Tonight's Biggest Loser

Day 1 - 2h After Start - To the side of the buildings, on the rocks.

The buildings making up the southern sector of the settlement are more varied than in other regions; they're split fairly evenly between habitations and commercial enterprises. A number of small stores, restaurants, and other businesses may be found here. Many of these occupy the lower floors of buildings, with housing for the operators and their families above. This section of town is generally efficient and well-organized, with decorations intended to lure customers inside and with little room for gardens. The lighting here is good, and the area is generally quite clean.
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Tonight's Biggest Loser


Post by Frozen Smoke »

((Yian Griffiths continued from Willyecho))

Yian's running hadn't lasted very long. It wasn't something he did very much, and he wasn't very good at it, and it hurt his lungs - which was awful. He wasn't sure quite how long it had lasted before he fell down, shaking and burning and gasping for air in the middle of nowhere as he held himself up on all fours, spitting on the floor despite his mouth feeling bone dry.

Everything hurt.

He rolled onto his back and waited, took some water, and got up, and he carried on walking.

He wasn't sure where he was going, but he couldn't stay anywhere near whip-boy, or his silent accomplice - There had been another figure, he was sure, as he'd run out of the house. They were probably out to get him, now that they knew he was here, and he hadn't gotten very far. As he looked back he could still see the house, pick it out distinctly from the rest of them. That was too close. What if he had a gun of his own?

He kept walking away, not following the roads, just trying to head towards the other coast. There was next to nothing there, so no-one would go there, right? Just some rocks, and the slowly lapping ocean, with some other houses in the distance.

It was as he got to the very edge, his legs aching from his trek, that he caught sight of his own reflection in the water, catching a red tone that wasn't normally there on his uniform. He looked down.

That was a lot of blood splattered across his chest.

It probably wasn't all his, either.

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Post by Namira »

((Rajni Smith, start))

"You've got red on you."

So maybe more caution should be expected in a scenario where you were rocking on up to somebody covered in blood and you were expressly in the place you were in so you could do a bunch of murders. More caution than say, having what passed for your weapon up on your shoulder and your other hand tucked against the strap of your bag. But you know, sometimes you just weren't all about that life. Sometimes the person you were rocking up to was Yian Griffiths and come on, like that kid was the Jack the Ripper of wherever this was. José the Ripper.

Rajni stopped not too far away, tilting her head to one side to look Yian over. Even without the bloodstains, Yian didn't look to be doing well, puffy and sweaty and probably not doing the best with the heat. Or the kill-everything deal. Probably the kill-everything deal and the heat, to be honest. At least he wasn't dying this very second? Rajni wasn't an expert but she figured there'd be more wailing and crying and whathaveyou if he was actively dying. Instead he just looked like shit.

"You look like shit, mate."
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Yian's breathing was still laboured - Not frantic, he'd eventually picked a sustainable pace to walk at - But walking that far hadn't exactly done wonders for filling his lungs.


He breathed in, involuntarily


He breathed in again.

"fuck" he exhaled, tilting his head back slightly and trying to swallow enough air in that he'd be able to get a word out. It took a few more wrenching gasps of air and a lick of his dry lips before he could force out a response.

"Yeah... I... Have not had the best morning."

He looked down at the thing in his hands momentarily, trying to figure out where to even start. Rajni was a face he was awfully glad to see, and he was so glad to see and hear someone who wasn't insane. Someone who would actually talk, and try and be friendly and, well, not try and murder him because some Americans said so.

"Can I sit down? My legs really hurt."
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Post by Namira »

Wow, yeah, that was straight-up can't talk levels of gasping. Rajni kind of just took a little lean back and left Yian to it until he was composed enough to respond. Who was she, his PE teacher?

Bad start to the morning was something all of them could claim, but Yian could easily have the best stake given he was all bloodied up. Well, unless someone had been smashed in the back of the head and their skull--oooooookay that was enough of that. Went back to what Rajni was thinking before, it didn't look to be Yian's blood, and if it wasn't his and she didn't really think he'd been the one to kick off murders, the blood had to belong to someone. While she was no expert, the quantity was, well, large. Large enough to give pretty bad odds on its donor being in the best of shape. Could be that was why Yian was running; someone else got maimed in front of him and he fled the scene of the crime.

Yeah, look at her with her deerstalker and pipe.

"Mate you don't have to ask me to sit down, I'm not your boss." She shrugged her unbagged shoulder. Paused. "You stopped so I'm guessing you aren't running from someone like, right now? Cause that'd be awkward if you were and they just came up and ruined my morning too."
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Nah, we- " another breath, controlled this time though, not heaving, just in the middle of a sentence. Awkwardly. Fine.

"We're good."

He sat down, his legs crossing underneath him as he put the gun down on the rocks, its many barrels making it tilt awkwardly on its side. He wasn't worried that it was kind of facing him now, and he was happy to keep it that way. He wasn't even sure why he'd carried it all this way. It was big and heavy and useless and he didn't ever want to shoot again. He hadn't wanted to shoot it in the first place. It had just been the only thing he had.

How was he supposed to explain all this though?

"I was on the other side of the island, I woke up and there were two people and neither of them would talk, so I tried to go down and talk to them and then one of them-" his hand reached up and pointed at the gash in his forehead, above his eye where the belt buckle had caught him. It still ached. "Hit me in the head."

He paused, looking down at the gun in front of him.

"I fell back and the gun went off. I hit him, I think, but there was another person. Working with him, I think? She ran out after me, so I just kept running, until I couldn't run any more. Then I just walked, and well - Now I'm here, I guess."

He couldn't bring himself to look back up.

He'd shot someone. He'd actually shot someone. Someone had a big ol' bullet wound that was his fault. He hadn't quite realised, until he'd explained it all out, but now it became crystal clear.
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Post by Namira »

Haha you fucking what?

There was a second when the gears turned over in her head and ground. Okay so obviously something had happened with Yian, Rajni wasn't an idiot. It wasn't like some dude got a papercut and sprinkled it all over Yian's shirt. And yeah, he had some kind of weird gun that looked more like a pipe organ than a weapon (shotorgan?), but. Uh. Yian. Yian was that guy. Who you know, was the guy! He was medical and whatever and didn't do FUCKING MURDERS!

"Okay you're going to need to run that one by me again real quick. You shot--do you even know who you shot? Like, fuck, man!" wasn't that something you were supposed to know? What if he'd shot like, hell, she didn't know, Fisher or whoever? You didn't just shoot Fisher and not know you shot Fisher! What the fuck!
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Post by Lilith »

((There was only one girl here, but first, we needed an introduction.))

Fleurette remembered the words she said to Pheobe clearly. "Wait until I say it's cleared." A simple instruction but with so much that can go wrong in a few seconds, Pheobe still needed her make her marks. Somewhere near, Pheobe had her bees. Somewhere closer, Fleurette was heading toward the voices.

She turned the corner slowly. She only had been here for a minute or so. Just enough to hear that last bit said by an agitated voice, and enough for Fleurette for her fingers to tighten around the rock. She didn't want the boy with the gun, who she was now behind, to answer that question. At least, not without Fleurette's intervention. She probably needed his gun more than she needed him as a human being, but having someone to be there in case of something is better than having nobody.

She revealed herself to the girl. Rajni. She knew her from her mom from a work related inquiry. Éloïse had to do something with her father's political party, a liason between France and the UK, or something. Fleurette wasn't quite sure that their parents had met, but her mother was surprised to hear Rajni's name after coming back from school. Her mother must have had access to the information one way or the other, and she hoped this tiny bond between the two girls, even slim, would help whatever she needed to get out of Rajni. She spoke in a quiet voice, revealing her hands. Her rock was in her left hand while her right hand was empty.

"Do you guys need help?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Phoebe Quincey continued from My Name is Private Gravel))

As instructed, she stayed behind.

She didn’t like the idea of letting Fleurette be in charge, to be honest. Sometimes, Phoebe’s voice came off as too soft, too gentle. Too unthreatening. Maybe she thought the same of her, too.

The jar of bees, this entire time, had been left on the desk until she reached out and clasped it before personally checking out the scene. She thought of what it would be like, to drop it on someone’s head. That was the intent, maybe. Or a possible use?

Poor things were probably cramped in there, though. She could still feel the buzzing underneath her fingers.

Eventually, she stepped nearby, but held back, still holding the jar.

They could go back inside. They could turn back, and go.

But Fleurette called out.

And Phoebe held onto her bees.

If she had to throw, would she be a good aim? Hard to say.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Yian wished he'd just kept walking.

Maybe if he'd just walked far enough into the ocean the Americans would have shot him and he wouldn't have had to deal with this.

"I- I don't know! It was dark and- and I thought I was going to die!" he tried to shout back, but the will to shout it died somewhere between him thinking the words and his mouth opening, and it all came out in a tearful mumble as his vision began to swim.

"I just-" was scared.

"I just-" panicked.

"I didn't-" even mean to.

"He was-" trying to kill me.

He stopped trying to speak. Part of him wanted to get up and just run away from all this. But his legs hurt so much he wasn't even sure if he could even manage the first half of that. He turned away from Rajni. He couldn't deal with her staring at him. Out of the corner of his eye. He cradled his stomach, collapsing in on himself.

He wanted to go home.
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Post by Namira »

"Hoooooly shit mate."

Various shades of 'what the actual shit' scooted on through Rajni's head as Yian melted down before her very eyes. Not so much the melting down as the admission-slash-confirmation that yes, guy wasn't just babbling (just babbling), he had very definitely almost surely killed a dude.

Rajni scrunched a hand in her bun for a second, twisting slightly, the small pain doing nothing to steady the swirling pit that had opened up. She was just--was this for real? Okay like shit, yeah, this situation was proper fucked but she just kept circling back around to the same fixed point in her head that someone was dead who had been alive like a day ago. Someone from her school who she knew, maybe even was friends with, and even if there were some right pricks around the place they didn't deserve being straight-up murdered, did they?

Watching Yian just kind of collapse into a ball was one thing, but then somebody called out from behind them. Rajni twisted around and laid sight on their visitors. Fleurette and Phoebe, two girls who she wouldn't be expecting to be doing murders, but then, she hadn't had that expectation of Yian either and look at him now. Figuratively. Not literally. Crying in a ball wasn't much of a sign of murdering. Either way, they weren't Rajni's best friends exactly, even allowing that vague idea that Fleurette's mom probably knew her dad professionally.

Christ, she hadn't even been thinking about her dad. Would that be on the BBC? 'Kidnapped children, daughter of transport secretary and foreign dignitary among them'.


What a shit way to get in the news.
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Post by Lilith »

Fleurette took all of this as a 'yes'. Rajni sounded more confused than anything, and Yian was having a panic attack. Interestingly enough, Fleurette felt entirely calm. She knew that stillness would go away rather quickly like a glass filled to its brim, but for now, she was calm. She looked at Rajni's weapon. It didn't look lethal or anything, but she didn't want to get stuck in a net.

Fleurette's eyes were more concentrated on Yian's weapon. It was an odd looking thing. A gun of some kind, but not the one in TV. Fleurette walked toward Rajni, first looking back toward the vague location of Pheobe, then back at Rajni. Fleurette looked in the girl's eyes then her weapon. She was trying to signal something like "don't shoot me with it". Probably wasn't a clear order due to the lack of words, but she didn't want to risk Yian taking it as a threat. As in, "hey Rajni, hands me your netgun, haha." Didn't want that.

She cut the distance between Yian and her. He was crying his eyes out. He was also covered in blood. That was honestly kinda gross since he smelled like leftover lunch. Fleurette kept her eyes on Yian. She wondered if he had another weapon on him. He did kill someone, who wouldn't take a new weapon from a fresh kill? She would. Fleurette slowly moved her foot toward the gun then gently kicked it away. There, Fleurette felt safer. Rajni still had the netgun, but she didn't use it on her yet. After taking a few steps backward, she sat on a nearby rock. Her eyes scanned the two students then decided to ask a very easy question to say but a very hard one to answer.

"So..." she trailed her eyes back to Rajni for a split second, eyeing her weapon more than the girl herself, "What happened?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

Right away, she heard whimpering.

It sounded like someone was trying to force something out? Phoebe squinted her eyes. Like that helped any. It did sound familiar, though. Of course it did.

Her grip on the bees had tightened.

That curse from a second person hadn’t helped any.

She leaned forward some.

“Yian… is that you?” she said.

Her voice came out quiet, even softer than she hoped.

He looked slightly unrecognizable, on account of him being covered in red. And she wanted to know the exact same question Margot did.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Yian could still hear what was going on, but it all felt really distant as everyone finally reacted. He stayed slouched over as he tried to just... Ignore it all. Everything that was going on. He didn't want to see her reaction, and the burning in his eyes and throat were enough to draw most of his focus as tried to contain himself, his concentration set firmly on that as he glared at the rocky surface just in front of where he was sat, before it was shattered as he saw a foot coming towards him and flinched.

It pushed the gun in front of him away gently rather than slamming into his side like he'd thought it would, but it didn't stop the urge to cry from coming back, try as he might to keep it together as he looked down at the floor again. He choked back a few sobs, trying his best to pay attention to what the three girls were even saying now.

Did it even matter?

"Y- yeah." he replied shakily to Phoebe, lifting his head up a few degrees from straight down to catch her eye before looking back down.

He could feel them all staring at him.

He was going to have to explain it again, wasn't he? Tell them how it happened and just hope they believed he wasn't the bad guy.

He took in a few deep breaths.

In through his nose, out through his mouth.

Just had to calm down. Just had to try and get a hold of this. Yeah. He could do this. He could. He wasn't a bad guy. They knew that, right? They had to.

"Well, um, I woke up in a house with two othe-"

"Good evening, British nationals." boomed the speakers nearby, the metallic voice echoing and mixing with the sound of the surf lapping on the beach, making it sound like the distant proclamations of a deity.

Yian's face froze in place for a while as it continued.

Cedric, that was who he'd killed. He hadn't been sure, in the darkness, the smoke, it hadn't been possible to see and he hadn't even thought about it. He'd just been nameless, an attacker out for his blood with another friend, but that didn't sound like Cedric. He didn't know him well, not at all, but he knew he wasn't a bad guy. He did acting, or something with theatre at least.

They could have talked it out. If he'd just held onto the gun. If he'd just said something to try and calm him down. He was probably scared too, he'd just been the one with the gun.

He wasn't sure what to do. What could he even say? What could he ever do?

He wished Cedric had been the one with the gun.
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Post by Namira »

Fleurette asked a question and Rajni unleashed the full force of her 'I fucking unno' shrug, because, turned out? Didn't, fucking, know. She didn't think Yian even properly knew so how the shit was she supposed to? Like, Yian didn't even know if he'd killed like, Fisher, so how could he be trusted to know what happened? Moving the mutant gun out of the way of meltdown central was probably a good call, but like, again, that thing looked as if you'd need some kind of complex multi-armed factory machinery to reload it, and Rajni was confident Yian had least fired it.

Hm, maybe she'd want an actual response from her.

"I dunno. I'm not his mum."

There. Much better.

Speakers went off. Some other yank, and oh good turned out it was Cedric, not Fisher.

"What the fuck, blood!? You fucking merked Cedric!?"
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Post by Lilith »

Fleurette wasn't quite sure what 'merked' meant. She, however, figured that it must have meant something along the lines of 'killed'. Rajni's face wasn't contorted in anger while Yian looked terrible. The announcement revealed what happened: Yian had killed someone after Cedric struck him. The heat of the situation was only made worse with the sun blaring on her head. Fleurette lifted her left hand over her head, giving her some precious shade.

If Fleurette did nothing, Rajni would probably explode on Yian. She wasn't quite sure if it was something she cared about since Yian had killed someone. At the same time, she wanted Yian's weapon. It would be helpful. She might even have wanted to have him around. Her foot dragged the gun to her. Reloading it without the ammunition would be impossible. She wasn't even sure if she could reload it with the proper ammunition. Whatever, it was a gamble.

Fleurette patted down her skirt. She looked at Rajni then looked at Yian. It was the time to do something kinda frisky.

"Rajni. Real question: are you going to do anything to Yian?" She got up and walked to Yian. She grabbed his backpack. He squirmed and wiggled like a toddler that didn't want to let go of his mother's leg. Stop moving you worm, is what she wanted to say. She was trying to help. "There's a shower in the home over there. I just want to take your bag so that you don't do something stupid."

She paused, her hands on the straps. "You really smell gross."
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