Where is my Rifle, This is my Gun...

C10 - Raymond Pietrowski Jr. Start

A large radio mast sits atop the mountain in the center of the island, impossible to get to without the use of the cable cars. A large generator sits inside the building besides the tower.
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Post by Fiori »

"C'mon. While I'm in there, you can take a look at the map and see if you can find some kind of natural structure that we can head for."

Keira nodded in agreement as she unzipped her pack in order to retrieve the map from within. It took a while for her to find it, seeing as the contents of the bag where muddled about in a chaotic manner. But eventually she found it, and within seconds she had already unfolded the map and started thinking about where they should head next. Preferably somewhere that was safe and provided shelter, yet didn't make them stick out like a sore thumb.

As she looked over the map, and from her vantage point in the radio tower, she could make out at least three potentially good places to head for. The first being a church that stood alone north of the settlement. It'd be easily defensible, not to mention a VERY good shelter. Then again, Keira didn't exactly like the way it stood out in the open like that... Or the fact that it was awfully close to the settlement, a place Keira wanted to be as far away from as possible...

Then there was the Shack, south of the settlement and across from the beach. It'd definitely be far away from the majority of the island, AND it'd also make for a more-or-less decent shelter. However, it also had its own set of faults. Other players aside, the Shack'd be the worse place to be in during the middle of a storm. And whilst the chances of a storm happening within the next few days was quite remote, the very fact that it could happen was enough for Keira to be worried about.

And then there was the Holding Cells... Whilst they didn't sound like the prettiest of locations to head towards, the Holding Cells had the benefit of being the structure furthest away from all the other buildings on the island. Chances of coming across other players there would be far more remote then at, say, the settlement. Plus it'd still make a decent enough shelter. The only problem would be the journey there itself, seeing as they'd have to both cross a ravine AND navigate through a dark looking forest... Both areas Keira would much rather avoid.

Jesus... So many places to hide... And yet all of them are more or less equally dangerous. Figures...

"Looks like it's outta gas. No big surprise. Kiera, looks like we ain't gonna have any luck here."

Keira sighed. Well, so much for radioing for help...

She coughed again, exhaling another small cloud of smoke which reminded her about the fact that Ray had yet to find out what her ability was. Come to think of it, Keira had no idea what Ray's power was either. Nothing obvious it seemed, like lizard skin or something. Must be something that he had to willingly do... Or, is doing right now only neither he or Keira realise it. She considered asking him about it when all of a sudden...


She jumped on the spot, startled by the sudden ferocity in Ray's voice.

"If I get the fuck off this island, they had BETTER give me back the keys to my truck and my money! I'm gonna go insane without those damn things..." he shouted before leaving the room, a tense look in his eyes as he hastily heading towards the cable cars. "Let's get the hell out of here... Fuckers can't even grant a guy his last smoke..."

Keira wasn't exactly sure how to react to this. It wasn't the first time she'd been around people suffering from withdrawal syndromes... Her father, for one, used to smoke a lot when she was younger. After he'd stopped, for a while he acted hot-blooded and reckless. Keira's tactic back then was to just ignore him and carry on with life... However, she knew she couldn't do that with Ray. If he was suffering from withdrawal symptoms, it'd practically be her duty to make sure he doesn't get fired up and kill himself... Or somebody else for that matter.

"Don't worry, i'm sure there must SOME cigarettes left by the people who used to live here... It wouldn't surprise me if those scientist guys missed some out when they where clearing up the place."

She also realised at that moment that this meant showing Ray her power might not be such a good idea after all, seeing as her power was almost literally the ability to smoke whenever she wanted. Something told her that'd just get him even MORE irritated than he already was...

"Just hang on a sec, i'll be with you in a moment...."

She took the chance to observe the view one last time... It occurred to her then that this might be the last time she saw anything like this ever again. Not to mention the last time when she'd truly be safe. Once she got on the cable car, she'd have to be constantly on the lookout for other people who, unlike Ray, would be far more willing to put a bullet in her head at the slightest provocation. Hell, she'd even have to watch out for Ray and make sure his withdrawal symptoms didn't get them both killed... And if anything, things would only get harder from here on out...

Still... It was starting to get dark outside. Whilst she was safe for now, she was still sure that the Radio Tower would eventually be the site of a bloodbath if she didn't leave. So, with that in mind, she simply sighed to herself and got onto the cable car with Ray, sharing with him her thoughts about where to go next as they rode down the side of the mountain together...

God, I hope I didn't just make the worst decision of my life...

((Keira MacDonald continued in Discovery and Revelation))
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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