Beef or Chicken?

Ashley & Freya, tenth grade

This is where the lives of the PV3 Proper characters prior to their abduction may be detailed. Characters come from the village of Bellington in the UK. Bellington is a village somewhat isolated from major population centers, boasting roughly twenty thousand residents.
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Beef or Chicken?


Post by backslash »

The old geography classroom in the west wing had been out of use for everything except detention and storage for probably a good few years before Ashley had ever come to Bellington, much less the time that she'd been attending Saint Editha. It was cluttered with extra desks and boxes of old textbooks that smelled like mildew. There was a faded world map with outdated borders on one wall, a chalkboard that more often than not sported crude drawings by the very students that had been confined to the classroom for detention on another, and a few rather sad posters with sayings like "Attitude Is More Important Than Ability". Ashley might not have memorized all the details of the classroom's layout and contents, but she was getting pretty close. She spent more time in here than the average student.

She bounced her leg impatiently as she glanced up yet again at the clock on the wall, situated between two of the tattered posters. It didn't seem to have moved from the position it had been in the last time she looked; either time really was standing still in this dim, dull room, or the clock's batteries had finally had their last hurrah. Ashley sighed loudly in annoyance, earning her a dirty look from the teacher assigned to monitor the students in detention. She just barely restrained herself from pulling a face at the woman. It wasn't like she wanted to be here any more than the teacher did.

At least Freya looked equally miserable a couple desks down. Ashley wouldn't have minded making her even more miserable, but they'd both been reprimanded harshly enough before being properly disciplined that Ashley wasn't about to cause a scene on the school grounds -- not right now, at least. The shouting match earlier in the day was the closest that the two of them had ever come to actually exchanging blows, and they'd been threatened with outright suspension if things came to that in the future. Ashley was sure that she going to get an earful from Grandpa when she got home on top of all that.

And wouldn't you know it, now that it was a few hours later, she had forgotten what her original argument with Freya had even been about. Something stupid, someone being wrong and not taking criticism with grace. She was pretty sure Freya had started it, though.

Freya was always starting shit, and Ashley'd had enough of this bitch. She talked a big game, but that was all Ashley had seen or heard so far. At least one of them needed a good kick in the seat of the pants, and leaving it to happen again in the middle of class was asking for real trouble.

Fortunately, the boring wait had given Ashley enough thinking time to come up with a solution that was pretty damn elegant in its simplicity, if she did say so herself. She just needed Freya to play ball.

When the detention monitor looked at her again, Ashley had her notebook open and was doing her best to look like she was copying something down. In actuality, she had torn off part of a fresh page and scribbled a note down on it. She folded it twice, and when the monitor turned her attention to something else, Ashley flicked the note over to Freya's desk.
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Hey you
Lot behind Potter’s, 6 pm today
Don’t be a bitch

Freya read the note through a few times to make sure she had all the details right. Her mouth formed into an evil grin as she scribbled down her acceptance of the challenge and waited for an opportunity to return the note. Once it came Freya threw it straight at Ashley's head before returning to leaning on her hands. Ashley liked to think she was tough and Freya was tired of it. She was only a fashion statement with a bad attitude. She hadn't had to grow up in a war zone and been forced to flee to a refugee camp in another country. She didn't have to worry about whether she'd get food or if she'd have to run from another offensive. No, she'd been in England the whole time.

The argument hadn't been surprising. But Freya wasn't going to back down from her that was for sure. So, of course, it had escalated and then they'd ended up in detention before it had gotten physical. Ashley probably didn't realise how lucky she was that it had been broken up. If it hadn't...well she wouldn't have wanted to challenge her again.

It wasn't going to happen again anyway.

The space behind Potter's was the perfect shitty spot to settle things. No one was going to see it while walking and break it up, plus you had to actually go down the side of the shop to get to it anyway. So it would take deliberate effort for someone to discover them.

If Ashley really thought she was going to be able to take her, she was going to have a rude awakening. There was that old saying about never waking a sleeping tiger and Freya was that tiger, only she never fucking slept.

Her eyes moved up to watch the clock in the room as she started counting down the time.

She was going to enjoy kicking Ashley's head in.
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Freya didn't disappoint (for once). She was still looking all cocky, but Ashley could deal with that for now.

Ashley slipped the note with Freya's affirmative response up her sleeve before the teacher could catch them throwing things back and forth, and she too turned her gaze to the unmoving clock. Now that there was more to look forward to than just getting a lecture from Grandpa and then laying around in her room with some music blasting, her impatience just intensified. Her leg bouncing resumed, even faster.

There would be just enough time to go home and drop all her school things off before heading to Potter's; Grandpa's schedule meant he would most likely be hanging out at the cafe where he went to play cards and drink coffee and smoke with a bunch of other old people. If she got too messed up fighting Freya -- and that wasn't a guarantee in her mind, not yet -- it was all around better to deal with that and the fallout from the argument and detention all together. Getting her ear talked off and then running out and getting into another fight just promised more trouble.

As soon as they were dismissed, Ashley gathered her belongings, and she was out the door almost before the teacher finished speaking.
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A wicked grin stretched itself across Freya's face as the clock struck and they were allowed their freedom back. She stayed sitting and watched Ashley leave before slowly standing, gathering her things and heading out. She checked her phone as she put her headphones into her ears. Her song choices matched her general mood and helped get her mentally prepared for what was coming.

The truth was that she was looking forward to getting to smash Ashley. She always seemed to think she was better than Freya but very soon she was going to be shown that wasn't the case. She started visualizing as she headed home.


Upon getting home Freya was immediately questioned by her mother.

"Why are you home so late?" She asked as Freya stood in the doorway removing her shoes. Freya switched to Norweigan to match her as she responded. She considered lying but couldn't bring herself to do it.

"I got a detention." She could see the disappointment in her mothers' eyes and it stung.

"Why did you get a detention?"

"A girl got in my face and we had an argument." Her tone was slightly clipped because the anger about the fight was still fresh.

She could see her mother considering her words.

"Did you fight?"



Freya was back out and heading to Potter’s. She had dumped her stuff, changed and said she was going for a walk to clear her head. Not entirely a lie but it wasn't entirely true either. She had felt slightly bad about that. It had passed however once she had closed the door behind her. She was focused on what was about to happen and she was looking forward to it.

Ever since Ashley had put forward the idea Freya had been spending her time visualizing exactly how she was going to kick her ass and now she finally got the chance to make everything she had imagined a reality. She turned down into the alley as her music blared in her ears.

She could feel all the emotions rising in her body as she got closer to the empty lot. Soon she would get to release all of them.
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Grandpa was out as expected when Ashley got home. She went straight to her room and dumped her school bag on her bed, leaving a trail of clothes around the bedroom as she shed her uniform and changed into a t-shirt, jacket, and shorts. She paused only to take her earrings out -- Freya didn't seem like she was above trying to rip one out if Ashley left them in -- and then she was back out the door.

"Wait- fuck." She stopped on the front step, spun on her heel, and ran back in to scribble out a quick note saying that she was meeting someone from school in town and stick it on the fridge before she left for real.

Ashley kept up a brisk pace as she headed for Potter's. She wasn't going to sprint all the way there and leave herself out of breath as soon as the fight started, but she kind of wanted to get there first. It would feel more like she was on home turf if she did, though the lot was supposed to be a neutral space.

She kept seeing that cocky smile on Freya's face. Ashley wasn't trained or anything, but it wasn't the first time she'd met someone behind Potter's for this exact reason. Freya was in for a surprise if she thought Ashley was all bark and no bite. Angry as she still was though, excitement was also starting to buzz in Ashley's veins. She always felt this way, like the electricity in the air just before a storm broke, as she counted down the minutes until the tension finally snapped.

For some, it might have been nervous anticipation. For Ashley, it just felt like she was alive.
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Freya was pacing in the lot, headphones in her ears. She was getting herself in the right mood. The chugging guitars, pounding drums and harsh vocals of punk music helped her enter those places. It wasn't much of a push, she could admit that much but it was important. It pumped her up and got her ready.

Her head bobbed gently and she stretched her arms out as she walked. She was looking forward to what she was going to get to do. There was a certain amount of enjoyment she got out of fighting. It was a release for her and it gave her control. Her victory or defeat in a fight was entirely dependent on what she did. Her fate was in her own hands, and as her early life had been entirely defined by the actions and decisions of people miles away from her it felt good to have that.

She saw Ashely approaching and removed her headphones from her ears.

Freya stood there staring a hole into the other girl, waiting to see what she would do.
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Well, shit. She wasn't first, after all. That didn't have to be a point in Freya's favor, but it irked Ashley just a bit.

"Glad you showed," she said, deliberately casual. She'd have been surprised if Freya chickened out, but it wouldn't have been the first time she had been surprised. That was a point in Freya's favor; she was a bitch, but not that kind of bitch.

Speaking of bitch, Freya just stood there without returning any sort of greeting. Ashley rolled her eyes. Looked like it was up to her to get the party started. Typical.

She came to a stop a short distance away and started to shrug out of her jacket. "So what'd you- guh."

Before Ashley could even finish her sentence or completely remove the jacket, Freya stepped forward and slugged her in the stomach. Ashley staggered back, winded.

So that was how it was going to be?

"Bitch," she wheezed when she got a fraction of breath back, and lunged for Freya's legs.
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What dumb fucking cunt came to a fight and started talking?

Freya didn't know or care about whatever Ashley had been about to say. If she wanted to talk she shouldn't have made the challenge. If she had been expecting some sort of stand-off and honorable duel she was a moron.

As for Freya, she had been siking herself up for a war. As soon as Ashley had arrived she had removed her headphones and set them down. Then she had struck Ashley with a punch to the gut. Before she could land any follow-up shots however Ashley dived for her legs. It was frustrating because Freya fucking hated groundwork. There was a reason she did kickboxing. Still, she was strong, so when Ashley dived in on her Freya sprawled with a grunt, dropping her hips and putting her weight on her opponent.

Ashley still had a hold of one of her legs though, so Freya couldn't get balanced enough to knee her in the head. Instead, she settled for throwing punches at Ashley's head.
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Post by backslash »

Fuck, this bitch was fast.

Ashley didn't have much room for quips or even coherent thought. Right away, Freya was unlike anybody she'd settled things with this way. Stupid smug-

Ashley locked her grip around Freya's leg and refused to let go, even as Freya's fist collided with her skull and made stars pop in front of her eyes. The hold was the main thing keeping her from going completely to the ground, allowing her a few precious seconds to get her feet more or less under her again.

With an angry grunt, Ashley found her purchase, and used the foundation to shove her weight up against Freya, hoping to catch her in the stomach with her shoulder, or at least throw her back off-balance.
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Freya let out a grunt as Ashley bucked under her and drove a shoulder into her gut. She hadn’t been expecting it so she was winded momentarily.

That moment was all that Ashley needed to drive forward, taking advantage of the lapse. The combination of Ashley’s movements caused Freya to tip backwards and fall hard to floor.

Anger beginning to rise, Freya lashed out at Ashley with kicks from her free leg.
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