A Whisper in the Wind

Still up-and-running, the cable cars provide access to the radio tower, as they travel above the impossibly high mountain which stands in the way.
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A Whisper in the Wind


Post by T-Fox* »

"Hey... I remember this place."

((Raymond Pietrowski Jr. Continued from Somewhere in the Between.))

Only the wind greeted Ray's comment this time. For the first time since he had woken up on this island, he was alone. And now that he had put enough distance between himself and that Taryn character to realize it... He felt it.

It fucking hurt.

He sat down at the end of the cable cars, waiting for the only way back up to that cell phone tower to return to him.

He thought about Kiera.

"Why did this shit have to happen?" He wanted the two of them to become a hell of a fighting force on the island and get out.

But now she was dead and gone. How could he justify killing anyways? When he hunted, he was killing for meat, for clothing, for resources. He needed to do it to survive, and such was the way of the world.

Survival of the Fittest.

But... Killing a human felt so... different. Logic wasn't something that could be used to understand all of this. If he and Kiera had killed someone... What makes them better than Animals? The other kid's parents would completely blame him. And they would be right.

Ray hadn't cried since he was a little kid. First time for everything though, right? He was jarred from his thoughts by a soft splash echoing from the ground. And he opened his eyes with a small sniffle. And where the ground wasn't wet before, it was now.

"A-Am I really crying?" He punched the dirt. "God damn it man! Stop being such a fucking PUSSY!" Shouting out into the wind, which retaliated with a whistling noise as it rushed between the cliffs. His bag laid haphazardly on the ground, untouched in almost half an hour, the cable car having come and gone twice.

He told himself he was waiting. He just couldn't muster the strength to stand and go back to that place where he first met her. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he held the hope that she was alive, waiting for him there; like a re-spawn. He wholeheartedly knew it would never happen. But he had seen powers. Those powers were real. Kiera could cough smoke. That Taryn girl could make knives out of her blood.

His fist clenched as he thought about it.

"What is my Power? Will I ever find out?" He shook his head, resting it in his palms. This was all so confusing. So un-necessary. Everything was falling apart around him.

"Only a day and a half left to go."

He sighed a soft, depressed sigh. I don't want to move... Maybe just until the announcement. Hear what that fucking cunt has to say about her.

...Why in God's name am I so attached to her?
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by T-Fox* »

The cable car had come and gone again. At least four more times. Just as the announcement had come and gone at least half an hour ago. The words of the object of his sheer hatred rang through his mind of the last time that Kiera would ever be recognized again by anyone but him.

Last of all came Keira MacDonald who made a very pretty dead person with all that smokey stuff. Is it bad that I totally wanna get some of that for my birthday party? I dunno if you guys saw, but it looked super pretty.

First had come rage, and screaming at the sky. How dare she make fun of her like that? Then had come the guilt. Could I have done something differently? Denial. Regret. Longing. Here he sat now, just... numb. The squeaking of the cable car departing for the fifth time wasn't even enough to jar him from his spot perched on a rock. This could be a danger zone for all he cared, he still wouldn't be moving.

He debated ending it all. The best way to keep himself from becoming one of them; the easiest way for him to keep his promise.

Man, looking back on it all, he was a full 180 from the "hardcore redneck" he was thirty six hours ago. Actually attached to a girl by more than superficial 'feeling' and a mutual lust. Unable to bring himself to pull a trigger. Hadn't eaten all day, he just couldn't bring himself too.

Damn, maturity comes fast when you're fighting for your life.

He closed his eyes, and just listened to the wind howl. Up through the Great Divide, racing over the Black Forest, and between the cliff face upon which he sat and the mountain holding the radio tower. Was escape possible? Was contact possible? He'd promised Kiera that they'd come back, and they'd at least try to get a hold of someone with the old broken piece of shit.

That was then. This was now. Things were so different back then. But it wasn't long ago at all. It was all so surreal, Things were changing so fast. He couldn't keep up. 20 were alive yesterday. 10 were alive today. Maybe less. When would he go? Or would he be the lucky bastard to go home? Would that be lucky at all?


The cable car again.

I really should...

He stood. And slowly, he scooped his bag from the ground. Meandered his way to the car, and pushed open the door. And he sat.

Three hours. And he was finally ready to face this place once again.

((Raymond Pietrowski Jr. Continued in The Wonders of Memory.))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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