The Arrival

The outer sprawl is, like the inner, a range of assorted ships, but the further towards the fringes one ventures, the sparser and more dilapidated the boats become. It's quite possible to camp out in an isolated vessel here, and unlike most other parts of the arena, many of these boats have only a single point of entry, putting those sheltering within at risk of becoming cornered.
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The Arrival


Post by Polybius »

Calla Evans shielded her eyes as she rose from the darkness. The morning light was blinding on top of the deck. Her heart pounded with a mixture of fear, excitement, nervousness, glee, and god knows what else. As her eyes adjusted and she scanned the deck, she calmed slightly. There was no one here aside from herself... and of course, all those viewers from across the world.

The old wood groaned beneath her as she traversed the length of the small ship. Warm breeze blowing through her hair, she leaned over the railing. From here, Calla felt like a hawk perching over her hunting ground. She could see the battlefield, the motley assortment of ships and the flimsy walkways connecting them. It was an unusual arena, and that could work to her advantage. Most of Calla's classmates had probably been on boats before, but this strange jungle of metal was unlike anything they'd ever seen. The alien setting would heighten the already-present fear and panic. They'd make mistakes. A few unlucky fools would surely fall off and drown.

Calla, of course, was above any of that. She was ready for this. She had studied this game for years and years. She'd never viewed it as preparation, of course. The chances of being chosen were abysmally low. She'd made fun of those dorky kids online who talked about training every day in case they were ever on SOTF. Calla had never once truly entertained the idea of being chosen.

But she was chosen. Somehow, the producers had picked Mangrove Garden out of the tens of thousands of options. Calla had been given an extraordinary opportunity. If she rose to the occasion, she would reach far greater heights than she ever could have hoped for in her normal life. And she was ready. She knew she was. She took a deep breath, and the beating in her chest slowed. This was her game.

She glanced over the deck. Cameras stuck to the mast. They all looked at her. She was the only important thing here. People were watching her: from televisions, computer, phones, and tablets. Right now, the viewers were looking for which contestants deserved their attention. Those who were watching her right now, standing on the deck of an small sailing boat - they had to know they had chosen right. She'd show them.

Calla's hand drifted over the smooth metal band around her neck. The microphone within could pick up anything she said. And, if it was anything like the last couple of seasons, the collar could talk back.

"Shiva. I have one tiny question for you. If I get ten kills, can I refuse to have myself or anyone else leave?"
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Team Affiliation: Shiva's Sirens


Post by backslash »

A voice rings out from Calla's collar:

"Miss Evans, I've consulted with the producers and been told that you would not be forced to leave the arena if you didn't wish to. I'd advise against trying that, though. You'd have a very big target on your back in this hypothetical circumstance."
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Post by Polybius »

Calla laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, Shiva."

She doubted it would come to that. But it was good to know. And it made an impression. Calla looked down at the blue and white bandanna currently tied around her wrist. it was an ugly thing. The colors clashed with her image, and she didn't quite know the best place to wear it. She resented having to show it at all times, and she hated what it represented. Team wins, ten kill wins... it was all nonsense.

Calla smiled at the closest camera. She looked right into the lens, and even though she couldn't see it, she could feel all the people staring back at her.

"My name's Calla." she announced "I'm going to be the only winner this season. Watch closely."

She pushed herself off from the rail and made her way to the jetty. That would make an impression. It was a bold promise, and probably outside of her power. But she'd follow through. It was insane, but in that moment she knew she could do it.

Well, there was nothing wrong with a little insanity.

((Calla Evans continued in Water))
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