TV3: The Second Announcement

Two floors down from the primary deck of the cruise ship, another terrace of deck just out, primarily given over to a massive swimming pool. This pool is full of clean, fresh water, and arrayed around it are a wide range of beach towels, pool chairs, and water toys—the latter including dozens of pool noodles and boogie boards, as well as a pair of inflatable pool toys (one yellow duck and one green alligator), each large enough for a grown adult to ride. Back next to the entrance to the corridors is a small stand that sold ice cream; though it has been emptied of sweet treats it provides better cover than anything else in the immediate vicinity.
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Post by MurderWeasel »


It probably wasn't Keegan's place to cut in here, but what the hell, he was doing it anyways. His voice was ragged, strained. He'd moved around more in the past three minutes than the twelve hours before combined, darting into the closest part of the corridors to bang on the door and rouse Bacchia and James, then right back out without waiting for them, only to find himself once again on the wrong end of a gun and a threat. But Vasily had regained control of the situation a whole lot more convincingly than he'd ever kept hold of himself, and within moments it was just the five of them on deck, Rhonda routed.

Keegan felt like he should've done something else besides hustling to and fro and trying to round up the people who could actually accomplish anything material, but what options did he have? He had a narwhal horn and an acerbic demeanor, which qualified him primarily as distraction or assistant. Support. Just like he'd been calling himself this whole time.

"They went that way."

He jerked his head in the direction of the stairwell Ivan had tumbled towards, at the same time pointing with his hand. It was not the same direction Rhonda had ventured, but Rhonda wasn't their problem right now, and hopefully not for some time. Her reckoning could—would—come, but what was important was Giselle.

Keegan could almost still hear her razzing on Ritzy as she woke him up, her voice bouncing around in his head just like the echoes of the screams and gunfire.

"We should take a few people. Leave some here as rearguard, in case Rhonda gets cute. We should go right now."

In Champions, Keegan wasn't much of a shotcaller. He tended to think too much and talk too much, and also half his decisions were influenced by what would be funny rather than what would be smart or successful or help them win the game. But the stakes were higher now, and he didn't have time to let the others do it.

He wasn't gonna assign jobs, though. Hell no, that'd be overstepping. And besides, he wanted to go after Giselle more than anything, but his side was also killing him. Better leave his fate in the hands of someone else.
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Post by Yonagoda »

“Wait, how the fuck do you just take someone? Like, you sayin’ that Ivan just grabbed her and left?”

He turned his head to look at everyone.

“Oh, that’s probably what actually happened. Uh. That really sucks.”

So that’s one down, five more to go? Or something like that. Vasily knew this whole plan wouldn’t go off without at least a dozen hitches.

He noticed his heart was beating too fast.

Keegan was right.

Keegan was injured.

Keegan was also his teammate.

“Yeah, mm-hm. Rearguard,” He said, breathily. “I can volunteer?”

He noticed his hands were shaking.

“I can stay with Keegan.”
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Post by ItzToxie »

"Yeah... Giselle's in trouble, we gotta go now."

Fisk looked at Keegan. No way would he be a help against both Ivan nor Rhonda on their own, let alone together. Vasily mentioned staying back, and Fisk could understand why after last night. That was fine.

"Yeah. Keegan, you stay with Vasily. I get you want to come and help 'fix' things, but no offence with that extra hole in you you wouldn't be much help. Stay with Vasily, be an extra pair of eyes for him so nobody sneaks up on you two."

Fisk turned and pointed at James and Bacchia. Bacchia was mentally in the game, and James was fit. Fisk knew himself well enough. Three's enough. "You and you, follow me. We're going on a rescue mission."

There wasn't time to fuck around.

((Fisk Bateman continued elsewhere.))
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Primrosette »

When James glanced at Bacchia with a cautious look; she simply just give him a small smile and shrugged briefly. She knew that Giselle was their main goal of a rescue. But wouldn't it be better to get rid of the ones in their way? Well, if they could rescue Giselle and take Ivan out of the picture.... Then it would be better to have one less target on their back.

"Yeah, make sure to keep a good eye on Keegan, Vasily. Don't worry, Keegan. We'll make sure to bring Giselle back." She wasn't going to add I promise to the end of that sentence. Making a promise that might get broken was not in her nature. She touched Keegan's arm lightly. "Just make sure to keep yourself healthy and safe. Okay?"

She then turned her attention back to Fisk. God, he really needed to rest up as well in her opinion but she wasn't going to push it. He was more closer to Giselle and she wasn't even sure if Fisk ever forgave Bacchia for rejecting him in the past. But all that mattered right now was saving Giselle.

"Ready, James?"

((Bacchia Rubus continued in When Betting Oh High Card Pays Off))
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Cool, James was going to get to go too. Super. Wow. Like, it made sense that Bacchia would go on this weird fighting expedition, since she was one of the people with a kill, but why wasn’t he the one that stayed behind with Keegan? Yeah, what the rescue group needed was somebody that didn’t know crap about the game and who wasn’t super into the killing part of the killing game.

Of course, James didn’t say any of that stuff. What James said was: “Yeah, sounds good.” And then he gave a nod to Fisk and a slightly slower one to Bacchia. She might at least show a bit more caution after last night. He hoped so.

Maybe he’d get to just, like, sneak around to help Giselle while Fisk and Bacchia fought Ivan and then he could avoid being directly involved in the fighting and killing stuff. That’d be… better? Like, very slightly better.

“I’m ready.” He replied to Bacchia, letting out a slight sigh and then taking one final glance back at Vas and Keegan before setting off after Fisk.

((James continued in When Betting On High Card Pays Off))
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Post by Yonagoda »

“Caught that pun,” he muttered, instead of anything even remotely helpful.

“Yeah, see y’all soon. Good luck.”

He turned to Keegan. It’s just the two of them now.

Just the two of them.

He’s never been alone with Keegan before. Never been alone with someone that he could actually, truly, 100% trust. A pair of blue bandannas.

“So we just stay here and look out, huh? This should be easy.”


“I think I just jinxed myself. Do you wanna go sit down on a chair or what?”
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Yeah," Keegan said, letting himself slump down a little, more of his weight settling against the narwhal horn, "alright. Sitting down sounds good."

It was the easiest piece of it all to address, and the only one he bothered with since everyone had already taken off with well-justified haste. Truth be told, right now he was dealing with some really complicated, roiling emotions. He was upset, scared, disappointed, kind of offended, kind of relieved. Fisk had definitely made the right call telling him to stay, terrible as it felt. Now that the adrenaline was starting to subside, Keegan was dealing with a lot of pain and fatigue, and really it seemed like the best thing would be to collapse for a while.

He made his way over to the chairs and lowered himself down, feeling the plastic straps shifting under his weight, creaking in that scratchy, plastic-on-metal way.

The towel he'd thrown over his face overnight was still there. His wadded up mask was still there. It was all exactly like when Giselle had woken him up shouting and threatening him with a swift kick. It had been less than thirty minutes. Keegan wanted to punch something, or maybe to throw something fragile and expensive into the sea.

"Dammit," he muttered under his breath, as he looked out over the ocean at the rolling waves and rocking ships.

((FR03: Keegan Garcia and FR02: Vasily Ivanov continued in You Deserved Better Than You Got (Someone's Got To Say It Sometime 'Cause It's True)))
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