This Ain't No Game

This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the odd array of buildings. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is treacherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane.
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Keira turned her attention away from Preston when Charlie began to speak.  She mentioned the incident that the both of them and David had with the danger zone a while back, once again showing that Preston had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.  Then Preston decided to start talking again while Charlie was still talking.  Keira took a moment to decide who to listen to before deciding to see if Preston could redeem himself after his embarrassing string of non-logic.

"Sweetheart, I can honestly say that I've had no trouble with my pleasantness at all around here, or as long as I've lived, and it's not like that's gonna get me killed, now is-"

Keira gasped in horror as Preston was cut off by a loud noise nearby and a bunch of holes appearing in his body.  Preston stumbled backwards and fell to his knees before ultimately falling facedown on the jungle floor.  There was no questioning it.  Preston was dead.

Keira looked in the direction of the noise and saw the source: Charlie's gun.  She frantically looked around to see if anyone else was in the vicinity, but it was only the two of them and three dead bodies.  There was no arguing that Charlie was the killer.  Keira didn't have a gun, and the only other witnesses were day-old corpses.

She... she killed him.  He wasn't even armed, and... she killed him.

With her voice shaking considerably, she tried to speak to Charlie.

"Ch-Charlie... you..."

Keira couldn't finish her sentence.  She didn't want to finish that sentence.  She didn't want to believe what had just taken place.
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Post by decoy73 »

Stars flashed through Charlie's eyes as her gun hit her in the forehead. It took a couple seconds for her to regain her bearings and catch Preston the pothead stumbling. While bleeding. Through a multitude of fucking holes in his body. Seriously, what the fuck?

And then Charlie looked at Keira. The way Keira was staring at her, almost accusing her. Charlie's eyes followed to her gun hand, specifically the smoking barrel of her own gun.

"Ch-Charlie ... you ..." Charlie could only stare dumbly as she tried to eloquently explain how her finger had slipped.

"What the fuck ..."
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No. This isn't happening. This can't be happening.

Keira continued to look at Charlie, who still held her smoking gun, the implement of Preston's murder. Charlie muttered something that she didn't quite catch. As she continued to look at her ally, Keira couldn't contain herself anymore, and blurted out the sentence that she couldn't quite finish before.

"You killed him, Charlie! He didn't even have a gun, or a knife, or anything! You just murdered him! I know that he was being sort of a dick, but you didn't have to shoot him!"

Keira could feel herself shaking. Her fists were clinched at her sides. She slowly took a couple steps back, away from Charlie and her gun. She looked at Preston's body again, which was now beginning to stain the ground with blood. She then looked back at Charlie, and tears began to form in her eyes as she shouted again.

"Aren't you even going to say anything?"
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"You killed him, Charlie! He didn't even have a gun, or a knife, or anything! You just murdered him! I know that he was being sort of a dick, but you didn't have to shoot him!"

Charlie didn't say anything, mainly because she was still trying to piece together the fact that she had, in fact, killed Preston.

"Aren't you even going to say anything?"

Charlie licked her lips and faced the enraged Keira, trying to explain as eloquently as possible what had happened.

"But, it was an accident."
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"But, it was an accident."

That was all that Charlie could come up with? An accident? Sure, if she had hit Preston in the face with a soccer ball, that might be a good excuse, but she shot him. He was bleeding out on the jungle floor. In Keira's opinion, "it was an accident" just wasn't a good enough excuse to justify her actions.

"An accident? Does that make it OK? How do I know that you won't "accidentally" shoot me, too?"

Keira was becoming more emotional as seconds went by. She now had tears freely streaming down her face, and her voice was becoming hoarse from her shouting. In any other situation, she would have considered herself to be overreacting, but she had just witnessed a murder. She felt that that permitted a little overreaction. Breathing heavily, she shouted another question at Charlie.

"How can I trust you?"

Keira slumped against a tree and buried her face in her hands. This wasn't supposed to happen. They people shouldn't be dying. People shouldn't be killing. It was too much to bear.

Keira had never been the type of girl to just give up on something. When she set her mind to something, she would not stop until she had accomplished what she had set out to do. It was a principle that she lived by.

For the first time in her life, Keira MacDonald considered simply giving up.
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"An accident? Does that make it OK? How do I know that you won't "accidentally" shoot me, too?"

Keira was pissed off, and she was starting to cry. Charlie just dropped her gun. She was starting to somewhat come to terms with the fact that she'd killed somebody, but with Keira screaming about how Charlie had fucked up, it was getting to be a little much.

"How can I trust you?"

Keira slumped against a tree and seemed to be shutting down. Charlie, for her part just clumsily sat down on her rear end. Was this type of stress supposed to feel like puking?

"I don't fucking know. All I want to do is relax for one second. Instead, we've been kidnapped, lo-jacked, and now we're forced to kill each other." Charlie just clutched her stomach as she hiccuped and felt acid in her mouth. She swallowed that stuff back down as she tried to think of something else to say.

"I just don't want to be alone right now." Charlie swiped at her eyes. Great. Now she was starting to cry as well.
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Post by Aura »

Keira slid to the bottom of the tree, still having a hard time dealing with the death all around her. As she continued trying in vain to compose herself, she heard Charlie begin to speak again.

"I don't fucking know. All I want to do is relax for one second. Instead, we've been kidnapped, lo-jacked, and now we're forced to kill each other."

Well at least we're on the same page.

"I just don't want to be alone right now."

Keira looked up to see Charlie beginning to cry as well. Charlie's last statement resonated in Keira's mind. If Keira abandoned Charlie over an accident, then they would both be alone. Then not only would they have no one else around to keep them sane, but they would be easy prey for the island psychos. Sure, Charlie had a big-ass gun, and Keira herself had a pretty nice knife, but their weapons probably wouldn't deter someone who is determined to kill.

Keira's attention was then caught by a loud screeching sound similar to the one she heard the previous day at the beach.

"Good morning, kids. I hope those of you who are still alive had a nice, restful night."

Oh, go to Hell, you fat bastard.

Keira listened closely to the announcements, noting the killed and their killers. She shuddered when she heard about Harold killing two people before blowing up, and poor old Nick falling off the helipad and getting impaled.

Then, our final death of the day was Preston Gray, ruthlessly gunned down by that cold-blooded murderer, Charlene Norris. Ahaha, just kidding. I think she was as surprised as he was. Maybe more.

Keira punched the ground in anger. She and Charlie were pretty thoroughly traumatized by Preston's death, and that asshole was cracking jokes. Hell, he didn't have a right to joke about ANY of the deaths, but he did anyway. The man was a monster, nothing more, nothing less.

The danger zones were listed off, and they were pretty much everywhere that was indoors. Keira and Charlie were safe, at least for now. Keira dried her eyes with her shirt and called out to Charlie.

"You wanna move on?"
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Post by decoy73 »

Charlie finished saying words that were supposed to have some meaning or other when she heard a loud screech.

"Good morning, kids. I hope those of you who are still alive had a nice, restful night. You'll need all your energy if you're going to avoid being killed today, and that's not even touching on those of you who'll be out there doing the killing. And, from what I've seen, a lot of you will fall into the latter category."

Victor Douchebag then listed off who died, allowing Charlie to note that Jennifer Steinman had broken two kills, and there were more killers.

"Then, our final death of the day was Preston Gray, ruthlessly gunned down by that cold-blooded murderer, Charlene Norris. Ahaha, just kidding. I think she was as surprised as he was. Maybe more." And there it was. Charlie shook her head, more than slightly pissed off at Douchebag.

"You wanna move on?" Charlie looked at Keira.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Charlie stood up, picking her gun off the ground, and started walking. As she walked off, she spied a camera pointed directly at her.

"Fuck you, ya stupid fucking shit!"

((Charlie Norris continued in One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath))
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Post by Aura »

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea."

With Charlie's confirmation, Keira picked up her bags in preparation to leave. She took a last look at her surroundings before heading off. The area had become something of a graveyard now that Preston's body had come to an eternal rest next to Maria's and Craig's. A once scenic jungle had become a mass grave. The reality of the situation was horrifying.

It's not fair. It's just not fair.

Keira was then greeted to the sight of Charlie cursing out some foliage. Fearing for a moment that her blonde-haired friend had gone mad, she soon spotted a camera in the direction which Charlie had been shouting profanities. As Keira walked past, she flipped the bird to the camera. It may not have meant very much in the long run, but literally giving the finger to Danya felt very cathartic.

((Keira MacDonald continued in Back Where We Started))
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