Program V2: The Fifth Announcement

Announcements for the second version of The Program are stored here.
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Program V2: The Fifth Announcement


Post by Namira »

((Apologies, firstly, for the lateness of this announcement. With the star of V5 some wires were crossed amongst the staff and this got bobbled around a bit. It was deliberately put back a little bit, but not intentionally by this much))

Day Three (September 20, 2025): 20:00 PM
Weather: Although the rain is no longer a factor, the thick cloud cover over the valley has not dispersed. Rolling banks of grey obscure the moon, it's going to be an exceptionally dark night.


Charrell had never seen Adams with such a lack of humour on his face.

The Brigadier General stormed into his trailer and slammed the door behind him.


Adams looked straight ahead for several long seconds, eyes staring, but seemingly not seeing.

He glanced down. Hit the button for the intercom.

"The game's proceeding apace, patriots. If you're still alive to hear me right now, then guess what? You're one of the last dozen contenders left in the field. Twelve brave soldiers, out to prove they have what it takes to show their country their teeth.

You've come a long way. Some of you have got that ruthless edge. Some of you, I'm surprised made it this far. Know this though; you can't be the underdog forever. You can't dodge what this game is about forever. Sooner or later, you're going to be backed into a corner. Sooner or later, you're going to have to make a choice between living, and between dying. There's a fork in the road, and only one of those paths leads to survival.

So, make a choice.

Since the last time we spoke, Brian Meyerhold Callison came a cropper. Who did the dastardly deed? Sweet old Louisa Bloom, if you'd believe that. Shot him right in the head. Pow. Good eye, girl.

'Course, she'll be delighted to discover that right after she took off, Lenny Osborne decided to shove Alexander Bonham off a ledge. Not a pretty sight, I'll tell you that for free... Well, not like you could pay me, but you get the picture.

Anyway, for everything I said earlier... well, you know who gets the idea? You know who gets how that choice works? Robin Pounds. Bailey Williams had the gun, had the upper hand, and had all the time in the world... And Ms. Pounds showed that killer instinct and walked out alive.

Jasmine Stone took a gun butt to the face, courtesy of Frank Callahan... and learned that it's a long way down from some of those falls. Man, even I didn't think there'd be this many splats.

Rounding off, Damien Stone did his bit for his country by knocking off Anastasia Flores... not before he took a beating though, and taking advantage, along came Dylan Walker. No prizes for what happened to ol' Damien when that hellraiser arrived. Not brave, Dylan, but smart, I'll give you that.

Danger zones... current ones are clear, but now, The Town, Lake, Mountain Track, The Slope, and The Clearing come with explosion warnings.

Signing off. Outlive two classmates and you're final ten, remember that."


Carlyle Shotton (Pippin)
Robin Pounds (Murderweasel)
Shawn Bowe-Crooke (Condor Talon) - Lenny Osborne (Sideliner, Hero Card used)

"As normal you have three days to submit any cards and a further seven days to have the death completed.

You also have three days to vacate any dangerzones or risk death via collar detonation. Best bet is to not leave it to other people to help you clear out.
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