The Burial Of The Dead

A large, high-ceilinged building, the mess hall consists of two rooms, one being a wide open space containing several long bench tables, bolted to the floor. The other is a spacious kitchen, as would be expected for that of a building that had to cater for a large number of soldiers.

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Post by peregrineink* »

The lonely twin had shot at her, which Maddie thought was rude, because it wasn't like she was even doing anything. It hadn't even touched her, but still, not very nice of her to do. How did everyone even know her? She was so faceless at school, and now all of these people looked at her as though they attached the phrase "a certain" to the front of her name. It was baffling and maybe would have been flattering if they had seen it all as art.

None of these people saw art.

The lonely twin ran into the kitchen and slammed it shut. Well then. She turned around to see a girl...Juliet Watanbe talking to Karl Chalmers. It seemed pretty important. Maddie didn't want to intrude. She turned her attention back to the lonely twin, heard the thud of a chair against the door. Hadn't she run into the kitchen? Maddie went over the layout of the room in her mind. Definitely the kitchen.

"Excuse me, Miss Mason." Being polite was very important when you were talking to company. "But I don't think that you can get out of there."
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Post by Cake »

He called him Karl.

The day Luke was gonna address Karl Chalmers by his first name, was the day Luke gained even a single ounce or shred of respect for the guy.
Like that would ever happen.

Well it happened. Luke called Chalmers: Karl. He gained more than just an ounce of respect for Karl now. More than anyone could have expected. More than, even Luke expected himself. In the span of two days, everything hostile between the two, at least on Luke's side of the issue, disappeared. Just like that.

It was the one thing that Luke was really yearning for, sentimentally during his time in the compound. Ketchup.

Luke had only brought it up as a passing mention, and in lame joke form, about his mom working as an executive for the Heinz Corporation, and how he wanted to see some ketchup again. He did not really expect Karl, to remember, least of all actually, find, ketchup, then save some for, him, as he promised back then in the Administration building. Luke didn't actually think Karl was serious about it.

Now here he was helpless, just watching Karl bleed to death.

He didn't know first aid. The only thing he knew was what Logan Sorenson, had guided him in doing, back when she was bleeding to death. And Juliet had already done it. From his experiences of watching Sor, die slowly, and due to Karl's being even more severe, Luke already knew what would happen to Karl soon enough. It was hopeless.

Luke was about to answer Juliet's question about first aid, when Karl inexplicably started talking again, through pained and dying breaths, not unlike Sor... except, again, even more severe, than she had been.

"L-luke. Thanks. J-just don't... I mean.. be c-careful, everyone. D-don't make... mistakes."

Luke tried to smile. Couldn't.

Karl started talking to Juliet and Marilyn, as Luke backed away, to leave room between them. Simply watching on in silence, in the background.

Karl was quiet again. He might have been unconscious now, or he might've been dead. Either or, Karl was definitely gone. No tears. Only silence.


Luke looked at Juliet. A strong female. Like his mother, and the many he had interacted with, over the course of the program. Then at Karl.

He needed to go.

"I need. To find someone. Megan Jacobson."

...and Brendan Arrington, and Alex Tartaglia, like he promised Matt Payne, and that black fucker who gave him the black eye... and

Who else?

There was so much he needed to do, Luke didn't know where to start.

He needed to find Megan or else she was gonna end up like Karl... like Kami, like everyone else he watched die!

Everyone he knew was dying all around, him and the psychos of this game, all the killers were still running wild in this place, doing as they please. Adding more and more people to their lists. Why couldn't they all take each other out? Why'd they have to take out innocents, and the people Luke actually gave a SHIT about?

He looked at Marilyn, and at Juliet, who seemed to mourn Karl's death.

How about that.
What is it Sor?
If I didn't know any better. I'd say they were friends.

The two were armed - with guns. Juliet was strong and they could protect themselves. "Stay Safe."

He looked down into the mess hall, gun at ready, in case Miss Harris - if she was still down there - was gonna attack. It turned out that aside from what sounded like a whisper at first; everything was quiet in the Mess Hall. No one had shot at him even when he relaxed his gun ready position. She was probably gone.

He opened the door and stepped outside, once again into the crisp air, this time on ground. Morning light beginning to come out. A new day. Another day in the program.

Oh wait.

He forgot something inside, and went back in to retrieve it.
Luke found what he was looking for a few minutes later, and walked back out.

"Damn: forgot my shades."

[[Luke Mendoza continued elsewher- BANG!
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Post by Fiori »

No sooner had Sophie Mason dealt with one problem had another come along to immediately replace it, namely the fact that she'd locked herself into a kitchen which didn't seem to have any other doors apart from the one directly behind her.

Wait, is that a way out... No, just a closet. Damnit, why didn't I just leave via the way I came it?!? Stupid Madeline Harris. Stupid Karl Chalmers. All I had to do was aim and shoot, thats all! And if it wasn't for them-

Her train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a gunshot, reminding her that panicking was not a good idea when she was in the same building as a psychopath and a potentially vengeful Japanese girl. She had to think fast, improvise, and find an alternate way out of this kitchen as soon as possible so she could regroup and plan her next strategy. After all, it was pointless to come this far without taking the opportunity to whittle down the competition some more...

Finally, an idea sprung to mind the moment her eyes fell upon a half-open window above one of the cookers, and without even taking a second to think about it she rushed towards it and clambered onto the cooker so she could get it further open. Sadly, as far as windows went it wasn't exactly the ideal size for her to climb though, but given the situation it would have to do. Besides, as it happened she was reasonably thin, so crawling through it wouldn't be an impossible task.

After spending the next five minutes or so wiggling and desperately attempting to squeeze through the small gap, Sophie finally managed to find herself on the outside the mess hall once again with her bag and shotgun right beside her. Phew... Okay, now that's over, I need to figure out what to do next. Should I risk going back in? Or perhaps I should search elsewhere for easier targets...

She spent approximately three minutes or so sitting there trying to think up an answer, her excitement slowly dying down as she began to feel calm once more, until she finally came to a definite conclusion. She would take one last peek inside through the entrance, see if its possible to attempt some kind of ambush, then decide on what to do next from what she sees inside.

With this in mind, she grabbed her shotgun and leaned around the corner, half-expecting to see either Maddie or Juliet staring right back at her...

...Instead though, she almost gasped in shock as she saw none other than the very boy she was looking for standing right in the open.

Luke Mendoza.

The Boy who killed Stephanie.

The boy who murdered her sister.

She could begin to feel her rage from earlier returning to her. The sheer desire for bloody vengeance coursing through her veins as she tried so hard to hold back the urge to randomly open fire at her on her biggest target.

But no, she had to be careful here. Take things nice and slowly. Savour the moment as much as she could... Luke went back inside. Possibly to grab some forgotten belonging or something. If she was quiet, she could wait by the side of the building for him to leave so she could get a much better shot at him.

With this in mind, and her desire for vengeance fuelling her resolve, Sophie sneaked alongside the wall until she found herself right by the door, her heart pumping at an alarming wait as she waited impatiently for him to leave.

This was it. This was the moment she was waiting for. In a few short minutes, Luke would be dead and Stephanie would be avenged. She would have finally been able to do what her sister should have done back when they first started playing, only this time Logan Sorenson wasn't going to jump in the way of the bullets. She knew that this wouldn't make things better, nor would it bring Stephanie back to life, but in the end all that mattered to Sophie was that Luke would be dead. The person who murdered her sister would pay for what he had done, and Sophie could finally be at peace.

Eventually, the moment of truth came, and Luke Mendoza stepped through the door completely unaware of Sophie's presence. There was no turning back now. All she had to do now was aim and shoot him in the spine, and then it would all be over.

And, sure enough, that's exactly what she did.

There was a loud bang, followed by the sound of pellets making impact with flesh, and before Sophie even realised it Luke was lying face first on the floor with a dozen pellet holes embedded in his back.

She had done it. She had actually done it! She'd killed the person who had been tormenting her mind for the past 24 hours, the very same boy who murdered her sister barely a day or so ago. She had heard from someone in the past that revenge was not what it was cracked up to be, but at that very moment, Sophie had never felt more satisfied in her entire life. This was a truly victorious moment for her, once which she was bound to remember long after this day was over...

...And then he began to groan.

What the?!? Hmm, so, he's still alive. For now at least. Maybe my revenge isn't over QUITE yet after all...

Using her left foot to turn Luke over onto his back, Sophie trod hard down on the Italian boy's chest, causing blood to spurt from his mouth as she aimed the barrel of her shotgun right in his face. He hadn't lost consciousness yet, and judging from the look in his eyes he could tell just exactly what was going on.

Good. Sophie would have hated it if he didn't...

"So, what does it feel like, Luke? How does it feel to have several bullets penetrating your body, knowing that within a few moments your heart will beat for the last time? Its just a shame that none of those pellets struck you in the neck, then you would truly know what it felt like for my own sister to choke on her own blood. Not that it matters, in the end I'm just happy to see that the man who murdered my sister dies slowly in a pool of his own blood. My only regret is that I'll only get one opportunity to watch you die..."

She didn't smile once as she spoke to Luke, keeping a stern and cold demeanour throughout. After all, she wasn't happy knowing that she'd ended the life of yet another human being. All she felt as her eyes bore deep into Luke's was satisfaction. Pure ruthless satisfaction. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Goodbye, Luke Mendoza..."
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Post by storyspoiler* »

Karl was dead.

Karl was dead.

His head had turned to the side.

He was dead.




And she could scream as loud as she wanted, in her head, where no one could hear.

My family. Why did you have to take my family from me?

Why couldn't I die first? Couldn't I at least have that? Couldn't I at least have that, Uncle Sam?

Couldn't I at least have that?

No use being bitter. Death all around. And there was still Marilyn.

And she had to wonder if Karl would appreciate a traditional Japanese funeral.

My family…

He had said "Good luck".


Fuck you. Fuck you for dying. Fuck you for dying and leaving me here. You knew what you were doing. You were cautious. You played the game, you played the game right, and now you tried to save me because I didn't think, because I was STUPID--

She wanted to hurt herself. Same urge that made her fuck boys she didn't know the names of in their cars that smelled of cat food, of trash. Trash. She wanted to fight someone, fight someone to death, have them scratch her and cut her with knives--


But she couldn't leave Marilyn.

Luke didn't look so good either. He was looking at her, at Karl, at the packets of ketchup (ketchup?) in his hand.

"I need to find Megan Jacobson." He said.

She nodded. Later, she would wonder who Megan Jacobson was, what she meant to him. Not now.

Now, he left.

Claire. Karl.

She needed--she needed to move Karl's body. Head pointing North. She still had change, his change. She could give him coins. For the River of Three Crossings, if he ever went there.

She needed to bury him, somehow.

"Marilyn, help me move the body."

The body.

Silently, Marilyn helped Juliet move the body, until his head pointed North.

"H-hey," he had said. "There's... something in my backpack. I d-don't need it anymore. Maybe... maybe find a good use for it, Juliet? Maybe... b-burn it or something? I'm sure you'll... figure something out."

Something in his backpack. The flag.

Maybe…b-burn it or something?

Oh God damn you, Karl.

No crying.

She took out the American flag.

Red, white and blue, huh? Hasn't changed since the '60's.

Karl Chalmers. Patriot.

She laid it, awkwardly, on his chest.

"For what this country should have been. Not what it was." Said to a camera.

Who do you pray to, if not to a camera?

The sun was rising.

"Show him the better world." She said to the sun. "Show him that there can be a better world."

The sun's a star. You can wish on stars.

Another gunshot. From downstairs, this time. Too many psychos in one damn Mess Hall.

"Marilyn," she said. "We should run."

So they ran.

(Juliet Watanabe continued elsewhere, probably with Marilyn Williams)
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Post by Cake »

Searing pain. What happened?

A girl was flipping him over, talking to him. His eyes were only partly open, till a foot pressed down on his chest, causing them to jolt open completely. He was wet and warm, and more of it came spurting out of his mouth from that stomp.

Luke expected to be staring up at the face of, Madeline Harris, but instead looked up, at a more familiar one.

He had been taken by surprise. A sneak attack, an ambush, like the one planned on him before Logan Sorenson intervened, by the Mason Twins.

He knew what was happening. He had been shot. Now, laying there, with tears in his eyes. Feeling like a disappointment. He had failed at keeping his promise to Matt, and talking to those he needed to. He didn't help anyone he needed to. He didn't accomplish anything.

The living Mason - Sophie, was finishing what she started back in the Officer's Quarters. He understood the expression on her face and in her words, as he himself had felt similarly before.

"I didn't do it..." Luke managed to say. "I didn't kill your sister."

Then who did Luke?

"Ryan Montoya. Couldn't stop her..."

He couldn't speak anymore. Oxygen was literally bleeding out of him. It was gonna happen eventually. Then he remembered one thing.

With the last ounce of energy he had in him, his hands went to his pocket. No, not for a gun. Not even for his favorite shades.

He lifted his arm into the air. The note in the palm of his hands. His last words in written form for the remaining Mason.

It was strange. His whole time in the Program, was spent literally-fighting his way through all this shit, to make it out alive, and now here he was, without a chance to fight back. No self defense, no fighting, no action, no bad ass final stand.

He closed his eyes.

Luke... Luke?

What. Who is it?

Luke, I am.... YOUR FATHER!

Wait what. DAD? Dad - you're Dead!?

Pfffftt. Hahaha! Sorry, I could not resist.

Sor? What the hell?


Ummm Heaven?

Nope, just: the afterlife. Or whatever this place is supposed to be. I call it the lounge.


Oh and by the way. I know who your dad is. And he's still alive.

Really, who is he?

Surprised me at first, but he's that Hollywood actor guy: Adrian Ari.
Better than my dead-beat father, that's for sure. Now that I think of it, there is a really uncanny resemblance there, heck even down to the eye wear. We see a lot of stuff from here, you know? Speaking of which.... WHAT HAPPENED LUKE? Ryan's gonna be pissed! She sent me her regards, and hoped you'd get out of there, for the both of us... well technically you did, but, not really what we wanted and all. I told you not to go and get yourself killed buddy.

Wait, Ryan's dead? And ADRIAN ARI is my DAD? Speaking of dads... what was with the whole: "Dad... I know where you buried those hookers" line all about?

Heh. Okay let's go, cowboy. You have a lot to learn.

Yeah sure. Coming. Just a sec, kay?

Oh dang, forgot my shades... Again.

Male Student #16: Luke Mendoza, Eliminated.
11 Students Remain.
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Post by Fiori »


That was the only reply Sophie could come up with as Luke denied killing her sister.

Her eyes widened as a shocked expression replaced the stern and cold look that had been there barely seconds ago, completely disappeared alongside the satisfactory feeling of retribution she had been desperate to experience since the moment Stephanie had died. This wasn't right. This COULDN'T be right! How dare he lie about such a thing! Luke killed Stephanie! She had seen him do it with her own eyes!

But... No. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't actually seen who had been the one to actually pull the trigger. She had only assumed it was Luke because he happened to be there at just the right moment, and that out of everyone on the island he was one of the people most likely to have a vendetta against her and Stephanie, but in the end she never actually saw him physically pull the trigger himself. From all she knew, he could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time...

No, this is nonsense! He's lying! He HAS to be lying! Of course he was the one who killed Stephanie! Who else could have done it?!?

"Ryan Montoya. Couldn't stop her..."

Her heart froze for a brief second.

Ryan Montoya... The same person who the announcements claimed had been the one to kill Stephanie.

But... No, that can't be right. Brigadier Adams was a complete moron, of course he must of made a mistake!

But then, why would Luke lie to her right now, knowing full well that he was going to die at any second? What on earth did he have to gain by doing so?

Despite how much she wished this was just trick, some last minute act of malicious deceit, deep down she could tell that what Luke was saying was the truth. That SHE was the one who had made a mistake and gone after the wrong guy, that she had been spending her time looking for Luke when she really should have been looking for Ryan.

Tears were beginning to well in her eyes as her heart began pounding at an impossibly fast rate, sheer fury in her tear soaked eyes as she slowly became more enraged with every passing second. How dare he do this to her! How dare he tell her this now, rather then keep quiet and die silently! This was meant to be her retribution! The victorious moment when she finally killed the monster who had murdered her sister... But now, thanks to Luke, that moment had been ruined. He was NOT the person she had been looking for! He had raised her hopes, then smashed them into a thousand pieces.

"Where is she?" she asked harshly, her cold demeanor from earlier completely absent.

No reply.

"Where IS she!?!" she asked again with twice as harshly, cocking her shotgun as she did so.

Still no reply. In fact, from the looks of things, he'd never say another word ever again. His chest was no longer moving back and forth, and his heart had finally stopped beating.

Luke Mendoza was dead.

And Sophie still had questions she wanted answered.

There was red in Sophie's eyes right now. Pure, unadulterated rage. In a moment of impulse, she let out an unnatural scream of fury and pulled the trigger, the gunshot hitting Luke's corpse square between the eyes and splattering his head all across the floor. She was seething in rage by this point, barely even noticing the bits of flesh that had ricocheted from the blast and stuck to her hair and clothing, or the large puddle of blood that had formed around the confused twin as she fell to her knees, dropping the gun onto the floor and clawing at her hair furiously.

This wasn't right! This shouldn't have made any difference at all! After all, she was planning on killing everyone in the end anyway, but that didn't change the fact that this was supposed to be HER moment! That the one who had killed Stephanie was still probably at large, and that she now needed to search for Ryan so she could finish the job!

After spending the next five minutes or so mentally berating herself, Sophie eventually managed to calm herself down to a certain extent. At the very least, she had calmed herself down enough to notice that in his last moments, Luke had attempted to hand her a note of some kind. Huh? What is this?!?

She slowly snatched the note from his stiff hands, slowly unfolding it and reading the words scrawled onto it.

Please forgive me...

For once, Sophie was the one who was confused beyond measure. She could recognise that handwriting anywhere... Was this some kind of sick joke? How did Luke get this note from her sister?!? Did he steal it off her, or had she given it to him behind her back? This was just... No, what did this mean!?! What did ANY of this mean?!?!?

In anger, she ripped the note into several pieces right there on the spot, letting them drop down onto the pool of blood beneath her without feeling the slightest bit of doubt.

Because in the end, none of this really mattered. Her overall goal remained the same: Kill the person who murdered her sister, along with everyone else who stands in her way. This was only a minor setback, one which she would soon rectify once Ryan was dead. Besides, she had been meaning to finish what she had started in the officer's quarters anyway. Now both Luke Mendoza AND Logan Sorenson were dead, and soon Ryan Montoya would be joining them alongside everyone else in this compound apart from herself.

But first, she had to leave this place. Leave and never return for as long as she lived. She'd spent too long staying in the small area when there were dozens of place she could go looking next...

She grabbed a hold of her shotgun and stood up, giving Luke's mutilated corpse one last look of contempt before turning and leaving.

It won't be long now Stephanie. This will all be over soon, you'll see...

((Sophie Mason continued in We Shall Be Together in Paradise))
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Post by peregrineink* »

The lonely twin didn't respond, which seemed rude to Maddie, but with all of the chaos could she really be blamed? There were gunshots everywhere and people yelling and other people probably dying. She looked back over to Karl Chalmers, he had been moved, obut he was very very obviously dead.

Maddie seemed very very obviously alone.

"Oh," she said quietly.

People had all been talking and Maddie hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise to ask them if any of them had been Brett Torres, sh was pretty sure they weren't but still, it wasn't very polite to just ignore her. She sniffed at the injustice of it.

Karl Chalmers briefly kept her company, but really, there was nothing for her here.

Maddie shouldered on....

(Madeline Harris continued in Cangiante)
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Post by Namira »

Marilyn had never wished him dead.

She'd known Karl was behind a lot of the problems she'd had in the past. His self-assured smile had told her that. The whole 'I am right and you are wrong' demeanour he exuded. When somehow, Marilyn had been reported for any number of little things, well... there was only one guy who wouldn't do that to her face. A Harris Van Allen would kick her in the stomach then laugh at her as she lay curled on the floor. A Karl Chalmers would make sure that Marilyn wound up in hot water for 'provoking' another.

She sits in the vice-principal's office, crying. Her forehead is bleeding steadily from a cut. There is a ragged patch missing from her hair, torn out almost at the root. The school official berates her for starting a fight. For yelling at everyone in the hallway. Because of Karl.

But Marilyn had never wished him dead. She didn't have that in her. If she were a malicious person, Marilyn would've landed herself in a lot of trouble a long time ago. So she simply stared down at the dying boy. Tried to figure out what she was feeling. Sadness? Marilyn didn't like Karl, but for this to happen to him... And Juliest was upset, which made no sense at all from what Bryant had said.

Had he... changed?

He wished them luck.

"R-r-ruh-rest i-in puh-puh-peace."

She flinched at yet another gunshot. There were no objections to Juliet's suggestion.

((Marlyn continued in Let's Make Life A Living Hell))
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