Slam's character

Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 67, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by Rattlesnake »


Name: Junji Yamada
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: SOTF-TV, SOTF-TV gag dubbing, Anime, Video Games including Streaming, Guns, Pornography

Appearance: Junji is a large, overweight man, standing at 6’3” and weighing 307 lbs. He is Japanese-American, with a tan skin tone.

Junji’s black hair has grown out quite long, and he keeps it tied back in a pony-tail that reaches the nape of his neck. As Junji only showers around once a week, his hair often has a greasy appearance. His body odour is also usually subpar, masked only be applications of cheap body spray.

Junji’s features are heavyset due to his weight. His face is rounded, with brown eyes. He has a short forehead, thin eyebrows, and a strong nose. His mouth is wide, and his teeth are poorly maintained. He has thin, patchy stubble across his face and neck. He is moderately short sighted, so he wears a pair of black square framed glasses.

Junji usually wears a green military fatigue jacket over a variety of SOTF-TV branded tank-tops, and a pair of dog tags with his name and ‘#001’. He forgoes the jacket when the weather gets too hot, which is often for him due to his weight. On his bottom half he wears black sweatpants and sneakers. He always wears a pair of studded black fingerless leather gloves. When picked up for SOTF-TV, he was wearing his complete typical ensemble.

Biography: Junji was born to Daisuke Yamada, an electrician, and Seiko Yamada née Komine, a journalist, on January 5th. The family have lived in Miami for all of Junji’s life, Daisuke and Seiko being second generation immigrants. Junji has a younger brother, Aizawa, who was born six years after him.

As a child, Junji came across as dull and slow-witted. This was because he rarely expressed much emotion, as very little phased him, or tried to interact with people, as he found most of them boring. He would spend a lot of his time staring at the television, rarely showing much interest in other activities. His parents made a token effort to make him more active, but they gave up far too soon and left him to his own devices. This was because they were preoccupied with their own jobs and found Junji’s lack of outward affection unsettling.

When he started school, Junji did not make many friends. Always big for his age, a lot of the kids found that mixed with his stoic demeanour off-putting, and he was rarely invited to join in any games. When he did, he was equally slow and a frustrating player to be stuck with. Junji felt alienated by this, but responded by writing off his classmates and so spent many recesses alone.

For his seventh birthday, Junji received a handheld games console for his birthday, in order to keep him distracted while his little brother was being looked after, and so his parents wouldn’t have to deal with his apathy directly. When he wasn’t watching TV, he would play games instead. He would take it to school, playing with it during recess so as to avoid awkward social contact, and would interact with his classmates even less.

On one occasion an uppity youth decided to try and show off by picking on Junji, yanking the console out of his hands in the middle of a game and wasting Junji’s life. Junji responded by slapping the boy in the face, which left quite a mark given the size difference between the two. When the other boy ran off, thoroughly intimidated, Junji went back to his game.

The incident drew staff attention. Already concerned with his stoic, withdrawn nature, but preoccupied with the other students up to that point, it was decided that Junji needed to do more to get involved with his peers.

Unfortunately, every attempt failed. Junji was reluctant to go to any clubs, and even more reluctant to actually take part. His parents, now preoccupied with Aizawa who was a lot more engaged and playful, didn’t make much effort to get Junji to interact. The school tried to help him, but nothing seemed to take.

Junji just found other people boring. Compared to the fantasy worlds on television and his games, his classmates were predictable and unexciting. He much preferred to live in the worlds of superheroes and action stars than pretend to care about mundane real people.

At age nine, Junji finally made a friend who could keep his attention named Stokely ‘Stokes’ Keeper. Junji’s mother was a co-worker and friend of Stokes’ mother at the news website where they both worked. Seiko wound up babysitting Stokes when her mother's scheduling necessitated it. Although Junji knew of Stokes from school, he hadn’t interacted with her much.

At first, he wanted to continue keeping his distance, but the two bonded over their shared love of cartoons, particularly those produced by SOTF-TV. These shows substituted the genuine violence of the series proper for excessive slapstick comedy, with players exploding into colourful sparkles when defeated in place of dying. Over time they became close friends, as Stokes was someone who Junji didn’t consider boring, and she didn’t want him to play any games he was bad at.

Through Stokes, Junji started to come out of his shell. His more outgoing friend was the stepping stone to him starting to interact with his classmates. While he didn’t make many more friends, as he still lacked good social skills and was not well liked, he did become more outspoken. Anyone he didn’t get along with, he’d often make fun of them to Stokes at a later time.

Growing older, his parents continued to placate him with more video games and smart devices, along with a generous weekly allowance to fund his own activities. Junji became utterly consumed with his screens, and would spend all time alone with them. It did give him another means to get social interaction, as he started to use message boards to discuss the shows and games he was interested in, though he continued to conduct himself poorly.

As he continued gaming, he became particularly enamoured with first person shooters, enjoying the action and getting to beat other players. He took losses relatively well, not losing his cool by returning any insults back tenfold, though he did on one occasion slam his monitor into the floor after a particularly bad loss. His parents were upset over this, but all it amounted to was an argument that led nowhere, and eventually they replaced the monitor after a long period of whining by Junji. He started playing online when he was ten and has kept it up to the present.

In middle school, Junji had to deal with his poor reputation. Already 5’8” even at age 12, he rarely had to worry about people trying to attack him, but many students talked about him behind his back, and he knew it. The fact that he had been continuously gaining more and more weight throughout his childhood, due to his total lack of exercise and slow metabolism, didn’t help matters either. His parents had watched him grow heavier over the years, but had chosen to ignore it rather than go through the difficulty of trying to persuade Junji to act otherwise. He also failed to develop good hygiene habits, as he wasn’t bothered by his own odour and felt little incentive to take care of himself otherwise.

This actually started to bother him, mostly because it was the girls doing it. Heading into puberty, he was starting to lust after the girls in his class, but knew that they’d never be interested in him. It frustrated him to no end. Stokes was the exception to his lust, as she was much more the cool sister from another mother in his eyes.

Faced with the choice of cleaning up his appearance and becoming more desirable, or ignoring them in favour of virtual women, Junji chose the latter as it was a lot easier. He developed an interest in Japanese dating sims, that eventually honed in on ones containing pornographic content. He circumvented the age restrictions and costs of these games by regularly downloading them from pirate sites. Finally, he forsook the sims altogether and cut straight to the scenes he was really after.

This led him into anime and manga as a new form of media, getting suggestions on what to watch from the various message boards he had picked up dating sim suggestions from. He became particularly enamoured with the ultraviolent series of the 90s, the intense action scenes and graphic bloodshed exciting him to no end.

When it came time for high school, Junji decided he wanted to attend Mangrove Garden High School. This was because he knew Stokes was planning to attend it and didn’t want to be separated. He also liked the look of the campus, and it was well placed for an easy commute from home.

Academics were not Junji’s strong point though, as he never paid attention in class and never studied because he didn’t care. He didn’t bother to ask for his parents to pay for private schooling, as he had a very distant relationship with them and his brother by this point, so he opted to cheat instead.

He put some effort into preparing for the exam, the most studying he’d done in his life at that point, and planned ahead for the rest. His parents did not know how to make of this apparent sudden interest in learning, but they decided to try to encourage Junji and supporting him in taking the exam.

On the day of the exam he sewed his smartphone into a mesh net inside the lining of a baggy pair of trousers, letting him turn out his pockets without raising alarm. He then completed as much of the exams as he could, and memorised the questions that he was stuck on. Prepared to enact the final stage, he headed into the bathroom and feigned a long toilet stall use with sounds pre-recorded on the phone, while simultaneously looking up the answers.

The plan let him eke his way into the bottom of the top 50, getting him the scholarship to Mangrove. He realised that he’d have to maintain the pretence that he’d actually been smart all along, so he started putting in more effort into his schoolwork when it came to tests, and hiring online services to complete essays and written work for him the rest of the time. He still performed poorly, but well enough to avoid failing.

Junji remained unpopular at Mangrove, but he was infamous due to his large size and obnoxious behaviour. He started aggravating his classmates purely to get a reaction, confident that he was safe from repercussions.

This was the result of him getting into the hobby of trolling on social media under various aliases. It gave him a venue to vent his annoyance with being made fun of by the people in his class, and he took great pleasure in easily pushing people’s buttons.

As he realised more people were avoiding crossing his path, he felt emboldened to repeat his actions in person. Off the internet, he would openly insult his classmates or remind them of embarrassing moments in their past. As long as the conflict stayed verbal, he would retort endlessly, showing little sensitivity to their own insults.

When the conflicts turned physical, he had more mixed results. Against smaller classmates he’d pushed far enough, he could usually dissuade them from acting further with a single hard shove, avoiding any serious fights and claiming to just be messing around. On the few occasions when it wasn’t enough, he could usually overpower them with his sheer weight. Against the few classmates he lacked this advantage, he was fairly powerless. He eventually learned not to antagonise these students, if only to avoid pain and embarrassment. Over time he became less sensitive to being in fights, but he still chose to avoid them as often as he could.

Although Junji hadn’t put much thought into his future outside of what games were coming out soon, a presentation from the US military at the school gave him some direction. Far from interested in serving his country, he was interested in the big guns and the big cars. Suddenly he saw a means to turn his first-person shooters into reality, even if the weaponry was more mundane, and he decided to pursue a career in the military after high school.

He never attempted to get into better shape, ignoring the vital component of exercise in military service, and became a gun hobbyist instead. His parents refused to buy him any guns before he turned 18, so he took to airsoft as a temporary measure while researching guns online. He never found it particularly satisfying, but he still enjoyed the target practice and looked forward to when he’d be old enough to fire real guns. Over time his marksmanship did improve to a fairly good level, as a result of how regularly he went shooting.

When not shooting people in games or shooting targets on the range, Junji continued watching movies and television shows. He’d become a big fan of SOTF-TV, given its ability to satisfy his love of violence and action. He’d often discuss the show with Stokes and anyone else who would listen, one of the few topics people could engage him with where he’d speak openly and without trying to aggravate people. Even when they disagreed, he was comparatively relaxed and didn’t immediately resort to insulting.

Junji also got involved in Stokes' gag dub of SOTF-TV starting in high school. He would lend his limited voice acting skills to men as she needed. As he had no boundaries as far as inappropriate humour went, he was happy to say whatever the script called for with no regard for the victims he was mocking. Although he lacked much variety between his voices, his delivery was actually quite reasonable due to his relaxed approach to the show.

The perceived online exposure prompted him to start streaming his gaming sessions. He made a token effort to entertain the audience, but mostly just went on insulting his opponents and saying whatever he felt like. He managed to attract a very small audience of people who were drawn to his lack of filter, whether it was because they related to it or because they wanted to point and laugh at him. Like most insults, the latter just washed off Junji's back as he would brush them off with an insult of his own then go back to gaming.

Junji continues to have a very distant relation with his family. He doesn’t pick on his little brother, because he doesn’t care enough. As long as his family leaves him alone to watch his shows and go shooting, while also paying him a regular allowance that covers his cheating and gaming, he more or less ignores them. His parents, likewise, give him berth in favour of trying to make sure his little brother is more successful and likeable, a factor that often results in excessive pressure on Aizawa.

In school, Junji continues to have a poor but passing average. He isn’t interested in any subjects, and does the bare minimum in all his classes. Despite this, he always brags that he could ace any subject if he actually cared to, which he genuinely believes through selective memory and outright delusion. The school has attempted to push him into working harder, but he brushes off such attempts and most of the staff have given up on him in favour of more engaged, charismatic students.

Junji continues substituting pornography for any attempts at genuine romantic relations, and his tastes have broadened to cover a whole spectrum of content. He keeps several gigabytes of favoured content stored on his laptop and phone for regular access, with only a token attention to his surroundings.

He still enjoys anime regularly, which comes only second to SOTF-TV. He is particularly fond of shows which feature similar plots to SOTF-TV, due to the even more gratuitous violence and fanservice the animated medium allows.

Junji continues to intend to join the army, as his goals in life revolve around firing off big guns and being surrounded by explosions, and he believes the army is the best way to achieve this. He has yet to speak to anyone from the military about his prospects or attempt to get advice; he assumes he’ll be able to enlist as soon as he turns eighteen, with no plans to finish his high school education first.

Advantages: Junji is very large and imposing, and has been known to get into fights with people smaller than him. He has been on the losing end of a number of poorly chosen fights, as well as regularly mocked, and hence is less sensitive to getting hit or insulted than others. He practices regularly with his airsoft gun, and has at least developed a decent aim, even if he doesn’t have real firearm experience. He has been consuming violent media since he was a kid, so he is unlikely to be phased by violence. He is supremely confident in his abilities, and will face threats head on regardless of the danger.
Disadvantages: Junji is very unpopular at school, due to his aggravating personality and poor hygiene, and is unlikely to make allies. He is deluded about his actual level of ability, and will not pause to consider potential threats that aren't visibly bigger than him, or other potential limits. He also won’t filter himself in conversation, making him hopeless in situations where diplomacy is required. He is in terrible physical shape, and won’t have any stamina for extended brawls, fleeing or chasing. His body odour will also make stealth that much harder.

Designated Number: BC10


Designated Weapon: Filleting Knife

Mentor Comment: "Hey kids, do you like violence? Because Junji sure does. Honestly I don't know if I need to add anything else, this kid with this weapon? The conclusions practically write themselves."


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