Program V2: The Second Announcement

Announcements for the second version of The Program are stored here.
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Program V2: The Second Announcement


Post by Namira »

Day Two (September 19, 2025): 8:00 AM
Weather: The day is bright, with the sun making a rare appearance. In the right places, there might even be the ghost of some warmth. However, with the wind picking up, it's doubtful that any heat will be retained for long.

Donny Parr, for the fifth time that morning (he'd counted), was running a diagnostic on the collars. They were working. They'd been demonstrated to work. They were functioning in exactly the same way as they had done for every single test they'd ran (apart from the one's where they hadn't worked). But no, apparently it was even more imperative that they continue to make checks now that a couple of the collars had been blown up, in case there was some kind of chain reaction. Parr called it busywork, but he wasn't the man calling the shots here.

Which was... well, it stung. Parr could lay claim to maybe a third of the work in developing the collars, and had just about half the conceptual credit. The rest had been almost entirely Robin Charrell, which had been enough for him to be put in charge of the technical running of this version of the Program. Whilst Parr didn't begrudge him that, he felt it was a little unfair that he was just 'one of the crew' when he himself had played such a large role. Besides, Charrell didn't even really like the responsibility of being in authority... he preferred just to tinker. However, Adams had decreed, and what Adams decreed, others jumped to make happen.

"Anything new?"

And speak of the devil  there was Charrell, eyes squinting out - more or less the only thing visible that wasn't beard on his face.

Parr shook his head. "Nothing irregular. There was that spike with the DZs but y'know, within parameters."

Charrell nodded. "Sorry for making you do this," he said apologetically. "I'd do it myself but..."

Parr sighed and folded his arms. Yeah, he got it. Charrell was a hands-on type of guy and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect. His position meant that he wasn't allowed to be hands on, so he gave orders to perform the obsessive checks that he'd have done if he'd had the opportunity. Though... in Parr's opinion it was still busywork. Not one of the extra checks had turned up anything; he could see checking a couple more times after the detonations, but five in a morning? Urgh.

"How's the big man?" Parr asked, changing the subject before he inevitably started to rant. "Cooled off any?"

"I don't know. He's locked in his trailer."

Parr glanced over that way. "Great. Hope he doesn't get trigger happy with those buttons..."


For the second time that version, there was a humming, crackling noise as the PA came online. This time, it was accompanied by no singing, no jokes, no upbeat humming. For five solid seconds, silence.

"So... I feel like my glowingly chipper demeanour has got some of you folks getting the wrong idea about who's in charge here. A few of you, maybe, the wrong idea about who I am.

It shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a big deal, and I shouldn't get wound up that a bunch of punk kids don't seem to get that 'Brigadier-General' is not in front of my name for show.

But I do. Cause when I get a punk kid like... say... Marley Jenkins mouthing off about my credentials, I get mad. And you know who has his hands on the 'blow you up' buttons? It's me. And I don't believe in second chances.

So I shouldn't need to impress upon you guys who I am, but apparently that rank isn't good enough for you. I served. I earned those stars, and I run this Program because I was asked to by the leader of our country.

Let me make this perfectly clear; you're here to stay. There is a class of your peers in between you and making it out. You either fight, or you die. There is no going out like a hero, there is no making a statement. If you fuck around, I'm just going to straight up kill you, and I will do it with an honest to god smile on my face, knowing that a real patriot's chances just went up that little bit more.

This game has rules. If you don't follow them, then you're not sticking it to the man. You're irritating me, at best, and then getting your head blown off. The next time waving your dick in front of the cameras seems like a good idea, I would strongly advise you to reconsider.

You are not going to get another warning."

There was a long silence, maybe fifteen seconds, the hum of the systems the only indication that the announcement hadn't concluded.

"All right, enough of that. You guys picked up the pace a little overnight, good job.

First up, Carlyle Shotton took out Gwen Phonesavannah in the most convenient looking 'accident' I've ever seen. Don't worry Carlyle, we all DEFINITELY believe that wasn't deliberate.

Becky Long then ... okay, this one is going to require a little mental gymnastics. She kicked Erin Underwood onto something sharp. Sharp enough that it didn't end well for young Erin. I'll leave you to put two and two together.

Dan Orvall took a walk in a danger zone. He died. There's a moral in there somewhere.

Damien Stone and Brian Callison tag teamed Yumi Nunes, though we're giving Stone the main credit for that one. And for the record, no, we don't mean that kind of tag teaming. We mean they teamed up to murder her. Minds out of the gutter, kids.

Frank Callahan shot Stella Barnes - such a promising start too, Frank. Oh well, being patriotic in your own way by following orders, right?

That's all for now. Danger zones are wiped and here are the new ones: The Lake and Woodsman's Shack. Haul ass, I don't really feel like wasting more valuable technology on stupid kids."


Okay guys, the rolled characters for this go round are as follows:

#1 Shawn Bowe-Crooke (CondorTalon) - Nancy Morris (CondorTalon, Swap Card used)
#2 Zora Spencer (Mimi)
#3 Maxim Senders (jimmydalad) - Tori Gavlik (leAloha, Hero Card used)

As normal you have three days to submit any cards and a further seven days to have the death completed.

You also have three days to vacate any dangerzones or risk death via collar detonation. Best bet is to not leave it to other people to help you clear out.

[spoiler]KillerVole (killervole) has entered the room. 1:20 am
Elena N ( has entered the room. 1:20 am
Elena N 1:20 am
Okay cool.

KillerVole 1:21 am
Lemme find the list.
Three again, or wanna shake it up?
I don;t think we should go above four, and three seems to be working well.
'specially since we had an inactive last week.

Elena N 1:22 am
I don't mind keeping it consistent
Our pace seems to be okay

KillerVole 1:22 am
You wanna roll, or shall I?

Elena N 1:24 am
I'll do it.

KillerVole 1:24 am
Sweet. Code is //roll-dice 1-sides 31

Elena N 1:24 am
//roll-dice 1-sides 31

OnlineHost 1:24 am rolled 1 31-sided die: 16

KillerVole 1:24 am
Shawn Bowe-Crooke (CondorTalon)

Elena N 1:24 am
//roll-dice 1-sides 31

OnlineHost 1:24 am rolled 1 31-sided die: 30

KillerVole 1:25 am
Zora Spencer (Mimi)

Elena N 1:25 am
And #3
//roll-dice 1-sides 31

OnlineHost 1:25 am rolled 1 31-sided die: 20

KillerVole 1:25 am
Maxim Senders(jimmydalad)

Elena N 1:25 am
I'll log.[/spoiler]
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