Why didn't you do it for me? Why didn't you do it for us?


Hugging the southern side of the island, this small village is where the vast majority of the island’s previous residents lived, worked, and leisured. The houses and occasional business closest to the waters edge all reside on stilts, a preventative measure for the unpredictable tides, while those closer to the outskirts begin to have backyards and small farming coops. What some would consider the centre of the town also contains a small square, as well as a simple stone church, short two-story bell tower, and wild overgrown gardens surrounding a distinctly leaderly house.

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Why didn't you do it for me? Why didn't you do it for us?


Post by Lilith »

The City's Girl did exactly as she was told.

She looked at the body of the girl. She was white. She had red hair, but the City's Girl couldn't be sure. She couldn't be quite sure because of the broken throat and the broken jaw and the dandling tongue. She looked at the bag. The City's Girl almost picked it up, almost wishing that she had. But just almost. She was already stuffed of supplies, deep into a problematic cycle of throwing and picking up.

She had a new gun, and the City's Girl was thankful for it. It wasn't anything good, or at least better than her old gun which became a crutch rather than a weapon, but it was a ranged option. Her melee option was... the crutch.

She swallowed. She kicked the body. She swallowed again. She kicked the body again. She swallowed, again.

Dying was weird, and it crept her out. In a way, she almost wished she had drowned.

But, again, just almost.

The City's Girl walked into the church.
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Post by ItzToxie »


He finally made it. He left the camp when he heard movement in the night, rather dealing with rain then getting klapped in his sleep. Didn't play dumb though, he took his sleeping bag with him to keep himself dry. It fit in his bag pretty snugly too. Kept him mostly dry. Ajay looked at the map, grimacing. But this thing? Fucking thing sucked. Still, he made it to the village a day later. He sat down and stared out at the coast. Place is fucking gham. He wasn't expecting much of anything from a place called a village, and he was still disappointed. This whole island was fucking gham. He wondered how many people he'd find here.

He wondered if that was still the plan, that Rainbow or the other bird would be here. Maybe Jaxon the stupid fuck. Maybe Seychelle.

Two kills in one night.

He wondered how that went down. He doubted they were accidents. He wondered if they were self defense, or if they were convenient. He wondered what would've happened if Rainbow wasn't armed when she showed up. He gripped the spear. Finding a way out was going to be a lot harder than he thought. Everyone seemed to be taking these bastards at face value and giving them what they want, or offing themselves. Caleb. Fabiano. Seychelle. Three names to be wary of if he wanted to live. Wait. Caleb? Was that the fridge? No, he had a gun, and a shit talker like the big one would've drawn it if he had it.

Ajay stood up. He had to find some shelter so he wouldn't get caught with his pants down. He turned around and made his way towards the main street. Saw a corpse by a fountain. Probably the one who got her head blown up. Shame, but better her than him. These things weren't a bluff. He turned his head and looked at the church. Maybe good to hole up here? The bulletholes were foreboding, you'd think people wouldn't shoot up a house of god but you'd also think people would try to find a way out of this mess before just murdering each other either.

He got to the doorway of the church. Thought about knocking, but he decided against it, he'll just let himself in.
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Post by Lilith »

The City's Girl was sitting on a pew.

Her original gun on her knees.

Her new one in her hand. She cracked her neck, did a double take, and looked at the intruder of her prayer. She wasn't faithful. She didn't pray. It wasn't part of her identity, or part of her habits rather. Her routine involved more introspection than prayer, more meditation than divination. She narrowed her eyes when they focused on one of the boys that had left her.

She didn't speak.

Words didn't have meaning anymore.

Instead, she stared.

It wasn't hesitation. She laid her arm on the backrest of the pew, letting her gun on it.

The dead body at her feet didn't budge.

Ajay was going to pay.
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Post by ItzToxie »

The first thing Ajay noticed as he walked into the church was that it was dark, his only source of lighting were the doorway that closed behind him, and the beans of light pouring in through bullet holes. The darkness of the church compared to the morning sun made it hard for Ajay to see. As he stepped closer his eyes began to adjust to the darkness.

Ajay’s eyes widened behind his shades. They focused on Seychelle, then the body below her.

Talking about a murderer in your head was one thing. Meeting them in the flesh though? Bliksem. He swallowed empty spit, and took the time to eye his surroundings. He had to say something soon, and something smart.

Yet, he couldn’t. He could only look between Seychelle and the body below her, wondering if that was her’s or not. Fingers tightened on his spear as he wondered if he had enough time to turn around and run back the way he came.
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Post by Lilith »

The City's Girl looked down at the corpse again.

He must have thought that it was her doing.

The City Girl's simply stood up. She looked at Ajay. He had a spear. She didn't remember if he had a spear yesterday. She looked up, and then down, and then back up. It's not like she would know because he left her to die. He probably did have that spear. It just felt so far away. Like she had spent a thousand year in that cave, and whenever she came out, there was nothing but that darkness still in her mind.

Or something. The City's Girl had never cared much for wax poetic. She was too succinct.

She raised her gun.

The magazine held about 40 rounds. The City's Girl had counted them quickly. She had tried to shoot things with it, but it was cruelly imprecise.

It would only draw out the suffering.

She squeezed the trigger.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Ajay saw the gun raise and finally found the words to say.

“Jou mal maaifoedie!” He shouted as he dived behind the nearest pew. Guess she wasn’t interested in playing nice. That’s fine! Wasn’t the first time he was shot at, and if he kept his head this wouldn’t be the last time either. Wood exploded above him as the bench he used as cover got shredded. Who was he kidding? This shit wasn’t fine, he’s gonna be worm food if he doesn’t do something soon!

“Aaaiii! Aaaiee! Stop! Stooop you crazy cunt!” Screaming for mercy and tucking his head between his legs wasn’t doing anything either. “Fuck me!” He curled up as close to the ground as he could, and started trying to low crawl to the other end of the pew. “All the fucking luck I get...” He swore through gritted teeth.
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Post by Lilith »

The gun sprayed in an arc from left to right. The bullets missed their mark, but the goal of the weapon wasn't to hit. She wanted to get her hands on him, and wrap and bruise and wring and squeeze and twist. She wasn't this angry earlier. She wasn't this angry with the others.

But with this one? She wanted to scream. She still didn't speak.

She was 16 and she chose to not speak anymore. It didn't matter whatever she said. Like exhibit A over there: Ajay's rambling. She had no idea what he was saying, but it wasn't in English, and it would sound like the same pathetic noises. She wasn't going to be pathetic. It didn't matter what she said, because she was pretty sure the cameras didn't pick up on the audio. They were the same cameras at the drug stores.

Unless they had thrown microphones around, or had one inside of the collars, she didn't bothered to speak.

She stopped shooting for a moment. She had lost sight of him.

He was hidden behind a pew somewhere.

She held her breath, and didn't move.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Ajay crawled forward, pike in hand as the bullets stopped. The silence was louder than the rattle of rounds on wood. Could hear himself breathing all to clearly, but couldn’t hear himself think over the ringing, funny how that worked.

He stopped moving, held his breath. He couldn’t see where that crazy bitch was, it’d be suicide to go for the door. It’d be suicide to charge her too.


If he closed the distance, he could get a hold of that gun. Might make things a bit easier here on out. Yeah...

He couldn’t charge though. Had to find another way close. The pews, his spear. He smiled through gritted teeth.

Boer maak’n plan

Ajay peeked up and caught sight of Seychelle. Ducked back down. Now or never.

Ajay jumped to his feet, and sprinted across the aisle. “Think fast ya cunt!” He shouted, as he tossed his spear like a javelin at Seychelle, before ducking behind the pew across from him.

He was now two rows closer. Closer to what? Guess we’re gonna find out then.
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Post by Lilith »

The City's Girl didn't hear him say anything, really. Her ears were buzzing from the gunshots. She could never get used to it. She did hear him talk, and when she twisted her head to where he was, it was too late. It was less a spear, and more a sharp piece of metal. Which, allegedly, was just a spear and-

She howled.

Collided against a pew, falling to the ground. She howled again. She howled, and she scream, and she wanted to fucking beat Ajay bloodied and red and black and brown until she could feel her knuckles crack and break.

She screamed.

She pulled the trigger again.

It clicked. She pulled the trigger again. It clicked.

It clicked, it clicked, it clicked, it clicked, it clicked, it clicked, it clicked it clicked it clickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclickeditclicked-

She looked up.

He was right there.

Stupid gun.
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Post by ItzToxie »

You know, you’re supposed to be professional when it comes to things like this. This was a human life, they had their own hopes and dreams, their own aspirations, friends, families, all that shit.

Ajay glared at Seychelle. There was nothing professional about this. He didn’t sign up for this, and he REALLY didn’t appreciate being shot at. So when the time comes to get a little bit of payback, Ajay was going to jump on that opportunity.

He kicked the gun away and lunged. He straddled her chest, wrapped a hand around her throat, and began punching, over and over again.

“Try and kill me? Think I’m gonna die for you? Think you’re worth more, eh ya dof cunt?!”

This game of kill or be kill was starting to feel just a bit more reasonable with the company he kept. Maybe they were chosen for a reason. It was still a load of bullshit, after this he’d get right back to finding a way out.

He wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed.

But until then, he’d play the game, at least until Seychelle stopped breathing. He’ll give these fuckers this one.
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Post by Lilith »

The City's Girl didn't think she was worth more than Ajay. Or Jevaun. Or Archibald. She didn't think she was worth than anyone else, if anything she was probably worth less. She was worth somewhere below Rainbow, even. It wasn't anything rude or mean, it was basic human life arithmetic. The City's Girl was Drowned, and she was Swallowed by the ocean. She had already lost.

Or at least, lost once. She just didn't die yet.

She still struggled under Ajay's hand. She bit him.


In quick succession.

Rabid and feral, she bit him again. Her hands went to his face.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“Ack! Aaagh!” She fucking bit him! She bit him! Hands reached for his face as his arms backed away, bleeding.

“Crazy bitch!” He brought his hands back down, swinging on her face as he clawed at his. Left right left right- nails dug into his flesh, teeth into skin. She wasn’t going down easy.

“Still got fight in ya, eh? We’ll change that just now!” Seychelle wasn’t getting out. She was getting the same chances she gave the others.

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Post by Lilith »

Her jaw, then her temple then her cheek then her temple again.

She was being pummeled. Her hands were still scrambling for his face, for his eyes, for his nose, for anything to grab and to pull on. She scratched and she clawed. She pulled him near and close. Her hand went to his hair and she pulled. Her nails dug, deeply. His skin felt malleable, the same way her face was being torn and twisted into a new shape.

His hands were back to her neck. He pushed.

It cracked. She gasped. She still clawed.

It cracked again. She tried to breathe but there was only blood.
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Post by ItzToxie »

He didn’t think this was how his first kill would be. All this struggling. Gasping, clawing. Effort. Lot of emotions though what they were Ajay didn’t know. He bared his teeth. He wasn’t sure if he was smiling or not.

He squeezed his grip around Seychelle’s throat. Felt something pop. She was as good as done now.

“Picked the wrong one, didn’tcha... Not me. Not ever gonna be me.”
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Post by Brackie »

((Blood Diamond continued from Welcome Back))

Seychelle was a double murderer.

And yet, she'd still been following her since the caves. It wasn't a ghost, or a hallucination, it was actually her. The girl Rainbow had accidentally let fall into the river, and run off rather than helping, had got up and murderered two people overnight.

Well, it was just a good thing Rainbow wasn't here, wasn't it? Only Blood Diamond.

Every decision Blood had to make since the caves had been easy - follow Seychelle, don't become known, don't speak up when Safrica wandered in, stay put when the gunshots started - but now came the difficult part. The gunshots had stopped now, and Blood was still crouched behind the fountain like she was a seven year old girl, back when stealth actually worked for her. The important decision now was whether or not she needed to go inside and find out what happened, or leave this place and never come back. On one hand, going inside could mean her death, or maybe she could apologize to the other girl. Maybe Rainbow was responsible for the path she'd gone down, and Blood Diamond could bring her back. Or maybe she was better off leaving and hoping that they never run into each other again, even if Seychelle was dead, because that could mean Ajay was a murderer. Or maybe they were both dead.

There were a lot of maybes to consider.

Which made it probably not the best choice that Blood made her decision without truly thinking the maybes over.

She began to dart towards the door of the church. Rainbow would have thought about her parents taking her - Blood Diamond didn't need to, because Rainbow's parents didn't exist when Blood Diamond was around. She saw indents in the door. Blood shook her head and pushed them open.

The first thing she noticed was the dead body. The next thing she noticed was the two living ones nearby. It was Ajay, on top of Seychelles, strangling her.

Somehow, once again, for the second time, there was a difficult decision to make.

And Blood Diamond made this decision, without thinking it over.

"Stop it! STOP!" she screamed, dashing over to the two and grabbing at bruised arms, trying to pull them off the girl.

The girl on the ground may have been a murderer, but penance needed to be paid. A scared girl from Gaborone almost let her drown yesterday. A confident girl, borne from the death metal mosh pit, needed to make things right. She didn't know if it would solve everything, but they had time to talk. They had all the time in the world to talk this over, come to an understanding. They were going to listen to her, whether they liked it or not.
[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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