SOTF Mini Advanced Rules

Board and game rules, plus game information, are all located in this forum. Please read the Mini Core Rules prior to joining and participating in the site, and please consult the Mini Advanced Rules as necessary for further detail on specific topics.
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Acceptability of Characters Named After Real Life Individuals
While we understand that many handlers like to insert fictionalized versions of their friends/family into Mini, this can be extremely problematic. Mini turns up fairly high on Google results, and people tend to be very displeased when their personal information is attached to a fictional death game, especially if, say, they are written as psychotic murderers.

As such, characters must have their names changed enough as to be unconnected to real life friends and family of their writers by a Google search, unless the basis of the character has given express permission for the usage of their name, with full understanding of what the site is and what sort of stories are told. We realize that there is no way to double-check this before it becomes an issue, but if it does become an issue, (such as if we receive angry PMs and emails from someone asking us to take their name off the site), the consequences will be very dire indeed. There is no way to automatically replace names, so any change requires a massive amount of staff time and attention. Even a minor character may end up taking hours of by-hand replacement. More than that, coming up on Mini can be a bad thing for people when applying for jobs, and we don't want them to only find out after the fact that one of their friends accidentally caused them trouble.

Note that this only applies to characters based on people/the names of people who the handler knows. We're not going to penalize you if a random person has the same name as your character; the odds of picking a name with nobody attached to it are fantastically low. Similarly, we will not be changing names of characters at the request of people uninvolved with the character/handler, as even a cursory glance at the profile should prove that there is no relation. Basically, it's the old disclaimer about resemblance to real people living or dead being coincidental: if it is purely coincidental, everything's fine.
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On Plagiarism
Plagiarism, or the presenting of others' work as your own, is forbidden on Mini. It is an issue we take very seriously, and one that has come up with unfortunate frequency in our history.

We care about plagiarism for a number of reasons. We're a creative endeavor ourselves, and as writers we're part of one of the demographics most frequently affected by plagiarism. As a collaborative project, SOTF is also particularly affected as we can't cleanly change or remove one element of a story without it rippling to affect others; a character can't simply be removed from a version without requiring huge adjustments to every thread and interaction they were involved in. Even minor changes of a handful of lines can be labor-intensive in certain situations.

We consider the use of non-original characters and writing to be plagiarism. This can be as major as stealing characters, but it also encompass smaller things, like putting chunks of published novels into posts or stealing dialogue from comic books.

There's often a thin line between inspiration, homage, and plagiarism. We totally understand that these are all different things, and we absolutely allow handlers to take inspiration from other media and include nods and homages in their work. What is or is not okay is all about context.

Generally speaking, any character on SOTF should be easily recognizable as something besides an insert of some non-original character. If the character shares a first name and a hobby with a non-original character, but has other interests unrelated to the source material and a unique, non-copied personality, you're probably in good shape. If you pattern a character's personality off a story you like, but give them a wholly different name, backstory, and set of interests, you should be fine. However, if your character is Herlock Sholmes, master detective, that's not cool. This is true, for the record, even of characters who are, like Sherlock Holmes, in the public domain.

Similarly, you should almost always clearly indicate when you're quoting from or referencing material not created by you in your posts. If you want to interweave song lyrics, poetry, or a quote from Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment into your post, you're free to do so—provided you clearly indicate you are doing so and that the bulk of the post is by you. This can even easily be done in narrative in most cases; if your character is singing a song, they presumably know they didn't make it up and their awareness of this can convey that information to the audience. You don't even have to name the author; "He remembered some lines from a poem he read in English class, but could not for the life of him recall the author," is totally fine. The key thing is to make sure your audience knows you're not the original author of whatever you're putting in your post.

Please do not assume that something will be obvious to your reader to the point where clarifying isn't necessary. Our members come from a wide range of cultures and have a vast span of interests, so while a reference to the works of Robert Frost may indeed be obvious to most of the site, a teenager from France may have never even heard of him.

There's a slight exception to this for thread titles. Generally speaking, titles even of published media are frequently quotes and references. It's no different on SOTF. Thread titles have historically often been taken from song lyrics, lines of dialogue from movies, etc., and generally speaking there is no expectation of originality when it comes to thread titles.

Additionally, we want to be clear that using someone else's work with express permission is fine, though you should communicate that this is what you are doing and be ready to supply proof of permission upon request. This extends to profiles; you are welcome to submit profiles written by other handlers or write profiles for other handlers to submit, so long as this is communicated to staff and is done with permission from all parties involved. You may not refurbish other handlers' profiles (even abandoned ones) without express permission from the handler in question.

On a related note, we expect the majority of your in-character writing to be your own. If you want someone else to temporarily handle your character for a post (or more) for whatever reason, they should do so from their own account. Please note that this does not count as activity for purposes of the activity timer. If you want someone else to permanently handle your character, you should officially hand them off. GMing and co-writing remain acceptable; they just shouldn't be happening all the time. We're drawing this distinction to avoid a potential situation in which a handler entirely writes multiple casts, posted from different accounts—the character cap is in place for a reason, and we expect it to be held to both in letter and in spirit.

If you're ever unsure whether something is sufficiently distanced or marked as to not constitute plagiarism, feel free to contact the staff. The staff will come to an agreement and give you an answer. In general, though, it's always best to err on the side of citing.
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Contacting Staff Regarding Critiques
You are always free to privately contact the staff member handling your critique to discuss any concerns with the critique you may have. There are, however, certain parameters here.

Do not post arguments in your in-thread reply to a staffer's critique. Do not post to let them know it'll take a while for you to respond. Do not post for any reason other than to state that you have completed required edits or that you are forfeiting your character. Posting otherwise will, at best, get you bumped to the back of the critique queue and make your wait longer. It will not, however, result in your getting extra time to make edits. If you need to address any matters with the staff member critiquing you, do it by PM.

You should always be polite when contacting staff members. The Mini staff team is entirely volunteer-run, and staff members tend to have very busy lives outside the site. The goal of staff in critiquing characters is to help you improve your character both as a whole and so as to better fit the style and worlds of Mini.

If a staff member has made a factual error or an erroneous request (say, asking for a change in phrasing that is grammatically incorrect), you can absolutely ask them to reconsider their stance. Please provide as much information as you can (links are very helpful here) to showcase the error.

If something is not clearly objectively wrong, but is more of an edge case or judgment call, that's fine too and you can still request the staff member reconsider. Again, please lay out your case in a polite and detailed fashion. The staff member will read and respond to your query as quickly as possible. If they do not change their mind, however, please respect that. Do not continue to argue once a staff member makes it clear that their decision is final. If you are still unsatisfied with the ruling, you can appeal to the staff team as a whole instead.

Please do not contact staff members to ask them to write your character for you. If a staff member says your character needs more hobbies, or another disadvantage, or more detail to their family life, do not PM the staff member and ask them to come up with these things for you. Staff members are busy handling their own characters and dealing with many other critiques, so creative issues fall to you to solve. If you're really stumped, site members in chat can usually offer advice and feedback.
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Appealing Staff Decisions/Lodging Formal Complaints
If you feel a staff member has made a decision unfairly, please bring your concerns to a different member of the staff team. Please lay out your case in as much detail as possible. The staff team as a whole will review your complaint and act as it sees fit. Note that you will likely not remain anonymous during this process. If you have concerns that you will face some sort of retribution, please note this as well in your initial complaint. If you feel you have faced retribution afterwards, please contact staff about this as a separate matter.

The staff team will do its best to get the full story and understand the situation. You will not necessarily be notified of the outcome; it depends entirely on the situation. Generally speaking, you will always hear back on matters related to profiles or in-character or game-related situations. You will usually not hear back on disciplinary measures relating to other members or to staff, though if a member ends up banned it will be announced and if a staff member is removed from their position it will typically become immediately apparent.

As forewarning: generally speaking, the staff team will not overturn a staff member's ruling unless we find clear evidence of the staff member being unfair or blatantly incorrect. If a staff member asks you to change something in your character's profile, the staff team will stand by that ruling unless the staff member has made a clearly erroneous ruling or is behaving unfairly towards you personally. That something was allowed to fly in another member's profile is no guarantee it will be allowed in yours; while the staff strives to keep critiques fair and comparable, profile approval is not an exact science and a large number of factors are always in play.

In certain situations, a new staff member will take over your critique following an appeal. This is not guaranteed. You may not request to not be critiqued by any given staffer; staff members are expected to be professional, and a staff member who lets major bias show through instead of excusing themselves from handling your profile on their own shouldn't be on the team at all. Do not approach the staff team preemptively expressing concern over bias. The staff team is only interested in incidents that actually occur.

In more serious cases, decisions will be made without the input of the staffer whose actions are being called into question. Note that, for practical purposes, there is almost no situation in which more than two staff members could conceivably be kept out of the decision-making process. In very extreme situations, the staff member at the focus of a complaint may not be informed until discussion has been completed and a decision made, but this is handled at the discretion of the rest of the team, not the person lodging the complaint.

Please note that, unlike Main, Mini retains a tiered staff system, and the final decision in any given situation rests with the admins. There is potential for the admins to handle situations without the input of the rest of staff, though this is unlikely to ever occur except as a last-ditch resort. If you have issues with either admin, the other is the best first avenue of discussion, though you are free to approach a mod as well. If ever the admins disagree and there are no extenuating factors serving as tiebreak, the tiebreak defaults to Namira's stance, as she is site founder.
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Sandbox (sometimes known as "Pregame") serves as the prologue to the primary Mini games. It is set before the characters are taken and forced into a death game. It revolves around their lives in the normal world.

Not all Minis include Sandbox. You do not have to participate in Sandbox to participate in a version of Mini, though it is often highly useful. Sandbox allows you to develop your characters and their relationships with their classmates in the context of a grounded, realistic high school setting. Realism is very important in Sandbox, so please make sure to keep everything sensible.

Characters must be approved to participate in Sandbox. Sandbox opens well before a version proper, though the level of involvement tends to vary; typically, it takes place in a single forum encompassing all threads, though in some cases (as in Second Chances) it may span a number of boards detailing specific locations.

In Sandbox, you may create peripheral NPCs (Non-Player Characters) as needed, though these NPCs should not be the focus and should be created only in the context of telling your characters' stories. If your character goes to Goodwill, you might describe a clerk on duty. If your character is at home with friends, you might say what their parents are doing, or even have their parents come and chat with your character and their friends for a little. Just make sure the focus is on your character, and that things stay realistic. If any NPCs connected to your character have things about them that are unlikely to be deemed realistic, they should be mentioned in your character's profile; your character's father cannot suddenly be revealed to be the vice president.

Sandbox is considered in continuity by default. There are, however, a few exceptions. If something in Sandbox is problematic or unrealistic, the staff may strike it from continuity at its discretion. Also, in rare situations staff may strike something from continuity by handler request. This will only be done if it's easy to arrange and does not have any sort of ripple effect on other characters' stories.

A character approved is considered to exist in continuity as soon as their first in-character Sandbox post is made. A character who is approved but who is not posted with does not exist in continuity unless referenced in-character by another character with their creator's permission. A character with an in-character Sandbox post but who is never referenced by and never interacts with any other characters may situationally be removed from continuity by request to staff, but this is not a guarantee.

Any character who exists in continuity may not be reused in future games, even if they do not participate in the game that follows Sandbox (by, for instance, being withdrawn or not confirmed at a mandatory roll-call). A similar character may be created at a later date, but at a minimum the name and a majority of identifying details must be changed. This is true even if the universe the character is to be used in differs from that for which they were originally submitted. There are special rules and exceptions for Second Chances, which supersede anything in this section they contradict.
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Roll-Call Procedure
Often, a roll-call is held shortly prior to the beginning of a version to ensure that handlers are still around and committed to writing their characters. These roll-calls take the form of a thread in the Announcements forum, requesting all handlers who plan to play in the version to post verifying this and naming the characters they intend to use.

Any character may be confirmed until first rolls are held. After that point, characters may no longer be confirmed. Any character approved following the commencement of a roll-call is automatically accounted for and does not require separate confirmation.

Any character who is not confirmed for whatever reason is still considered to exist within continuity, and may be referenced as appropriate by other characters, though is still not to be controlled without their handler's permission. The only exception is for characters lacking posts (or, situationally, with posts but no interactions), who are considered to have never existed and may be recycled at a later date.
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In-Game Character Cap
Handlers are allowed to control up to two in-game characters concurrently during most Mini versions, with potential for occasional versions allowing more or fewer characters. There is never a situation in which a version's concurrent character cap may be exceeded. If one of your characters dies, they may be replaced via adoption or application as allowed by the version's specific policies (usually characters may not be added via application after the start of a version, and adoptions are very rare).

If one of your characters is slated to die, but is in fact still alive at the moment, they still count towards the character cap. If you have characters involved in plotlines in the game who are on the island and part of the abducted class but who are, for whatever reason, not on the rolling list (such as characters who have successfully enacted the bulk of an escape plan), they still count towards the character cap until such time as they are officially removed from play (which typically occurs upon their removal from the arena). Please note that in almost all circumstances, characters on the island will be on the rolling list, even if attempting some sort of escape.
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Character Adoptions
In certain situations, characters are offered up for others to write. On Mini, this typically occurs only upon handler request or if a character has gone terminally inactive during the first third of the game and their handler has opted into the Adoption Permission System. Generally speaking, adoptions through the official system are available only to handlers who have no characters of their own, either due to having not gotten any approved for the version or due to having already had their characters die.

Priority will be given first to handlers who have not had a chance to participate in a version at all, and second to handlers who were in the version but whose characters have all perished. In case of multiple bids at the same priority level, ties will be broken as follows: first off, priority will be given to handlers who have been actively engaging with the version and the community, discussing events in chat, posting to the OOC boards, etc. This is a binary yes/no judgement; staff will not be assigning characters based on amount of engagement, just whether we feel a handler has been an active participant in the Mini community. Should a tie persist, it will be broken through rolls.

Characters may also be handed off directly by handlers who no longer wish to write them. To do so, the handler need only PM staff informing them of the transfer and then receive their approval. Note that a transfer in handler does not reset the activity timer for a given character; their new handler must still post within fourteen days of the character's last post.

Newly adopted characters will be ineligible to be Swapped or Heroed out for the space of three rolls, regardless of whether they are adopted through the official system or are handed off by another handler, and regardless of whether that handler gives permission. This is to prevent handlers from adopting characters solely to bolster their original characters' chances of surviving. You may still Swap or Hero to save newly adopted characters. After three rolls, adopted characters will be treated as any other characters, and may be Swapped or Heroed normally. Note that this rule applies even if you adopt back a character you originally created and handled.

Furthermore, any character adopted after the 33% mark, or any character adopted by a handler who has already adopted a character during the version, will not be considered as belonging to their new handler for the purposes of protection against double rolls. These characters will be considered unattached, and may be rolled regardless of whether one of their handler's other characters is rolled in a given cycle. This is to mitigate the severe mathematical advantage having extra characters otherwise provides. In effect, adopted characters beyond the first and/or after the 33% dead mark will not provide any sort of roll buffer to a handler's other characters. This rule allows handlers to pass off their characters to whoever they want without punishing those who do not or cannot adopt.

Characters given up prior to the start of the actual game do not count as being adopted for any of these rules; these apply only to characters transferred after the start of the game. A character that has been transferred may not be recalled by their original handler, and that handler receives no special privileges of any sort towards them; they are the sole property of their new handler, to be used or disposed of as that new handler sees fit.

A handler who loses a character to inactivity is ineligible to adopt through the official system in the next version, though may still be given a character by another handler.
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Rolls and Deaths
Approximately once every two weeks, staff will select a number of characters to be chosen at random to die. Once a character is rolled, their death must be completed by the time indicated in the post indicating their rolled status. Typically, this is a date ten days following the rolls.

All rolled characters must die unless saved by use of a card belonging either to their handler or to another handler. The deadline for playing cards is shorter than the deadline for deaths, usually seventy-two hours.

If, for whatever reason, a handler suspects that a death will not be completed by the deadline, they may request an extension in the same thread where rolls are posted. Extension requests should include a rationale. Extensions for up to one week will usually be granted assuming adequate cause. Generally speaking, we're not too picky about cause as long as a handler has clearly been making progress on a death—if, however, a handler has dragged their heels on requesting death ideas until after card time has passed and has been slow in communicating, staff will be significantly more skeptical. Extensions over one week will be granted only in extreme circumstances.

If a death is incomplete at the deadline (extended or not), staff reserve the right to step in and handle the death themselves. In practice, this option is almost never exercised; it is disruptive to scenes, makes for an unfulfilling end to a character's story, and tends to involve significantly more effort on all ends than just letting a tardy handler play the scene out anyways. Generally speaking, staff trusts handlers to strive for speed in deaths and does not want to over-regulate.

Furthermore, at the end of the non-extended death deadline, all rolled characters will be expected to die in the thread they are currently in. There are only two exceptions to this rule. First, if a handler is away for at least half of the time allotted for deaths, they will upon their return be given a buffer equal to the smaller of seven days or the duration of their Away to conclude any business and leave their current thread. Second, if a character is not in a thread at the end of the death period, they will be bound to die in the next thread they enter. This allows staff to ensure that deaths progress relatively quickly and that handlers do not get over-ambitious in their planning, while also offering general freedom for scenes to play out as desired.

Additionally, to help keep continuity, the in-character timeline, and staff processes on track, we reserve the right to request a summary of any death that is not complete roughly a day prior to announcement release, so that it can be included in the announcement. While staff will do our best to keep things vague/give wiggle room, we will at a minimum need the killer and the rough cause of death, and this information will be conveyed to the site at large. This incentivizes handlers to get their scenes done on time (as otherwise their results may be preemptively spoiled by the announcement) without having to resort to taking them out of anyone's hands.

All this is not, however, to suggest that the deadline is toothless. If staff detects evidence of abuse, we will absolutely intervene and take control of a death. A character lost in such fashion will count against the handler as a character lost to terminal inactivity would in all situations.

Finally, in some rare situations (such as the final set of deaths prior to Endgame), a death deadline may be significantly longer but may not allow for extensions of any sort, usually to ensure smooth game progress at critical times.

In the extremely unusual situation that a character is rolled but then is killed by their handler prior to the posting of rolls, they will still be noted as rolled in the logs and the post, though will not be counted as rolled for any other purposes. A new character will not be rolled to replace the already-deceased one. This will not rescind any multi-rolling protections for the handler's other characters. In effect, it will be as though the character was rolled and their handler simply completed the death with extreme promptness.
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Protection Against Multiple Rolls
In most circumstances, handlers may lose only a single character in any given set of rolls. If one of their characters is rolled, then any character of theirs subsequently rolled will not be counted as rolled, and a new character will be rerolled instead, selecting a different character to die. This is the case no matter how many times a character is rolled—unless otherwise stated, a handler will only lose one character to a given set of rolls.

There are two major exceptions to this, as well as a few minor ones.

The first exception is for the rolls that bring a version to Endgame. Staff does not believe it is healthy for the game or the narrative if anyone has a free ride into Endgame, and as such the rolls that determine the finalists will be purely by character. This means that any handler may see any number of their characters rolled, potentially having their whole cast wiped out in one go. This set of rolls tends to feature a significantly increased death deadline, allowing handlers to better manage potential multiple deaths.

The second common exception is when a handler has either adopted more than one character or has adopted a character after the first third of the game. In such cases, these new characters are not protected from being rolled alongside a handler's other characters, and do not confer any protection on a handler's other characters if rolled. It is strongly suggested that handlers carefully factor this possibility into any adoption decisions.

Finally, in the (extremely unlikely) situation in which there is no option for rolls to conclude without two of a handler's characters being rolled, the protection will be lifted temporarily at that point (though only once there is no other option for characters to be rolled). Thus far, this has never occurred.

Should Endgame be decided by rolls, this rule is inapplicable, as each character rolled in Endgame is technically a separate instance of rolls.
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Swap Cards
Each version, a handler receives one Swap Card. This card, when used, allows a handler to switch one of their unrolled characters for one of their rolled ones, dooming the unrolled character to die in the place of the rolled one.

A handler may not Swap in an adopted character until three sets of rolls have passed after the adoption. This is true even if they handled the character originally but gave them up for whatever reason and then got them back. A handler may, however, Swap to save a newly-adopted character without restriction, as long as the character was adopted prior to the set of rolls in which they were selected. A character adopted during a roll period is treated as belonging to the handler they were attached to at the time of rolls until the card deadline passes.

Swap Cards may not be used in Endgame. They do not carry over from version to version, and they may not be transferred to other handlers.
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Hero Cards
Each version, a handler receives one Hero Card. This card, when used, allows a handler to switch one of their unrolled characters for one of another handler's rolled ones, dooming the unrolled character to die in the place of the rolled one.

A handler may not Hero out an adopted character until three sets of rolls have passed after the adoption. This is true even if they handled the character originally but gave them up for whatever reason and then got them back. Recently-adopted characters may, however, be Heroed by others without restriction.

Historically, there have been instances of handlers making deals regarding the use of Hero Cards, typically of a tit-for-tat sort where they are used effectively as extra Swap Cards or to allow handlers to prioritize one version over another. The intention of Hero Cards is to allow handlers to save other characters they enjoy reading, not to add another tool to their arsenals in pursuit of victory or personal benefits. As such, staff does not officially recognize Hero Deals of any sort, forbids advertising for them through any official channels (Discord, the site, etc.), and strongly cautions handlers against engaging in them, as there will be no assistance should a deal's terms not be honored.

Hero Cards may not be used in Endgame. They do not carry over from version to version, and they may not be transferred to other handlers.
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Card Deadlines
Generally speaking, Swap and Hero Cards may be played only in the first seventy-two hours following the posting of rolls. This deadline is enforced to the minute, even if staff are not around to immediately announce the closing of the window.

There are, generally speaking, no extensions to the card deadline. The only exception is if a handler is validly listed as Away with no site access for the duration of the card period and one of their characters is rolled. In such event, the handler in question will be allowed a span of seventy-two hours following their return to play a Swap Card if so desired.

Handlers who will be going out of contact for a time may also leave instructions for how or if their cards will be used in their absence, enabling a proxy to play cards on their behalf. In such cases, staff requests that a chat or PM log be submitted proving the veracity of the instructions.
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Rescinding or Withdrawing Cards
Once played, a Hero or Swap Card is played, and may not be rescinded outside of very specific circumstances.

A card is automatically withdrawn if overridden. For example, if a handler were to Swap one character for another, and then that second character was Heroed by another handler, the Swap would be undone and the Hero commuted to the character originally rolled. If one handler Heroed another, and was in turn Heroed by a third, the second Hero would override the first, and the third handler would be treated as Heroing the first, with the second no longer involved in any way. In all such cases, withdrawn cards are returned to their handlers and may be used again without restriction—immediately, if so desired.

A Hero Card may also be declined by its recipient, in which case it will be withdrawn and returned to its handler. To decline a Hero Card, a handler should either post as such in the rolls thread or PM staff for further assistance.

Finally, an invalid card will be nullified immediately when caught. Examples of this include a handler attempting to sacrifice a recently-adopted or terminally inactive character, or a handler playing a card they do not in fact possess.

Should a handler unknowingly attempt to Hero a character whose death has already been completed, that card usage will not be counted against them. However, should a handler Hero a character whose handler for whatever reason does not decline the Hero yet also kills their character unrolled, the Hero usage will stand and the sacrificed character will have to die.
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Requesting Kills from Handlers of Rolled Characters
Handlers who are not rolled should not post to the rolls thread to commiserate, to gloat, or to discuss the rolls. If something merits discussion, a thread may be started in RP Discussion for that (though these may not be started to request Heroes). Handlers who are not rolled are allowed to post in the rolls thread only if they have business related to the announcement, such as if they are playing a Hero Card.

Handlers who are not rolled are never allowed to post to the roll thread asking for kills. Offending posts will be deleted, and further consequences may ensue for willful or repeat offenses.

It is forbidden to send PMs to the handlers of rolled characters requesting kills unless the handler in question has expressly requested such PMs in the thread containing the rolls. This has been a recurrent issue, so the staff take it seriously. If you receive an unsolicited PM, feel free to report it to staff using the report function. Consequences will vary depending on intention and history, ranging from a warning to not engage in such behavior again to potentially severe punishments indeed.
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