Hollywood's First Scene With a Flushing Toilet

And it was chocolate sauce, not blood. (One-shot)

These are the passenger areas of the cruise ship, consisting of winding hallways spanning multiple floors, full of guest quarters, recreational facilities, bathrooms, and the like. Windows are many here, offering a good view of the rest of the arena, though the central location of the cruise ship means only pieces may be viewed from any given angle. The corridors connect all areas of the cruise ship and more; a number of emergency exits have been opened and ladders affixed to these points allow for entry and exit to the jetties and smaller boats nearby.
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Hollywood's First Scene With a Flushing Toilet


Post by AnimeNerd »

[[RJ Blackburn continued from It's Raining Men]]

The price of one RJ Blackburn's dignity: the desire to bathe.

He was careful about it, at least. Went into the shower fully clothed, prepared two towels so one would be around his waist at all times when the shower wasn't running-even stayed in the shower for most of the drying process and only left to grab his underwear.

But he knew better than to hold out hope. With his luck, there was a camera at just the right angle in the bathroom, and images of his junk were spreading over the internet already.

But what the Hell was he supposed to do? He wasn't even sure when the last time he bathed was, thanks to being kidnapped. It could've been the same day he woke up here, it could've been a few days. Whatever the case, he'd at least spent a couple days without showering, this was likely one of the few times on Survival of the Fittest that people had the chance to properly bathe, and the cruise ship was open for people to inhabit. It was either showering and risk the world seeing, or wait so long he becomes a cartoon character with the stench visibly coming off of him.

At least the embarrassment of being naked on TV would be lessened if he got out of this alive.

RJ didn't like having to add 'if' to that sentence, but he knew he had to. The body falling from the sky was proof enough that he had to keep his head in the game, at least somewhat. Did he wanna be like that guy? No, he did not, so he had to start thinking of a game plan, otherwise he was as good as dead.

And in the shower he did think and put together a plan, or something resembling one. It was disgusting, revolting, and whole bunch of other synonyms for gross, but it was also another word: necessary.

He needed to kill people. His classmates. He wanted to live, and the best way to make sure he did was winning this thing, no matter how impossible it felt for him to do it.

Most reasonable way was to go for a team win. Find the other red team members-except for James-and kill any competition. Multiple people would get out alive, and there would be strength in numbers with people he could actually trust. It was the smartest decision-the easiest road, even if it wouldn't actually be easy.

But then there was the alternative method. The method that both horrified him and enticed him at the same time. That was probably how most people would feel about the ten-kills option, but RJ felt like it was different for him. He had one kill to his name, and because it was Leo most people wouldn't trust him much-maybe even people from his own team. There was a genuine possibility he would be alone in trying to actually win this and get out alive, and he wasn't interested in being a martyr or trying things that might get them a way to escape. He wanted a way out he knew would work, and killing ten people seemed like a viable option.

It didn't hurt that there were people he knew he could kill. A religious nutcase that was ready to kill anyone with a kill to their name. A friend killer that was more like a slasher movie killer with the amount of injuries he'd sustained and apparently shrugged off. A ballerina that was more interested in backstabbing than working with others. Hell, going by the announcements, there were more that could be added. An asshole that had killed the team mate that left him. The competition that was already half-way to the ten like her classmates were fucking nothing. He couldn't kill the pretentious fuck that killed Gus in front of him, but the red-headed team killer seemed like a good substitute.

And that was half a dozen there. At that point it would just be three more kills to get off this Hell, and at that point he was sure more terrible people would rise to the occasion. Maybe he could get revenge for some people. For Sarah. Or Larry. Or Rebecca. Or Cory.

Not there yet. That was Anthony territory, and he wasn't Anthony two point oh. He at least needed to find some team mates and gauge the possibility of working with them. He only knew of three so far, with two dead and one not interested. Ritzy said there were five left, so minus him and James, that left three people. Three people who would either be reasonable and work for a win, or would be irrational and try something stupid. Couldn't say until he met them.

But that was for future RJ to deal with. Future RJ would figure out if he'd have to become a slasher killer himself, or if he could relax a bit with team on his side.

The RJ in that moment? He had arms and a head to re-bandage. A tank top, sweatshirt, and swim trunks to slip into. A gun to keep fully loaded.

And a nice, comfy bed to sleep in for the night.

[[RJ Blackburn continued elsewhere]]
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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