
Stuck in sub-space.

From the outside, the Ghost Ship appears to be an ancient, derelict pirate vessel, its masts shattered but still flying a proud (if tattered) Jolly Roger. At various places, the hull is gouged and broken, allowing the potential for entrance and egress through jagged holes feet above the waterline. Inside, the ship is murky and full of creepy decorations, including an animatronic skeleton crew and artificial cobwebs and doubloons everywhere. The whole interior is lit in eerie red and green lights, and there are many hidden access hatchways revealing more modern storage rooms and access ports. This is because the Ghost Ship actually began its life in a theme park—specifically, it has been transported from Tortuga Bay, the amusement park previously featured as the setting of Season Forty-One.
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The Honeless Beard
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Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:47 am
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His mom never called him golden boy.
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