Taking Stock

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Previously home to the island's doctor, if one searches hard enough, they may be able to locate medical supplies here.
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Taking Stock


Post by Namira »

((Hirono Shimizu continued from Gameplan))

The announcement of the area just north of the residential district as a dangerzone had forced Hirono to cut hard to the east in order to circumnavigate it. She wanted out of the vicinity of the district as soon as possible - the encounter with so many others had made it quite clear that it was too much of a hotspot for activity. North was the quickest way out... it just required a bit of a detour to avoid that new dangerzone.

As Hirono walked, she mulled over what had happened in that house. It had been a fucking disaster. Just her damn luck that Kitano had picked the same place to search that Hirono had and then been followed by Mimura. The former, as well as Utsumi... well, that had been a matter of wrong place, wrong time for the two of them. The latter, Hirono still couldn't trust in the slightest. Where the fuck had he been when Kitano and Utsumi had been in the process of getting murderered!? Hirono had run Yoshimi off in the end, but no doubt the fact that she was upstairs had made her too slow off the mark to save anybody.

Kinda screwed that one up, didn't you 'Rono? Wound up saving that snake Mimura and nobody else. Should've left it a little longer, got that sneaky bastard killed too...

Hirono snapped her head rapidly from side to side at that thought. What was she saying? Letting somebody get killed was almost as bad as doing the deed yourself and even though she had no love lost for Shinji, that didn't mean he deserved to die. None of them did - not even the assholes like Kuronaga, Numai and Niida or the uptight 'popular' kids like Nakagawa or Matsui. They were only teens. No teenager could have built up enough of a rap sheet to be worthy of death, right?

She sighed. Well, maybe delinquents like her, Yoshimi and Hardcore, but even so... Hirono could see that Yoshimi had been scared more than anything else. Up for the game? Well, yeah, which was why Hirono shot at her (albeit to miss) but still just frightened. Who wouldn't be? Hirono was jumping at shadows herself and she knew that she was a hell of a lot more composed than Yoshimi. Add into that sort of mix one big gun and you had a recipie for some murderous intentions.

At length, Hirono spotted a building in the distance. Checking her compass, which she held in one hand (her pistol firmly in the other), Hirono gave a very slight smile. That was her destination, unless she was very much mistaken. The clinic. Somewhere that she could hole up and attempt to get her bearings again. However, on the approach, that smile faded. There was a figure lying sprawled out on the ground outside of the building.

Walking up to the body tentatively, Hirono winced when she saw the face of her former classmate. Somebody had done a number of her with some kind of blunt object. Fumiyo Fujiyoshi most definitely wasn't looking at her best in death. Shaking her head, Hirono dropped to one knee and closed the corpse's wide, starting eyes. Straightening up, she was again struck with the feeling that she should say something, anything, but what was there to say? Hirono didn't know a lot about many of her classmates and didn't feel eloquent enough to make a touching speech...

"Fumiyo..." Hirono hesitated. "I'm sorry the government's bullshit led to this. I'll do my best to stop people buying into this crap, I promise."

Turning away from the body, Hirono approached the entrance to the clinic, took a quick look around the place to check if she was being followed, then slipped inside. It was time to step off the gas a little and figure out where she was going from here.
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Post by Ciel »

((Kazushi Niida continued from The White Knuckle Band))

Kazushi Niida had been in and out of consciousness for hours after the fight with Yoshi. He was lucky to have been able to stay on his feet for longer than five minutes. He couldn't remember what he was doing.

He found himself in a mound of grass, on his back, the taste of metal down his throat.


He lifted his back off the ground, but almost let go once he felt the burning pain surging through his spine. He fought back, tears running down his face as he managed to get to his feet.

"How long had I been out..."

He looked around. The sun was out, finally. No more darkness, no more secrets. Kazushi let out a sigh of relief. He had done it. HE HAD done it. He got away with it! He was still alive! Niida flashed a big, stupid grin to no one but himself, which looked almost grotseque on his thin face. He had gotten away with MURDER. The one thing he had thought he wouldn't have the nerve to do and he managed it! He would have patted himself on the back if his back wasn't burning like it was.

Kazushi looked back at the Clinic. Huh. He needed to lay down. Completely unaware of his own predicament (or rather the shape his own body was in), he stumbled blindly to the door of the shack. There couldn't be anyone in there, he thought. THIS was my little hideaway. All mine.

Kazushi's eyes adjusted to the dark void. It was 12 PM in the afternoon but there was only one window inside the clinic. It was dark in the pathetic sense that emphasized just how rundown the little shack was. How could anyone ever actually LIVE in here? Kazushi noticed... well, something. It had to be a person but... NO. This was his little hideaway.

He looked at the figure inside the clinic. It took him a moment to recognize Hirono Shimizu. Of all the people he had to stumble upon, it had to be that crazy bitch. Now now Kazushi, don't judge. She was a person like everyone else. An enemy.

Under other circumstances he would have tackled her too. Definitely would make a big mess of her head too, like he had done to that slut Fumiyo. But with his head spinning like it was, he thought better of it. Besides... it appeared that his nunchaku was in his bag... when he put that in there and why he hadn't the foggiest. So outright attacking her was out of the question. Sure he could be a monster but he would need those sticks to do any lasting damage. So his plan was going to be... what? Run? Or talk to her?

Talk. He needed to talk to her. Kazushi was under the impression that he had his shit together and that he could form a coherent sentence without gasping for breath, neither of which were true. He also thought that he was a smooth talker, which had been true outside of the game (heck, he got people to believe that he was nailing Takako Chigusa, despite the fact that they never spoke) but in his condition would be hard. Despite the odds being so high, he stepped forward, his hands in the air.

This was when he realized something. Niida looked down at his clothes. Ohh...

He was covered in blood, not just from Fumiyo but from the violent attack from Yoshitoki as well. His shirt was drenched in a mix of sweat and blood, sticking out like an extra arm. Niida couldn't see it but there was blood stains running down his face from the open wounds on his head. No wonder he was so woosy - alot of blood was lost. In short, he looked like a crazed man. Even without a weapon, Hirono was going to stare at him and feel a bit queasy.

"Ahh, ehh, hi S-Shimizu." Niida said, giving her a nervous look. Maybe he should have run when he had a chance.
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Post by Namira »

After entering through the doors, Hirono had performed a quick sweep of the building. She didn't want any unpleasant surprises after all. Luckily the clinic was small, so it didn't take long, but it at least put Hirono's mind at ease. Nobody lurking inside was about to get the jump on her, which meant all that she had to do was keep one eye on the front entrance and she'd be fine in there.

Once she'd looked around the place, Hirono stopped for a moment to think. Well, this was a clinic, right? Maybe there would be something she could use here. The bandaged wound on her arm gave a painful throb, as if in reminder. Hirono didn't even want to attempt to stitch it because she didn't have the first idea how, but maybe she could scrounge up some antibiotics or something - anything that could help avoid infection.

Hirono was busy opening drawers and cupboards, rummaging through their contents, when her ears pricked up at a slight creaking sound. Shit, somebody was at the door. Immediately dropping the roll of gauze she'd been in the process of moving, Hirono went back to holding her gun's grip tight in both hands. Standing, she turned around and steadily pointed the pistol towards the small hallway that led to the door. Before long, somebody stepped into the room and Hirono's breath caught.

Niida!? Fuck! Not only do we have captain pevert, he's covered in goddamn blood! Anybody else, I'd wonder if they were hurt, but this guy? ... I could definitely buy Niida playing. Shit. Get him out of here 'Rono, he's nothing but trouble.

"Niida," she said levelly. "Not looking for company here. Get the fuck out."

Blunt, but honest.
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Post by Ciel »

Holy shit Hirono had a gun. The sight of it made Niida squeamish and he took step away from her. His eyes were wide in fear, his heart racing and it showed in his face that the gun being pointed at him scared him. However, the killer in his head told him to stay. That gun HAD to be his if he wanted to have any chance. So, just as it would hurt him to put salt in his own wounds, he stuck around.

"Woah woah!" He cried, putting his hands up defensively. "I-I ain't looking for trouble! I-I just need some help!"

Niida wanted to make himself out to be the victim. In his pea-brained mind he raced - who out of all the kids in his class would attack him? Kazuo's gang would have been an obvious choice, but they would have swarmed him had they decided to play. Oki? Well, Oki was a jock. He could easily beat the crap out of anyone he wanted! Normally Niida wouldnt feel comfortable throwing his friend under a bus but right now it didn't matter.

"Tatsu tried to kill me!" He blabbered in a fit of rage. "Oki, you know, the jock? Started hitting me in the head with a bat! Was babbling about winning, that he didn't need friends, that I was a little pissant! I know that most of the kids here think I'm a friggin douchebag a-an' I kinda deserve it, but I'm no killer! I whacker him in the head and ran as fast as I could! I saw a clinic on the map and walked here as fast as I could! My head is on friggin fire a-and I think I lost alot of blood!"

He looked back at Hirono, unable to tell whether she was buying all of this. "I know you hate me but I'm not looking to make friends. I just need some help. I don't want to die. Can't you find it in yourself to just let me take some shit and run?!"
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Post by Namira »

Niida wasn't getting the picture. What a jackass. Just like Hirono had expected, he started babbling, trying to justify himself. Somebody else might have felt some sympathy for him, but Hirono didn't, both because she knew the type of guy Niida was, and because what she had said to him was true. It would've held true regardless of who had come through that door. Hirono wanted to be on her own for a while. Maybe others would factor into things somewhere down the line, but right now... no way.

Hirono listened impassively to Niida's story, her aim entirely unwavering. Oki, huh? Well, he was a relatively recent transfer student, but he hadn't really struck her as anything more than your average jock. Hirono made a mental note to keep an eye out for Oki, on the off chance that Niida was telling the truth. As it happened she somewhat doubted it, but that was just the general impression that Hirono got off Niida in general and in all honesty she didn't really give a fuck either way.

Hell if I'm starting anything here, not without Niida giving me a fucking good excuse. I'm no Mimura, no Mitsuko.

"Niida, I don't think you're getting the picture here," Hirono jerked her gun towards the front door. "Let me make myself clear; I don't give a fuck if you were attacked, or if you're hurt, I. Don't. Want. Company."

Hirono's expression went from neutral to a somewhat icy glare.

"Understand? Fuck off. There's no panties for you to drool over here."
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Post by Ciel »

No, Niida didn't understand.

Oh he got how Hirono was just being difficult, but he didn't get how she was treating him like anyone else.

Then it struck him like an arrow to the head. He killed a girl in cold blood. HE WAS A STONE-COLD KILLER. How dare she talk to him like her tits were made out of gold!! Why the fuck was he doing this little bitch head game? He didn't have to take this shit from anyone, especially the cold blooded Hirono. Niida growled.

"Shut the fuck up. You weren't even fucking listening to what I said! I SAID that I wanted to get some shit to heal myself so I don't BLEED to death. You could have kept pointing that gun at me all you want, or you could go into the corner and diddle yourself for all I care. But no you would rather just be a little ice queen and point a gun at someone rather than help them!"

Niida grit his teeth. "You wanna know why - haha - you want to know why no one likes you Hirono? Why your only friends are Mitsuko's whores?! It's because you have no fucking sympathy for anyone else! Oh, if you were bleeding to death, you'd be bawling your eyes out for me to help! You'd do anything because, hey, it's your ass on the line! And you know what? I might be looking for panties to drool over but fuck I'd probably help you! Ain't that hilarious? You were nothing but a little rat in the system Hirono and this game hasn't changed you one bit! I'd rather be called a pervert than a goddamned sociopath who fucking whores herself out and sets shit on fire!"

Niida's face was red now. "You're a rat. A pest! My worth is higher than you can count! You think you're the big shot with that gun, but I bet you never killed anyone with that thing! I've killed that whore Fumiyo! She didn't even see it coming! So don't you talk down to me! DON'T YOU EVER TALK DOWN TO ME! I AM A FUCKING STAR! And what are you Hirono?! NOTHING! YOU'RE NOTHIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!"

And then with all of his strength, with all his might, he flung the open bag at Hirono. The contents spilled out, the food, the nunchaku, the map, even the big dufflebag went flying at Hirono everything in a blinding cloud. At least that's what Niida had thought. It seemed pretty badass in his mind. And then, going along with the only plan that the boy had come up with the whole game, he rushed inside of the room and rammed full force into Hirono. Like a football player, he was planning to use the full force of his body to send the girl off her feet. If he could throw Hirono on the ground, he could wrestle that gun out of her hands. At least that's what he thought. Niida had not proven to be a competent fighter, and not that smart, but this plan was great.

Fumiyo had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hirono was just a little pest and Niida had to get rid of her.

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Post by Namira »

Unexpectedly, Niida... flipped the fuck out. That was really the only way that Hirono could describe it. Actually, she was entirely taken aback by the sheer vehemance. Hirono had always considered Niida a weasel, such an outburst wasn't at all the type of thing she thought she'd see from him. Hirono had thought Niida a vindictive, sneaky sort of guy, not this explosive. Somebody had obviously been bottling a thing or two up. In her surprise, Hirono actually lowered her gun slightly, giving Niida an incredulous look as he ranted and raved.

However, the gun snapped back up and her glare returned the second Niida decided to start ripping strips off her. What the fuck did Niida know about her!? Where the fuck did he get off on being so pissed off that she wasn't trusting a guy drenched in blood!? Maybe she wasn't exactly a saint, but that didn't give him the right to talk about her like that!

A sociopath!? Where the fuck were you when Nanahara was getting himself killed? You didn't lift a fucking finger asshole! As for the rest, you don't know shit about that Niida! What, pissed that you wouldn't have known what to do even if you could afford me!?

In his anger, Niida let slip that he'd killed Fujiyoshi, the corpse Hirono had stumbled on not long earlier. As the soccer player's rant reached fever pitch, Hirono's finger trembled on the trigger of her gun. This guy was obviously off his fucking rocker, but could she actually shoot him? Could she really-

That decision was swiftly made for her when Niida made another unanticipated move, hurling his bag at her. Hirono's hands naturally went up to shield her face, and by the time she'd overcome that instinctive reaction, Niida was right there. The soccer player went slamming into her at top speed, causing Hirono to cry out as the pair of them spilled to the floor in a heap. Her gun went flying from her hands, going skittering across the floor to the far side of the room.

Shit! Too slow 'Rono! Don't think - just act!
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Post by Ciel »

Niida laughed at the stupid look on Hirono's face as she fell. Hah. She was on her back now. Like a true fucking whore. While any normal person would have thought to go scrambling for the gun as quickly as they could, that thought had never crossed Niida's mind. To him, she was defenseless and completely vulnerable. Perfect. Great time to strike.

The images of his success ran through his mind. This was his dream now, killing stupid kids like Hirono. Standing over Hirono's lifeless corpse, blood staining his clothes, her face caved in. Then the whores came out and started dancing on stripper poles, and with penguin butlers serving drinks. It wasn't exactly true to life but at least he could make half of his imagination come true!

"Fucking sit still!" He growled in-between a laugh.

He was still leaning low enough for him to just jump the girl and start wailing her in the face. But no, that was good enough. It didn't have any color! He decided on a plan in a split second, scooping up the ninchaku and swinging it downward all in one fluid motion. For as dumb as he was, the one thing Niida had on his side was that he was moving very unpredictably. This would certainly prove interesting for a security guard watching them. Just think! Kazushi Niida, star killer, beating down the whore Hirono like a true champ. They ought to give him a medal for badass killer! They should officially call him Badass Niida!

Oh yeah, he liked the way that sounded. He contemplated on this, his focus not one-hundred percent on his target as he swung the ninchaku relentlessly at Hirono's face.

"You fucked with the wrong guy Hirono! I'll make you see! I'll make them ALL SEE!"
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Post by Namira »

Niida might've been proud with himself about killing Fujiyoshi, but fact was that Hirono was nothing close to the same kind of animal. So what, the athlete had managed to kill the nurse's assistant, no doubt taking her by surprise. By the looks of things, he'd taken some licks in the process too. Hirono on the other hand wasn't any prissy type, standing around giggling whenever any of the jocks looked her way. 'Rono was made of sterner stuff than that, and if Niida thought that she was easy pickings, then he was going to have an unpleasant surprise in the very near future.

As such, once Hirono hit the ground, though disorientated, she knew that she had to get aware immediately. Niida wasn't going to waste the opportunity to get the upper hand and though Hirono was on the back foot, she'd be unconscious or worse within moments if she wasn't careful. By the time the delinquent was looking at Niida, he was already swinging the nunchaku her way; a blow she parried painfully with crossed forearms.

As he wound back for another swing, Hirono lashed out, drawing a foot back and driving it into Niida's shin with a stomping motion. She needed to get him back, give herself enough space to get back on her feet.

"Go FUCK yourself Niida!" Hirono yelled back at him, his raving beginning to piss her off. "I'm no goddamn Fujiyoshi and I'm no goddamn whore! FUCK! OFF!"
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Post by Ciel »

Niida had impressively taken the offense and kept his opponent on her toes (or in this case on her back, hehe, nice Kazushi, niiiiicccceeee). For all that he lacked, Niida had been well versed in just jumping in. He was very quick, like any soccer player of his calibre should be, and while he wasn't too smart his stamina more than made up for that. In this case, brawn was much more important than brains.

Of course he foolishly didn't expect her to block the nunchaku and throw an attack right back. The force of Hirono's kick to the shin was enough to throw him tumbling on the floor, far enough for Hirono to get back to her feet. He let out a comically high-pitched scream, like a little girl, as he landed head-first on the floor.

"Aah! Fuck! Son of a bitch!"

The pain in his shin was enough to make him cry! He knew he had to get to his feet though. He had to kill! Niida had to kill or he would end up dead himself! It didn't take long for him to get back to his feet, even though his shin was buring like hell, and that was when he saw it.

That gun. Hirono's gun.

Niida grinned. Holy shit, that stupid bitch had really DROPPED her gun! It was like she WANTED him to kill her! Leaving Hirono to her own devices, he lunged for the gun, quickly scooping it up. It was a dumb move, leaving himself open like this but hey it was a gun! And he was a star! And the star killers needed guns, it was like a rule!
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Post by Namira »

Hirono didn't think that her attack would knock Niida down entirely, but she was hardly complaining about that. It gave her some time and space to scramble onto her feet, putting things on a level that she was much more comfortable with. Now, Niida would see exactly what she could do in a st-

Fuck! He's going for the gun!


Niida lunged for the gun and Hirono was hot on his tail. The soccer player got to the weapon first, but as he was straightening up, Hirono did the only thing she could think of and leaped straight onto his back, latching on with her legs and grasping him tightly around the neck with both arms. In another circumstance, it might have seemed intimate, but this was nothing of the sort. Hirono's clear intention was to try and choke Niida out, throw him off guard. Stop him from using that gun at all fucking costs.

Come on! Tighter! Tighter! Crush the fuck's neck!
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Post by Ciel »

It took Niida a moment to realize that Hirono had climbed onto his back. At first he had no idea what the fuck was wrong with his neck. Was he choking on the air?! Fuck! And what was on his back?! Niida fell to the floor again, just barely keeping himself up with his hands. He gasped for air, his eyes almost bulging out of its sockets as Hirono strangled him from behind. This was a tight situation he put himself in. God damn it Niida, god god damn it you idiot! You're a star! Kill her! Throw her off! NOW! No matter how much he told himself, he couldn't manage. He held the gun in his one hand and grasped fruitlessly at the fingers that were tightly wrapped around his neck. They were so tight... damn, her hands were soft... now... wasn't the time... to be... thinking of that... fuck..

The whole world grew numb... And yet Niida wasn't ready to give in. With all of his strength Niida threw his head forward, twisting his whole body forward. He managed to stand up, all the way and yet Hirono still didn't let go. The bitch had a good grip he would give her that. Niida's vision was going blurry, drool running down his chin. This was his last chance to fight back.


He let out a battle cry as he sped backward, throwing him and Hirono against a wall. He pushed the weight of his body against her midsection and as he rammed himself against the wall, he made quite sure that most of the blunt force hit her straight in the spine. A smart move to be sure since Hirono let out a groan and her gripped loosened. Niida quickly shrugged his shoulders back and forth and Hirono fell like a ton of bricks. Niida didn't look. He just scrambled for the pistol and pointed it at the fallen girl. Niida was quite proud of himself.

Could Niida kill - you know what? Fuck it!

Niida quickly flicked the barrel away from Hirono and fired a round, his grip on the gun quite solid. He chuckled as he heard the loud concussion of sound. And the smell! It smelt like success! Ahaha! Niida twisted the hand back. Niida was all too serious about killing her.

So he laughed. Loudly. Madly.

"Game over whore!" Niida screamed intimidatingly, poking his cheek. "You thought you were sooo smart huh? Well fuck you! Fuck you Hirono! You're done!"
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Post by Namira »

Unfortunately, Hirono's weight just wasn't enough to ground the athlete, in which case it would've certainly been lights out for Niida. As the soccer player struggled to his feet, Hirono tightened her grip, if that was even possible. He stumbled a little bit, but the bastard was tougher than she had given him credit for, and managed to stay standing. Fucking asshole! Didn't he need to goddamn breathe!?

Then, out of nowhere, Niida backpedalled, so quickly Hirono had no time to react before her back slammed agonisingly into the wall, the brunt of the blow knocking the wind clean out of her and dislodging her from Niida's back. By the time Hirono had struggled to her knees, Niida had the gun and -


Hirono's heart just about stopped. Fuck! Was she dead? Had he shot her and she just hadn't felt it-... but no. There was no blood, no wound, no pain. The asshole... the asshole had missed on purpose. Niida went screeching on at her again, no doubt trying to flout that fact he'd won the fight.

"W-wait!" Hirono said, hearing the tremor in her voice and loathing it. Her mind raced - there had to be something she could say to convince him not to kill her!

Fuck! Fuck! Come on Hirono! Make this good! Make this THE best fucking reason of your goddamn life!

Then a face came to mind. It was very beautiful, in so much as Hirono could judge these things. It was oddly mature and it was somewhat cruel. The face belonged to Mitsuko Souma. And that was her answer. This... this was Niida. He was practically infamous for how much of a thing he had for the girls. Fuck. This was the only way, wasn't it?

Shit... okay 'Rono... let's make this a performance.

"Wait," Hirono said again, more calmly, doing her very best impression of Mitsuko's 'sultry' voice. "You don't really wanna kill me, do you? I mean... there you are with a gun and me with nothing. I'm, well... I'm totally at your mercy," Good fucking GOD you sound like a slut Hirono. "You could do anything you wanted," Hirono paused, forced a smile and repeated, more hushedly. "Anything."
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Post by Ciel »

Well shit... just when Niida had seen it all, Hirono had to start talking all slutty. Do whatever he wanted? Did she seriously mean that? Niida's grin widened as all the perverted ideas started

The bitch is trying to trick you.

Fuck that shit. Just overpower her and fuck her brains out.

But you know she's trying to get you defenseless.


Okay, Niida would play along. Then again he couldn't just take Hirono's word for it. After all this bitch just jumped him and tried to choke him only minutes ago! Niida was an idiot, but he had some common sense. It'd be like just handing the gun over to her and asking her to shoot him. No, he had to know if she was serious about this.

"Nah-ah-ah..." Niida said, waving the gun around like an accusing finger. "I ain't taking another step until you take some of those hot clothes off... 'less you want me to blow a head through your head."

He was going to torture Hirono, and damn it he was going to love it.
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Post by Namira »

...He's falling for it? He's honest to fucking god falling for it?

Hirono had seen a strange kind of look come over the face of Niida. First he'd looked slightly confused, then he'd broken out into a smirk, and now, well, he was looking more eager than anything else. Well damn, it had been a final (and desperate) throw of the dice on her part, but it seemed that Niida really was that much of a lech. Seemed like for him sex was priority one and winning the game could come second.

Then he threw something of a curveball, one which Hirono hadn't really expected but probably should have done, all things considered. So he wasn't as stupid as he looked, dammit. Urgh, stripping off for a guy like Niida felt about the lowest she could sink, but dammit, she didn't want to die. Facts were facts. If it came down to getting killed or showing some skin, Hirono sure as hell knew what she was picking.

...Not like you haven't done it for strangers before 'Rono. Urgh, fuck, now's not the time to dwell on that.

"For you? Of course?" Hirono kept up the same, faux-sexy air as she spoke, swiftly reaching down to her sides to peel off her tanktop, exposing her plain white bra. She was going to stop there, but seeing Niida looking at her expectantly, Hirono inwardly cursed and did away with that as well, revealing her breasts to the athlete.

Hirono thought quite rapidly, rather dreading the idea of losing any more clothing, before hitting upon the idea of putting both hands on her breasts and slowly rubbing them around and pushing them together, giving a highly exaggerated moan as she did so.

Come on... that's gotta be enough. You've probably never seen a real pair of tits before...
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