
The south-west of the valley is probably the most inhospitable part of the entire area. The slopes here are steep and covered in detritus, as well as thick gorse bushes. If you somehow managed to fight your way up the shifting slopes and bristling thickets, you would reach something of a plateau giving a decent view of the surroundings... though really it probably isn't worth the difficulty of the climb.
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Post by Mini_Help »

((America 'Clara' Fox continued from Vagabond Bond.))

Clara kept running.

She put distance between herself and Caleb, and anyone who might want to strike back at her for it. She heard the announcements, and registered her name, but didn't register much beyond it. She kept running, staying away from anywhere there might be people. She didn't need people calling her out as a murderer and attacking. She didn't want to shoot anyone else, at least not right now.

She eventually reached the slopes, and climbed. When she got to the plateau up the top, there was no-one there except a corpse with a shirt covering her face. Clara didn't check to see who it was. She just moved away from the corpse and stayed at the plateau for the night.

She didn't move for a few hours after she woke up to another set of announcements.

She stayed at the plateau for a while longer after waking up. She tried eating, but whenever she attempted it Caleb's leaking corpse came to mind and she had to put the food down. She kept a hold of her revolver the entire time she was up there, even eating with one hand, but no-one came to bother her.

Good. She didn't want to sort out her priorities right at this moment. Running? Hiding? Playing and being a good, obedient piece in their game? None were appealing. But sitting on top of a plateau and waiting for something to happen was getting unbearable. If she kept running, she'd be doing something.

So she scooped up her things and made to leave. But running down such a steep slope, where the ground was uneven, and there were bushes and rocks, was difficult at the best of times, and Clara was tired and hungry and still feeling drained from the previous day. Clara made it a few metres down, but then her foot caught in part of the bushes that covered the slopes and tripped her up, and she fell.

She rolled, and tried to shield herself from the mass of rocks and bushes, and managed to survive most of the way down. Scrapes, scratches, she could deal with that, it didn't matter.

But her luck didn't hold out. Near the bottom, the ground dipped sharply into a rut. When she hit the bottom of the rut she didn't manage to shield her neck properly.


She didn't let go of the gun until then.
F19, America 'Clara' Fox: DECEASED

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