It's On

Start of F25

Although not particularly luxurious, the two story building which comprise the officers' quarters is hardly spartan. Along with several well-outfitted bedrooms, the quarters contain a rec room, a small gymnasium, a lounge and a miniature library.

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It's On


Post by Sideliner* »

Start of F25

The first thing Priscilla saw, after the blur had cleared up, was a beige ceiling, littered with cracks and small potholes. The first thing she felt was a carpet of felt at her back. The first thing she did was get up on her elbow. Look around, wonder what happened. There were tall, oaken bookcases stacked to the brim. One to the left, one to the right. A ladder lay a few feet away from her, attached to the shelves, ready to serve. She sat up, her mind still fuzzy from the events before, and then...


She sat up, at attention, her heart threatening to rip itself out of her chest. Looked around, looked down, saw a cylindrical green bag, marked with a bird scrawled in black marker. She took the bag by its handle and set it in her lap, hoping to the Lord, her God that it would hold something useful, like a gun, or a club, or anything. She unzipped it swiftly, rummaged hastily through the first aid kit, her rations, her compass, until there was nothing left.

Nothing but a long, noodly, rubber implement, unfit to fight with, that nonetheless managed to shatter something very important in its owner.

Only one thing to do, her body said.

Priscilla clutched her head, lifted her chin up, and unleashed the loudest screech her lungs could handle.
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Post by Fiori »

((The Mason Twins continued from Luck had nothing to do with it))

After leaving the rec room far behind them, the Mason Twins slowly made their way through the barren hallway as they headed to investigate the source of the shrill scream. Sophie went ahead, sneaking along with her crowbar at the ready as Stephanie scurried behind to catch up.

Whilst Sophie had a look of stern professionalism about her demeanour, Stephanie gave off the impression of a frightened rabbit expecting a fox to jump out of nowhere at any second. She couldn't understand how her sister could take the pressure so easily... At least, on the outside she seemed to be taking well. From all she knew, Sophie might be just as scared as she was. Only, unlike Stephanie, she was much less obvious about it.

They passed a couple of empty rooms on their way, Sophie routinely checking each one for anybody hiding away in the darkness. Every time she put her hand up to signal Stephanie to stop, the frightened girl couldn't help but be paranoid of Sophie coming across one of her friends... No, one of her former friends. Sophie was right after all. As long as they were here, neither she or Sophie HAD any friends. They couldn't trust anyone apart from each other. Stephanie knew that, and yet... Something told her that when the time came, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to pull the trigger. She'd just wuss out again, like she always does. She couldn't bring herself to do such a thing to anyone, even to their more unsavoury classmates. She just wasn't the kind of person suited to this kind of thing...

...Unlike Sophie, apparently...

Eventually, the two found themselves standing outside a glass doorway which was labled as being the "Library". Once again, Sophie lifted her hand to signal Stephanie to stop as she prepared herself to check out the room for anyone hiding.

This time however, Stephanie decided to take matters into her own hands for once....

"Psst, Sophie..."

"Shush! Someone might be listening!"

"I, I'm sorry, but. I was thinking..."


"...What if, um, I went in first this time?"

"...Are you sure Steph?"

"Yes! I... I want to help, okay? I'll scream if something wrong happens, I swear..."

Sophie paused for a moment, considering her sister's proposition thoroughly. Stephanie could only imagine what thoughts where going through her sibling's mind at that very moment. Was she weighing the chances of there actually being someone there? Was she afraid that Stephanie might make herself a huge target? Was she worried that she'd be leaving herself defenceless if someone with a gun came around the corner right now? Stephanie could only guess...

Eventually, after a minute or so of biting her lip and sighing, Sophie came to a decision.

"Just be careful Steph. Remember, these people aren't our friends anymore..."

"I know..."

"They won't hesitate for a second if it means a quick trip out of here."

"I know."

"Nobody here is going to offer us any mercy Steph. So don't offer them any back..."

"I know!"

"Alright alright... I'm just saying, don't let your guard down."

"I won't, I promise..."

On that note, Stephanie took a deep breath, held onto her shotgun tightly, and opened the glass door slowly to peak inside and see if anyone was there.
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Post by Sideliner* »

After what was the longest 5 seconds of her life had finally passed, Priscilla sat in a defeated heap and panted, her lungs burning, her mind fogged up with frustration and panic. Her heart was still thumping at the speed of sound, still beating away at her chest like a mobster who'd been denied a generous sum of money. Her gaze was directed downwards at her green bag, with all her belongings spread about her, the bike lock still laying there, limp and impotent, useless for anything of importance.

For an instant, she considered the possibility that this was all in her head. An illusion cooked up by her mind to present to her while she dozed off in her home, safe and snug in her bed, until she was forced awake by a shrill ringing from her bronze-framed alarm clock, at which point she would groggily shuffle down to the kitchen, white paneled and pristine, and sit down to a bowl of whole grain cereal, after which she would get dressed up in whatever suited her fancy, stroll through her front door, and march off to General's Pride for another day of constantly ruminating over what her exercise schedule would be for the day.

But she quickly discarded that possibility, because if it really were a dream, she would have adjusted quickly to the situation at hand without so much as a thought about dreaming. With this in mind, there was only one possibility that remained…

Priscilla, once again, grasped some clumps of her hair and prepared herself for another scream…


But quickly silenced herself, as the door to the library groaned audibly. She quickly scrambled to her feet, and started gathering up her belongings, her food, her map, her flashlight…

The footsteps were increasing in volume. Priscilla made a dash for the nearest bookcase and laid up flat against the wooden wall, her pack in tow, hoping that her odds in this miserable competition could be salvaged yet...
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Post by Fiori »

The longer Stephanie held the shotgun with her own two hands, the more she realised just how heavy it really was. Keeping it upright proved to be a much bigger challenge then the young girl first anticipated. Not impossible, but challenging. The fact that at that very moment she was more terrified than she'd ever been in her entire life only made it all the more stressful...

The Library was relatively small compared to the one they had back at General's Pride. There were about 14 bookshelves in total, 7 on each side of the long and reasonably narrow room. A plastic chair or two littered a small clearing near the entrance, next to an old wooden counter with a computer and printer on top of it. Apart from that, and the stacks upon stacks of worn old books, the room was more or less empty. At least, it was on a first glance...

She made her way past the door, looking back briefly to see if Sophie was still there, and began to move down the aisles. The frightened twin honestly didn't expect there to actually be someone hiding in the library, hence the reason why she's opted for the job in the first place. Part of her was convinced that whoever had made that startling scream earlier must be long gone by now, probably outside somewhere running around like some gibbering idiot or something. Besides, the chances of bumping into somebody so early was practically...

...certain. The young girl stopped in her tracks in fear as she spotted the undeniable shape of someone's foot poking ever so subtly from the corner of the fifth bookcase on the left row of the aisles.

Oh god... Oh god no! Somebody's here!?! No, its too soon! Ohgodohgod, what should I do?!?

She wanted to leave. She wanted to just turn around, and walk out of the library without looking back for a second. Just forget that she was ever here in the first place.

And yet... Something stopped her from making any sort of movement at that moment. Fear probably. Yeah, fear sounds like the best explanation for why she wasn't running for her life at that very moment...

However, she did turn her head when she heard her sister entering through the door behind her.

Sophie? Oh no, don't tell me she...

Sure enough, from the look on her sister's face, it was obvious that she'd figured out the reason why Stephanie had stopped so suddenly. Rather then say anything, she simply put her finger to her lips and geastured Stephanie to be quiet as she moved behind the first bookcase on the left.

What is she doing? Is she... OH MY GO-

All it took was one hard shove for Sophie to push the book case over, causing it to crash into the one in front of it and knock it over too. And before Stephanie even got the chance to shriek in terror, there was something of a domino effect as the bookcases knocked one another down with a series of loud crashes.
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Post by Sideliner* »

Oh, fuck.

That was all Priscilla could think of as she heard the sound of wood hitting wood as the bookcases collapsed to the left of her before leaping forward and landing face-down in a safer position.

Somebody saw me, somebody saw me, have to get out

That was all Priscilla could think of as she brought her head up, her line of sight bouncing everywhere in alarmed turmoil, before settling on the exit, unguarded and intact, waiting patiently for her to make her escape.

run, Run, RUN

That was all Priscilla could think of in the second she made a mad dash for the door, heart still pumping away, beads of sweat trickling down her temples, senses enveloped by fear.


That was all Priscilla could say as she froze in place and raised her hands slowly, her eyes fixed upon the girl who was pointing a gun straight at her.
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Post by Fiori »

Sure enough, Sophie's plan to drive out their hidden classmate had worked perfectly. At least, Stephanie assumed that's what Sophie had intended... From all she knew, her sister might have intended to outright crush the poor girl with those falling bookcases rather then scare her out of hiding...

Stephanie gulped. In hindsight, that was probably her intention after all...

The young and frightened girl hid behind one of the bookcases on the right side as the bookcases on the left tumbled over one after another, lightly squeaking as she heard them all fall and crash one at a time. She stood for a moment, panting over and over as her mind struggled to assess the situation before she heard the noise of someone running past the aisles towards the open doorway..

What?!? NO! I can't let her get away! S, Sophie'll probably get angry at me if I do!

Thinking on her feet for once, the scared girl jumped from where she was hiding and aimed her shotgun.

"F-f-freeze! D-don't move!" she stuttered, trying her best to keep her gun's sights fixated on the now surrendering girl whom she'd stumbled upon.

She vaguely recognised the girl from around school, usually eating alone and not bothering to interact with anyone around her. Priscilla was it? Yeah, that sounded about right... Steph had never really spoken to her before, or even acknowledged her existence. She was just another extra in the background of her own life whose soul purpose seemed to be to make the dining hall a little more crowded.

In a sense, Stephanie had no emotional links preventing her from just pulling the trigger.

And yet...


She turned to her sister Sophie, who just seemed to be standing there alert with her crowbar at the ready.

"Aren't you going to finish her off?"


She couldn't believe what her sister was asking her to do. All this time, Stephanie had vaguely assumed Sophie would be the one doing the necessary killing. That she'd understand just how difficult it would be for her to do such a thing... Was she honestly expecting Stephanie to just kill an innocent person without provocation like that? As if it was just another piece of homework for her to fill out or something?

"B-but... She's unarmed!" she shakily replied, taking her gaze away from Priscilla briefly.

"Stephanie... Don't you remember what I told you earlier?"

"I do Soph! I really do, but..."

"But what?!? If that girl was in your position, do you think she would waste a second in pulling the trigger? She's a loner Steph. Unlike you, she doesn't HAVE any friends stopping her from playing the game. I bet she's thinking of a way she could kill us both even as we speak... She probably didn't care about anyone back at General's Pride, let alone here in The Program. If anything, you'll be sparing more people if you just shot her right now and get it over with..."

"Yeah, but... Why can't YOU do it?"

Sophie opened her mouth to answer, only for nothing to come out. There was a silence between them for a moment as Stephanie awaited an answer for why she had to be the one have Priscilla's blood on her hands. After a few seconds spent biting her lip nervously, her sister finally came up with an answer.

"Because...... Look, just... Just do it, okay? Trust me..."

That's it? Was she just too scared to admit that she didn't want to be the one who has to end this girl's life? Stephanie would of understood if that was the case... If so, then why not tell her? She didn't have to prove anything to her, did she? Stephanie loved her sister dearly... And she knew for a fact that Sophie loved her back. Sophie always looked out for her. Always knew what was the right thing to do...

...If so, then why was Stephanie arguing with her?

"O... Okay then. I'll do it....."

The young girl took a deep breath, fully realising that what she was about to do was outright murder. But like Sophie said, this was the only way either of them would get off this island alive. She HAD to do this. Not just for her sake, but for her sister's too.

She lifted the gun, aiming it at Priscilla's head. Her eyes were boring into Stephanie's causing her to close her own rather then watch as she splattered this poor innocent girl's face all over the library.

What was she thinking right now, as she stared down the barrel of Stephanie's gun? From her perspective, Steph was the bad guy with the shotgun. How was she going to justify this to her family back home? Its not like she was doing this in defence or anything...

No, she must shrug those thoughts from her head. Concentrate on what needed to be done... Just pull the trigger, and it'll all be over with.

Tears began to run down her cheeks, a softly spoken prayer was uttered, and then.......




................................."I... I can't do this!"

She turned around to her sister, her gun hanging limply by her side and leaving her back wide open to Priscilla as she began to cry her heart out.

"I'm sorry Sophie, I really REALLY am, but I just can't go through with this! I-I-I can't, I......"
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Post by Sideliner* »

The girl was crying.

The girl, who was named Stephanie, if Priscilla recalled correctly, was on her knees and crying. And to think, she was holding a shotgun to her not a few seconds ago. A pang of pity played at her heart, but she noticed she had an opening, a chance at escape and recuperation. There was no time to waste. With the speed of an Olympic athlete, she rushed out of the door and out of the library, the tap-tap-tap of her shoes slamming against the floor accompanying her as she hastily hurried through the building. Along with the sounds came a feeling of relief…

…but doubt also ran along with her. Stephanie buckled under the pressure of killing her. Though she was far more delicate than she, Priscilla pondered what would happen if the time she would hold somebody's life in her hand were to come...

(Priscilla continued in Sanctuary)
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Post by Fiori »

The look on Sophie's face as her sister left herself wide open to attack was one of both immense anger and complete and utter surprise.

"Stephanie, LOOK OU-" she shouted, interrupting her sister mid-speech.

But it was too late. Before Steph or Sophie could do anything about it, Priscilla has already made her move. Thankfully though, rather then using the opportunity to get Stephanie from behind, the red-haired girl has decided to flee past them and through the entrance they had come through. Steph let out a high pitched shriek as the girl brushed past her shoulder on the way out, whilst Sophie used the opportunity to try and hit the fleeing athlete with her crowbar. An attempt which ended with her missing completely, their target rushing through the door and into the outside corridor before she could stop her.At first, Sophie considered chasing her down. But as she rushed out through the door, it quickly became evident that such a pursuit would be pointless.

Eventually, after deciding that chasing after Priscilla would be pointless, the young girl returned through the doorway and glared and her frightened sister. Stephanie could tell just how mad her sister was with her just by looking at her face. Priscilla had gotten away. Far away, and without so much as a scratch on her. The fact that she was still alive was bad enough... But it was made Sophie most angry was the fact that Priscilla now knew that she and her sister were playing. The redhead could run around the compound now telling everyone about how she was nearly killed by the Mason Twins, about how they were about to shoot her in the head at point blank range. They could become targets for "vigilante" players before they even had the chance to get started...

"S... Sophie? I-"

"DAMNIT STEPHANIE! Now look at what you've done!" she said, cutting off her sister as she moved in closer, her usually pale face a vicious shade of red.

"I'm sorry Soph! I... I..."

"All you had to do was pull the trigger Steph! Thats all! But no, you had to go ahead and leave yourself wide open didn't you? What if she had a knife on her Steph, huh? What if she slit your throat whilst your back was turned, or strangled you with some piano wire? You can't turn your back on ANYONE in this game Steph, especially not when you're supposed to be killing them!"

"But I... I..." the frightened girl stammered, tears running freely down her cheeks. She'd never seen her sister so angry before. Never seen Sophie so fired up, especially with her of all people! And all she could do is cry like a baby...

"But... But why couldn't YOU have done it? Why me! Why do I have to be the one to finish her off!"

"You want you know why Steph? Do you really?"

Her sister moved in a little closer this time, standing barely a few feet away from her.

"Because I needed to know I could trust you, okay?"

T... Trust?

"W... What? But, how does......"

"I needed to know that I can trust you to do the right thing when the time came. To know that you can defend yourself from harm, that you can handle the strain of killing someone! If I die tomorrow, I want to die knowing that you can still win this! That you have what it takes to survive out here!"

Stephanie was about to reply, but found herself not able to think of what to say...

"But now, all you've shown me is that you're nothing more then a burden. That you can't even do so simple a task as pulling a damn trigger! How are we supposed to survive if you keep on freezing up the whole time, huh? HOW?!?"

Again, her sister could think of nothing to say.

There was a pause for a moment. A long, awkward pause as they both just stood there staring at each other. Eventually, Sophie turned around and began to walk away, back towards the door.

"C'mon Steph, maybe we can still catch up with her..."

"I... I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough......"

She stopped, slowly turning back to her sister, only to then be enveloped by a bear hug as Stephanie embraced her with tears in her eyes.

"Next time i'll do whatever you tell me, I swear! I promise I won't be a burden Sophie, I promise! You have my word on it!"

At first, Sophie wasn't sure how exactly to reply to this turn of events. But eventually, she simply smiled and hugged her sister back.

"It's okay Steph... I'm sorry I snapped at you. It was unreasonable of me to expect you to be able to do such a thing so early......"

She drew back, the two twins staring at each other for a brief moment before going their separate ways, Stephanie picking up her shotgun as Sophie checked through the doorway in case anyone had shown up.

"Now then, lets go. Somebody might of heard us..."

And sure enough, without saying a word, the Mason Twins left through the door and back out into the program once more.

((The Mason Twins continued in Claustrophobe))
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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