Champions 202


The outlying jetties are much like their central cousins, but sparser, more open, and more rickety. These walkways extend to the far edges of the flotilla, servicing single boats or in many cases truncating abruptly with nothing but a drop into the water. These jetties have guardrails and life preservers available in some places, but their presence (and maintenance) cannot be relied upon. There are still places to take cover, and occasional crates and barrels lying around, but these nooks and crannies are less common.
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Post by Deamon »

((Alaska Ferguson continued from Time Out))

"So like, I'm just gonna say it I guess. But it's really fucked up that you only contacted me for the first time now, like, I've been stuck here for a whole day and you couldn't even throw me a little message of encouragement? I got radio silence from you for the entire time I've been here. I got abandoned by one of our own teammates and you didn't even speak up to tell him maybe not to leave me fucking behind like maybe it wasn't the best idea and he should have really stuck around? You didn't even tell me he was gone, you just let me walk back over there like an asshole.

"I bet you've been speaking to the other members of the team too, it's been a day so there's no way you haven't been like you've spoken to Sylvain right? You must have, what else could you have been doing? How big are the teams anyway? Have you contacted all of them but me? You couldn't even give me the decency of a full message, just some lame apology...wait no! There was no apology! You didn't even do that, the bare fucking minimum. I know I didn't handle the breakup the best but I thought I was supposed to mean something to you.

"Clearly I don't.

"Don't contact me again."


That was what she would have said.

But she didn't. She couldn't go through with it because she was a coward.

And she wanted to hear her voice again.

((Alaska Ferguson continued in CocaineQuest 2021))
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