Destination is Unknown

One-shot; short

These are the woods on the island’s northern coast. The trees run nearly all the way to the sea, allowing only a thin stretch of beach, which disappears altogether depending on the tide. The trees here are largely coniferous, and are in good health, bolstered by a number of wet years and their proximity to the ocean. These woods are largely fairly dense, though clearings are abundant and comparatively-sparse undergrowth leaves them fairly easy to traverse.
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Destination is Unknown


Post by Primrosette »

((Scarlett McAfee continued from Instructions Unclear))

Scarlett honestly had no idea where she was going. Her sense of direction had somehow led her to the woods and she decided that she should rest there for a while. She wanted some time to herself. She was still trying to get used to the fact that she had really killed another human being. How could she really wrap her head around such a brutal act like that? How could she even look other people in the face? Knowing that she was a murderer? How could she act like things were going to be normal again?

She couldn't be that person.

She was now one girl with a kill. Such a burden on her shoulders and there was nothing that she could do about it. She had to stop being so sulky about it. She had to deal with it. She was sure that she wasn't the only person who had killed in self-defence. She still had to find Michael and ask him about Blaine and Simon.

"I can handle this. I just need to find my friends and then...." She murmured to herself as she leaned against a tree and she then bit on her lower lip, feeling unsure. "....Then we can figure something out. I don't know what. But hopefully it won't involve anyone else dying."

She didn't want another Aaron or another Sebastien or another Tania. She wondered if Wendy and Kitty were both still okay. She hoped that they both had ran after she distracted Miranda. She still needed to take care of Miranda and Bunny. She had to make sure that they would both pay for what they had done.

"I should get moving. I never really liked the woods. It gives me the creeps."

((Scarlett McAfee continued elsewhere))
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