Research Grant

Phase 2 (13-24 hours)

The buildings making up the southern sector of the settlement are more varied than in other regions; they're split fairly evenly between habitations and commercial enterprises. A number of small stores, restaurants, and other businesses may be found here. Many of these occupy the lower floors of buildings, with housing for the operators and their families above. This section of town is generally efficient and well-organized, with decorations intended to lure customers inside and with little room for gardens. The lighting here is good, and the area is generally quite clean. In the Prologue, this area has no thread limit, so long as threads do not contradict each other.
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Research Grant


Post by Namira »

((Grant continued chronologically from Radical-6, chronically from Earlier That Morning))

That'd be the announcement, wouldn't it?

Grant trailed off in mid-sentence of what he'd been saying to Charity. He honestly kind of forgot what, something about whether or not he needed to change the dressing on his knee. She didn't need to know it wasn't his blood.

He tilted his head to the side and listened, making like his attention was somewhere off to the way, but keeping Charity on his peripheral the entire time.

So, Maribel, how tenacious are you?

Lists of names, killers and the dead, flitted past. Annoyingly, the announcer liked to flip the order so that sometimes the killer was first, sometimes the victim. Inconvenient, since Maribel being named first would give him much more time to react.

No staircase here to exploit, but there was always the element of surprise, right?

Then, neither his name nor Maribel's came up.

"That was a lot," he murmured eventually. "You okay?"

He smiled sympathetically at Charity, a little later, he picked up on the thread of his injured knee as they moved on.

((Grant continued in Tomb of the Forgotten))
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