The Good, The Bad, and the Ohmigodwhatthefuck

Start of Female Student #04

Complete with a broken down old piano, swinging doors at the entrance, tables and bar stools, this saloon couldn't be any more stereotypical, save its eerie silence. Enterprising contestants might be able to scrounge up a dusty bottle or two of liquor, but all the soul has long departed this place.
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Post by widespreadinman* »

((Sorry for skipping order, but I kinda don't want to be labeled inactive.))

That voice... doesn't it seem familiar?
"I think so..." she whispered. "But who could it-" And then it hit her. The rather enthusiastic voice belonged to someone named Katie, according to her. Sadly, that's all she knew. Taking a step back, Sycanus began to tremble.
What's wrong now?
"I... I don't know her... wh-what if she's... y'know..."
There's no way she'd be mean. Though... I think you ought to be careful around her. She said she has dynamite.
"Y-Yeah... just... need to be kind... need to be calm..."
Go on. Make some friends.
With that, the girl took a step forward, and cleared her throat. Knowing me, they'd probably never notice.
"Um... exc-cuse me... can I... er... enter...?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

Benny had reacted to her storm of questions with confusion. Well, that was to be expected! She didn't give him much time to respond to any of them. Her bad. Perhaps she should have quieted the heck down? Perhaps. Katie was always a bit of a loudmouth to be honest. It was a shame that she was so loud and... well... energetic sometimes. But what could she say? She was happy! Perhaps she and her friends wouldn't die too horribly, after all. As long as they were together...

Ramona, however, was somewhat suspicious of Warren and Ken, judging by the look on her face. Now that she thought of it, Ken looked slightly... irritated? Was that the word? Maybe. She didn't know.

Benny had a gun? Yeah, that was indeed messed up. What Katie didn't get, though, was the point of this. Cowboys come in and abduct them, making them kill each other? Why? Well, she didn't really want to know why, now that she thought of it. She was probably better off not knowing.

She still thought it was an awesome way to die, though! Vaguely. It still was awesome. It still sucked ass. She still was trying to figure out which one it was. Which one was a proper way to describe what they were going through?

"Ramona, they're nice! I've been playing cards with Warren and stuff before he-" she quickly gestured to Ken- "came in all tuckered out! I'm pretty sure they aren't!"

Katie hobbled over to one of the chairs, and sat down.

"Uh... there's cards and moonshine if you want any! I tried some of the booze, and though it tasted awful, I guess you guys might like it!"

A voice?

A voice.

Katie turned her head, and saw... it was that Sycanus girl, wasn't it? Even though she was quiet, everyone knew of her. What could she say? Small town, have a strange obsession with a stuffed animal, everyone was going to notice you. Personally, Katie thought she was a little weird, what with the whole teddy thing. But she would try to be nice to her if they ever talked. There was no real reason to be flat-out cruel to her. She came off as really shy, if anything, and being cruel to someone like that was uncalled for.

Still, she could be a bandit! Some bandits tried to play nice, to pretend to be a good guy. Many scammers and other unsavory types did it that way. They'd get your trust, and blam! Bullet to the head while your back is turned! So, they'd better be on their guard. But, perhaps they could at least talk to her?

"You must be Sycanus Appletin, right?" she called out from her seat.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Cash Money* »

Ramona, true to how she'd been lately, was suspicious of the other people in the saloon. Benny understood, not having known the others very well either, but Katie quickly vouched for them. Apparently they had been engaged in typical Wild Western pursuits: playing cards, enjoying refreshing beverages, things like that. He could certainly stand to consume an ice cold refreshing beverage at this juncture. That would just be swell.

Speaking of Wild Western pursuits, although most of him was keeping track of the unfolding conversation - apparently Warren was playing cards with Katie before Ken came in needing a rest - another part of him was taking in the surroundings. He'd never been in a saloon before, for several obvious reasons, but there was something even more novel about the place now that he was inside.

He was, for the first time he could think of, inside a mostly-vacated public building.

Benny usually lived in the moment for the most part, but during shopping trips his mind was free to wander. Inevitably, it would end up wandering towards action sequences. Flashy action sequences like the kind in movies that would take place in important government buildings, shopping malls, places that tended to be indoors and without a lot of people to tell you not to try stupid stunts because this is an emergency and we're trying to save the world here dammit. He always had enough common sense not to try anything in the past, but there was a major difference between hundreds of responsible adults and only 4 other kids his age, between having to fix stuff and being told implicitly that anything was fair game, and he was starting to consider the possibilities. All of the table-flipping, bottle-smashing, karate-kicking possibilities. Wait, that last one had gotten him in trouble already, hadn't it?

And from what he could just now hear, apparently there were 5 other kids his age.

Benny turned around in his seat, already adopting a bit of grizzled-outlaw-at-the-bar hunch as he swiveled, and saw a slight, nervous girl standing in the doorway. That was Sycanus, wasn't it? She was kinda out there, but she never really bothered him, so he never really thought anything bad of her. Just that she was a little out there.

Katie called out to her to confirm who she was. Benny had been about to say something, but that could come after everyone was nice and settled in.
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Post by Jadedflames* »

((Simon Mattheson continued from Mixed Emotions))

Simon walked down the streets of the town, almost begging to run into someone. As he reached the saloon, he saw a strange sight. It seemed as though there was a party in the Saloon, a group had just arrived. And behind them...



The first one you let get away.

The one from the cabin.

The one with a large gun. The crazy one. The one who probably hates you.

Killing her would be all right, wouldn't it?

No, man. We were friends. Don't kill her.

She tried to kill Cameo.

Did she really?

She tried to kill ME.

Are you sure?

She pointed a gun at me.

You never should have let her get away.

I was worried about Cameo.

Now's your chance. She is right there. Make her Pay. And any of her friends in the saloon can pay too, if they help her.

I never should have let her get away.

Simon crept behind a barrel, placed almost perfectly in line with Sycanus. He squinted at her down the barrel of his gun, and squeezed the trigger slowly.

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Post by widespreadinman* »

Katie's greeting came as a surprise to Sycanus. After all, she didn't seem like the type to bother people like her all that much. And yet she just said her full name right on the spot. Well, best get this over with...
"Y-Yeah... and you're Katie... something..." she said with a forced smile. It dissipated soon after she realized what exactly came out of her mouth. But before she could say anything else...
A shot rang out! It whizzed by her head, not even grazing. It flew off- ah who cares, someone was trying to kill her. With a scream, she bolted inside.
Behind the bar!
"Okay!" With that, she clambered over the bar, falling behind it on her side. She let out a whine of pain, as colliding with her daypack wasn't intended. But hey, could be worse. "Wh-Who was that, Tobeyn?!"
Sounded like that one kid who blew my ear off...
"But... but why would he want to kill me?! I didn't do anything wrong at all!" With tears in her eyes, she clung to the stuffed bear for dear life, hoping that the guy would go away.
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Post by chitoryu12* »

((Post order has died a terrible death))

Ken was tired. He had just walked what felt like miles through the sweltering desert, trudging down hot sand and dead grass into this oven of an old building, and had been greeted with guns and dynamite. It was a rough day, to put it plainly.

As the hellos commenced, Ken simply sat back in his chair and watched. He barely knew most of them and they were far too caught up in getting caught up to really pay him any mind. To be frank, it wasn't really that bad. Everyone was friendly and trying their damnedest to stay normal when they had just been tossed into a ghost town and told to shoot each other. For some reason, despite his sore feet and impending headache, Ken couldn't help but grin a little at the circumstances. The madman's little game had completely turned on its head; nobody was sick enough to murder their friends.

That's when the first gunshot rang out.

A deafening crack split the air and made Ken's heart jump out of his chest and set his ears to a painful throbbing and ringing, and a section of the wall on the other side of the room splintered and scattered slivers of wood across the floor. There was nothing but a loud EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in his ears.

The room suddenly became a blur as Ken bolted up from his chair, knocking it to the ground with a clatter, and sprinted for the bar. He made a diving leap over the counter almost in unison with weird teddy bear girl, slamming hard on his shoulder on the other side and smashing to the ground. A few bottles on the shelf above him tottered, then let gravity take hold and shattered on the floor next to him -- fortunately, all of them missed him.

Ken began patting his pockets for his weapon, before suddenly realizing that he didn't actually have one.

"FUCK!" he screamed. He didn't even hear himself.
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Post by Jadedflames* »

((Jumping post order by request))

You missed, Simon.

I know.

She's inside, Simon.


Five shots left in your rifle, Simon.

He stood from the barrel, pulling down the lever, ejecting a shell, feeling the cold click of the next shot sliding into place.He turned to the saloon, seeing through the window where she was hiding. Behind the bar. Probably setting up with her gun to shoot at him. To try and kill him. He pulled the trigger again, slamming the lever down and chambering another shot. Glass bottles shattered at the bar.

More movement in the corner of the Saloon. People moving. At a table. Many people. Someone was yelling. It did not matter.

They have weapons, Simon.

I'm sure they do.

Shoot them, Simon.

He fired a shot at the table, chambered again, fired. The gun shot back in his hands with each recoil, he could barely tell what he was hitting any more. He fired once more, and saw the shot go wide, catching the cloth of a bag, and suddenly he could feel the heat of the hot lead, as if it had been him that the bullet had torn into.
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Post by Brackie »

There was definitely something off about that little girl. Ramona hadn't pinpointed it, but it was the fact that she seemed to have a fixation with that bear in her hands. If this was the Sycanus she'd heard about around school, the creepy loner girl who spoke with her teddy bear, then that would probably be it.

There ain't no real harm in letting her inside now, though is th-

Her prior thoughts about the matter were proven right mid-thought. A loud crack snapped through the air and the surprise almost whipped Ramona right out of her seat. She hadn't been the only one. The girl screamed, ran inside, one of the boys followed suit, and she herself found herself backing away from the door, towards the window.


This was it, her first real taste of what was going to come for the next few days. There wasn't any real point trying to deny it, but dammit she was doing such a great job. Until this guy came along, it was all just going to be some sort of hunky-dory tale of how Ramona and some her best friends Benny and Patrick found their salvation among the ghost town.

Ramona had almost clotheslined Benny in an attempt to drag him away from the door. It was the times like this she feared that her rough-love was gonna kill him one day. Imagine having to tell that story to his parents.

"Ohlord, Ohlord, Ohlord, Ohlord, Ohlord-" Ramon panted out through hyperventilated breath. Of course, it was the stuff she'd see next that would end up running her overtime.

Right under the poker table, she saw a bag on its side. And rolling away from the bag was a red cylinder with a wick poking out of the top. And right then and there, she remembered that bag sitting right under somebody's feet as she came in here in the first place.

Good god, Katie has DYNAMITE?

She was lugging around sticks of dynamite in a place like this? That was dangerous! Imagine ending up in a place like this with people like this, shooting at you! This could end badly!

"Katie, you have dynamite?!" Ramona yelled in between shots, "Then why aren't you keeping it away from the shots? Get it away from the door!"

Ramona didn't see sense in leaving it out there to risk it blowing up. Yes, Ramona was no longer a child, and she knew that the stuff that happened in cartoons couldn't happen here, but it was all for the safe sense of mind. They were being shot at, no one needed to feel more unsafe by having explosives right there in harms way. Imagine if it actually exploded, that wasn't ending well for anyone.

Ramona started across the saloon wall, towards the bag. She didn't know how many more sticks were in there, but that matter was still irrelevant.

There hadn't been a shot for a while. Come to think of it, those shots had been rather intermittent and slow to go, hadn't they? Maybe this was her chance. She peeled from the wall and headed quickly towards the bag.

That was when the next shot came. Ramona's heart stopped. For a few milliseconds, she feared herself shot. Milliseconds later, she registered no pain, nothing. But then she looked down and saw the cloth of the bag tear open.

There were many things about dynamite Ramona knew, such as it exploded, and there were other things she didn't know, such as how in most situations it was impossible for it to explode upon being shot. What she also didn't know was that there were exceptions to this rule. It didn't give any comfort to the fact that only mere fractions of a second later, the rest of the bag tore open, and everything turned searing hot and Ramona would have screamed in pain if she hadn't felt as though she was being torn apart.

Because ever so quickly later, there was nothing.

Female Student Number #20 Ramona Shirley - GAME OVER
[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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Post by chitoryu12* »

((Got a death due. Don't want to hold it up any longer))

Okay, gotta crawl out of here. Door over there. Just crawl behind the bar and--

Suddenly, Ken became aware of a faint wetness on the back of his shirt. As he reached his arm back to feel at it, he felt like he was moving underwater.

Trying to get onto his knees, he felt weak. His vision blurred, and he fell flat on his face into a sharp-smelling puddle of spilled liquor. He rolled over, looking down over his body. There was a ragged hole torn in the front of his shirt.

Oh no oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god

The first bullet didn't miss him. It went right through him.

His adrenaline would no longer keep him up. He could feel his body slowly shutting down, the world blurring into faint smears and turning black around the edges.

He blinked once. Twice. He couldn't see anything.

Reaching a hand up to the hole on his chest, he stopped.

Male Student #13: Kenneth Danielson DECEASED
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Post by Mini_Help »

It seemed like they all came in at once.

Someone kicked open the saloon doors and subsequently fell on his bum. It was that kid Benny from school and the girl Warren recognized as Ramona was with him. There was some talking and then Ramona decided to take a seat with both he and Ken at the poker table, while starting at him suspiciously.

Geeze what is your problem? I'm just sitting here not bothering anybody. Nobody said you had to sit with us.

More voices again. A girl, with a gun.

Oh great, there goes my firearm advantage. Hey isn't that the weird girl who talked to her teddy bear? Yeah, that really doesn't make me any kinds of comfortable at all.

Katie as usual was the first to talk to her as she did with Benny and Ramona. Not that Warren minded, he'd rather not have been associated with someone already visibly crazy even back home. Imagine what she could do with a gun and a mindset like her's in a game like this. He didn't trust her at all.

Without warning a shot flew across the room, which Warren assumed was from Sycanus. He made a quick grab for his gun, but noticed the girl ducking and screaming.

It wasn't her.

Before he knew it a boy Warren wasn't sure he recognized all that well came in holding what appeared to be a Winchester Rifle.

Must be one of those loser loner kids and -Oh great another gun and this guy is definitely crazy!

Warren, still sitting watched as the boy fired a few shots at the others at the table, panicking and trying to steady himself to protect the group with his own weapon.

He fired a shot, but the other guy was faster.

M03: Warren Davies - Deceased (Game Over).
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Post by widespreadinman* »

((Since Kami's MIA, guess I'll just post.))

Three shots. Three sounds to make her afraid. One added sound to force a scream out of her. And all she could do was hide. Hide, and hope Simon came back to his senses, even for a bit. Looking up, she saw Kenneth's now-lifeless body in a puddle of blood and liquor.
I fear the worst has come.
"Gee, y-you think, Tobeyn?!" Sycanus yelled in fright.
Just keep down behind the bar, and wait until he's out of ammo... Or something.
"O-Okay..." Her body violently trembled with fear, her arms clutching onto the bear for dear life. The gun was still by her side, but Sycanus didn't even bother with it. "Tobeyn...?"
Yes, Sycanus?
"D-Do you think that other Simon died... or is he with the shooter right now?"
There's no way he could have been with the shooter... for all I know, maybe that other Simon from the trail was actually nicer...
She let out a nervous chuckle. "Don't b-be silly..." But the chuckle faded. She was still being hunted.
Have you tried calling out? Reasoning?
"W-Worth a shot..." she whispered. Sycanus then cleared her throat. "Uh, Simon..." she said aloud and still trembling. "Wh-Whatever I did to make you mad... I d-dunno what it is I did... b-but..."
You can do it...
"I'm sorry... It... It won't happen again... p-promise..." More tears were felt in her eyes. "Just please... d-don't kill me..."
Aren't you forgetting something?
"Af-After all... I... I didn't even want to shoot anyone else..."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Sycanus stammered. She knew that she was quite the shy type. But it was indeed Sycanus Appletin. And she vaguely knew who she was, as well. Katie something. So basic ideas of who they were, then. Great! Perhaps she could join the party, or heck, she could turn out to be nice! Just as long as she didn't hang around band-


Shit! Shit shit shit! What the hell was that? She didn't want to know, damn it! Was that Sycanus? Oh god she could barely think right now! Oh god what what what what!

And suddenly everyone scattered. Katie found herself scrambling under the piano in several seconds flat, slightly wincing as she hit her bad leg against the foot of it. Around her she could dimly sense everyone rushing to hiding spots of their own, a few shapes hiding behind the counter.

God, you know what she wished that she had right now? A gun! They were in the middle of a shoot-out, damn it, so someone had to shoot back! But who was shooting at them? She didn't know! She wasn't able to see who it was! It wasn't Sycanus though, that she could process. So a bandit. Oh hell. Bandits! Bandits ruined everything! Sure this would be the first they had encountered, but really! Horrible bandits, coming in and barging into a saloon like this with guns a blazing!

Her heart audibly pumping in her chest, she curled up under the piano, staring into the saloon. She heard Ramona cry out her name, and the word "dynamite" managed to reach her ears. However, she was vaguely aware of a shape that looked like her friend, and Katie realized that she was trying to get her bag away from the-

"RAMONA!" she called out from her hiding place.

Oh hell, what was she doing?! She was going to get shot this way! She didn't need to sacrifice herself here! But what if the dynamite exploded? What would they do? She didn't know! But either Ramona was going to get hurt or that dynamite was going to go off!

More gunshots. They wouldn't leave. And then a louder crack.

Katie instinctively covered her face and brought her knees closer to her chest as the sound seemed to engulf the room. The room was suddenly hot and smelled very much of lead. The piano above her pushed back towards the wall, as if being hit by an invisible force. She was aware of the sound of debris hitting the floor, some of which seemingly landing on top of the piano.

It seemingly went quiet afterwards, the smell of lead still hanging in the air.

Katie still laid in the same position, paralyzed by fright. Her thoughts were still racing.

Was she dead? She couldn't have survived that. Katie wasn't sure if she was even alive right now. What about everyone else? Did they make it out okay? Oh god, please let them be okay. Did the bandit leave? Did they die in the blast? What happened?

A shudder went up and down her spine repeatedly. She didn't want to move her arms away from her face to see what happened. She didn't want to see anything right now.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Cash Money* »

Benny jumped out of his skin.

No sooner had he attempted to greet the girl with the teddy bear than everything went to hell. Benny had never heard gunfire before, and the sound inadvertently provided just the outlet for all of the nervous, anticipatory energy. He panicked before he could even process what was happening. He flailed, losing his balance, and banged his already slightly sore knee against the table as the chair tipped backwards. An arm then caught him across the chest, and he fell the rest of the way as someone who he guessed was Ramona pulled him somewhere. Somewhere safe, he could only hope.

Another shot. He was scared out of his wits. If he had had the ability to think or do anything, he would have started writing a stand-up routine about how he wasn’t able to think or do anything, and how you would think that evolution/God/whoever would plan things better. If survival of the fittest/being made in God’s image/whatever was all it was cracked up to be, he should have been able to stop hyperventilating, right? He wasn’t able to think though, at least not any more coherently than ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod bullets arm shots dragged loud this hurts it’s real where is everyone it’s real it’s real IT’S REAL!

He found himself deposited in the corner, and was just now barely able to get up and look around. Everything was happening faster than the speed of perception, and it was all Benny could do to pick up on general impressions. The most important impression was of people hiding behind the bar as a refuge from the chaos, and to his panicking mind, it made sense. He dove towards the heap.

He ducked and covered. He was good at that. It was always fun when they ran tornado drills at school; he found it to be a nice change of pace. Of course he’d whisper to nearby classmates through most of it, but still, he’d taken to huddling with as much zeal as it was possible to take to huddling, and for once it was paying off. For a brief moment, the turmoil stirred up the memory of the one time he was on TV, when his shoes were visibly sticking out from underneath a desk when the local news decided there was nothing better to do than cover his elementary school’s tornado drill. Those shoes were the ones wiggling back and forth.

He lifted his head out of his hands. He immediately wished he hadn’t. The first thing he saw was red, and the sight made him cringe. Benny retreated into his shell and shrunk away from his wounded classmate, searching for his happy place among his muddled thoughts. No dice.

The next thought to cross his mind was that his neck was starting to hurt. And yet, he couldn’t look up, not at that, not just yet. He instead looked sideways, and there was a flash of blue sky. It was a window. Located about as high as most windows were on walls, it had six panes and carried the hope of sweet freedom. He thought that if he could just jump out the window, he could get away from whoever was shooting. Sure, he’d get cut, but he wouldn’t get shot. That was assuming he could leap over a chest-high wall in one go, though, and the fear that had him curled up in a ball behind the counter knew better. He curled harder.

Somewhere in the middle of it all, through ringing ears, he’d heard Ramona yelling at Katie. Something about the dynamite. Something about – oh, no, was she going out there to get it?

And then it was as if time itself ripped in two.

The ground beneath shook violently; the earth stood still.

The heat was intense; no temperature could be felt.

The sound was deafeningly loud; there was only silence.

The explosion occurred in an instant; the blast lasted a lifetime.

In that lifetime, the universe consisted solely of Benny, lost in chaos. And yet life continued, and the universe started forming itself into recognizable details once more. The smell of smoke drifted in. The heavy pall of the air sunk down upon him. The uneven wooden floor shifted under his weight. A hot wind blew.

Wait, weren’t they inside?

He looked up. He saw red again – that was Ken, unmoving, bereft of life but not resting in peace, dead – but his peripheral vision caught something more interesting. His gaze panned over to the left. The wall was caved in, broken. The window was completely busted, and the whole thing looked unstable. So did the floor, at that.

He put his hand on the counter to gain a little leverage, trying to stand up. The counter wobbled, its foundation all but gone. His legs felt heavier, somehow requiring effort to swing around.

One foot. Two.

He was still shaking from the adrenaline, but the compulsion to move quickly was no longer there. There had been enough movement in the past minute to last someone a lifetime. Benny just wanted to be still, but the aftermath demanded attention.

Before him were several of the people who were in the bar with him. One was lying on her side, looking scared out of her wits. One had a huge red stain on his shirt, slumped painfully on the floor. Beyond the bar, one huddled behind a piano. And then there was…

Then there was…

Oh God, no…

Benny turned toward the destruction. The center of the room was a total mess. The bar furniture was disintegrated, the walls heaving like they were about to collapse. And in the middle of it all, two nearly unrecognizable…


Benny refused to look. His last sight of Ramona was not going to look like that.

Sycanus was talking to someone, maybe the bear, maybe somebody outside. Benny didn't have the presence of mind to follow up on that lead; if she was talking and not crying out in pain, she was in decent shape. He didn't know that about Katie. He spun around the bar, racing over towards the piano.

"Katie! Are you OK?"
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Cash Money. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Jadedflames* »


A bullet had clipped his left shoulder.


The heat left his face bright red.


The explosion had knocked him backwards.


Chunks of the wooden wall had splintered, riddling him with pinpricks.

Simon was lying in the sand, half behind his barrel, gun dropped at his feet. He pushed himself up, pulling at one of the large splinters, stuck in the pad of his hand. His gaze dropped. Was that a finger in the sand next to him?

What the ever-loving fuck was that?

Simon blinked. He could not tell what had happened. The world was still ringing. Through a fairly large hole in the wall, he could see that the bag he had hit was no more, as was the girl standing next to it.

He coughed, breathing in, and saw movement in the room, people were standing up. He staggered backwards, grabbing his bag.

Fear. Terror. Noise. Pain.

A flurry of thoughts made their way through his mind, echoing with the sounds of the explosion. The last sound three people had heard.

It was for the best, Simon.

Fast. Hot. Loud.

Simon grabbed his things blindly, wincing as the wood drove further into his hand, pushing against the stock of his gun.

Get out of there. No more violence. Leave them alone.

Yes, Simon. You have done enough. I am sure she will be happy.


Simon stumbled slightly, but moved away. It was high time he reached the train station. She would be waiting. Waiting for him. She would understand it all.

((Sion Mattheson continued in The Perfect Day))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Jadedflames. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by widespreadinman* »

Of course he didn't hear that. Could you hear that? No, thanks to that dynamite blast.
Peering up from the bar, she saw... well, the worst happening as it seemed. The bar was a disaster zone, two whole corpses nearby, and...
Uh, Sycanus... you're not squeamish, are you?
"Wh-Why do you say that, Tobeyn...?"
There's body parts around here...
"... Oh god..." With quickening breaths, Sycanus walked back, nearly tripping over Kenneth's dead body. "He... he really wants me dead..."
The more you think about him, the more you'll be afraid. Simon's gone now... left you alone with two others.
"Y-You're right... just gotta... gotta move on..." Deep down, however, she couldn't. First the collars, then the river and cabin scuffles... and now this. One right after the other. She clenched her eyes shut, coming to terms that it was likely she'll die. And it couldn't be any worse. Flopping herself to a sturdy piece of the counter, she began to sob. The bear was right at her side, too, silently watching her.
Well... you know what you got to do. Find him, reason with him... or kill him if all else fails. This thought caused her to look up from the bar. Wait, are you kidding me?! He'll shoot at you from fifty paces out! Getting even remotely near him would be a bad idea!
Oh, it was a bad idea, alright... one idea that may have to wait on the backburner. Now, though... just see if they're gonna be alright...
Please get out of my head, Simon...
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler widespreadinman.
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