
To the south of the mess hall lies the ruins of what must have once been some form of barracks or living facility.The building, however, has been gutted by fire, leaving only ashes and blackened timber—the result of improper safety precautions in storage of explosives that eventually led to the abandonment of the entire island as an unsafe workplace. The building was clearly rather large, with the wreckage indicating a number of distinct rooms. The entire place is quietly ominous, a situation not helped by the fact that the layout of the ruins makes it impossible to keep an eye on the entirety of the surroundings at once.
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Post by Deamon »

Whatever response she had planned to give was rendered moot when the speakers cut through the silence. The voice that had been narrating their existence ran down the list of bodies. Only a small group of them remained. It wasn't a surprise, she had been expecting the end. As the sun rose and set upon each day they slowly fell away until there was only going to one left. This was the fate they endlessly walked towards, whether they realized it or not.

Everything from the first step to the last had been made to get them to where they were. The ghost knew as much, the boy, she did not know. It wasn't important if he had considered his role in the drama they were enacting. There was no illusion, they would remain alive, at least physically.

"Sure." Came the reply to his question as she stood and started to follow him.

Walking felt strange.

She had no choice though.

They had reached the end.

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