In Dreams You Will Lose Your Heartaches...


The banquet hall of the cruise ship is a grand room with rows of tables and chairs laid out for fine dining. The linens are spotless, each place set according to etiquette manuals with silverware and china plates (though these are not so expensive as they seem at a glance) and chandeliers hang from the ceiling, providing illumination to the chamber. Off to one side is a serving station, though sharp knives and the fuel for the Bunsen burners has been removed. Opposite this is a small stage, with music stands and seats, though the only instrument present is a piano. The banquet hall opens to the deck and pool, and also connects to the corridors.
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

People always said that the most surprising part of firing a gun was the noise.

It was a cliche rooted in how people didn’t really know all that much about guns before this show started. Before people saw people shoot people on the regular. Before it went from a cliche rooted in how genuinely unfamiliar most people were with fighting to a cliche which made no sense at all. A cliche that Verity still used on the regular because she saw it in an Animorphs book when she was eight and the phrase had brainwormed itself into her head. Said it every time one of her characters shot or got shot without ever really thinking about it. Didn’t matter if they were a fan or had watched every season or knew a ton about weapons from an outset. None of them had heard guns before. None of them knew how easy it was for the sound to deafen you. For the explosion that called every time a bullet left the chamber to let them know that this wasn’t like how it was in the movies.


Now she’d done it. She’d shot a gun herself. And the most surprising part wasn’t the sound.

It was the way the gun moved. The way it jerked upward every time a bullet was flung out, like her mum was trying to yank it out of her hands. The way her hands had to keep moving down, keep having to compensate for how wild things were going. The way the gun jumped around as it hit tables and glasses and silverware. The way the gun slammed into her finger as she tried to move the barrel closer towards the group. The way it threw herself out of her grasp, falling to the floor the same time Keegan did.

The same time he gave a silent scream.

(timothy torales)

The same time something red started coming out of him.

(keegan garcia)


She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Keegan took a breath.

Then he coughed, not really for any particular reason, just there was some momentary impulse to cough and he followed it. This was a mistake he immediately came to regret, because whatever the mix of pain and discomfort that was going through his body from where Verity had shot him, it multiplied substantially following the cough. He groaned, next, and if it didn't offer physical relief, it was at least a moral victory that he could vocalize his discontent.

He really got shot, huh? Verity really shot him. Well, damn, that wasn't how he expected his life to go—to end, maybe. Oh, it was exactly the sort of thing they would've joked about, probably even had joked about a dozen times but right now things were a little fuzzy further back than ten or so minutes, but to be encountering it for real just felt, well, wrong. It hurt in ways besides just the obvious bullet sort.

There was way too much to process right now. No time for parsing his feelings or deep introspection. What had most of Keegan's attention was the warm stickiness of the blood coating his fingers, the way the carpet was extra coarse and uncomfortable against his cheek, the fact that his leg was splayed out in such a way that it was pressed against something steady and firm, likely a chair or table. Everything hurt and there was no telling if it was all about to get worse, if everyone was going to die. He'd only caught one bullet, he was pretty sure, out of a nice little spray there, but who knew if there were more in the clip?

Keegan put his right hand out and pushed against the ground, but he didn't succeed at much of anything. He wasn't even sure what he was trying to begin with.
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Post by Polybius »

Was he dead? No, not dead. He was still breathing. Alive. But how alive? Was he dying? She saw blood.

Somehow, James' words broke through to her mind. Alyssa stared at him, then at Bacchia and James on the ground, then back at Verity.

"Okay." she whispered.

Alyssa stormed up to Verity, now empty handed and just standing there. She grabbed her ally's forearm and pulled, hard. Her eyes met Verity's and she said, or shouted, "Let's go."

Alyssa sniffled. She was crying. She didn't know how long she'd been crying.

"We have to leave, right now!"

It was maybe the first time that Alyssa had ever been completely sure she was right.
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Post by ItzToxie »

The doors leading to the outside deck smashed open. In the portal between, a silhouetted figure from a 1920's timewarp stood, suit and tommygun in hand. Main difference was instead of a fedora, the head was draped in a cowl. With clanking footsteps, the figure moved forward, scarf draped over shoulders, gun pointed forward.

((FR01 Fisk Bateman continued from a wholesome pool party. ))

The scene was set the moment he stepped into frame. James, Bacchia and Keegan on the ground, Keegan leaking red. His breathing increased as his eyes trailed up to the source. "Verity..." Fisk seethed, grimace hidden behind the smiling mask. He'd kill her for this. She'd insulted them by shooting one of his allies. Even worse was the gall that the others were doing nothing, and in the way, what were they doing? He'd deal with that part later. First he had to gun down Verity before she took out any of the others, and do it in such a way that would minimize the risk of friendly fire. Fisk would put his trust into his aim were it not for the spray of his gun. He began to strafe to the right as he moved forward to get a better shot.

"James, Bacchia... Get the FFF-UCK out of the way, NOW!" He spat beneath his mask.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

(((...And Vasily was here too.))) Blood pumping through his veins at superspeed, heart racing.
[+] And he didnt know what to do
What was he supposed to think, in this moment? What the fuck was he supposed to do? He didn't have a gun. He didn't have his mind screwed on right. He didn't know what to do. His teammate's got a hole in his gut, got his blood spilling out, and Vasily was fucking paralyzed like a coward for a millisecond before he wasn't anymore.
Keegan was down, dripping cherry red outta his gut. Verity had a gun near her. James and Bacchia were supposed to go out 'hunting' with Keegan. Didn't take a genius to figure out what went down.

He didn't know what to do. He was moving before he figured out what the fuck he was doing. Forced himself to do something. Make a plan. Regain control.

Step one: Get to Keegan. Make sure the extra holes in his body didn't leak more than they should.

"Keegs, wait, I got you." His footsteps were reaching to Keegan as he braced himself for what came next.

Step two... Well, that's on Fisk and his tommygun. Good luck, buddy.
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

She took a breath. Felt a girl grab her arm and tug. Heard a voice that sounded more like a tinnitus screech in the midst of the gun going off. Alyssa was there. Alyssa was trying to get her to go. Alyssa was trying to stop more bad things from happening. Alyssa was trying to believe in Verity. That she could change. That there was a way out of this. That she hadn’t ruined everything even before the two of them had met.

She took a breath. Saw Keegan on the floor. Saw the blood coming out of his stomach. Saw him attempt to move, to stop being dead. Heard his groan, somehow. Alyssa had been completely muted by all the noise in Verity’s ears but somehow Keegan was still audible. Add another impossibility to the list. Add another way the world had just bent itself to make Verity what it wanted her to be.

(like it really needed to do that to make you a murderer)

(who fired the gun? who pushed Timothy off the railing back there?)

(hint: not the world)

She took a breath.

She took a breath. Saw the other two guys barge in. One was on her team. The other was on Alyssa’s. On Keegan’s. They were both running to him. One was shouting. One had a gun. One was raising it, right into the air.

One was about to shoot her if she didn’t do anything about it.

She took a breath.


She took a breath.

(get out of here)

She took a breath.

(take the gun from your feet and run)

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.
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Post by Primrosette »

Bacchia wasn't focusing on the noise around her that way. But she heard Fisk's voice calling to her, James and Keegan to get out of the way. James was just standing there near the both of them and she knew that she couldn't just continue to sit there like a bumbling bee with no brain.

Get it together, Bacchia. Get it together, she thought to herself and she took a small breath.

She then reached out for Keegan with her hands, grabbing onto his shirt.

"Stay down and come towards me." She whispered to him in a calming faze of a hiss.

She just had to make sure to not endanger Keegan again.

That would be hard for her to do.


She had to try and make up for her failure. As much as she despised being responsible for someone that she wasn't close to personally. But she had to suck it up and try.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

They couldn’t say that he hadn’t tried. James told Verity and Alyssa that they needed to get out, but they’d just fumbled about as if they had all the time in the world. Now Fisk was here and firing like a lunatic, which was only going to cause even more chaos. James had warned them, and now it was out of his hands.

Nail? Meet hammer.

James dove to the ground as Fisk shouted for him to do, placing his hands over his head and squeezing his eyes shut, hoping it would at least all be over soon, hoping he wouldn’t have to deal with any bodies.
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

There was a guy pointing his gun at her, about to fire.

There was a girl pulling at her arm. Tug. Tug. Tug.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.

And something broke. Alyssa started running and Verity started running too. Picked her pistol up off the ground and hauled it to the door they’d gone through. The gun behind fired, but Verity didn’t hear it — she was still deaf from firing it before and right now the only senses that mattered were the ones that helped get her out of here. There was the sight of the door, of everything between her and escape. There was the touch of vibrations in the air as bullets from the gun whizzed past them. There was a hand clasped around Verity’s wrist as the two made it out the doorway, there was that hook-locky feeling Verity always got when she and Alyssa looked each other in the eyes-

And then there was the sight and feeling of another bullet as it went right between the two of them.

What happened next was indistinct. It was almost a blur. Verity turned and saw someone running towards the two of them and then she saw Alyssa and then she shouted something at her and then Verity broke free from her grasp. Went down a different hall than Alyssa had gone down. Ran and ran and ran and ran and didn’t stop. Didn’t breathe.

Didn’t breathe.

Didn’t breathe.


((Verity Stewart, continued elsewhere))
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Post by Polybius »

When the masked men with the gun came into the room, Alyssa began doubting reality. Maybe this was just a horrible dream, or a really bad trip. Those both seemed to make more sense than it being real. They weren't just facing their classmates anymore, they were facing monsters.

Soon, Alyssa and Verity were both running towards the door. Finally. Alyssa was pulling Verity- or Verity was pulling Alyssa, she couldn't tell at that point. The thunderous sound of gunfire was around them- no, chasing them. Dragging them to hell before they could escape.

Then, the bullet passed right in front of her face. Alyssa took a sharp inhale. Then Verity broke free, and ran. Alyssa ran, too. She tried to catch her friend, but there were too many hallways, too many turns- she was gone. She was alone.

She kept running.

((Alyssa Tibbett continued elsewhere))
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Post by ItzToxie »

And they moved.

Fisk squeezed the trigger as he walked forward, spraying at the two as they began to run. They disappeared behind the doorway as Fisk closed the distance and to compensate for his lack of vision, he sprayed into the wall next to the door where he saw them run, hoping at least one or two of the shots might get through and hit one of them.

He made his way through the doorway and sprayed again in a Z pattern as they scattered, disappearing behind corners. A grunt droned into a scream of frustration as he realized they got away. “Fuck!”

He made his way back into the room and slammed it closed behind him. As he made his way toward his team he flipped a table on its side with his hand and kicked it, sliding it to the door, mostly out of frustration but also with the intent to barricade incase someone wanted to be opportunistic about the gunshots.

“Someone get Keegan on a table so we can patch him up; someone else explain to me what in the fuck that three stooges shit was that just happened!” He shouted, free hand taking off his mask.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

That sound. The machine gun roaring. When he looked back, Verity wasn't there anymore. Verity was alive. Alyssa was alive. Verity had a gun. Vasily wanted that gun, and he wanted Verity dead, but-


Stop that.

He focused his attention back on Keegan.

Worst part about the blood was that it's hot. It sticks. The warmness clung to Vasily's ankle when he ran across that red-stained floor. Leaked from Keegan's guts into his clothes. It wasn't the right time to notice it, but he noticed it anyways.

''Oh shit, OK, um, lemme just-''

Vasily's boots clicked on the ground. He liked listening to it more than the plip plop of the blood. Not the blood. Anything but his blood. Keegan's blood. His friends' blood.

He reached an arm out to Keegan, next to Bacchia, one hand grabbing onto his wrist, another holding his torso, careful not to get close to the wound, gently patting for reassurance.

''Bach, should we... carry him? Keegan, do you- do you think you can walk without... messing that wound up more?''

He wanted to make Verity pay. He wanted to cry and puke. He wanted to fucking kill another person already.

He chose to be gentle. He chose to try to help Keegan. Chose help Bacchia, if she let him.
[+] He chose to be something kinder
Maybe the fact that he only came to the defense of people who he liked or reminded him of himself was selfish and self-centered. As if he only helped others to build up his own ego. He didn't dare to think like that before because the thought of him being bad scared him. Of being actually, seriously, unironically bad. He hated having to address that- he always liked to help first and ask questions later. Helping and protecting people should have been second nature to him. It should have been. It's what he prided himself on. It's what others liked him for.

Was that all a lie?

Was his whole image a lie? Was his whole identity a lie? So many parts of who he is to other people were made out of bits and pieces of him that never existed. He hated that. He hoped they would never find out. He hoped that the people in his life, the people watching through the screens, the people who knew he existed and saw him the way he presented himself, would never find out that he was just playing to them as an audiance and see his horrible, guilty, shitty core.
He gave himself five seconds to think and nothing more. Then, he blocked these thoughts. He didn't need to be a good person here. He didn't need to be anything. He could worry about it later. As for now, Vasily got ready to do something.
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Post by Primrosette »

Bacchia felt like her mind was going into a brief blur until she heard Vasily's voice talking to her about moving Keegan without making things worse and she had to snap herself out of her faze. Seeing blood this close from someone that she had endangered was so strange. She had to be delicate because of Keegan's injury.

She helped Vasily lift the wounded boy by hooking her arm under Keegan's right arm and her other arm was cupped and wrapped slightly around Keegan's back. She was now more focused on doing the task at hand and she couldn't let her pity cloud her mind. She had to simply just help her teammate.

"Let's.... Let's us just get you to the table as carefully as we can, Keegan. Apologies if this hurts you more, but we'll take care of you. I promise." She was trying to sound reassuring towards Keegan while she and Vasily were half-walking, half-dragging Keegan towards a table that thankfully didn't have anything on top of it besides some white-red cloth. She let out a sharp intake of breath. "This really turned into such a mess."

She wasn't the strongest person around when it came to being a gym nut or like a jock or whatever.

But she had to be useful instead of just standing around and doing nothing of note. She couldn't look weak or fragile or feeble.

She and Vasily both lifted Keegan onto the table and she was making sure that he was laying down with care.

"Just need to stop the bleeding somehow." She said quietly as she was getting a closer look at the wound and she was not going to get grossed out from seeing it.

However, being the medical person was not her strong point.

She stared at Vasily beside her worriedly.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

In the end, it took Fisk shooting to get the two girls to finally run off. Maybe it was a bad thing that they’d survived, that they’d seen their gang and gotten away. James hoped that wasn’t the case. This whole encounter was just a mess from the start and, if they could make sure Keegan got out okay, then it at least meant that no one had to die over something so stupid.

Wait, no, that was dumb. James had joined up with this group with the express goal that they were going to basically kill everyone so that they could make it to the end, so that they could win.That meant that Verity and Alyssa had to die anyway, so it didn’t really matter how deliberate or stupid it was, right?

James had to remind himself not to focus too hard on the big picture stuff. That was supposed to be for Fisk and maybe Keegan and stuff. They should know better… but now Keegan was shot and Fisk was kinda freaking out. It wasn’t a situation that inspired confidence.

Vasily and Bacchia rushed to help Keegan, which would leave him to explain things to Fisk. Super.

“Look,” James began, rising to his feet and making his way over to Fisk, “it’s just… there was a standoff and some wires got crossed on our strategy. We miscommunicated and made a mistake and… things just went really wrong, I’m sorry.”

He just really hoped Fisk would calm the fuck down right now. Things were already bad enough without him having a fit or something.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“A mistake?! A fucking mistake!? Keegan is shot, he could fucking die right now over a mistake! That’s a big fucking mistake you all made, is it not?”

Fisk turned his head back to Keegan, Vasily, and Bacchia. Breathe in, breathe out. “Fuck... look, we’ll talk about this one later, right now we gotta make sure our friend doesn’t die.” As pissed as he was, right now was not the time to start throwing shit and pushing blame. Life saving comes first, ass chewing comes later. “Come on, help me get a table out, then we get the first aid kit.”


The sun went down by the time they finished up. Keegan was unconscious but breathing, and they could only assume he’d been stabilized. Fisk sat in the chair, he couldn’t stop his leg from twitching. When he was sure Keegan was fine, he left Vasily to watch over him and took James and Bacchia to a corner. He yelled a bit, could be considered an understatement, but after hearing the full story he was less angry at them and more the situation. It still needed to be done though. This game was as much a thinking game as it was a fighting one, and aggression won’t get you everywhere, especially in an open space with a gun.

He sat in the chair, his leg still shaking. He brushed his hands through his hair. The logistics part of running a team was a lot harder than it looked. Yelling wasn’t fun, at least not at his friends. It didn’t help that the announcements came up, and there was no mention of either of their names, nor Ivan’s. He wanted to get angry, but that could’ve been a mistake on the announcer’s part. Maybe they weren’t paying attention, or maybe Keegan wasn’t. Most likely it was the latter, but Keegan was too banged up to be mad at, (plus he kind of redeemed himself for taking Bacchia’s bullet) and besides, even if Ivan wasn’t dead, he was still basically useless. Fisk saw him go wall eyed, he was leaking from his ears. Even if he wasn’t dead, he was practically useless, his IQ had to be dropped to the low 40’s by those blows he took. Plus, Giselle was still MIA. Fisk had hoped she hadn’t gone turncoat on them. As of now, The Respects were turning out to be anything but.

Fisk wasn’t going to be sleeping well tonight if he didn’t change any of that. Sure this game was a marathon, not a sprint, but if they wanted to finish first they’d have to get a better start. The farther you were in the back at the start, the faster you’d have to sprint to get to the end. Fisk sighed. He was angry and he was restless. There was only one cure for that.

“So... No hard feelings about earlier today. Water under the bridge. Even with our shivs, we’re clearly not the best equipped as of right now, so we’re going to have to take a more tactical approach to this. Numbers aren’t everything when automatic firepower is involved. Had you been properly armed, I guarantee that Verity and her lackey would be dead by now.”

Fisk tilted his eyes up at James. He laid his machinegun into the table. “You’ll need this more than I will. I need you to keep watch on the door, make sure nobody comes in and tries anything. Me and Vasily are gonna look for Giselle, and ‘hunt’ anyone else who’s out passed their bedtime. If someone comes in who’s not one of us three? I need you to light em up. If you and Bacchia wanna take turns and have night watches, that’s up to you, but try to stay on guard, don’t let some rando catch you snoozing.” Fisk tilted his eyes toward Keegan. “It’s not just your lives you gotta worry about. Until then, we won’t be long. An hour or two at the most. When we get back I’ll take next shift, and you all can rest.”

Fisk stood up, buttoned his coat. Adjusted his tie. Shiv and mask tucked into the back of his belt. “We had a bit of a rocky start today, but it’s not the end of the world. I promised you all I’d get you to the end, and while I may be a lot of things, a liar I am not. Everything will work out in the end. Just have faith.” He smiled, and made his way to the door.

“Come on Vas, lets make these fuckers scared of The Respects again.”

((Fisk and Vasily continued in There Will Be Blood. ))
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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