Plot Twist


Once a white sand beach filled with umbrella stands and seashells, the winter months have coated the Jewelled Beach with a healthy dusting of snow, extending out to the shoreline and crusting the water with a thin layer of ice. Umbrellas are jutting out left and right, most frozen closed or heavy and open with sleet.
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Plot Twist


Post by Espi »

((Riley Parker's story continues from Once Upon a Time))

Riley stared at frozen beach with an expression of scorn.

She'd exhausted herself descending the stairs, but now she was feeling way better, having made her way to the beach. A few times she'd seen someone, but ducking behind nearby objects seemed to do the trick, and she didn't directly confront anyone since the...event at the tower. No, not event, that was her lying to herself; Huge Guy murdered Taylor, and he was not going to be the last to kill.

Best get used to it, Riley supposed. After all, she wanted to win too right? She'd need to be able to handle the situation if she wanted to have a shot.

So she'd decided to visit the beach, figuring that having never been to a beach before now was as good a time as any. But winter decided to fuck her over again, and it was nowhere near the tropical paradise she'd hoped for. In retrospect that had been naïve to assume it wouldn't freeze over, but still. Of course the one season of the year that's freezing fucking cold and Riley gets picked for that exact one. Figured.

So the beach was frozen over and the snow crunched under her boots and twice she almost slipped but at least it was a beach? Riley had never seen such a large body of water before; she wasn't sure if it was a lake or the ocean, but either way, it was kind of pretty.

Then she heard a noise.

"Who's there?" Riley snapped, whipping around to look.

But she didn't see anything. Riley sighed, shook her head, and clenched her knife a little harder. She was getting paranoid already, which was probably unhealthy.
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Post by aristeia* »

(Louise Luna continued from Boyhood)

Louise paused for the first time since leaving the ball pit. She sat down getting her breath back as her mind mulled over the events leading to here. She thought Lisa had been following her but somewhere the two had parted company. She hoped her friend was fine, given the rather unwelcome reminder of the unpleasant reality of her situation.

'All this introspection isn't helping anyone' she thought to herself as she leaped back to her feet. Her left hand went to grab her bag as she looked around. Instead it grabbed thin air.


she muttered under her breath. Her bag was back in Psychoville. Hopefully Lisa had grabbed it for her, the girl was useful for that kind of thing. Still for the moment there was little she could do about it.

As she looked across the vista she saw the beach stretching out below her. Her first thought was paddling but she quickly dismissed this upon seeing the piles of snow. Vaulting over the dividing wall she landed on the beach. Her attention was grabbed by a large pile of snow, with a bit of work it would make a good snowman. As she bent down to start molding the snow her foot broke a chunk of ice with a loud crack.

'Sh*t' she thought for the second time in as many minutes.

Upon being called she looked up scarcely able to believe this was happening to her again. As the second figure turned in another direction she recognised them. She had seen Riley around various places, though she didn't know the girl very well beyond her reputation as a bit spiky. Still it was too late now if she hadn't seen Louise yet she would soon. It seemed better to announce herself than look like she was trying to sneak up on her.

"Hi, fancy helping me with my snowman?" she asked, blurting out the first thing she thought of.
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Riley had somehow missed Louise the first time, but when she spoke up she did a double-take and saw her.

Riley was not a fan; Louise wasn't exactly bright and Riley had no interest in getting to know her any better than that. Her words didn't improve Riley's opinion; a snowman? Who makes a fucking snowman on SOTF? That was the kind of stupid and thoughtless decision that got people foddered off.

Still, if she had a good draw Riley wasn't about to tell her off. "Uh, maybe. What team are you on and what's your weapon?" Riley turned, shoving her knife into her hoodie pocket.

Simple, quick and to the point. That's how she needed to be from now on. That and smart, but that went without saying at this point with how much she repeated it.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

A voice quietly whispers from Louise's collar.

"Oh little Lou-lou, I knew you would have trouble taking things seriously, so let me help you realize the situation you are in: The boy you abandoned is dead, your friend Lisa is dead. Killed by one of your teammates too. Oh, and you don't have to answer any of that girl's questions either. You can easily hurt her if she decides to turn aggressive."
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Post by Macha* »

[Genevieve Cordova, continued from We Are Not Your Kind of People.]

Cyan Stingrays, Genevieve thought.

Genevieve had been mouthing the words since leaving the sports centre.

Cyan Stingrays. Cyan Stingrays. Cyan Stingrays.

Cyan Stingrays sounded stupid as hell however Genevieve tried to pronounce it. It was hardly the kind of badass team name that struck fear into the hearts of men. Cyan was a very non-threatening color that reminded her of surgeons and swimming pools, and Stingrays? Genevieve had only really seen Stingrays in Aquariums, but all they seemed to do was blend in with the seabed and occasionally kill famous Australians. The fact of the matter was that if Genevieve had to pick an animal to represent herself, Stingrays would be somewhere between Cicadas and Anglerfish. In other words, very far down the list.

Genevieve's costume hadn't represented her interests any better. It was a Bugs Bunny costume from the 1996 movie Space Jam, starring Michael Jordan and the voice of Danny DeVito. In any other situation, Genevieve would have laughed her ass off. In a fight to the death, Genevieve had taken one look at it before scowling at the cameras and shoving it to the bottom of her bag- where, she decided, it would remain until she really became desperate for attention. For now, while Genevieve's collar was preaching caution and patience, listening to her mentor was more important than stealing the show. It would be far easier to get attention when she was with her team, and when most of the competition was dead.

Genevieve ran along the boardwalk, staying hidden behind stalls and kiosks to avoid attracting unnecessary attention. A cursory glance at her map had shown Genevieve that the beach was her best bet at finding members of her team. Open ground and no cover meant that it would be easy for her to spot her team mates from a distance and it was early enough in the game that the threat of players with big guns was almost a non-issue. Genevieve could find the rest of her team, find her friends, and then figure out where to go from there.

Genevieve dropped down onto the beach from the edge of the boardwalk. Her boots hit snow. The rondel dagger stashed in her boot hit her ankle on the landing and Genevieve winced as she steadied herself. She shivered and rubbed her hands together. Winter was much colder than she remembered. There was no way they were still south of the Mason-Dixon.

“Right, winter.” Genevieve thought aloud, exhaling sharply. Her breath frosted in the air. “Winter is... apparently a thing now.”

Two voices in the distance. Genevieve's shoulders tensed and she ducked down, frantically surveying her surroundings for the source of the noise. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her collar was preaching caution and Genevieve wasn't about to ignore that. Genevieve located the two and instantly recognized both of the women. Riley Parker and Louise Luna. Both from her school.

Neither were wearing the right bandanas.

Genevieve fumbled for her knife and rose to her feet, grasping the dagger in her right hand- awkwardly- as she approached the two. Riley was a smart fan if Genevieve had ever seen one, dominating every SOTF discussion she was in with number-crunching and statistics. If anyone was playing the game from the start, it was her. Louise was huddled over, building a snowman. Genevieve barely knew her. She seemed to have her shit together, though. Genevieve took a moment to make sure that neither of them had guns before she swallowed hard and announced her presence.

Whether they were playing or not, Genevieve knew that they weren't going to attack a friend without a reason, and one of them had to know where the rest of her team was.

"Riley?" Genevieve asked, hiding her hand- and her dagger- in the pocket of her cardigan. "Is that you?"

Cautious as hell, Genevieve remembered. Riley was a threat first and a friend second.
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Post by aristeia* »

Louise pointed wordlessly to her head, indicating her bandana ,to answer Riley's question. Weapon that was more tricky, technically she was unarmed as her bag was at the ball pit. Still she didn't entirely see what that had to do with snowmen. However, the other girl had asked her what her weapon was not whether she had it. Still her obvious lack of bag made lying difficult, she reckoned her best hope was to to not make herself a target and run if it seemed trouble was imminent.

"Oh a nudie calendar" she said with an embarrassed smile.

Louise was about to ask Riley a question of her own and try to distract the girl when she heard the voice emanating from her collar. Her lip pursed in a slight frown at the nickname. Her family were the only people she allowed to call her that and even then not for many years. She was about to interrupt her so called mentor when their next statement made her stop in her tracks. If she hadn't already been on her knees she probably  would have fallen. She had known the place was dangerous but she hadn't  thought...

that was exactly it....she hadn't thought. She never did.

She worked furiously on the snowman as her brain ran through a series of confused thoughts. Foremost were guilt and sadness though somehow the whole thing didn't feel real. Even her fingers turning red and icy didn't seem real she felt in a haze very separated from the other two. On some level she processed Genevieve approaching simply noting that she didn't really know the girl and that the question hadn't been addressed to her.

The other thing she puzzled was what to do now. She might as well stay here, for the moment it was relatively safe. Still she had thought that about the ball pit. Subconsciously she shifted to put the snowman between her and the other two as she worked her face a mask of confusion and concentration.
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Post by Espi »

So Louise got a... a nude calendar? Bad luck, she supposed. Riley's hand, holding her knife, went to her pocket.

As Louise went back to playing in the snow, Riley heard a voice call her name. A familiar voice. "Genni!" She cried, looking around for a moment before spotting her friend.

She resisted the urge to run over. Smart people didn't get distracted by friendships. An alliance with someone you trusted was one thing. But if Genni wasn't on her team, it would be temporary. Unless...

Riley could go for 10 kills, she supposed. Find someone stupid and well-armed, dispatch them and blow her way to safety. Karen had done it to amazing success, but her assigned weapon was good and nobody else was trying for the new win condition. So she'd basically had a free run until almost the end. Now it'd be much riskier.

So it was something to consider but not a solid goal yet.

So instead, she waved to Genni, knife hand in her sweatshirt pocket. Genni didn't seem armed, but Riley wanted to be on her toes. Last time someone looked weaponless they'd had grenades. That kind of mistake got people killed, and Riley was still planning on keeping alive.
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Post by aristeia* »

(skipping to avoid inactivity)

Louise let the conversation continue around her, keeping a wary eye out in case of trouble. Still the central issue on Louise's mind was strategy. Her hands kept busy, almost on automatic, working on molding the snow into the right shape.

Riley and 'Genni' were clearly friends and that could pose problems for her. She also noted that neither had announced their weapons. Neither seemed to be visibly armed, she wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad one. Maybe they had good weapons hidden to lure her into a trap or were just cautious. Or, preferably, they were not well armed either. Long term, as she needed to start thinking long term, these two were not a solid bet for allies.

For the moment she decided to wait where was. She was relatively safe and confident she could outrun trouble as they would have to go for their weapons. Besides, neither had show any intent to harm her. Sure, they hadn't been overly friendly but more importantly hadn't tried to hurt her. She knew she would need to come up with a long term plan sooner rather than later.
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Post by Macha* »

There was a palpable sense of unease in the air that made Genevieve tense in her shoulders. Genevieve caught her breath in her chest and held it there. She felt her heart pound against her rib-cage. This was a very real kind of danger she had placed herself in, Genevieve realized. Her fist tightened around the handle of her knife. Every second she spent on the exposed beach was another second for a gunman to align their crosshairs.

No one said anything for a while. Maybe they realized it too.

Genevieve had concealed her knife and Riley quickly responded in kind. Genevieve responded with a nod and her best attempt at a don't-fuck-with-me kind of stare. The feeling she wanted to convey was message received. With the two of them on even footing, Genevieve had no intentions of making a move. Maybe Riley felt the same. Genevieve had no way of knowing.

Someone had to break the stalemate.

Genevieve removed the knife from her pocket and held it up in the air so that it was clearly visible to Riley and Louise. A shallow peace offering, but one that hopefully conveyed that she was armed- but not hostile. Now both of them knew exactly what weapon Genevieve had been assigned.

“Snap,” Genevieve said, raising her arms in mock surrender. “I'm not here for a fight. I'm just looking for the rest of my team.”

“The, uh,” Genevieve added, pausing to cringe at her still-ridiculous team name. “The Cyan Stingrays. Blue bandanas and a dumb name. You seen any of them?”

Whatever answer they may have had for her was cut short by the sounding of the announcement. Things returned to uneasy silence. Genevieve figured that the entire resort was waiting for the announcer to give them a reason to start killing, not least of all Riley and Louise. Genevieve just looked at the ground and waited for the names.

Half of the names were familiar and the other half meant nothing to her. All of them hurt to hear regardless. Isaiah Hall. Matt's friend. Matt threw up on him that time they all got drunk and went to Waffle House. Eden Zahn. From the other school, but the name rang a bell. Shit, that must have been the girl Genni ran into when she left the sports centre. Lucy Williams. Another veteran of the Waffle House Incident. That one cut the hardest. Genevieve could barely believe it.

Gabriel killed her, Genevieve made sure to remember that. Gabriel and Lucy had never liked each other. It made sense, in a twisted kind of way. If I see him, I'll pay him back in kind.

Then it ended, and-- No fucking way.

No. Fucking. Way. They were playing her jam.

“This is my fucking jam.” Genevieve whispered. She stomped hard, printing the sole of her boot into the densely packed snow.




“BUDDY YER A BOY MAKE A BIG NOISE CRYIN' IN THE STREET GONNA BE A BIG MAN SOME DAY!” Genevieve wailed to the cameras, continuing to stomp and clap ever-so-slightly off-beat. “GOT BLOOD ON YOUR FACE! BIG DISGRACE! KICKIN' YOUR CAN ALL OVER THE PLACE.”

“WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU” Genevieve continued her off-key wail with no signs of stopping. It was cheesy as all hell, but her friends were dead and she was alive. Genevieve took any excuse she could find to shed the murder island bullshit and start acting like a dumb teenager again. “WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU.”
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Post by Espi »

Genni approached, knife in the air. Riley responded in kind, holding up her armament. Riley could tell what was up; neither had an obvious advantage. Starting anything was risky at best, and Riley wanted to avoid taking more risks. So a cold war this would become, for as long as neither budged.

Genni started talking, and Riley listened. She was pretty confident Genni wasn't about to be hostile, which was fine with Riley. "I don't think so..." Riley trailed off as she tried to recall everyone she'd encountered. Huge guy...he'd had a blue bandana, hadn't he? "Actually, wait. I think so. Some huge guy from some other school. I watched him throw Taylor DeVasher off that giant tower."

She grimaced. "Yeah good luck with that one. I dunno about any of my teammates, either, but-"

The announcement played. Riley froze, and listened.

Davis Todd the jock and Lisa Toner the annoying airhead had been killed by someone named Jewel. Taylor. That asshole Austin got shot by Lucia who was foreign. Someone named Eden, who she didn't know. Isaiah, also a jock. Lucy Williams the cheerleader, stabbed by Gabriel who was a dick. Damien was dead too.

So many names and faces, gone. It was surreal, really; people she liked, hated, didn't give a shit about, dead indiscriminately. She needed to avoid their fate at all costs. Riley was scared to die before, yeah, but now it seemed more a real and tangible possibility than ever before in her life. 8 people were dead already and that number was going to keep growing. She just had to not-

Riley was broken out of her stupor as Genni began to dance and sing along to the song.

"...Okay then."
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Post by Macha* »

“BUDDY YER AN YOUNG MAN, HARD MAN, CHARGING IN THE STREET YOU'RE GONNA TAKE ON THE WORLD SOME DAY” Genevieve continued her off-key wailing, stomping down and clapping on every third beat. Riley and Louise weren't joining in. Genevieve looked over mid-verse and glared disapprovingly. “GOT BLOOD ON YOUR FACE! BIG DISGRACE! WAVING YOUR BANNERS ALL OVER THE PLACE! SING IT!







“WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU” Genevieve continued, losing her breath. She gasped for air and heard her voice crack. It turned out her Freddie Mercury was rustier than she thought. “WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU.”

Genevieve's lungs filled with icy cold air and started a chesty coughing fit that lasted most of the next verse. Never a quitter, Genevieve kept stomping and clapping on the off-beat regardless, until she had stomped a hole through the mud and started kicking up dirt from the beach. Genevieve paused for a moment to shake the sand from her shoes. Truly, she was suffering for her art. If the YouTube video of this didn't go viral, Genevieve decided, she was going to hurl herself off the nearest cliff.

“Hey! C'mon! Riley, Louise! Don't be like that. Join in! C'mon!” Genevieve wheezed during the next verse- the one she could never remember the exact words to anyway- and motioned for the two to join her at least in the clapping and stomping part. “The song's almost over! Humor me for like, the last chorus at least.”

Whether they liked it or not, Genevieve wasn't stopping until the song ended.
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Post by aristeia* »

Louise looked at Genevieve with a puzzled expression. She was about to rebuke the girl for her disrespect towards the dead. She still felt upset, though the announcement told her nothing she didn't know already. Hearing it officially made it worse, confirmed it. She had been hoping it was a mistake yet it still had some how not sunk in. Genni dancing around almost seemed to be mocking her sadness, Louise subconsciously balled her fists.

But Genni dancing around reminded her of someone else. All those times her and Lisa had bounced around in some silly game, sending assorted valuables shattering before them. In fact the more she thought about it the more fitting a tribute dancing like a lunatic seemed to be.

'Ah what the heck' she thought.

She jumped up waving her arms around, dancing with something vaguely resembling rhythm, losing  herself in the music.
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Post by Espi »

Riley was less than enthusiastic about dancing on live tv. Millions of people were going to watch her; why would she want to be watched making an ass of herself? She supposed Genni would feel bad if she didn't, though. And Genni was nice enough; why not humor her silliness that, come to think of it, might well be a coping mechanism.

So Riley gave a few half-hearted stomps and claps, all the while hoping to god this didn't go viral. That was not how she wanted to be remembered, to say the least.

After the song halted, Riley looked around, as though someone was actually there to watch her besides the other two and some cameras. "So uh, yeah. That happened. Genni, how's everything been going? Are you alright?"

Alright, that worked well enough. Best keep the conversation flowing; awkward silence would just be the sprinkles on the shit sundae this day had been.
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Post by Macha* »

“Yeah, I guess.” Genevieve said, brushing flecks of sand from the hem of her dress. She paused, curling her lips into a sad smile. “Actually, yeah. Yeah-  I'm fine. I'm holding up about as well as I could be, all things considered.”

“I guess I'm doing better than I expected. Better than people I expected to get, like, way further than I did.” Genevieve added. “God, that sounds awful, but it's true.”

If nothing else, it seemed like the Announcement had brokered an awkward peace between Genevieve and the other girls. Riley and- to a lesser extent- Louise were still threats, of course, but Genevieve had given them a perfect opportunity to stab her in the back and neither of them had taken it.

Genevieve could only attribute so much of that to the conflict-resolution talents of Freddie Mercury.

So despite her collar preaching caution and patience and most importantly don't trust anyone- not even the people you think you know, Genevieve was willing to give Louise and Riley the benefit of the doubt. Genevieve was anything but stupid, though, so she kept her knife clutched in her hand even while she was all smiles towards them.

“Actually, no, I'm not fine. Everything is fucked up and we're all gonna die.” Genevieve said, pursing her cracked lips as she searched for a follow-up. “I mean, I guess it hasn't quite sunk in yet, I don't think. I know it probably- it definitely will soon but right now it still feels like I'm dreaming. Like, I keep waiting for someone to just-- pinch me-- so I can wake the fuck up and make everything go back to normal.”

“I just--” Genevieve paused, wiping her face with her empty hand. “I just always thought that being on this show would be so kick-ass, but now I'm actually here and half of my friends are dead and the other half are missing and I'm afraid to feel anything about them in case they show up and try to kill me.”

“So yeah,” Genevieve coughed awkwardly. “That's where I'm at right now. How are you guys holding up?”
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Post by Espi »

((Skipping for activity, apologies))

Riley nodded.

Genni was right. They were pretty much fucked up in a lot of ways, and Riley was smart enough to know the situation was extremely dangerous. She was scared too; but she didn't want to show it. Showing her fear made her weak, and she didn't want to be remembered as weak. So she was trying to be tough, and trying to be "cool", but she was still terrified out of her wits.

She quite liked her wits, so losing them was not a prospect Riley appreciated. "Yeah, you know, you're right. It sucks but we just have to deal with it. I don't even know what the fuck I've been doing, just been all over the place."

She shrugged. "So look at it this way; you've at least been acting not-crazy. Not saying I'm trying to kill people but I was...involved in Taylor's death. I didn't push him or even touch him, but I was there. It was awful. And before that I was trying to rob people which didn't work out, and it's been messy." Riley smiled sheepishly. "I'm better now though, I just sort of got caught up in the game."

Riley took a deep breath. "I think we should split up. We're on different teams, and I don't want to get you in trouble. I just want to stay alive, and I don't want to get caught up with people if I can help it." She scratched the side of her head. "So uh, yeah, good luck, be careful."

She slowly walked away, looking back at Genni. "Later."

Riley hoped they never saw each other again, and she hoped whatever happened to Genni wasn't horrible. That was really all she could do.

((Riley Parker's story continued elsewhere))
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