All Grey, All Done


The south-west of the valley is probably the most inhospitable part of the entire area. The slopes here are steep and covered in detritus, as well as thick gorse bushes. If you somehow managed to fight your way up the shifting slopes and bristling thickets, you would reach something of a plateau giving a decent view of the surroundings... though really it probably isn't worth the difficulty of the climb.
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All Grey, All Done


Post by CondorTalon »

((Nancy Morris continued from Listenlistenlisten!))

She was just about ready to give up, now.

First Brigid, then Emily.

The announcement had come on while she was traveling, as she had emerged from the dense pine trees. When she'd heard Emily's name on the announcements, it simply hadn't registered completely. There was no way Emily could be dead. She had just seen her not too long ago. But then, she'd seen Brigid not too long ago too. She was there when it happened.

She watched her die.

Nancy reached a steep slope while she was lost in thought. She only realized where she was when a gorse brush crept up into her vision and she stopped just in front of it.

She sat down at the base of the slope.

She didn't really know what to do anymore. She just wanted to go home.
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Post by CondorTalon »

It seems Nancy had fallen asleep at some point.

She shot up from her lying position in a cold sweat. She checked her breathing, touched around, feeling for any blood. When she didn't feel any wet spots on her, she sighed in relief.

She'd been chased, down a long path. Half-formed shadows reaching at her back while she ran, her feet cramping from the long run. She'd heard a bang, saw a white flash, and she was laying on the ground. She felt a pool of liquid forming around around her, before everything turned to black.

She stood up, wondering if anyone had seen her while she was asleep. She scurried to her bag, searching through to make sure she still had things in there. It occurred to her that she hadn't looked inside until now, and a certain object stood out to her as she was rummaging through it.

She pulled out the cheese grater, looking at it in disbelief. So this was her weapon? Well, then. She was at least glad to know that her prediction to Lenny had been right.

She shoved it back into her bag and closed it. She stood and began to jog away. She had no idea where she was going, but decided it was too risky to stay here.

((Nancy Morris continued in Opt Out.))
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