VHS Horror


The nicest quarters in the cruise ship, these rooms are designated "Captain's Quarters" by a plaque outside, though it's unclear whether the actual captain of the vessel took possession of them or whether they instead were used as a VIP suite. The rooms here include a bedroom with a king-sized bed (clean and recently made), a sitting room with a widescreen television and a bookcase (the former nonfunctional, the latter filled with SOTF paraphernalia and writings), a bathroom with a tub and steam shower, and a small personal kitchen. Accessible from the corridors, the suite also opens to a small balcony, which offers direct access to the decks.
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VHS Horror


Post by KamiKaze »

In SOTF fandom, there was common wisdom: first impressions weren’t everything, but they did inform.

This was certainly true of one student. The first time the audience saw her, she’d struggled against her restraints, glaring. Those glares turned to pained winces as the other contestants started screaming and shouting. Eventually, they turned to loud breathing, interspersed with a renewed struggle. Some noted her appearance: a tall, slender Chinese-American girl, with long black-to-pink ombre pigtails. Her outfit was of note to some, too; black overall shorts, skeleton tights, black and white striped crop-top, fishnet gloves, a heart-shaped pendant, a tattoo choker, and a black hat.

According to the website, her name was Mary Cheung.

Some information about her was already being floated around. Aside from a blurb on the website, she was active on social media and was involved in drama productions. Not to mention, her family was apparently very influential. The fandom had a way of figuring out details about contestants, long before anything happened, sometimes within hours of the opening ceremony. In Mary’s case, it didn’t take long.

A story started to form.

Mary Cheung was born and raised in Miami. Her family was decently well-off, enough to send their daughter to Mangrove Garden. They were religious, her father owned a church and taught theology at a University. Her mother, in turn, was an attorney. Mary liked fashion, and acting, and had experience with modeling. She liked her rabbits, and essential oils, and going out, and making her own outfits, and cooking, and listening to music. She came off as only vaguely popular; there was evidence she wasn’t super well-liked. Mary started to come off as a misfit, something that even her mentor agreed on.

Needless to say, the more hardcore followers of SOTF already had their thoughts.

Those thoughts were added on to when Mary woke up sprawled on the captain’s quarters suite bed, then sat up to rub her head. Out of context, it looked like she’d just woken up after a night of partying. Mary had bit her lip, pushing aside her black-to-pink ombre hair. You could tell she was shaking, as the situation dawned on her.

Then, the beeping started.

Mary recoiled, looking for the source. The beeping went by quicker and quicker until she seemed to remember something. She ripped open the bag next to her, found the black and red bandana, and fumbled with it, eventually managing to tie it around her wrist.

The beeping stopped. Mary let out a few gasps.

A few checked in on her afterward. It was nothing notable for a while: Mary looking around the suite, trying to turn on the TV, cleaning herself up a bit, a little mundane and not generally not worth noting. It was some time-- about an hour-- before anything else of note happened.
[+] Transcript
Mary has since readjusted herself to sit at the edge of the bed, legs placed on the floor. She has her designated oar laid on her legs, and fiddles with it absentmindedly by rolling it across her lap. Her hat could be seen on her left side, her bag just behind her. She is looking directly into the camera, sniffling for a moment. Then, she smiles, reaching up to touch her hair. Eventually, she smiles and opens and closes her mouth as if she’s trying to figure out what to say. Soon, she speaks:

MARY: Uh… hello. Hi. Yeah… can you hear me? Uh… not sure what you know about me already, but uh… my name’s Mary. Cheung. Yeah.

Mary giggles some

MARY: Yeah… uh, so I might as well properly introduce myself. I’m Mary. What is there to say about me? Uh… okay. So, I’m into acting and fashion. I like looking like this--

Mary uses a hand to gesture towards her outfit

MARY: Yeah. I’m a bit of a spooky girl? I’ve done modeling, both kinda officially and like, on my own. Follow me on Instagram if you haven’t already. Also, my bunnies. They have an Insta too now. Their names are Oswald and Ivy. Well, we call Oswald Ozzy, but you know.

Mary laughs.

MARY: What else… uh, I don’t eat meat or wheat, so I tend to cook for myself. I’m Christian, my dad’s clergy, so I’m kinda a cliche sorta. Um...

Mary stops smiling, takes a deep breath.

MARY: I’ll be honest, er, I wasn’t ever big on SOTF. People at school were, but like, I always found it kinda boring and uncomfy. I wasn’t ever allowed to watch it, to begin with, but like, I was naughty and tried to some time ago. I never jived with it, so I stopped. So… does that make me a heathen? Maybe. Maybe…

Hey, listen. Even though I found it boring and gross, I promise I’ll at least make it interesting? My time here, I mean. Like, dunno. I dunno what I’ll do.

Her voice wavers a bit

MARY: I dunno what I’ll do. I promise I won’t be a bore, though. If I’m dying here, might as well make it interesting. Might as well… put on a show. I guess?

Another laugh.

MARY: Anyways… erm, I got this, at least--

Mary slaps her hand against the oar.

MARY:-- So I might be okay for the time being. Useful’s useful, right? So uh… hopefully we’ll be able to chat again soon.

Mary hesitates, then blows a kiss at the camera.
Later, she packed up her things and placing her hat on her head and her oar across her shoulder, she slid off the bed and opened the door.

The camera followed. And the audience was left with their own first impressions.

((Mary Cheung continued in They Only Want You When You're 17, When You're 21 You're No Fun))
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The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

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Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

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Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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