
To the south of the town, following the only trail that seems to have been deliberately made into a path, there is the ruins of what may have once been some form of lodge. However, the building has been gutted by fire, leaving only ashes and blackened timber - an empty shell. The one thing that's clear is that whatever the building was, it was rather large, the wreckage indicating a number of distinct 'rooms'. The entire place is quietly ominous, unhelped by the pines encroaching on the ruins, nor the fact that the layout of the ruins makes it impossible to keep an eye on the entirety of the surroundings.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Dylan had known it would go badly the moment she realised what Ash was doing. She'd scrambled back, away from the fight, and waited for the gunshot. She didn't want Ash to die in front of her. But Ash would have to die for her to live, and if it had to happen here...

That was fine, right? It just had to happen. It was necessary.

But no gunshot came. Frank just kept beating her.

Dylan shut her eyes and tried to block it out. She didn't want to see this. But she could still hear it. Crunches and cracking. Noises of pain. Each little sound felt like it had been magnified.

This wasn't necessary at all. This wasn't just playing the game.

This was wrong.

And it was happening to one of the only people left that Dylan could consider a friend.

So Dylan pulled the gun from her jacket pocket, pointed it squarely at Frank and pulled the trigger. For the first time, she wasn't shooting out of a sense of self-preservation or putting down a threat that was dangerous to her.

She just knew Ash didn't deserve that.
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Post by Outfoxd »

He was just about done when it felt like something had deadened his body. Frank had heard the gunshot but it didn't register with him what had happened. For a moment it was just him, staring down at a broken, bloody, and whimpering mess of a girl.

Something hot drew his attention to his chest, and there he saw the blood, leaking out and saturating the left lapel of his varsity jacket, staining the letters that told his school affiliation to the world.

"What." Was all he managed to get out before the realization that he had been shot settled in. Gravity and hydrostatic shock conspired to pull him to the ground, and he toppled backwards.

He should've known better than to trust a foreign-born, no matter how much she touted her so-called patriotism.

Frank had some energy left, and he used it to turn to his side, and look up at Dylan.

"You.." He started, but the look in her face choked off the words in his mouth. She looked horrified. She looked distraught.

She was looking at Ashley.

He coughed, and a wad of blood and saliva left his mouth and wetted the grass.

He knew now why she had backstabbed him. He knew and it made sense. He had found, at least partly, Dylan's motivation. Had done a service for her, in fact.

Frank caught her eye and smiled with his private realization. If it had been Audrey and their roles had been reversed, Frank would have done the same thing, and he didn't hate Dylan for it. How could he, without being a hypocrite?

"You'll thank me later." He said, and finished the business of dying.

M17 Frank Callahan: DECEASED
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Post by delicateMachine »

Ashley's only thoughts as the gunshot rang out were of relief, welcoming the end of her agony. It took her a few seconds through the haze of pain to realize that she wasn't the one who had been shot. She started dully at Frank as he toppled over. vision blurred by tears. It didn't make any sense. There hadn't been anyone nearby to help her, nobody except-

Dylan was holding a gun in her hands.

She... she saved me?

Ashley had always been on fairly friendly terms with Dylan, but she had never expected it to extend through The Program, especially not after their meeting on the first day. Whatever her motivations were, Ash was incredibly grateful towards Dylan. She was alive. Every part of her body was still screaming in pain, but she was alive. She'd make it through this.

Though it took a while to work up the will, Ash managed to sit up, leaning against a wall. "T-thank you so-" She began before being interrupted by a violent coughing fit, which lasted for an excruciatingly long time. It was then that Ashley became fully aware of exactly how broken her body was. She'd been able to ignore it for a little while in the immediate aftermath of Frank being shot, but...

Several of her teeth had been knocked out, most of the fingers on her right hand were twisted in unnatural directions, her left arm was probably broken, one of her ribs was definitely broken, and her entire body was covered with bruises.

...I'm not gonna be walking away from this one, am I?

It was almost comforting, in a way, knowing that your end was near. It'd all be over soon. No more fear, no more loss, no more death. For the time being, however, Ash was still with one of the few people left who she could consider a friend. "Hey, Dylan... I look like shit, don't I?" Ashley laughed, only to be interrupted by another coughing fit.
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Post by CondorTalon »

((Shawn Bowe-Crooke continued from 68°.))

Shawn had emerged from the trees just in time to see Frank fall to the ground. He saw the end of the gruesome spectacle that had taken place there, but not the beginning of it. He saw the girl sitting up against the wall, broken and covered in bruises and blood. He saw the other girl, gun out, looking at her.

He pulled out his derringer.

Dylan hadn't noticed him. If he could use this chance to get rid of one of the biggest killers right now, he would. He needed to protect the innocent people still in the valley, even if it meant he'd have to kill someone. He couldn't stand by passively anymore, hoping that his protectorates wouldn't be targeted. That's how four lives slipped from between his fingers. He'd have to act, to take matters into his own hands, even if that meant doing the dirty work. It would be right.

It would be justice.

He pulled the trigger, sending a bullet towards the girl, but it missed it's mark by a few centimeters.

And it was at that exact moment that Shawn knew he'd fucked up.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

She'd thank him? What the fuck would she thank him for? That didn't even make sense! Neither did Ash trying to thank her. Thank her for what, waiting until the beating had turned her into a pulp before doing anything about it?

This whole situation just did not make sense. And it was too bloody. Frank's corpse in front of her, Ash being way too jokey and looking like absolute shit (the only thing anyone had said that made sense), Maxim's corpse over elsewhere in the building somewhere and Dan lying about and what the fuck was all this? Why was this all so wrong? And why was it suddenly all wrong now? She was fine until Ashley waltzed in and made it all confusing! Out of sight, out of mind. Now everything was here and it was just far too much and what the fuck did she even say?

Dylan hadn't lowered the gun yet. She'd just been stuck in a mess of 'what the fuck is going on.' And then, of all times, some fucking asshole had to interrupt and just throw more fucking bullets into the fucking mess and THAT WAS NOT WHAT SHE FUCKING NEEDED RIGHT NOW.

"FUCK OFF!" Dylan screamed at the direction that the bullet had come from. She wasn't sure who it was. Her eyes were all blurry. But she just didn't give a shit right now. The gun pointed away from Frank's corpse and towards whoever had just ran in. She didn't even aim. She just waved the gun wildly and pulled the trigger until there was nothing left. She didn't care if she hit him or not. She just wanted this whole stupid fucking situation to go away.
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Post by CondorTalon »

He saw the gun come up, and turned to run.

That's when he felt the bullets slamming into back. If he'd been a third party to this, he'd known that there were now two bullets lodged in his torso. However, that wasn't anything that registered in Shawn's mind, because the only thing that mattered was the pain.


He had to run. He had to get away. He had to leave, before he was hunted down.

He ran and ran, through the trees, trying to ignore the feeling in his body that threatened to burn him alive.

((Shawn Bowe-Crooke continued in Earthen Spirit.))
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Post by delicateMachine »

The world had slowly, steadily been growing fainter as a dull haze seemed to envelope Ashley. It was all she could do to resist just closing her eyes and drifting away. Ash wasn't ready, though. Not yet. Death was inevitable, death was close, hell, death was practically welcome at this point, but there was still just one thing left.

Ashley was about to weakly call out to Dylan once more, only to be interrupted by the world seemingly exploding in a hail of bullets. It was over in a flash, though, and in her mostly delirious state, Ash wasn't sure if it had even actually happened. Whatever the truth was, it no longer held any importance.

Focus. Need... need to focus.

Ash took a laborious, pained breath. "Dylan. Could... could you come over here for a sec?" She half-mumbled. "Just need to say something."

Don't go silently into the cold night. Shout your ambitions, whisper your dreams, show the world that you existed, that you had a purpose, had hope. Choose your words wisely, they're the only thing that'll remain after you're dead and gone.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

The asshole ran off. Dylan wasn't sure if she hit him or not. She didn't care. Fuck him. Fuck him and his stupid gun. He could shove it up his butt for all she cared.

...And now what?

Dylan didn't want to see Ash die. She just wanted to run off and pretend she hadn't seen anything, so that Ash's death would be just a distant event that she only knew of through Smiley's announcements the next day. Then it could be something she could ignore, like anything else in this game that didn't have anything to do with either surviving or making her grandmother proud. And she'd just fucked up that latter one, hadn't she? She'd gone back on her alliance. She'd swore on her patriotism that she wouldn't shoot Frank while they were still in a truce, and sure, she'd thought about breaking it, but... it hadn't even made sense, survival-wise. She couldn't hold an alliance for twelve fucking hours. Just like any backstabbing minority.

If Ash had just died elsewhere, none of this would be a problem...

Dylan was set to run. And pretend this never happened. But then Ash asked for the opposite thing.

Dylan paused, her back to Ash. Still facing the direction that the asshole had appeared from. She struggled with the urge to run... and the urge to do something for a friend. Friends used to mean something. She'd spent so much time trying yo being friendly and chasing after them back... back home. When did they stop mattering?

Dylan turned around and walked back to Ashley.

"...I'm here. What is it?" Her voice came out croaky.
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Post by delicateMachine »

Ashley smiled weakly. Dylan had listened. It was incredibly comforting just to have someone there with her. "Just... when you get out of here..." Ash had no doubt that Dylan would be the one to survive. She was strong, she was armed.

"Please... don't forget about me. About any of us. I don't want my memory to die with me." It was a selfish request, Ashley knew. The Program was the sort of thing no one wanted, no one deserved to remember. But none of the deceased deserved to have their hopes for the future snatched away from them, either.

"Just... please remember that there was a girl named Ashley Sydor who loved her boyfriend, who wanted her band to get famous. Please."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Remembrance, huh? That made sense. What other reason for all those days when people remembered the soldiers who'd died in wars, if not for the fact that it was important to remember shit. And why else would Dylan have wanted her grandmother to be proud of her, if not to have herself remembered as something besides the mixed-breed kid of a couple of traitors? There was no practical use in being remembered. But it was something everyone wanted, right? And what was the fucking harm in it?

"...Okay. I'll... yeah. I'll do that."

It was the best thing she could do now.
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Post by delicateMachine »

"Thank... thank you, Dylan." The world was turning black once more, and this time Ashley didn't have the will to resist. She'd been in so much pain ever since Marley had died. Now, she could finally just rest.

Marley, Jon, Jaz... sorry to keep you all waiting.

"...Bye, Dylan. I've got an idiot boyfriend to yell at." Ashley smiled for the last time and closed her eyes.

F15, Ashley Sydor: Deceased

6 students remain.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Dylan didn't stay still for long once Ash stopped breathing.

She dragged Ash's body into the shade closer to the ruins. It made her skin crawl to touch the corpse, but better than leaving it out in the sun. Would the people who ran Program ship the body back? Was that a thing? Dylan didn't know. Though thinking about it made her feel a little guilty for what a mess she'd made of Maxim's corpse. Not because of Maxim himself, but getting a family member back in that condition...

Once she'd moved Ash to a shadier location, she folded up the arms. Made it look all respectful. All she could do. Make it look respectful and pretend she hadn't played a part in it. That was just... easier, right? She promised she'd remember. But there wasn't room for that until the game was over. She could remember when it was all done.

Dylan returned to Frank's body and picked up his bag and gun. The rifle felt too large in her hands. But she knew she was running low on ammo for the revolver, and it would be stupid to leave a sniper rifle here for anyone to take. She hesitated at Ash's bag, before leaving it where it was. She reasoned that she didn't need it. If Ash had anything useful, she would have used it instead of charging like a... like what she did.

She looked down at Frank, wondering if she should do something respectful there as well. But when it got close to the end, he'd been such a fucking animal. Rabid and crazy, smashing people to death with his fists... Like Damien. Had Damien really also been less than a day ago? Dylan stared down and heard the last words that Frank had said.

You'll thank me later.

"Yeah fucking right," she muttered under her breath, before delivering a kick to Frank's side. She wasn't thanking him for this. For making shit all complicated. Him and Ashley.

She could sort through his things properly later. But she just didn't want to be here any longer.

((Dylan Walker continued in Two Foot Wide and Six Foot Deep.))
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