography, some other stuff that I honestly didn’t need- well technically I need none of them right now. It’s all- It’s for college credit and, well, I don’t really think I will… go… to college…”

She trailed off and her eyes trailed away.

“I, um, already ate the sandwich. So. Uh. I don’t think I need more. Used to be on a diet and all. I think I can manage it.”

Her hands stroked the side of the boat. She wondered what would happen if someone just decided to row one of these boats out of the arena or swim out or something. Probably the collar exploding. Definitely the collar exploding. She looked up at Mateo and blinked.

She blinked.

She blinked. Again.

She blinked the tears away.

Silent. Streaking down.

“Oh god I’m crying again. I, um, I do that easily. It’s, uh, it’s a thing that happens to-to human bodies easily like that. Leaking tears. Don’t-don’t mind me. Please. Just- I don’t even know why I’m crying.”
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Mateo took another bite of his sandwich while patiently listening to Leah's lists of AP subjects. He was somewhat impressed by the number of subjects Leah had to take. For someone who barely passes his previous test, he could never fathom the purpose of AP classes, seeing that the main classes were already stressful enough. And to think that she might have taken them since joining high school...

He tapped his finger on the jetty floor while staring blankly at the bright sky, his sandwich now remaining to its final bits. Come to think about it, he wasn't certain which college did he wished to enroll in. Not that it mattered though, he had a near-to-zero chance of making it out alive anyway.

He finished off his last bite while turning his attention back to Leah. And for some reason, she's...crying?

He wanted to ask if she was okay, but that just sounded too insensitive. He did not recall himself saying anything which might offend her, either.

It's probably some personal stuff. Yea, it most likely is.

He should probably say something.

"Heyy uhm..." Somehow consoling someone in this situation seemed difficult. "I uhm...it's okay. Just take your time."
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A teardrop slid down her face.

Her body curled up, defensively, and she did not know if it was supposed to protect her organs or her crying face.

She didn't know Mateo very well. She didn't know anyone very well. She hoped that he was taking this situation in better than she did, but the worst part of her hoped that everyone was doing worse than her.

Her sleeves wiped a few more tears off. She shouldn't push him away. She shouldn't. But she was vulnerable and defenseless and he was nearby and bigger than her.

A teardrop slid down her face.

She hated that wetness.

A teardrop slid down her face. Again. She could never break that cycle.

"I think I'm doing OK now? I, um, I don't really know."

A teardrop slid down her face.

She remembered that everybody was watching her.

Another teardrop slid down her face. Streaked. Wet. Disgusting.

She remembered that it wouldn't matter.

"T-Thanks. For, um, being nice to me, I mean."
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"Uhmm...No problem! I guess..."

Mateo folded the now-empty plastic film package into one-tenth of its original size and kept it in one of the small pockets of the backpack. He wasn't sure why he did that. As much as he noticed, there weren't any garbage cans around, and throwing it right into the ocean seemed...wasteful. Maybe he would use it at some point while crafting something defensive, like an armor. Maybe.

He stared back at Leah, tears still running down from the side of her cheeks. Despite being a sociable person, he was still not getting used to consoling a person having a breakdown. He kept a gentle smile on his face, but deep down he was scared, no, worried.

"I think I'm doing OK now? I, um, I don't really know."

It didn't take Mateo too long to understand that she was lying.

'No you're not. Stop lying to yourself' He thought as he hugged his bag in front of him. He kept his silence, however, not wanting to reveal the truth. In a way, he did felt some sympathy for her, knowing that she could have gone through something that caused her to react that way. He could tell that she felt helpless, especially after being forcefully signing up for a TV show and had her main weapon stolen.

He could have just walked away and left her be, or keeping completely silent.

But he just wouldn't. He didn't want to.

After all, it's what he was supposed to do, right? To gain trust from others by accompanying them when they're at their weakest state. Even if you're in a killing TV show where any signs of kindness might lead you to your utmost demise.

"By the way, just letting you know that if there's something on your mind, just don't mind telling me. Alright?" Mateo told Leah in a concerned tone. He wasn't sure if he was using the right choice of words, but he just wanted to confirm that she was okay.
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He still didn't get it.

Why was he trying to comfort her? Why was he being so kind? He shouldn't be kind. He was going to end up either less kind or dead.

Maybe he was just naïve. Maybe he needed a wake up call. Maybe she could be his wakeup call.

She thought about the darts.

She thought about their bandannas.

She thought about the darts again. Their sharp edges.

The way Mateo was open for an attack.

Leah opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Leah couldn't spit it out. Leah didn't want him to hear her admit everything. Leah couldn't spit it out. Leah was a fucking coward. Leah didn't deserve this. Leah didn't deserve his kindness. Leah didn't deserve to live. Leah didn't have a chance of surviving if she couldn't even spit it the fuck out and say everything and scream everything and let it all out and do something.

"Yeah, um, I got it. I'm just, you know, going through a lot right now. Aren't, well, aren't you?"

She faked a look of concern. She had a genuine look of concern.

Why aren't you freaking out? Why aren't acting the way that you should?

She thought about the darts again. Their sharp edges.

Did she even want Mateo to live? She probably didn't. She swore she was a good person when she thought that. Mateo should die before he had to turn into someone he didn't want to be. Mateo needed to die, didn't he?

She could do that for him. She thought about the weapons with her. She thought about what she could do without a weapon. (Kick him, punch him, strangle him, smash his head against the floor of the boat until the brain squeezed out from the skull.) But she didn't do that, because she just wasn't that kind of person. Maybe she felt bad for thinking about that, but she really shouldn't. She wanted him to die for his own good. She wanted him to die happy and kind and himself. She liked him. She wanted him to die because she liked him. (Or maybe he was just faking it all, he was just lying, what if she felt bad for nothing-)

Instead, she leaned in a bit towards him (nonthreatening, just enough to be noticable, she couldn't do anything impressive couldn't she-), like she was trying to convince herself that they could just hug and cuddle and be friends.
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"...aren't you?"

Mateo felt a shiver down his spine as if someone just exposed his lies. He sat still, his once relaxed body now stiffened a little.

No, he was lying. Not only towards Leah, but to himself too. Like, hell, they were both literally being kidnapped onto a killing TV game show, where the only winning options are either escaping (which Mateo admit that he did not have the brains to do so) or killing their way out of here. And even if they went for the killing strategy, he knew clearly how limited his chances were, not to mention surviving along with another person...

No, he was not okay. Never was after the game started.

But he had no options left. He could not think of an escape plan, nor wanting to kill the first person he met in the game. He was desperate, not as terrible as Leah, but desperate nonetheless. He wanted to yell towards the ocean about his terrible luck early in the game, how he was straight up injured 5 seconds after waking up, and how he knew he could never win in a game of murder. He wanted to cower and hide in fear for the rest of the game, hoping no one could catch him.

But he just couldn't do it.

So the best he could do was to make as many allies as possible. Surely people who were fond of you won't kill you, right? At least not that instant?

Mateo knew this was a terrible plan. He was an idiot by doing so. But he wanted to be known as a kind and friendly idiot.

His smile stiffened a little, his gaze turned a little from Leah in shame. 'Hide it. Don't show it. Don't let them know you're terrified.' He told himself as he relaxed his body again.

Because for him, fear was a weakness. A flaw that people could manipulate and take advantage of.

"Ahaha, yeaaa, I guess so..." Mateo replied, still hesitating on his answer as his volume get lower after each word. "Wouldn't say I went through a lot. But the problems I faced before are the least of my concerns now..."

As he was about to complete his sentence, he noticed Leah approaching him. He remembered the dart she was grabbing a few minutes ago. He was nervous and frightened. He wanted to run away, but he was too shocked to do so. He wanted to ask her what was she going to do...

Instead, she just leaned near him. Not in an intimidating way, but in a more friendly manner, like a friend wanting to talk by sitting beside him. He was relieved, but not enough to completely let his guard down. He noticed her hands were not armed with anything, maybe she really was just trying to be friendly...?

It's a shame. She could had been a really great friend to have. A good person that deserved more love and caring.

"Feeling better now?" Mateo asked her, this time in a more gentle tone. He wanted to give her a hug, or at least a head pat to show her that not everyone was here to kill or to win. Some just want to live. Or at least to be a nice person till their final moments.

"Uhm...A bit awkward to ask this, but do you mind if I give you a hug? Y'know, just one short one..." He asked Leah, his tone much lower than usual. He did not want to frighten her further, but he wanted to show that he could be trusted.
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Her fingers clenched. Her muscles clenched.

She readied herself-

No. She couldn't do it. She couldn't do it.

(She didn't have to. She always assumed the worst of people. He was kind. He was kind. That's all there was fucking to it.)

Leah un-clenched. Let herself accept physical contact.

Let herself smile.
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And that was all he needed to hear.

Slowly and carefully, he gently wrapped his arms around her back. He made sure that his embrace was not too tight and close, and there was still a small distance between them. The hug was not just a friendly one, it was also a sympathetic one, a warmful clasp which hopefully would show Leah that she was not suffering alone. Despite still feeling a bit static, he could feel Leah being more relaxed when they first met a few minutes ago. It's a great start, knowing that now she trusted him as a friend. He leaned his head on her shoulder as he started to murmur mildly, not too loud but enough for Leah to hear the message.

"It's all gonna be okay..."

This time, instead of a fake motivating tone, Mateo actually sounded...petrified. It was as if he accidentally let his insecurities and fears came out, something which he had been trying to hide since the game started. It had been a long time since he hugged someone, especially when he was feeling down or terrified. He wanted the moment to stay, to felt secure for once without fearing that he might die in any second. It was the few moments where he would let his mask slipped, even if it was only for a few seconds.

And honestly, that felt great.

And it felt like time had actually slowed down like they weren't in a killing game, to begin with...

Killing game...


Realizing that he might be hugging her a few seconds too long, he swiftly released her from his grasp and started panicking about what to do next. He tried to avoid eye contact, considering how awkward that would have been.

"Uhm... Sorry, that must've been really awkward..."
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She took a breath and-

There were hands around her. Warm. Bigger than her. Leah thought that she was always so small. On a little boat in the middle of a big, big ocean, in the arms of a big, big man and.

and she.

and it felt like too much but she didn't want to pull away. Even if he was murmuring all these fake words in a faker voice.

She wrapped his hands around him in a sort of friendly, huggey way.

She didn’t let herself sob again, and then, and then these arms pulled away too fast and she couldn’t grasp on to them anymore and she didn’t really know what to do as his eyes averted from her.

Maybe he wasn't apologetic. It was still awkward, though.

But it was the perfect opportunity.

To strike.

To run.

“I, um, well, it was great meeting you but I’m pretty sure that I have to leave right now because, um, well… I mean yeah you know we aren’t on the same team and all and it’s for your own good, OK?”

She held back her shove. Her stab. All the things she could have done, she didn’t. All the opportunities that she’ll never revisit again and all the futures that she could have missed. Maybe in another timeline there was a Leah who mustered up the courage to act out what she only thought. Mateo gave her nothing but love and she didn’t want to give him nothing but violence.

She didn’t have to give him anything back. She didn’t have to be a good person or even a reasonable one. She could have been anything. And yet, and yet, she let Mateo hug her and she let Olivia rob her and she let-

“I just… it wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t. It was, um, I, um, I just hope that you could find a teammate soon. Because, I, well, I’m not- I don’t trust myself to not hurt you, OK?”

Say it. Say it before you do it. If she screamed her intentions loud enough maybe they would disappear. Maybe if she spoke them into reality she would have these thoughts stop, like earworms or- she didn’t know what to compare them to, actually.

Her hands reached into her bag. She felt the arrow.

She felt the arrow.

She thought about using it.

She thought about the way it would pierce through his flesh if she stabbed hard enough.

Instead, she held onto a lightweight bag (she never liked seaweed anyways) and threw it at his face with all the feeble strength in her arms.

“Goodbye,” she said, louder and wavering, as she sprinted as hard as she could, until her breaths hurt.

((she went back.))
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...And there she goes.

Mateo stared blankly at Leah as she hurriedly left the area. It was a bummer, knowing that she still would not trust him or herself enough to be in the same area. Though in a way he could totally understand what she meant.

They were in different teams after all. Even if they managed to survive there would be a certain point in the game where one of them had to die.

He sat still as the girl rushed away from him, further and further, until she could no longer be seen from sight. He did not even attempt to stop her, seeming as if it would be pointless to do so anyway.

it's crazy what fear could do to a person.

It was at this moment where he felt that the sprawl was silent than ever.

And now, it's time for him to leave.

Quickly, he regathered all his items and wandered on. Maybe he would finally get lucky and met someone from his team this time...

((Mateo Ormeno continued elsewhere))
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