Dire, Dire Straits


The jetties are wooden walkways, kept afloat by buoys, the boats they're lashed to, and their relative lack of density. The central jetties surround the cruise ship and are wider, denser, and better maintained; while it's very possible to fall or be thrown off, almost every piece of walkway here has safety railings, some even reinforced with metal. Life preservers are placed at intervals throughout, and access to many ships is available through ladders and walkways. While it might seem that cover would be sparse, the twists and turns and hiding places between ships actually offer many opportunities to get lost or hide here.
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Dire, Dire Straits


Post by carduinal-cyn »

(Olivia del Rio continued from Revolution No. 9)

Free once again from the ever-watchful eyes of her armed classmates, traces of Olivia's old energy started to return the farther away she walked from the bobbing refuse of the cargo floats. She wasn't entirely sure whether she'd been made temporarily seasick from looking at them too long, or whether the shotgun in Virginia's lap had shocked her into a temporary paralysis. Either way, her pace quickened as she drew close to the yacht. Her face settled into the confident, "take on the world" smile that had once energized her teammates.

Olivia lightly slapped her own cheeks to invigorate herself further, and in that moment came another impulsive idea. The yacht was off-limits, she knew that; the other option she and Lucia had was onward and to the left.

She broke into a jog. Grabbing hold of the taller girl's arm, she was back to dragging Lucia along with her like a bored boy at the museum who tugs on his father's thick wrist so the great oaf would stop reading and follow him to the next exhibit already. The yacht flew by in a blur. Another left, then right, then right again. An enormous cruise ship now loomed just ahead. Olivia hadn't seen any other students nearby, but she dimly recognized that the great vessel might be crawling with competition. She dug her heels hard into the jetty.

For the second time today, she and Lucia were alone on an unfamiliar dock. She brandished her crossbow, waving it from side to side half-jokingly and haphazardly. No one else was there, of course. Olivia looked for all the world like an overzealous mall cop; perhaps that was the point.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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Post by ciphermitarai »

(Lucia Cuevas Valdez continued from Revolution No. 9.)

“Well, looks like someone’s got her spark back,” Lucia couldn’t keep herself from commenting—a phrase that belonged in the editing studio, not a murder game. A thousand other more constructive, more heavy, more serious words lodged in her throat, but of course it was this, like a foolish, languid joke at a party.

The axis of this new world continued to spin throughout her mind, her love for analysis and horror and confusion tying together tighter than ever into a knot of dread she tried to swallow down. She couldn’t spend too much time on this—reacting was the way to go, she decided, as she already had before. Always spinning, thinking in circles. She couldn’t just incapacitate herself by overthinking! Just like when it came to college...

Fuck, college. College she’d probably never see.

No, she couldn’t worry about that now.

So, it came to basic needs: food, shelter, sleep. With frustration she realized that they couldn’t keep these at bay for too long, after all, though she wasn’t fond of the concept of being vulnerable once again. And speaking of vulnerable...

“Wait, wait! Too much spark, Liv!” she joked as the crossbow briefly swung in her direction. She bit her tongue at the nickname—she wasn’t about to become fond of a classmate that might soon die, but old habits die hard. “Don’t shoot, okay?”

It was more of a way to lighten her own mood than anything, but she sort of needed it.
[+] Past
Everything glowing and blowing to bits right behind Lucia Cuevas Valdez!
[+] Present
Nate’s found Cyberia.
[+] Future
Niko thought she'd go out in a more Earthbound-y fashion.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

"Never enough spark for a time like this!" Olivia exclaimed, though she did as she was asked and lowered the crossbow-arm to her side. A little bead of sweat trickled down the side of her face, leaving a wet spot on the white bandana around her neck. Her shoulders visibly relaxed. She lowered herself onto the dock, chipper as ever in spite of her failure to act at the cargo floats.

We lost 'em, she thought, unaware until the sun set that the incomparable Seo-yun had picked off Abel in her stead.

The maze of docks and piers stretched on to infinity: a field unlike anything Olivia had ever known. She fell into rare silence. Gazing up at the darkening skies, she imagined Coach spurring her on to action with a big ol' slap on the back. Let's see a little more hustle, del Rio! the big woman hollered. You're a fighter! That's why you gotta give 'em the fight they've always wanted!

Lacrosse is war, and Olivia had always been terrible at going on the attack. Her preferred role, with its oversized stick and its distance from the spotlight, boiled down to "protect the goalie" and little else. Never advancing past the middle. Never seeking out conflict until conflict sought her. Never, no matter how much she yearned for victory, taking losses personally.

Her defense was fierce; everyone in the Miami area knew that. It was time to prove to the world she could mount an offense, too.

Of course, she told her new ally Lucia none of this. Why should she? She needed to recover from her slipshod performance earlier. She couldn't look like she'd lost her nerve, not this early on, no matter how obvious (very) it seemed. She had to steel herself for all the victims she'd come to know.

For now, though, there was nobody else in sight, save two girls chilling by a cruise ship.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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[+] Past characters
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Post by ciphermitarai »

"Better than having none, I guess," Lucia whistled, surveying all she could see with the lull in activity for the first time, and it reminded her that there were still some questions she had yet to ask, some things she didn't yet understand about why she was here with Olivia of all people. It was a relief, at least, that it seemed like they hadn't teamed for the purpose of stabbing each other in the back. Some others she'd be far more wary around... Akeno not least of them.

And Vasily. Well, she was almost sure she'd never know where he was, now, short of possibly the afterlife. Unless he got his hands on a gun, of course. If this was some B-movie they'd find each other dead or dying and cry as the other bleeds out and some sad parting words were uttered. Then the other would vow to get revenge on the world or... oh, whatever. He certainly couldn't help the two of them now if he wasn't even near.

And as for other questions, well. Lucia only had one that could be answered, but she might as well shoot, save for a "you wanna eat soon?" because she knew that both of them needed a moment to at least let things slow. Let things stop bobbing back and forth like a swing from the single hit that was her expulsion from the yacht, which reminded her.

"So, eh... why'd you pick me? I didn't really know you all that well. Is it cuz of the axe?" she laughed. "I don't mind if it is. You're smart if it is."
[+] Past
Everything glowing and blowing to bits right behind Lucia Cuevas Valdez!
[+] Present
Nate’s found Cyberia.
[+] Future
Niko thought she'd go out in a more Earthbound-y fashion.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

A blank white face, like that of a mannequin, lunged at Olivia with a kitchen knife that glinted menacingly in the sun.

She held up Little Joe, and without hesitation, a bolt shot clean through her mystery assailant's heart.

A little spatter of blood stained the docks below. The contestant crumpled to the ground, sparks coming out of its joints.

An explosion worthy of Michael Bay.

Olivia walked away from it calmly, a tiny Terminator smirking out of the flames, in search of the next —

Why'd you pick me?

Lucia's voice. Her train of thought missed its station entirely and disappeared into a black tunnel.

"I—" The answer caught in her mouth for a moment. "Yeah, it was the axe, but... everyone always says you're like the big sister they never had. And you're hungry for it, but you're, like, calm about it too, you know? Anthony and me, we get carried away. You saw what happened!" Then she giggled and grinned, as though the whole groin-kicking mess was some kind of colossal joke to her.

"Aren't you lucky I was the one who got that crossbow! Seriously! If he'd taken it, he might've shot up the whole yacht!"
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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Post by ciphermitarai »

“Yeah, guess there’s a bunch’a different tropes in protag teams for a reason,” Lucia sighed, more to herself than anything. “Dynamics playing off each other and all that jazz.” Idly she shifted her bag, envisioning a world where it was the two of them on the bleachers of some neglected field instead, just laughing and... talking. If she closed her eyes for a moment, she could pretend she was there.

“Though if I’m being real honest? Maybe one of us. I’m not sure if he could do anything like that.” She laughed a bit. “He definitely doesn’t have the guts you do. Or, eh, the recklessness.” What she wanted to say was “selective recklessness”, sure, but she didn’t want Olivia to take anything personal.

“Oh, and I hear the big sister thing a bit,” she continued, finally looking back at the girl beside her. “Mostly from sophomores and kids at the karate place I go to, y’know? I’ve got a few friends here, counting you of course, but they’re the kind of guys to just go all out. I don’t think that’d stop them from coming after us, so stay quick. Don’t get stuck in the mud too much.”

But Vasily was an exception, right? Not that she expected Olivia to know him all that well. After all, their styles were as different as the tropics and the tundra, but she might as well ask.

“Oh, but there’s this one guy, purple hair, eyepatch kid, y’know him? Wannabe alt style?” She twisted her hand like that would somehow explain it better. “Yeah, we’re friends if you know him. Worst comes to worst, just say you’re with me. That’ll at least give a shock to his system.” Though she chuckled, the words began to catch in her chest, something pushing down any momentary warmth she felt.

Dread. How lovely.
[+] Past
Everything glowing and blowing to bits right behind Lucia Cuevas Valdez!
[+] Present
Nate’s found Cyberia.
[+] Future
Niko thought she'd go out in a more Earthbound-y fashion.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Olivia wasn't sure what a "trope" was, exactly. Lucia was off talking about "protag dynamics" or something, like she was trying to dumb down a wordy English paper in terms she could understand. She smiled and nodded and made a mental note to ask the muscly girl what the hell she was going on about. It wasn't going to make sense to her less-than-academically-inclined ears, she knew, but she'd be damned if she looked like she didn't care about the one person who hadn't started frothing at the mouth over the idea of survival. First that crazy Brit she'd kicked in the balls, then those two with the shotguns... Lucia was only stable one she'd met so far— besides herself, she hastily added. And Beau. And possibly RJ, if and when they run into him. (She had high hopes for her old friend, and she wasn't about to let go of them.)

"You know me," Olivia reassured Lucia. "I'm the least stick-in-the-mud person I know!"

Well, besides the time you lost your nerve, came the intrusive thought.

Shut up, brain. I don't need you right now. I'm gonna win. I don't care what happened back there!

Oh, Lucia was still talking. This time, it was about a guy with purple hair and an eyepatch. That's gotta be Vasily, she thought.

Olivia and Vasily were an unlikely duo. She'd run into him once at a party and found herself intrigued by his calm, mellow personality. They even went to the same yoga lessons, so she bothered him as much as she could on those days. Helped take her mind off her mom and her stupid homework rules.

"You're talking about Vas, right? I'm pretty good friends with him. Have you seen him around or something? Is he in this game? Does he have a good weapon?" Her eyes were wide with enthusiasm as she barraged Lucia with question after question she couldn't possibly answer. If only she'd brought as many crossbow bolts with her; they might not have needed Mr. Ivanov at all.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
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Post by ciphermitarai »

"You know him? Huh." Lucia blinked, surprised by her recognition. "Haven't seen him or anything, but if we're both here why wouldn't he be?"

She looked down at the floor for a moment, no longer willing to even entertain the thought that he might be in danger now. "I'm sure he's survived this long. If we have, he can. He knows how to use a gun, and I taught him some defense, so... he'll be fine." Her mind flitted through memories a bit, the way one would run a finger over a file cabinet. But she didn't want to become too sentimental, of course, so she shut it.

"... How'd you meet him, again?" she chose to ask, keeping a smile on her face. Olivia didn't seem too upset, so everything would be alright if she just kept the mood light.
[+] Past
Everything glowing and blowing to bits right behind Lucia Cuevas Valdez!
[+] Present
Nate’s found Cyberia.
[+] Future
Niko thought she'd go out in a more Earthbound-y fashion.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Olivia's eyebrows scrunched up amusingly, deep in thought. "It was a party, I think... I've seen him at a couple parties, actually. He looks all edgy and mysterious and whatever, but I feel like he's kinda trying his best to find himself, y'know? Nice guy, though. Really nice guy. Goes to the same gym my mom drags me to on the weekends, so I talk to him when I can."

She liked Vasily. Not in that sense, of course (though she wouldn't tell him no — he was cute, in the feminine sort of way that was nigh-impossible for the average boy to pull off), but he was mellow and easy to get along with. They chatted in the halls when they saw each other. It surprised her a little that he and the stone-butch Lucia got along so well, but she decided their unlikely friendship was for the best. If she laid eyes on Vasily's pale purple tresses, she resolved, she'd try and push for him to join their budding alliance.

"I'm surprised we're getting a break," she thought out loud. "There's gotta be, like, 80, maybe 100 of us in here. Must be a big place, if everyone's leaving us alone here. You think now would be a good time to check in these?"

With that, Olivia hoisted the pack full of rations and spare clothes off her back and into her lap in one smooth, seamless motion. She'd peeked inside once before, at the yacht; now, at last, she had the chance to inspect her inventory to the fullest extent. It's like my birthday came early! she cheered internally, ignoring the very real chance that she'd never live to see it.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
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Post by Somersault »

((Hailey Thompson, continued from Rise, Rapture, Rise))

Hailey had never been so grateful she'd been a good person.

Okay, that was a little presumptuous, she had to admit, but considering how most of the people who died so far were, for lack of a better term, not exactly the most socially well-adjusted, it seemed actually trying to maintain some semblance of decency back when things were normal was one way to avoid creating any blood feuds. Cold comfort as she trekked through the marina complex thing alone, but it was still comfort.

The biggest comforts of all, of course, were her still-beating heart and the ZapCane thingy in her hands. After fleeing the portrait of sin that was the yacht altercation, Hailey'd finally been able to find exactly what the thing in her bag was, and found her assigned weapon to be alright. A gun seemed like it'd make this all feel even weightier, even a sharp blade, but an electric cane thing? There at least was the potential to hit someone and not kill them, and while she certainly wasn't intending to hit anyone, at least not if they did anything to harm her chances of living, it definitely wasn't a high priority thing.

Idly, Hailey wondered whether anyone was following her lone journey. Mom and Dad weren't big fans, she knew enough to know that, but a part of her hoped they'd at least believe she wouldn't be an early out. And really, not that Hailey would've ever watched, but if she was a person who was intrigued by these sorts of shenanigans, she certainly wouldn't have been watching her. Not as if she did anything. Still, being fun was no good deterrent to a knife in the gut or a bullet in the face, so she pressed on, shoes creaking on the wooden walkways, when she began to hear voices.

Two voices. Two relatively familiar voices.

Out of all the people she had to bump into, of course it was these two idiots. Well, mainly Olivia. Lucia was just handling the whole thing like Hailey imagined most people would. Considering her footsteps had been anything but light, Hailey decided the overt approach was best.

"Well, hi again."
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by ciphermitarai »


Lucia wasn’t about to make any assumptions about what Hailey thought of them, at least, but she’d seen enough of her to know that she wasn’t immediately going to start flailing and attacking them. Right? Still, she wasn’t about to take that chance, and her brain sped through her form like this was some sort of test. And it may very well be, of course, a first grand trial to prove her worth.


She shifted to one hip, doing her best to look casual despite the fact that she felt like a fear fire that had just been stoked. Her eyes didn't linger long on the cane, though, aside from a quick flit of disarming motions in her mind. Yeah, she could do this. She could do this!

“What brings you here?” Lucia asked, twisting her hand around the handle of the cleaver idly—nerves and all that. “Anybody get offed in the yacht?”

Sure, it was insensitive. But every time she said something like that, she cringed about it a bit less. Wouldn’t she have to get used to it if she intended to survive here? She should know what made a good survivor, after all.

Too many questions, and getting caught up with them would just tangle her in a web she didn’t want to be in.

“... kinda sounds bad, but you know what I mean.”
[+] Past
Everything glowing and blowing to bits right behind Lucia Cuevas Valdez!
[+] Present
Nate’s found Cyberia.
[+] Future
Niko thought she'd go out in a more Earthbound-y fashion.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

"Hailey!" she exclaimed. "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while!"

In spite of the chaos she'd caused — everything she'd said and done on the yacht must have been quite a shock to Hailey's good Christian heart — Olivia couldn't conceal a big, chipper smile at the sight of another familiar face. All we need now is Beau, Leah, and the Brit! It's like our high school reunion! she thought with serendipitous glee.

The girl's eyes, bright and peppy and brown, alighted on the cane in Hailey's arms. She stifled a laugh. A stick-in-the-mud, "I'll go to the parties, but no fun for me" girl like her would totally carry around a cane! She looks like such a boomer!

And then she realized. Ohhhh my god. That's her weapon. They gave her a fucking cane! The floodgates were open. Whether it was because she knew she was completely safe with Hailey around or whether the boomer-cane thing was that damn funny, even she didn't know. Details weren't important. No matter the reason, Olivia spent a few precious moments giggling like an idiot.

Once she'd collected herself, the girl leaned calmly back, eyes closed. She stretched out her arms and legs, like she was leisurely chatting with a couple of gal pals on the bleachers. Death game? What's that?

"What've you been up to? Lucia and I were just taking a little break," she explained once she'd made herself far too comfortable for the situation at hand.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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TV3: 123456789101112Endgame (1234)
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[+] Past characters
Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
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Post by Somersault »

"I've been living," Hailey replied, with a wan smile that just didn't quite reach her eyes. "You know how it is."

But really, Hailey was quite sure that these two ladies in front of her did not know how it indeed was, because they were fricking crazy. Not that crazy was a word she liked to use often, but considering the last time Hailey had seen Olivia, Olivia was content to make a corny monologue and start shoving and screaming for a weapon, Hailey thought it was actually quite fitting for the whole situation.

And really, did someone like that deserve to be the one to get out alive? Someone like that, content to relax and chat as if she hadn't just pretended to be some kind of femme fatale just a couple hours earlier? Those were certainly heavy thoughts to be having, but they were thoughts that allowed Hailey to dismiss the fact that her hands were now gripping more tightly to her cane as mere instinct.

Soon, her eyes flitted to the crossbow and the cleaver, although she continued with the same smile plastered on her face.

"You guys...do anything interesting?"
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by ciphermitarai »

“Ahaha, no, ran into a girl with a gun, but...”

Well, if the air couldn’t be cut with her cleaver. The thought almost made her laugh, and yet any sort of light that had been in Lucia’s eyes waned quick. As did traces of her usual cool demeanor—this girl in front of them had a plan. Sure, she was jumping to conclusions, but the way Hailey was looking at them, she couldn’t not be... still. Danger wasn’t imminent.

“... we sorta turned around after that, though that guy, Abe, or what it was. His mouth, eh... runs.” And though she didn’t elaborate further, the tensing of her jaw made her thoughts clear. Not that she didn’t remember his name, no, but she wanted to sound dismissive of it. Wanted to sound like the encounter didn’t matter at all.

The tension had to catch up to her at some point, after all. Ignoring it wouldn’t make it go away, but that’s just what she did anyway, a pressure cooker tightly-shut. And Hailey, well... she sure wouldn’t react well to anything like that.

“Taking a break my ass,” she grumbled, perhaps rudely, but hopefully nobody heard.

“Anyway, you, uh... know that guy?” Not doing great at avoiding the elephant in the room, Luce.
[+] Past
Everything glowing and blowing to bits right behind Lucia Cuevas Valdez!
[+] Present
Nate’s found Cyberia.
[+] Future
Niko thought she'd go out in a more Earthbound-y fashion.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Olivia sat up straight again after her satisfying stretch; it's rude to lie back when others were speaking, after all. That's Social Skills 101,
W-is-for-Wumbo basic. Just because she and Lucia weren't in any danger didn't mean she could act nonchalant enough to piss Hailey off—


When did Grandma start holding her ugly gray cane in a death-grip? Does she actually think she's gonna hurt someone with that thing?
Her eyes widened for a split second. Her smile dissipated. Her free hand slowly snaked through one of the backpack straps. Her crossbow hand tightened, just in case. That fake bitch! Make one more move and I'll show your goody-two-shoes ass a thing or three.

"He was pretty annoying," she muttered. "Calling us 'you ladies' and stuff, like he thinks he's James Bond or something." She forced herself to chuckle at the memory, focusing on the stuck-up dork in the glasses instead of her failure to shoot him down. Like Hailey, her smile failed to reach her eyes.

A familiar foreboding feeling. A conversation, but no one was listening.

The yacht had followed the three of them all the way to this remote dock, and it wasn't letting go.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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[+] Upcoming characters
There doesn't seem to be anything here.
[+] Past characters
Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
Raymond's Relationship Thread
Memories: 1
Supers: 1234567

Sho Tsukioka [B14] gave love a bad name.
Memories: 1
Battle Royale: 123456
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