public static void main(String[] args)


A large brick building with small, high windows, the cannery's inside is mostly one huge room, filled with rows upon rows of now-dormant conveyor belts where once fish were packed. Like much of the seaside space, the inside of this building absolutely reeks of fish, and the floor is coated with unidentifiable stains. While the machinery cannot be coaxed into operation, a small locker-room off to the side still contains a great number of aprons and heavy-duty gloves in varying sizes, all worn and soiled from years of use. Aside from the main entrance, there is a small door to the outside in the room with the aprons which can be secured and a large emergency exit opposite the main entrance which cannot be easily barred. There is a small restroom adjacent to the locker-room, with a single toilet and a sink. Large hoses used to wash down the floor each night after closing are still operable.
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public static void main(String[] args)


Post by CondorTalon »

F17: Penelope "Penny" Franklin, START

Well this was just a right bloody mess, wasn't it?

Penny had woken up a few minutes ago in what looked like a bathroom. The enormity of this situation hadn't really hit Penny. Or at least, it hadn't hit her all at once. For Penny, it had really come as a slow, constant burn. It had come as a bunch of small realizations laid on her one after another.

She'd been gassed... fuck. She was expected to kill her classmates... double fuck. She was given a gun to do so; an actual, genuine gun... well, it was cool in a way, but... like, seriously, fuck.


God, Penny didn't even know how to feel about it. Anger, was... pretty close, she guessed. Disbelief? Sure, she could jive with that. Disgust? Mostly at the smell.

She scratched at her face, before examining her gun again. She'd loaded it beforehand, before she fully realized what she was doing.

Could she kill?

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"This has got to be some kind of sick joke. If so, I ain't freakin' laughin'!"

M06 - Tiny Sterling - Start

Bloody Americans. They really had to ruin his life, didn't they? Ruin his plans for the future. He remembered that he had almost vomited over the teachers getting killed and everything else was just a blur to him. He was in what seemed to be a locker room and he wrinkled his nose up in disgust. He never wanted to wake up in a gross place like this.

Beggars can't be choosers.

He had checked his bag that had been beside him on the floor and he had wanted to swear after what was his so-called 'weapon'. A ventriloquist dummy. It was a little creepy. He could always throw it away. He could use his bare hands to kill-

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down there, Tiny! He wasn't gonna kill anyone! He didn't want to cross that line. No way!

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" He said more to himself than anyone else, pacing back and forth around the room. "Need a plan, need a plan...."

Nope. He couldn't think straight. His mind was totally blank at that moment.

"Well, shit!"
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Problem: Penny suddenly found out that she wasn't alone in the building, and in fact... it sounded like whoever was shouting was in fact right outside the bathroom. Whoever it was sounded (justifiably) angry.

Solution: Pop out and start shooting!

No, no, no no no no no. Come on, Penny, that's the stupidest shit you've ever thought.

Well, it was up there at least.

But this was a problem. She could just leave the room, hope the shouty angry man was friendly, and...

Hmm. Yeah, maybe not the bast plan. Though, to be fair... she did have a gun. But did the other guy? She didn't know.

Actually, suddenly kicking the door open wasn't really the best way to go about it either, was it? Surprised people don't always think clearly in that moment, and moment is all it takes, after all.

Hmm... how to go about this? Perhaps she just had to project an air of calmness, and maybe that would rub off on the guy, and get him to calm down.

"Hey? Hello?" Penny said uncertainly.

Now she'd wait to hear how the other guy would respond. If worst came to worst, then...

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Tiny felt his heart almost jump out of his skin as he heard a voice come from behind a door and he couldn't help but stare at it. He noticed that it had been a girl's voice, but he knew that he couldn't let his guard down. Girls could be as dangerous as guys. It didn't even matter if he was bigger and stronger. She could have a gun for all he knew. He did not want to act like a dumbass and get shot in the face by acting like a meathead.

Breathe in, breathe out, Tiny.

Tiny cleared his throat in an uncomfortable manner and he took a few steps away from the door, hoping to not be shot as soon as it was opened. "Hey... It's Tiny." Not the best way to make a conversation but it was better than not responding at all and making whoever this girl is more likely willing to kill him.

"Sorry for bein'.... rowdy out here. It just... You know...." He was stumbling over his words and he knew that he needed to chill out more. "Who wouldn't be scared shitless about this fucked-up shit, right?"

Tiny wasn't normally the type to swear, but right now it felt like he was completely justified in doing it.
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Ohhh, of course, Tiny. Good ol' Tiny. When one was stuck in a life or death situation, there was no better a person to run into than good ol' Tiny.


Like, literally who?

OKAY, okay, fine. She at least knew of the guy. It's quite an unlikely scenario where one isn't at least passingly familiar with the people that they go to school for four years with, especially someone with a unique name like Tiny.

They weren't friends. Barely acquaintances, but...

Well. Penny didn't know what was going to follow that 'but'.

"Hey, it's Penn- er... Penelope," she said, "Just so you know and aren't startled or nothin', but, uh... they gave me a gun, so... um, not that I'm planning on using it, right? But, just so we're on the same page, yeah?"

She didn't know what to follow that up with, so an uncomfortable silence followed for a few seconds.

"I'm, uh, gonna come out now, if that's okay," she said.
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Tiny really did feel like his head had got bashed in once and he just felt like he had forgotten half of his classmates' names. Heck, maybe he had passed out and hit his head at some point. Not that it felt like it was hurting and throbbing painfully. Those bloody Americans really must have messed up his head that badly. Not that it matter right now.

Tiny felt his eyebrow raise as Penelope mentioned that she did indeed have a gun and that she was not planning on using it. It seemed that she definitely had more luck on her side than him with his stupid dummy. If she was lying to him.... Well, he had to not let her actually use it. But he had to be smart about it without risking getting himself killed.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks for the warnin'. You're gonna be laughin' at my.... uh, weapon, for sure." Tiny said with a roll of his eyes as he stared down at the creepy dummy on the floor and he kicked at it out of disgust. "Sure, sure, come on out, girl."
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Penelope slowly opened the door to the bathroom before stepping out to the other room.

Ah, finally, after being trapped in a dirty bathroom, it was nice to get some fresh air... no, nope. Still smelled of fish. Reeked of fish. Penelope had to resist the urge to gag.

She came face to face with Tiny. She looked down, then around, taking stock of the room. It was a locker room, that much was obvious. Many of the lockers were closed, but some were open, and Penny could see weird, thick clothing hanging from the hooks inside the lockers. Her eyes trailed down further, looking to the floor. She noticed immediately then, something next to Tiny's foot.

"The hell is that?" she asked.

It stared up at her, its creepy eyes boring a hole through her head.

"That's... don't tell me that's your weapon," Penny said in disbelief.
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Tiny let out a bitter laugh as he noticed that Penelope's reaction was pretty much how he reacted to it and he felt a pang of distaste towards the Americans who were possibly laughing their heads off at this. It was always embarrassing that she had a weapon that were much more useful than a crappy-looking dummy.

"Well, yeah. Not that I'm happy about it." Tiny admitted honestly, putting his hands on his hips and he felt like he wanted to take his frustration out on the dummy again. But he did not. He didn't want Penelope to see him in a bad light. "What am I gonna do with...."

He felt himself trailing off as he realized that the dummy did not have a name and he didn't want to continue to call it 'The dummy'. It was time for a bad name and he couldn't be bothered to care. They had be forced into a scenario of killing each other and he was not really into joking around right now.

"....Sidney the Sidekick." He felt himself wanting to cringe just a little bit and he forced himself to hold off from doing that. "....Bore people to death with my lame act as a ventriloquist? No thanks!"

He then stared at the gun that Penelope had on her. That would definitely come in handy if he could even get his hands on it. He need to make sure to get on Penelope's good side and then he could try to steal it off her at some point.

HAH! He was a freakin' genius!
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Did he even try with that name? Wooooooooooow. Penny couldn't even form words at that. So she decided to change the subject of the conversation, and maybe that would lift the cloud of awkwardness around the whole situation.

"What should... ah... we do?" she asked. She didn't know whether or not she use the word 'they' there. She didn't know whether or not Tiny wanted to stick together. She didn't know whether or not she wanted to stick together. All she did know was that she wanted to get out of here. She wanted to get out here and just... away from all the fish.

And then... well, she didn't know at that point. Her plans up until this point were "don't die". Actually, that was generous. Really, her plans up until this point were


...Yyyeah. Not great. Penny hadn't been really thinking too far into the future, but she decided that she really needed to start.

She idly thought about her classmates. Would anyone them actually fall to the level of killing each other? She wanted to think that they were better than... the Americans.

She opened her mouth, hesitating before speaking.

"You don't... you don't think any of our class would actually... do it, right?"
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"I 'unno. I don't really have a clear idea of what to do right now. I'm still tryin' to wrap my head around all of.... this!"

Tiny said that simply for Penelope's first question and he knew that he should have a look at his map again to plan his next move. He was not doing his best to convince this girl to stay with him and he didn't want to let her go without that gun first. Okay, it looked he was really determined to get his hands on it after all.

Tiny stared at Penelope, his eyes were widen a little and he was now uneasy because of her next question. What the hell?

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Penelope, but I think there might be some people who are willin' to kill just to get back home or some shit like that." He then paused as he took a step closer to her and he kept his hands by his side to show that he was not a threat to her. "It really sucks, right?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

It... sucked?

Naw, that was wack. Of all the words that Penny would use to describe the situation in which some of the people she'd known for almost four years were willing to kill others just for the chance to go back home, 'sucks' wouldn't be first on that list. It wouldn't be at the bottom, sure, but not at the top, either. 'Horrifying' would probably be at the top.

But that wasn't the important point to take away from Tiny's statement.

"You... do you really think others would do that?" Penny asked. She found it hard to believe. They'd known each other... er, more or less, for almost four yours. They were definitely more familiar with each other than they were with the fucking Americans that were keeping them here, for sure. No one would... actually give in and give the Americans what they wanted, right?

But then... if they were, then... who knows what could happen?

The gun was in her hands. Its weight suddenly made itself known in her hands. What if this gun was the only thing getting between her and a psychotic classmate. Her grip on the gun tightened.

"What are we going to do?" she asked.
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Post by Primrosette »

Tiny was wondering if this girl was not really paying attention to his words about what he thought and it was a bit annoying to him. He never really liked others not listening to him properly. Whatever, it didn't really mattered. And he really didn't want to get pissed off at Penelope. Especially with that gun of hers. He was still tempted to get it off of her.

"I mean, if I didn't believe it, then I wouldn't say that stuff before, right?" He said, raising an eyebrow at her and he glanced around the room, looking to see if there was anything that he could use other than Sidney the Sidekick. "It doesn't really matter if we knew each other for so long. A lot of people do stupid things in desperate situations, you know."

Now she want to know what they were supposed to do? 'We'? So that meant that she was maybe trusting him not to stab her in the back. Well, he didn't want to kill her, there was no way he was going to do that. He just wanted the gun and then he would leave her to do whatever.

"Well, for a start, I want to see if I could find somethin' to use as a weapon other than Sidney." He clicked his tongue and then he was silent for a bit too long. "....To use in self-defence, of course."
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Post by CondorTalon »

Weapon? Right. Self-defense? Sure.

But Tiny's pause gave her pause. Penny's mind starting running through possibilities. Yeah, sure, self-defense was fine, and if Tiny was right, than having something to defend themselves would be ideal.

"I guess so," is all Penny said for a few seconds.

Penny took a deep breath, and then immediately regretted it as the stench of dead fish assaulted her nose. She had thought that she'd gotten accustomed to it, but nope.

She resisted the urge to gag.

"Let's... let's get out of this building, at least," Penny grumbled.
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Tiny's sense of smell had always been a weakness for him so he was definitely not as affected by the smell of rotten, cut-up fish. Not that he wanted to be in that building for much longer. It was freaking gross as hell. He was resisting the urge to swear out of frustration of the terrible situation that they were in. But now he couldn't pretend that there was no chance of the other classmates not turning on themselves and not him. He really did have to do whatever it took to survive.

"Yeah, I don't wanna stay in this crappy place any longer." He nodded in agreement with what Penny said; picked up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and then he scooped up Sidney into his hand. "I could all use him as a distraction. You never know who to really trust, right?"

He left her with that ominous question and he headed on out.

((Tiny Sterling continued in And T'Were Well That She Stood))
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Post by CondorTalon »

Yeah. Yeah, let's get out of here. Thank you.

Penny opened her mouth to respond to Tiny's statement about using the mannequin as a distraction, but closed it. As he left the room, he posited a good question.

Who could she trust in this situation? She needed to think about this logically. In a game like this, where there was a non-zero amount of people that were willing to kill, how much could she trust anyone? How much could she trust Tiny?

Her grip on the gun tightened.

She could really only trust herself here, couldn't she?

Could she even trust herself?

((Penny Franklin in And T'Were Well That She Stood.))
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