Prologue Version Profile Template

This is where character profiles for the PV3 Prologue version are submitted. Please pay particular attention to the requirements of the abbreviated template.
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Prologue Version Profile Template


Post by MurderWeasel »

Characters submitted for the Prologue version will use the following abbreviated template:

Code: Select all

[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Hair Color:[/b]





This should be filled out as follows:
wrote: Name: Your character's name. First, last, and (optionally) middle.
Gender: Your character's gender.
Age: Your character's age. This should be 17 or 18 assuming normal progression, with up to a year's variance to account for being advanced a grade or held back a grade.
Height: Your character's height. Imperial units, please (This is, after all, America Image ), though you may additionally provide metric measurements if you so desire.
Weight Your character's weight. Once again, Imperial units are a must, metric may optionally be added too.
Eye Color: Your character's natural eye color.
Hair Color: Your character's hair color. If this differs from their natural color, note both.
Kills: How many kills your character scored/will score in the Prologue version. The options are as follows: [ul][li]One or None: Your character either killed nobody, or just a single classmate.
[li]Two: Your character killed two classmates.
[li]Three: Your character killed three classmates.[/li][/ul]You may increase this number later, but only with permission and discussion from the staff team as a collective. You may decrease it at will, without any need for approval. If you really, really want to write someone with more than three kills, you'll have to sell staff on it. This will be a hard sell. Staff reserves the right to make the higher kill categories unavailable if they become too popular.
Weapon: Your character's assigned weapon. Please check all other characters and the master list to make sure you don't duplicate. Staff reserves the right to veto stuff and to bar categories (guns, knives, etc.) if they become too prevalent.

Appearance: A brief paragraph detailing your character's notable physical features, clothing preferences, etc. Please include the outfit they were wearing on the date of their selection. This day was a December day in Colorado. There was snow on the ground, though it was largely melting, and the temperature was somewhere in the range of 34-40 degrees Fahrenheit, though much warmer indoors.

Interests: A brief paragraph explaining what your character likes to do, what they like about these activities, and when and how they got involved with them. Please make sure you have at least two or three distinct activities.

History: A brief paragraph or two hitting on your character's life thus far, including notable incidents and any relevant family circumstances.

Personality: A brief paragraph about how your character acts, what sort of person they are, how they feel about the world, and so on.

Reputation: A brief paragraph explaining how your character is generally regarded by the population of the school, as well as whether there are factors which complicate the accuracy of this assessment.
Please remember: Staff are going to be liberal with approvals here—this is not a full-on SOTF application experience. That said, due to this we are asking that certain topics not factor into character histories, as we're not going to be vetting them as thoroughly. No physical or sexual abuse, sexual assault as victim or perpetrator, or major self-harm. We're not going to be compromising on this—it'd take too much in the way of staff resources given the scope of the version—and we reserve the right to add to the list.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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