Carp Diem

Seas the Day: We are Day 6 now! (Now PM first) Content Warning: Graphic Grossness

These bubbling, oozing black pools found on the island's north-eastern side have a sinister appearance. Largely avoided by the miners, the tar pits are found in a grassy expanse of land with a few signs posted containing warnings; over the years, sunlight and rain has worn and corroded some of these signs almost but not quite to the point of unreadability.The biggest pits are obvious at a glance, but smaller patches or tar sometimes burst through the surface unexpectedly, and a number are hidden beneath underbrush. What cannot be mistaken, however, is the strong odor of tar which permeates the whole area.
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Y'know how in some old myths they say if you died honorably in battle you'd be carried off to the next world by a horde of battle maidens or something like that? That felt like a thing that existed, he was 99% on that one. It's also what this felt like. One second he was sinking to his inevitable death without actually being able to process that was happening, and the next he was tumbling forward in the arms of a swarm of girls who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

One the one hand, this did little for his already tenuous grasp on the present or reality in general.

On the other, he was either alive or drowning in a pit of tar after being beaten with a fish counted as honorable, so that was something?

The noise faded out like a passing police siren once Theo had steady ground under his feet again. His sock feet. Definitely socks being jabbed through the ground below. Shoes were the first casualty of the pit, but better them than him right, and he should probably thank-

Wait. What else could be missing? Theo's hand shot up to his head before the thought was even finished, feeling only his own hair.

And then the noise was back again.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Then suddenly, the source of the third blip chirped in, causing Felicia to jump. Oh, Irene was here too. Irene was… flighty, but she was harmless, wasn’t she? Felicia returned the high-five, but not without some hesitation. She had no idea what to make of… okay, anyone really. She had no idea why Wendy killed Bridgette, or whether Irene or even Theo were to be trusted. But, she had to focus on the main thing right now. And that was Theo in a tar pit.

A moment later, and Theo was out. Felicia breathed a sigh of relief. At least one thing went right. The image of Zubin and Ramona flickered into her thoughts for a second. But she had to deal with the other thing right now.

Felicia looked at Wendy. She had no idea why she was in her underwear or… again, why things turned out the way they did with Bridgette. Suppressing a gulp of air, she knew she had to figure something out.

“Um… hey Wendy, by the way.”

She couldn’t ask directly, could she? But maybe she’d bring it up. Maybe it wasn’t good to ask if it made her uncomfortable. But Wendy was a friend, a fellow cheerleader. She hoped she still was.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Cake »

As if summoned forth, like a group of wood nymphs from the bushes; other fellow girls emerged, to pull Theo out of the pit of Tar-tar-us, with Wendy as lead Maenad at the heart.

They weren't just any girls either. They were Irene, Yumi and one of Wendy's closest friends. It was Felicia LaChapelle, fellow cheerleader and bestie, who's sudden appearance made Wendy's heart jump in elation, making it difficult to contain a smile. It was warming to see her face again.

However there was business at hand. The four girls, each grabbed a hold of poor Theo. Like an odd looking quartet of sailor scouts they heaved him out. Muck covered and gasping, they laid him on the grass at their feet.

The formerly white fedora, with pink rose, landed on the ground next to the boy, with mud sloping out from the inside, having been fished out by the Bible-thumper. It was certainly something too special and sentimental to have lost, so she hoped Theo appreciated it.

Then Felicia spoke and Wendy couldn't help but to joyously jog a few feet right to her with a big hug.

"Felicia! I-I've missed you. I'm so glad you're here."

But Felicia's expression showed something else. Wendy backed up.

"What's wrong?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

She tensed up when Wendy hugged her.

Don’t get her wrong, Felicia liked hugs. And Wendy was a friend. It was just… everything, really. She saw Lyndi’s head get cleaved in. She had to watch Max get sewn up by Michael, who didn’t seem to be doing so hot either. She had to worry about Yumi after she ran off, and when they did find her? The next morning, she watched Zubin die, and who knew what was left of Max and Ramona. She didn’t know if they were okay, or if Wendy was still her friend, or… anything, really.

And Wendy noticed.

Felicia tried to smile. Tried to return the hug. Tried to keep things normal. But those thoughts kept bubbling up to the surface.

“Ah… we’ve… we haven’t had a good week,” she said simply, as she pulled away.

A week? Let’s go with that. She wasn’t sure what was good to bring up, but eventually, she had to say it. It just was a thought bubble that popped to the surface. Her face went back to its tense expression.

“We… we saw Lyndi die. Zubin, too, earlier today.”

Did they ever mention that to Maxwell? She couldn’t remember. She had no idea if it was something he wanted to hear, if it was something Wendy wanted to hear.
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Post by Cake »

“Oh no.”

She could sympathize. The vicious and unsavory had taken some before her eyes as well.

“I’m sorry you went through that,” seemed Felicia hadn’t taken it all with as much composure as she had. “There are some bad apples out there, I’ve seen stuff first hand just like you. Bridgette was one of them. She cut Panya down by the meadow and tried to do the same to me. But I had some help...”

Wendy paused looking out to the pits. The names running through her mind, ready to be listed.

“Just buried Sebastien, because Miranda got to him and Kasumi too. They deserve respect. I want to bury Kasumi, but I need help. Wish I could have buried Everett too.”

Wendy’s eyes wandered at the others conversing around the tar pits, after having Theo pulled out. Irene was a strange, silly seeming girl. Wendy kind of liked her. Yumi was okay too, just very quiet and seemed attached to Felicia.

“That thing with Zubin happened not too long ago. But you’re here now. What exactly happened to you both. Someone been troubling you? Do you guys have anything for protection?”

She sighed, clicking her tongue in apology.

“Sorry for all these questions, I’m curious and just want to know how I could help.”
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Post by KamiKaze »

She got answers. Wendy’s expression had changed some when the subject of killers came up. And with it, she revealed what happened. Bridgette… was one of them. A new feeling came over Felicia, a sinking in the stomach. If Wendy was being honest, it meant that the reason why she killed her was because she… had to. Looking back, hadn’t Bridgette been on the announcements before? As a killer? Wendy even brought it up herself. Panya. That was who she killed. She didn’t want to believe it, but either option meant that someone she knew, someone she cared about, would be a cold-blooded killer.

She decided to give Wendy a benefit of a doubt.

What was worse was that Wendy had experienced other stuff, too. She’d seen Miranda kill Sebastien, and do something to Kasumi. Miranda was… she didn’t know what to make of her as a person from before. She’d always came off as defensive and… honestly a bully. Felicia’s face changed again, this time to concern. The game hadn’t been good to many people, it seemed.

“Zubin? Um…”

Felicia adjusted herself for a moment.

“He wanted to… escape. That’s the best way to put it. He thought he knew a way out, and… he got Ramona to help. They didn’t like that, and…”
She had to pause for a moment.

“... They killed him, Wendy. They set off his collar. Ramona was hurt, and then… Saachi came in.”

She didn’t want to say anymore, but she had to.

“She tried to kill Yumi, but Ramona… she jumped in. Max was there, too, and he made sure we were able to leave.”

Felicia fidgeted for a second. But she felt she had to continue talking.

“Then, after we left, I saw you guys on this-”

She lifted the GPS for a moment.

“And that’s when we found you guys.”

That was enough. Maybe it was a good idea to help her with Kasumi, since she mentioned it.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Cake »

It was devastating to watch a usually happy cheerleader and great friend like Felicia, emote such heartache.

“I’m sorry,” Wendy repeated, again wrapping her arms around Felicia into a hug.

Saachi. Another notable, she’d heard announced by the large, shadowy man several times over. It was her who had the jump on their group and caused so much distress to Felicia. Had she carried some power in her position as well? One thing was for sure, the man known as Victor Danya had it. He had caused another, just like their teacher. The eccentric Zubin being the latest. Not by their classmates, but by the shadow man himself.

From a quick observation, Yumi had some fire power in her possession too. The only one here. Had she not used it to put Saachi down when she had the chance? Unfortunate.

“Maybe they made it. If anything, you could wait here, camp out with me. I can even build a fire and cook something for us. After all, it’s easier for Max or Ramona to find you, if you stay in one place. You could keep an eye out on that thing.” She had to admit, that little gadget seemed handy.

“...and maybe we could finish this funeral for Kasumi.”
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Post by KamiKaze »

This time, Felicia tightly returned the hug with more sincerity. Wendy was still a friend, still safe, after all. For a moment, she even felt tears forming. So much, so much had happened, she wasn’t sure if little moments like this could last.

“Are you sure?” she asked, her voice low as she finally let go.

Maybe there was hope. Maxwell and Ramona were alright, and they were looking for them. Felicia had to keep looking at the GPS, just for a sign of B002 and G011. Even if they were both hurt… maybe they made it out. Maybe they were even planning another escape.

Maybe, maybe. There were a lot of maybes.

“I think… we should stay here,” Felicia agreed.

Her eyes laid on Kasumi.

“Hey… what’s the plan for the funeral? Like… um, what do you have in mind?”
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Cake »

Wendy gazed out over the tar pits. She walked over to the broken, porcelain body.

“Kasumi became a good friend of mine, during our time here. We even had a picnic. I’d like her burial to be perfect. I messed up trying to bury Sebastien by myself earlier. Don’t want to mess this one up too. But I need help carrying her, to lay her gently with these flowers, in there.”

The bubbles of the nearest tar pool rose at the surface to say hello.

“This way, they won’t be left out in the open, putrefied or sullied by anyone or anything." Big words she had learned from Everett, when he taught her about Ammonification. “They’d be untouched, preserved and remembered as they were, instead of just some carrion meal.”

They looked down at Kasumi, flowers on her chest. Then she looked at all the friendly, nice people gathered at the pits around her. A twinge of sadness flowed through her. They didn’t have the power, drive or determination. All were possibly soon to be victims of this game and their violent power players, who would likely end up with a fate worse than the girl at her feet, by bad apples the likes of Bunny, Miranda, K.K, or Saachi.


“Any last words for Kasumi, before we lay her rest?”
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Post by KamiKaze »

The tar pits seemed… unconventional. But they didn’t have a shovel or anything, right? Maybe it made more sense to put Kasumi somewhere where she would slowly sink, to be left out of sight and undisturbed. That way, no one would come across her. Felicia remembered something she read, a long time ago, about how prehistoric animals that fell into tar pits had been preserved. So, in a strange way, it was the most respectful thing they could do right now.

Felicia knelt down to get closer to Kasumi. She tried to remember what she was like. Then, it hit her.

They were both gymnasts. Felicia was never too close to her, she didn’t think, but she knew that. She used to date Maxwell, too, but then they broke up. Felicia never got the details on that, but she did know she started to date Lance Adams afterwards. From what she remembered, she was a good person.

“Hey Kasumi…” she began.

She had to think of something.

“I just wanted to say, thanks for being there for Wendy. I wouldn’t know if you knew, but she appreciated it, seems like. I feel like you deserved better.”

Felicia tensed up.

“Everyone did.”

Truly everyone? Even Jay, even Saachi, even Jasmine and KK and Miranda and the other killers? She wasn’t sure, but she felt like she should know the answer.

“I hope… wherever you are, that things are better.”

She felt like she should say more. But she couldn’t. This felt too familiar. Almost like Lyndi. Felicia waited for the others to say their piece before taking the body to the pits.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Aura »

This was the second time in one week that Yumi was attending a funeral for someone that she barely knew. She felt less of a connection this time around, since she had never even seen Kasumi on the island while she was alive, but it still wouldn’t be due to just leave her there to rot without some sort of ceremony.

She had even less to say this time around, and she hoped that the others would understand why. With Lyndi, she had a memory to cling to. She had the image of a heroic girl leaping forward to save them. But with Kasumi, she didn’t have anything like that. She had seen her a couple of times at school, but that was it. Aside from that, there was nothing but a corpse.

Even so, she couldn’t keep herself from tearing up a bit during Felicia’s speech. Maybe she was just sentimental, but it still struck a nerve for her. In a just world, they wouldn’t be going through this process right now. Lyndi and Kasumi would still be walking among them, living their lives as normal. She had been thinking about this kind of thing a lot in recent days, but now that they were actually about to bury one of their own dead, it flowed to the front of her mind.

If nothing else, she took the fact that she was still able to feel this way as a good sign. She wasn’t becoming numb. She still had her humanity, even if it was all she had. She remained silent, wiping the corner of her eye with her sleeve as she waited for someone else to speak.
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Post by Cake »

That was beautiful.

“Thank you, for that Felicia,” she sniffled, nearly teared up. Such a good person. Felicia didn’t deserve to be in this game with people who hurt Kasumi like K.K and Miranda.

Carefully, the girls moved Kasumi, lowering her into her final resting place. Her body laid gently at the surface flowers at her chest, as she slowly descended. This was her vision, how she intended it to be, fitting for the kind soul she considered a friend.

“Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Kasumi White…” You will have your revenge. “...we say our goodbyes.”

Just like that she was gone. Fully immersed in earth.

One chapter of her time here reached conclusion. Another to begin.

The group settled, the skies darkened. No sign of Max or Ramona as of yet.

“Say Felicia, my skirt ripped, you don't happen to have any spare pants around would you? Been looking for a pair for days.”

They were making small talk now.

Wendy had apologized to Theo, whom decided to stay with them. Irene too. A full set of campers outnumbering any group she had been with for the past few days. They stayed warm to the fire she had rekindled. She promised to cook, but it would have to wait for tomorrow. Instead she had taken a pleasant nap, huddled close to Felicia. Yumi held the fire power to keep watch. But she too eventually fell asleep.

Wendy though, was an early bird. Still dark, early morning, so early to still be considered late night she been careful not to wake anyone. She had wandered away to the lake with her cooler and flashlight. The same lake where she saw Bunny and the girls in the commotion at the shore. It was not far away. She remembered seeing the nets laying around the area when she first came to this island adventure. Sure enough they were still there. She ignored the smell of nearby decay hidden in rowboats and grabbed one. It was time to see if she retained the skills daddy taught her.

The others had woken. Still no sign of Felicia and Yumi’s friends.

Victor Danya had spoken again. His voice no longer held as much effect. The announcements had passed. Seemed others were affected by it. Some new information came which she’d ponder about later, but her focus was primarily on the stew she was brewing.

The biggest news of note was the surprise of hearing Scarlett mentioned, but not as a casualty. Vengeance on Tania seemed to be the case. Perhaps Wendy judged wrong. Perhaps Scarlett was a warrior after all.

Bunny and Saachi: two notables were mentioned as well. Twice no less. Wendy wished Bunny was here too.

Interesting. Seemed like the girls on the island were becoming the hunters. A black widow brigade of sorts.

Clio as a victim was a shock and who done it was too. Wendy was thankful to have collected those lovely purple flowers Clio had provided at the meadows, when she could. Maybe she would name the soup after her.

She could call it “The Clio Special”.

Water from the extra spare bottles she had collected over the past few days boiled in the pot-like saucepan Bridgette had so kindly provided within the numerous cache of supplies the gardener had bragged about before attempting her assault on Mr. Dolph.

What remained of Mr. Dolph was clean and pristine with the help of Lake water, as much as his naturally smelly self could. He rested at the bottom of his little blue home. He had new roommates. One was large with a big wound on his scaly torso. She named him Everett.

“Thanks for helping, Theo.” He was a good assistant cook, able to stir the pot over the campfire when needed with the smooth stick turned spoon. She couldn’t possibly give up Mr. Dolph, so Everett went in instead, along with other special ingredients.

The smell waft through the area filling the normally pungent odor of the crude oil marsh, with a more appealing aroma. Tins taken from the daypack supplies were emptied of the crackers, set aside and would be used as makeshift bowls. It was almost ready.

Then Wendy stood up. A familiar face had emerged from the distance. Perfect timing. She waved.
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Post by Ohm »

((James continued from I Hope You Find Your Peace on Your Knees))

The night had passed and the two of them were walking together, away from the cliffs. They had sought refuge at the building there for the night before leaving. As they walked across the plains of this horrid place looking for a place to crash, a familiar crackle filled the sky with a voice James hoped would choke on something as he read his stupid murder list. At least it’d make worth listening to outside of information.

The announcements was a bad wake up call. Damion was dead from the danger zone clearly due to his wounds, James had thought since Theo espoused how much a good person he was, he would go back for him. Clearly not. Damn hypocrite.

Clio was next with no mention of why the act happened, just that Sophie killed her with a hammer. They were pushing her as a killer now, bad news for them. Meant the probability of actually being able to do good had gone down significantly.

Saachi murdered Adonis and Ramona. Adonis he could do without, he was an absolute prick back home and he had been surprised he’d not heard his name mentioned on the announcements till now. Ramona was different, he’d talked with her on the occasion, someone he could respect for the bundle of stuff she decided to do every day. Although something weird was going on, mentions of blowing up Zubin before she got killed. Zubin was a weird guy for sure, but it wasn’t like the person he talked with. But then again, this place changes people.

Brigid wasn’t someone he talked with really. He’d seen and heard of her though and it had been a surprise when she was announced as Jasmine’s killer. Although, Jasmine’s charming personality probably would drive anyone to murder if they had the chance. That and the killing of people too he guessed. And Sarah, a fellow mathematician with a similar work ethic. He and her got along great back home. It was a shame he couldn’t find her before.

Scarlett and Kris were killers now as well. It should have been surprising considering, but this place has beaten that out of him. The wording on the Rachael one was suspicious though, died from a hug? Either way. two more people on the list to avoid. Which was better than being on the list of shoot on sight.

And two more people on the list he couldn’t find. Rachael wasn’t someone he figured would last this long, he remembered her as quiet, but good worker, not much about her personally. Tania he remembered more clearly, girl was smart and could have helped out a lot Reasonably smart and seemed to like people. Anyways, the wording there was much clearer, icepick to face and stomach, not necessarily in that order. But the intent is clear. Scarlett’s someone not to mess with.

As they walked, the area they had entered became clear. A place James hadn’t been before. The tar pits, and the were not alone. Far from it. A whole group of people together, surprising at this point as you’d figure the paranoia to be too high, but apparently not. One of them even waving at them as they walked. James couldn’t help, but feel suspicious. She could see Sophie right? And yet she was waving at her like that? Either she had a death wish or they knew each other from before.

Although, maybe that meant for once he’d get people to listen to reason? He didn’t have any kills to his name and he was fine travelling with her. And this girl seemed fine with her. But it wouldn’t surprise him if the opposite happened. They might have to get ready for a fight. And as they walked closer and he saw someone there he had hoped to see for two days, that probability increased. He grinned as he started walking over.
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by Laurels »

((Sophie McDowell continued from I Hope You Find Your Piece Falling on Your Knees))

"Sometimes we walk, hand in hand by the sea and we breathe in the cool salty air," Sophie sang to herself as she and James walked through the woods. "You turn to me, with a kiss in your eyes and my heart feels a thrill beyond compare."

She wasn't sure why the Johnny Mathis classic came to her as she walked along with James. Things weren't so "Wonderful, Wonderful" here. The announcements had just played, listing out more casualties and more killers. Saachi and Bunny had killed again, each taking the lives of two people yesterday. This was making Sophie wonder what she'd do if she ran into them. The "good" thing would be to stop them from killing anyone else, but if they kept succeeding in killing, would she be able to take them.

A strange addition was hearing Kris' name read. Kris had been a good conversationalist after Sophie killed Jeanette, and it appeared she had now strangled Rachael Langdon to death. Sophie couldn't understand why she did that, or what she'd do if she saw Kris.

Of course, Sophie's name was added to the list for killing Clio. And, of course, the speaker didn't make it sound like anything but cold blooded murder. Sophie knew she'd probably be confronted about that action soon, but worried about who it would be.

As she and James walked, she thought back to the promise they made yesterday. They were going to do good while they were here, but now the anxieties and concerns about her capabilities of doing good were back. She had to keep reminding herself that there was still time to do good, and to show people she wasn't a monster. Just walking through the woods to some unknown destination wouldn't help with that, but Sophie knew she had to take the first opportunity she could find.

She and James soon arrived at a clearing near a putrid smelling area. This must be the Tar Pits. To Sophie's surprise, she saw a group of five people there, all gathered around a campfire. One of the girl's was already smiling and waving at Sophie and James. Sophie couldn't believe it. There were five people being peaceful and who were assuming the best out of her.

Sophie breathed in. This could be it. Show she was a good person, and then she and James could have a large group to join and to survive the game with. She could do this.

Sophie smiled and waved.

"Hello," she said. "Sorry to intrude, but we don't mean trouble. We're just passing by. How are you guys doing?"
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Aura »

Yumi had a hard time sleeping after the funeral. The way the tar pit swallowed Kasumi's body remained with her long into the night. It was the most respectful thing that they could do for her, sure, but the way she sunk into the tar unnerved the writer. The process wasn't quick. Kasumi had gradually sunken into the tar, and Yumi could imagine herself sinking into the inky quagmire as well. And as soon as the tar pit had overtaken the dead girl's body completely, it was as though she had never been there in the first place. Out of sight and out of mind for the rest of time.

Her uneasy sleep was ended by the announcements, as was becoming tradition. She listened to the report of the previous day's dead, complete with the cruel mocking that she so abhorred. She couldn't imagine the kind of person who would force teenagers to kill each other, then make jokes about it to their other victims. She had a hard time trying to visualize how they might look if she ever managed to see him face to face. The only thing her mind could register in that position was a monster.

Some names were familiar. Some were people she had known in school to an extent, and some were names who had previously appeared on the announcements. The most scary part was Saachi showing up twice. She had killed Adonis, who Yumi remembered being pretty big and scary. And at the end of the announcements, she also killed...

... Ramona.

Ramona didn't make it. Saachi got her, and Yumi felt a little piece of herself crack. Ramona was like Lyndi. She was strong, brave, and looked out for the people she cared about. Ramona had saved her life despite being freshly and rather gruesomely injured herself, and all she got for her troubles was to be yet another name on Saachi's list of victims.

Yumi turned to Felicia, her oldest friend on the island and one of the few that remained. "F-Felicia..." felt like she was about to start crying again already. "Ramona..."

She didn't want to say it. They both knew what happened, but she couldn't bring herself to say it outright.
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