Doctor! Doctor! I think I'm a pair of curtains!

Lisa pulls it together.

The only indication that this worn out building was at any point the home of a practitioner is the faded sign out the front proclaiming it to be "Doc Morris's Clinic". The inside is dingy and rotting - the floorboards make for precarious footing, and the cabinets have long since been raided of anything useful.
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Doctor! Doctor! I think I'm a pair of curtains!


Post by Macha* »

((F15: Lisa Cooper, debut.))

In anyone else’s hands, Lisa Cooper figured, a scythe would most likely be a deadly weapon. In her hands, it was slightly more effective than harsh language, and even then, Lisa wasn’t too great at the whole ‘talking smack’ thing. She rifled through her bag for supplies, taking every single foodstuff out, and putting them in a pile, beside her bag, on the dusty floor of the old clinic she had woken up in almost an hour ago. She’d despaired over her situation, a little, before she realised that she had always wanted to travel, and if she just thought of this as a holiday with more violence she could probably make it through this with little to no problem. It wasn’t going to win her any points in the friendship game, but she wasn’t here to make friends. She had enough of those. She was going to do what she had to do to get home. This was her plan.

It was then, however, that she came to the first snag in her plan. To get out, one had to kill all the other students, until only they remained. This meant that, inevitably, she would have to fight, to kill, to get home, even if she spent the entire game hiding. She thought about this for a good while, whether she would be able to kill her classmates, or even if she could go back when- not if, she was very self-confident when she wanted to be- she won. Lisa shrugged and grabbed her scythe with both hands. Worst case scenario, she could just use it as a club. She swung it, like a quarterstaff, and hit it against the wall of the clinic. As she thought, she could swing pretty hard. Good, that meant she had some way, at least, of fighting back.

Fighting back, yes. She wasn’t going to be aggressive. Not yet, anyway. She didn’t know what she was capable of, or what her classmates were capable of. For all she knew, her classmates were just going to make a campfire and wait it out. That would be great. But, just in case, she had to keep the possibility in mind that yes, some of her friends would turn against her, and yes, she would need to defend herself. It was surprisingly easy to take in, but she imagined that was just her thinking in the spur of the moment. She had no doubt that eventually, what she was thinking would sink in, and something would change. But, for now, she knew what her plan was.

So, she got back to emptying her pack. She spotted a packet of beef jerky, right at the bottom of her canvas backpack. She stuck her hand down the back, and pulled it out, quickly opening the packet.

“Hell yeah,” she muttered, under her breath, and damn near shovelled the jerky into her mouth. She was starving, and she could live off of beef jerky if she had to. She didn’t mind guys, honestly. Just keep them coming, and Lisa won’t get mad! She made quick work of the bag, curled it into a ball, and threw it, wiping her fingers on her shorts to clean them off. Then, she shoved everything else back into her bag, threw it over her shoulders, picked up the scythe, which she tried to spin around until she dropped it. She picked up the scythe again, and looked around the clinic for something she could use.

She looked down at the floorboards, and wondered how far she would fall if one of them broke underfoot. She didn’t want to think about it, so she just tried to run to the exit. She tripped, and fell, and the floor collapsed under her.

“Fuck!” She yelled, at the top of her lungs. She only tripped, she didn’t fall too far, but the damage was done. She saw a large gash where a nail, sticking up through the floorboards, had cut her on her way down. It was sending trickling blood down her lower arm. Oh God, what if she got rabies or something from it? She grabbed her scythe and bag and scrambled out of the building. Luckily, one roll of gauze later, the problem of the cut was gone, for now, but Lisa couldn’t help but worry about infection. She shrugged and began to walk off. All things considered, she probably had bigger problems to deal with.

((Lisa Cooper, continued in Open Grave.))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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