Break the Sky


The Helipad is an oversized, out of place structure in the confines of the Compound. Raised up off the ground by steel struts, it offers a view easily rivaling the tops of the two story buildings it shares the space with, only trumped by the watchtower. To get up onto it, one must take a long series of staircases which wind their way up to the top.

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Break the Sky


Post by peregrineink* »

(Continued from Actions Speak Louder than Words in an attempt to not break the space time continuum in the Field Hospital, I hope this is okay!)

Maddie calmly looked at the twisted corpse of some blonde haired girl, crumpled at the foot of this large concrete structure. Her gray eyes were dead as she looked at this girl, lifeless as a puppet.

She had heard the announcement. Oh God, had she heard. At first she was downright unsettled at how often her name came up. Was she really that bloodthirsty?

Then she heard his name.

Maddie slowly climbed the stairs to the top of the helipad, the stairway twisted and turned, and she could feel a nice, light breeze tickle its way through her hair.

Maddie desperately wanted to see the sky. Just for a moment.

Duncan was dead, but really, what was she going to do if she had met with him again? He was dead. When last he thought of her, he had thought of her as a killer.

She had reached the top. There were no corpses up here. She took comfort in that. Maddie was tired. Maddie was incredibly tired. She allowed her knees to give way and collapsed on the concrete. She rifled through her canvas sack which had gone pretty much ignored throughout the Program except to hang off of her at random times. She wishes she had another outfit in there, her overalls were stiff in awkward places with blood. She found some crackers and put them in her mouth. She couldn't chew, she didn't really want to, but the dry particles slid down her throat and made her cough. She eased a bottle of water out of the bag next and took a sip. She was glad it was lukewarm, she probably would have thrown up if it were cold. Her stomach roiled at the thought of it anyway.

She could see the sky.

Maddie wanted to tear it all down.

She stood back up, there was no use sitting. There was no use crying or being sad or anything. There was only the gallery adn there was only what she had left to do. Slowly, she made her way back to the stairs, headed downwards.

There was much for her left to do.

(Maddie Harris continued in The Opening Faceoff)
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