Program V3 Timeline/Deadlines

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Program V3 Timeline/Deadlines


Post by Mini_Help »

Attention, Mini Handlers:

Staff have created the following rough timeline for Program V3, which we are sharing so that handlers can better prepare themselves. We intend to open Program V3 between December 1 and December 7. We are aware that this falls in a busy time of the year for handlers, and as such, applications will not immediately close, rolls will not be immediately conducted, and activity will not be immediately enforced.

New applications will be accepted until December 23, even as the game is ongoing, though handlers are still held to two characters total (that is to say, you cannot kill a character unrolled and then replace them). Any applications pending on December 23 may still be edited and approved until December 30, though staff activity levels may be lower in this time period so you should be as prompt as possible.

On January 1, 2019, activity enforcement will begin, meaning all characters must receive a post by the end of January 14, 2019, or be marked inactive. Sandbox will close. Furthermore, rolls will be conducted and posted on January 1 or 2.

In effect, this gives handlers room to start RPing and establishing characters in PV3 during the holiday season while at the same time taking our usual lax approach to activity and deadlines during this period and giving some extra wiggle room. It also sets us up to hit the ground running in the new year, with a full roster, rolls, and a game hopefully already decently established.

For convenience, the following calendar summarizes the above:
December 1-7: Program V3 starts. Applications remain open at this stage. Inactivity is not yet enforced.
December 23: Program V3 is closed to new applications. Pending applications may still be edited.
December 30: All profiles must have edits finalized by this date. Any profile not in acceptable form at this date isn't making the cut.
January 1: First rolls of PV3 (or else on January 2). Sandbox closes. Activity enforcement starts.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact staff or post to this thread. Also, remember that Mini staff applications are open for roughly one day and five hours more. If you'd like to get involved for PV3/the upcoming TV3 in a planning/staff position, now is the time to apply for that.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

In case it wasn't totally obvious, this timeline is slightly obsolete! We are pushing all deadlines back by at least two weeks (including the no-enforcement grace period, new apps, and so forth). A final schedule/list of dates will go up with game launch (hopefully very soon). Applications remain open until and unless stated otherwise.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey, handlers. As you have surely noticed, the original PV3 timeline slid a bit. That said, here is the updated version with deadlines revised to account for the current state of affairs:

Right now: Program V3 starts. Applications remain open at this stage. Inactivity is not yet enforced.
March 10: Program V3 is closed to new applications. Pending applications may still be edited.
March 17: All profiles must have edits finalized by this date. Any profile not in acceptable form at this date isn't making the cut.
March 20-23: First rolls of PV3. Sandbox closes. Activity enforcement starts.
April 12-15: First announcement and second rolls of PV3.

The game will thereafter continue on a schedule typical of Minis, with rolls about twice a month.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Quick update:

As V7's start is drawing a lot of attention and focus in the community right now, we are postponing PV3 midmonth rolls until roughly June 15. Enjoy the reprieve from death!
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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